The Dragon and Kryptonian

By wolfdagger11609

14.8K 242 47

Y/N Ziegler. His own brother had killed him because he was a threat to his clan. He was saved by a Doctor cal... More

Gone Metropolis
Circle of Trust
Cyborg Ninja Vs Cowboy
Brainiac Invasion
Enemies now allies
The Truth
Plan To Save Superman
Cowboy's Redemption
Freeing Superman
Heroes Vs Dr Fate
Absolute Justice
An Old Friend

Fall of Brainiac

543 12 3
By wolfdagger11609

The two rush Brainiac and attack from two sides, but Brainiac deftly blocks and parries the punches and kicks. He then stands and lets his tendril fight both at the same time. Batman is picked up by the throat and Superman is pinned against the side of the ship. Batman's about to choke to death, but Brainiac then throws him aside as Superman flies towards him. Brainiac swats the Kryptonian away like a fly. Superman and Brainiac float towards each other and Superman double axe-handles the robot to the ground.

Brainiac: (standing and smiling) Earth's time is up.

Superman: Where's Kara?!

Brainiac: Being vivisected.  She has already taught me much about the nature of your powers.

Superman: Allow me to give you a proper demonstration!

Brainiac: I match your strength! you cannot match my intellect! You are only a Kryptonian of which I have killed billions!

Brainiac is the superior intellect and also he has home-field advantage as his ship can attack too.  But, when faced with the destruction of his second home, Superman's strength rises to new heights. It's close though and Superman puts Brainiac down for good!

Superman: (staggering a bit) That was for Krypton! (Batman, rubbing his neck,
joins them) The attacks on the fleet are weakening him. I could feel him losing steam as we fought.

Batman: Good. Should make it easier to cut him off from the Betas.

Batman draws the disruptor and fires it at Brainiac, who lies there as if not
believing he lost. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the ship, Supergirl awakens to find herself shackled with Kryptonite cuffs to a table. A Beta marches towards her, rwady to slice her head in two.  Suddenly, the Beta falls to the ground sliced in half. It turns out Y/n had come to save her. He releases Supergirl by braking the cuffs with his blade. She's been weakened by the Kryptonite but she manages to sit up, relieved that Brainiac has been defeated for now. She looks at you and smiled.

Y/n: how are you doing princess?

Kara: I'm good my Dragon, how are you?

Y/n: I'm doing well knowing your safe

Kara: aww, your so nice. Wait we need to find Batman and Kal

Y/n: okay but once you get your strength back. Your gonna need it

Kara: (head down) fine

Outside, the Beta ships lose power and fall from the sky. The ship essentially shuts down and Batman gets on the headset to spread the word.

Batman: This is Batman. Brainiac is down.

Cyborg: (on the comm) The disruptor worked!  All the Betas are shutting down!

Superman: (landing next to Batman) We did it!  Now we find Kara! (The ship
then starts to lurch) What's happening?!

Batman: Brainiac's mind is the ships CPU. Apparently he doesn't have a backup system.

Sure enough, the ship starts to fall from space, heading for a crash landing on Earth.

Superman: If we crash, all the cities preserved onboard

Batman: Destroyed.

Superman then turns to the control chair and gets an idea. He sits in the chair and grabs two still-glowing tendrils.

Batman: Clark, wait!

Superman: You said yourself.  This ship is controlled by pure thought.

Batman: This could KILL you!

Superman: Sounds like a job for me.

Superman jams the tendrils into his head, screaming as they attach to him.
the ship drops into the athmosphere, aiming for Gotham (which had not been
digitized yet). Batman holds on as Superman pours his thoughts into the
ship, fighting against the programming Brainiac installed in it. Just as its about destroy Gotham, the ship flies back up. Superman is still hurting from what he is doing.

Batman: Create a bypass loop. Put the ship on autopilot.

Superman: Hrnn! Trying!

Suddenly, from where he should be out cold. Brainiac turns and looks at the duo

Brainiac: My Ship! You will not destroy my collection!! (punches Batman several times, knocking him cold. To Superman) Reliquish my ship!

Superman does no such thing.  Just as Brainiac is about to charge at Superman, a heat beam hits him from behind. He collapses to show it's
Supergirl who fried him. She then collapses herself, still weak from the Kryptonite exposed to her earlier.  Brainiac is not out yet; he stands and
grunts as he looks to Supergirl.

Brainiac: You will regret that!!

Brainiac extends his tendrils to tear Supergirl however you run in saying "Ryūjin no ken wo kūrae". You slash his left arm clean of and he drops to the floor. He tries to get up but you point your dragon blade at his neck. He summons his tentacles to get you of him.

Brainiac: You are only a Cyborg. Swords and Shurikens cannot save you!

Maybe not, but the fact that Brainiac is still weakened from his fight with Superman, getting blasted by Supergirl and having his left arm chopped of helps Y/n. Still, it's a rather tight fight; even a weakened Brainiac is still some what strong. Y/n uses his Dragon Blade and training from the Shimada clan to put Brainiac down again!

Y/n: No one tries hurting Kara.

Batman was checking on Superman, whilst you were fighting. Supergirl stands and goes to the downed body of Brainiac the murderer of her people. She then goes to Superman, watching him struggle. You only looked at Brainiac's arm which you cut of. You weren't going to let Kara get hurt.

Batman: We need to get you out of there!

Superman: Not. yet. the cities.

Superman starts to think harder.  As he does, many of the cities digitized by
Brainiac disappear from the globes and re-appear on Earth. As Batman, Genji and Supergirl watch the cities and people return, the rest of the League, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Flash board the ship to watch. Superman breathes heavily until he collapses off the chair. Kara and Diana take a few steps to help, but Superman gets to one knee.

Wonder Woman: You're OK!

Just then, Aquaman and Black Adam appear.

Aquaman: I thought it was too late, but. I can feel the heartbeat of Atlantis!  Brainiac's work is undone!

Superman: (shaking his head) Not all of it. I couldn't save everyone.

Batman: Some cities are still trapped in the collection. Others were lost, wiped from the ship's memory. Metropolis, Coast City.

Green Lantern: But we can still save them, right? Carol? My family?!

Superman: I'm sorry, Hal. (Wonder Woman and Supergirl help him up)

Wonder Woman: First Krypton, now Earth?! No other world should suffer this!

With sudden resolve, Superman looks over at the still-rebooting body of
Brainiac. He walks over, preparing to finish the job. But Batman intercepts

Batman: Clark, no! Even if I agreed that he should die, you can't. We need him alive to save the rest of our cities.

Superman: No, we don't! With more time and Cyborg's help, the Ship will obey me!

Batman: or we could lose more cities.

Flash: Bruce is right. We can't be sure.

Aquaman: What we can be sure of is that Brainiac puts everyone else at risk!

Wonder Woman: This is no different than Joker. If you'd killed him, we might have---

Batman: It was never that simple, Diana!

Superman: Yes, it is, Bruce! Metropolis and Coast City are gone! How many more innocent people die before you accept that some lives need to be taken?!?

Batman slices a gold dagger across Superman's chest and he bleeds!  He groans and hits the floor in pain. He sees his his own blood on his suit

Superman: My powers?! How did you?!?

Batman: Gold Kryptonite, courtesy of Firestorm.

Wonder Woman: Get up, Kal!

Batman: Stay down! Enough exposure and you'll be de-powered permanently!

Superman: This madness has to end, Bruce!

Alright which side do you want to win Batman or Superman. Which ever one wins the vote will be the ending of the story. Also there will be another chapter after who ever wins so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you all in the next one.

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