Forced To Love Him


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'Looking so good should be crime, no wonder why he is criminal'. Shivaleeka Singhania An Indian girl who is... Еще

Author's note


669 33 6

This man is completely out of his mind. Shivaleeka thought.

As they exited the cafe, Shivaleeka's gaze fell on one of Alexander's guards, who looked Indian. Suspiciously eyeing him, she took steps towards him.

"You look Indian." she said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Yes, Queen." he replied, bowing his head. His deference made her uncomfortable, as she didn't enjoy the attention.

"I am not your Queen," she firmly corrected him.

"Aap aise ghatiya insaan ke liye kyu kaam kar rahe hai?" she asked him in Hindi, aware of her boundaries.

(Why are you working for such a disgusting person?)

"Aap jaisa soch rahi hai waisa nahi hai, Rani Sa. Yeh bohot hi acche insaan hai." the guard replied. Shivaleeka scoffed at his response.

(He is not like what you think, Queen. He is a very good person.)

"Of course, you work for him." Shivaleeka rolled her eyes at him.

Alexander observed their interaction with a clenched jaw. He approached them, and Shivaleeka tensed upon feeling his presence behind her. His mere presence made her breath hitch, and she could feel his warmth and dominating aura.

"Is there any problem, Ms. Singhania?" Alexander asked in his usual cold tone, sending shivers down her spine.

"Not at all, Mr. Knight," she replied, offering him a fake smile.

Alexander gave her a blank look, his cold eyes demanding an answer. Shivaleeka, being a stubborn and sassy individual, turned her face, giving him the cold shoulder. He glanced at his guard, Veer, who gulped under his boss's intense gaze.

"Boss, the queen was just asking why I'm working for you." Veer answered the unasked question from his boss in a professional manner. Alexander gave him a curt nod.

"I'll take my leave, Mr. Knight," Shivaleeka broke the tense atmosphere. 

"Where do you think you're going, Mrs. Knight?" Alexander asked with a dangerous smirk on his face. "You are not going anywhere," he huskily whispered in her ear, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her dangerously close to him, stirring emotions within her that she had never felt before.

Shivaleeka tried to hide her blush and pushed Alexander away, but he was too strong. Still wrapped in his arms, she snapped at him, "Don't call me Mrs. Knight."

They realized that people around them had started to watch, that made her still but Alexander Couldn't care less "You will move to Italy with me. The wedding is in a few days, and I want everything to be perfect." he said in monotonously.

Her chain of thoughts was interrupted when she heard Veer's voice, "Boss, be careful."

As a cue, Alexander harshly pulled her more closer and firmly pressed her head against his toned chest, hiding her in his arms. Alexander pulled a gun from Veer's waistband, as he was the nearest, and shot one of his guards who was aiming at Shivaleeka, ready to shoot her. But before he could do anything, Alexander shot him.

Shivaleeka visibly flinched in his arms at the sound of the gunshot,  making Alexander's hold tighten around her, "It's okay darling, it's over now." He whispered in her ear. 

Shivaleeka's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed the brutal reality of the situation. The image of the lifeless body on the ground replayed in her mind, and a shiver ran down her spine. She couldn't comprehend the coldness with which Alexander had acted, eliminating a threat without hesitation. 

Her voice quivered as she confronted him, her tone laced with both fear and accusation, "You killed him... right in front of me. How... how can you do that?"

Alexander's gaze remained steady, unwavering as he held her close, his voice filled with a mix of determination and protectiveness, "Darling, it's a harsh world we're in. It's either kill or get killed, and I would kill thousands of them without a second thought if that means keeping you safe."

Shivaleeka felt a whirlwind of emotions stirring inside her—a potent mixture of fear, awe, and confusion. Part of her recoiled at the violence she had witnessed, but another part couldn't deny the overwhelming sense of security that Alexander's unwavering resolve provided.

As he opened the door for her, urging her to get inside the car, "Now get inside quickly, I don't have the whole day for it." He repeated her words.

He turned towards his man and ordered, "I want him in the basement." With that, he got inside the car.

"What did you mean by moving back to Italy?" Shivaleeka asked him as soon as he got seated in the driving seat.

"I came here for some work, we stay in Italy. So, we are moving back tonight."

As he said that Shivaleeka frowned, going back to Italy means going back to them. She doesn't want to face them or especially she doesn't want to meet him. Though she stays in Italy, she had temporarily planned an escape from him but the man who made her life mess just in 24 hours is dragging her towards the person she doesn't want to face.

Shivaleeka's annoyance flared as Alexander questioned her frown, and she turned towards him with an exasperated expression. "What happened, darling? Any problem?" he inquired, genuinely curious.

A sarcastic tone seeped into Shivaleeka's voice as she retorted, "Yes! You are the problem! Do you want to solve it, Darling?" Despite her frustration, a hint of amusement flickered in her eyes.

Alexander's chuckle filled the air, resonating with warmth and genuine amusement. His smile, radiant and heartfelt, had an enchanting effect on Shivaleeka. It caused her heart to skip a beat and sent a flurry of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. There was an undeniable charm in the way his eyes sparkled and his lips curved into a perfect grin.

"Well, you aren't getting rid of this problem anytime soon, Mrs. Knight." he playfully remarked, his smile unwavering.

Shivaleeka chose to overlook his comment, deciding to ignore the playful banter. The sheer power of his smile had touched a chord within her, stirring emotions she couldn't quite define. It was as if his genuine smile had the ability to transform her feelings, evoking a mix of warmth, anticipation, and a gentle thrill.

In that fleeting moment, Shivaleeka felt a connection, a magnetic pull that she couldn't deny. The simple act of him smiling had managed to leave an indelible impression on her heart, and she couldn't help but wonder where this unexpected journey with Alexander Knight would lead her.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked. 

"To meet your in-laws." Alexander answered with his signature smirk.

Shivaleeka's heart sank as Alexander casually mentioned meeting his family. The idea of facing his parents and being scrutinized by them was daunting, especially considering the circumstances of their forced marriage. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and uncertainty about how his family would perceive her.

"I don't think I'm ready yet to meet your family," Shivaleeka admitted softly, her gaze fixated on the ground. The thought of being judged and potentially rejected by his family only added to her apprehension.

A glimmer of hope emerged within her when she asked, "What if they don't like me?" Perhaps their disapproval would provide her with an opportunity to escape this unwanted wedding. However, Alexander's reply shattered that hope, leaving her utterly shocked and horrified.

"Then I will cut their throats open." He smirked, his words dripping with a chilling confidence. The realization of his ruthless determination and disregard for others' lives left Shivaleeka speechless, her eyes widening with disbelief and fear.

"Are you freaking out of your mind?!" she yelled, unable to contain her horror at his previous statement. The idea of someone being so callous and violent towards their own family was incomprehensible to her.

"Don't worry sweetheart, no one in the world can stop me from marrying you." Alexander said in cocky tone, his tone filled with an arrogant conviction. Shivaleeka, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions ranging from fear to frustration, chose to keep her mouth shut, turning her attention to the passing scenery outside the car window. She couldn't fathom the extent of the situation she had found herself in, silently contemplating the implications of this forced marriage and the dangers that lay ahead.

After a few minutes, a large metal gate come into their view, in a few seconds gate opened automatically. Shivaleeka was astonished by the view of the mansion it screamed power and money. He surely is Richy Rich. 

'After all, it is made out of illegal business.' Shivaleeka scowled in her mind. 

"We're here Mrs. Knight."  

Shivaleeka took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. The mansion was even more impressive up close, with its towering columns and ornate facade. She felt a pang of regret as she thought about the life she was leaving behind, but she knew it was too late to turn back now.

Alexander took her arm and led her towards the entrance. "Don't be nervous," he whispered in her ear. "My family will love you."

Shivaleeka took a deep breath as she stepped into the grand foyer of Alexander's mansion. The opulent surroundings were overwhelming, with marble floors, ornate chandeliers, and plush furnishings. She couldn't help but feel out of place, like a commoner in a palace.

As they made their way through the lavish halls, Shivaleeka couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The extravagance of it all made her feel small and insignificant. She couldn't fathom how someone like Alexander could live in such luxury, especially knowing that his wealth was built on illegal business.

As they entered the grand foyer, Shivaleeka was greeted by a group of people who all seemed to be staring at her. She felt self-conscious in her simple dress, surrounded by so much luxury and opulence.

Alexander's father stepped forward, a stern-looking man with a thick mustache and a scowl. "Let's get down to business," he said, his voice booming through the room. "We have a lot to discuss."

Shivaleeka felt a wave of panic wash over her. She wasn't sure if she was ready to face the reality of what was happening.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I need some air."

Without waiting for a reply, she turned and ran towards the door. She burst outside into the cool night air, gasping for breath.

"What have I gotten myself into?" she thought, a lone tear streamed down her face.

Shivaleeka leaned against the wall of the mansion, trying to calm herself down. She could hear the sound of music and laughter coming from inside, but it felt like a million miles away.

"What am I doing here?" she whispered to herself.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around, ready to defend herself, but it was only Alexander.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice unexpectedly soft.

Shivaleeka looked up at him, her eyes red. Trying not to cry in front of him.

Alexander pulled her into a hug making her tense in his arms but oddly enough she felt a small measure of comfort. "I know it's a lot to take in," he said. "But trust me, everything will be okay."

Shivaleeka pulled away from him, her eyes meeting his. "How can you be so sure?" she asked.

Alexander's smile and the genuine affection in his eyes caught Shivaleeka off guard. His words, "Because I love you." resonated deeply within her, stirring a mixture of emotions. A part of her wanted to believe him, to let herself be swept away by the possibility of love amidst the chaos. However, skepticism lingered in the back of her mind, cautioning her against falling for his words too quickly.

She couldn't shake the feeling that this could be yet another one of his manipulative games. Everything had unfolded so rapidly since their first meeting, and it was difficult for her to trust his sudden declaration of love. After all, she was unaware of the ulterior motive behind their forced marriage - Alexander's role in saving her from the clutches of her cruel uncle who intended to sell her.

"Okay," she said, ignoring his confession she took a deep breath. "Let's go back inside."

Alexander squeezed her hand, and she looked up at him. "Don't worry," he said. "I'm here with you."

Shivaleeka gave him light lipped smile. "Started the game of pretending, did we?"

As they again made their way inside she was greeted by a woman who looked strangely familiar. She was tall and beautiful, with long blonde hair and bright green eyes. It was Rose, Alexander's mother. She had met her once before, but it was a brief encounter. Shivaleeka couldn't help but notice resemblance between Rose and Alexander, no wonder why she felt his precious green eyes oddly familiar. 

"OMG! Shivaleeka, is that you? it's so good to see you again," Rose said, smiling warmly. "You look beautiful."

Shivaleeka forced a smile, feeling uncomfortable in her new surroundings. "Thank you, Mrs. Knight. It's good to see you too."

"Seems like you already know each other." Alexander said or we can say indirectly asking for an explanation.

"I met her on plane while coming here, she is such a sweetheart but I still wonder what she is doing with you, son?" Rose explained herself and later asked about her confusion.

"Mom, Dad, this is Shivaleeka." Alexander said, gesturing towards his wife-to-be.

Rose's eyes widened in surprise. As he never brought a girl to their home they assumed her to be his girlfriend. "Oh my goodness, Alex! You never told us you had a girlfriend!"

Lucas Alexander's father raised an eyebrow, looking at Alexander with a curious expression. "Well, this is certainly a surprise." he said, shaking Shivaleeka's hand.

Another two-person walked into the room, and Alexander introduced them to Shivaleeka. "Hey, I'm Steve, Alexander's younger brother. Nice to meet you." Steve said with blank face which didn't surprise her. 

"I'm Matilda, Steve's girlfriend. It's great to meet you, Shivaleeka! We've never heard of you from Alexander."

"Hello everyone, you guys can call me Lee." She smiled at them.

Alexander put his arm around Shivaleeka's waist, pulling her closer to him.  "Mom, we have some news to share. We're getting married."

There was a moment of stunned silence as his family processed the news. Finally, Rose spoke up. "That's wonderful news, Alex. I'm so happy for you both. Shivaleeka, welcome to the family."

Shivaleeka felt a lump in her throat as she tried to smile. She knew she was in for a difficult time but determined to make the best of it.

"Thank you, Mrs. Knight." Shivaleeka said trying to sound as genuine as possible.

Lucas Knight greeted Shivaleeka warmly. "Welcome to our home, Shivaleeka. I hope you'll be very happy here."

"Don't mind this old man, sweetie. He was pulling your leg when you came, though I warned him not to do so." Rose answered Shivaleeka's unasked question about Lucas's behavior previously.

"Thank you, Mr. Knight." Shivaleeka replied, feeling slightly more at ease.

Alexander took Shivaleeka's hand and led her to a comfortable seating area.

"We met under unusual circumstances, but I knew from the moment I saw her that she was the one for me." Alexander said before they could ask him about how they met.

Shivaleeka controlled her urge to roll her eyes at his smooth way of lying. Though it was true from his side

"But we are still disappointed at you never told us about her." Steve his brother said pointing towards Shivaleeka.

"Yeah, Lexy. Why didn't tell them about me?" She faked a pout earning a hard glare from Alexander.

Everyone else burst into a fit of laughter hearing the name she gave him but one glare from him and they stopped laughing.

Shivaleeka tried her best to be polite and engage in small talk as the conversation continued. But her mind was elsewhere, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was in a dangerous situation.

2660 Words

Hey guysss

I apologize for being late

Here is the chapter idk what kind of scrap I wrote but please do vote and comment and lemme know your views about this chapter.

Also thank you Cedricislove for all the comments you did in the previous chapter.

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