OP Kiyone COTE

By Nagavignesh

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*WARNING* Kiyone (female Kiyotaka) will be very very OP , has impossible and inhumane abilities such as calcu... More

Volume 1 : Chapter 1: Equality
Volume 1 : Chapter 2 : S-system and Introductions Part - I
Volume 1 : Chapter 3 : S-system and Introductions Part - II
SS : From the point of curiosity
Volume 1 : Chapter 4 : Official first day Part 1 : Manipulation at it's Finest
Vol 1 : Chapter 5 : Information and Ichinose
Vol 1 : Chapter 6 : Foundations and 3 viruses
SS : Shopping and Shopping
Vol 1: Chapter 7 : May 1st
Vol 1: Chapter 8: Swimming class and Papayanagi
Vol 1: Chapter 9: Study groups, Ryuen and Manabu
Vol 1 Chapter 10 : Date, Kushida and deal
Vol 1 : Chapter 11 : Saving Yamadead and Broken bonds
Vol 1 : Chapter 12 : Mending bonds
Vol 2 : Chapter 1 Disaster
Vol 2 : Chapter 2 : More problems, witness and Stalemate
Vol 2: Chapter 3: Explanation and new Friendship
Vol 2: Chapter 4: Vacation on an Island
Vol 2: Chapter 5: Island Exam Part 1
Vol 2: Chapter 6: Island Exam part 2
Vol 2 : chap 7 : Results and Explanation.
Update : I am not dead .... yet
Vol 3: Chap 1 : Far into the future
Vol 3 Chap 2: Decpetion
Vol 3 Chap 3: Marionette
Vol 3 Chap 4: Departure & Her true potential

Volume 1 : Chapter 4 : Official first day Part 2 : Horikita, Clubs and Goldmine

3K 81 37
By Nagavignesh


AN : Some of you guys mentioned that I should leave more space between dialogues and paragraphs. I revisited my previous chapter and oh man, it was horrendous to read. I realised my mistake and took my time to add some spaces. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hope you enjoy reading.


After that awkward exchange with Matsushita. We still had exactly 3 minutes for the break to get over. Hirata mentioned about joining soccer club. The others weren't going to join any club but were interested in visiting the clubs. 

"Are you coming with us Ayanokouji-san?, and are you going to join any club?" Hirata asked me.

Cutting me off from my monologue. 

"Ah no Hirata-kun, I have some work to do, I will visit the clubs if I have anytime left, and yes, I will join the 'go home club', As I want to have some free time". I replied.

I gave them the clue to manipulate the conversation to by bidding, of course.

Everyone except Shinohara giggled at my lame joke. Matsushita seems curious as to what work I have. But unfortunately for her she gave her word that she will go to the club fair with Hirata and his harem.

"Also I wanted to ask this question, but didn't get the chance, why did you buy free vegetab-, wait why is there even free meals and free vegetables in the list? ". Good pick Hirata. 

Even though Matsushita saw that very obvious clue, she didn't point it out. It seems she still wants to hide her over all abilities. I need to push her a little for my plans to work. 

"Oh that, I just wanted to see how that tastes, since 63 senpais bought this free meals and were eating them unwillingly". Matsushita widened her eyes at my statement.

She seems to have connected the dots, but at this point, these were only extra clue. So it wasn't impressive. 

"Wh-what, how- no never mind, If you were able to remember that many names and positions in few minutes then anything is possible for you" Karuizawa spoke first.

Even though Karuizawa figured out why I mentioned the free meals, she still hung up on the 63 senpais part. She seems to fake her air-head ness. She is sharper, but little less than Matsushita. 

"Who even observes that much, you creep" Shinohara muttered. 

It went unheard by everyone, of course except me. By the starting of next month we will see, who is viewed as a creep. I ignored her and answered Hirata.

"It's as you think Hirata-kun, they didn't receive 100,000 points. I also believe they are from class C or D. It further confirms my theory. We can check by asking them". I gave him an idea and Hirata nodded. 

The lunch break was over. But before some senpais leave the cafeteria, Hirata approached them. There were 5 of them.

"Excuse me senpais. If you don't mind, Can I ask which class are you guys from?" Hirata asked politely. 

The said senpai glared at him. I think he is angry that Hirata is an Ikeman and already formed an harem. 

~kyaa I am in Hirata's Harem, ok let's stop, it's weird

I mean there are 4 beautiful girls followed by one ugly creature and an angel (which is me of course). "Why do you ask that---" he spoke coldly.

I slightly smiled at him and it worked, his expression softened, heh easy

"---Well whatever, we all are from class 2-D". The senpais continued and left, since the classes are staring soon.

Hirata's face paled. But the others weren't as shocked as Hirata. It seems people really believed me. It seems Hirata too believed me, but I think he still hoped for a salvation and prayed that my theory would be wrong. 

But Unfortunately for him, I am never wrong

We walked towards the class in silence, I got their phone number and Id so that I can contact them when necessary. We entered and soon the afternoon classes started. 

Horikita eyed me from time to time. It seems she is still upset. Soon the school got over. Before Horikita leaves, I called her. 

"Hey Horikita, are you free right now? You wanted to talk to me about something during the lunch break, what is it? Can we talk right now? " I asked her curiously.

"Finally you are free huh" she muttered. 

"Yes I want to talk to you where do- ". Before she finish her reply,

"In the gymnasium, lets talk while going there, or after going there. I want to see the clubs this school has, to offer us. " I replied by cutting here off. 

She frowned her eyebrows. But she knows that she can't deny my request, because I don't have obligation to hear her out and she knows this. 

"Fine, I will do your bidding, let's go right now" She growled 'cute 'I thought 

She thinks she looks like a tigress, but she little did know that she looks like a lost cute little cat waiting to be leashed

We walked towards the Gymnasium in silence, judging by our average speed and the distance to the gymnasium NO.1, If there aren't any obstacles, we will reach there in 4 minutes 53 seconds approximately. Plenty of time to talk, but she still didn't seem to know what to ask me. 

Pathetic, she had all day to think. Let's hurt her pride and give her a reality check.

"7 minutes and 21 seconds", I started the conversation.

"Wh-What do you mean by that?" Horikita seems puzzled and annoyed. 

Throughout this time I spent with Horikita (which is not even more than a day), I understood her thinking pattern completely. Not only was she in denial that there could be people superior to her.

But she get annoyed very easily when people could see things that she couldn't and wanted to know things as soon as possible. 

If she thinks that by completely knowing about me, my abilities and weakness' she can defeat me or surpass me or prove me wrong, then she is delusional

All I need is to show her the huge gap in our abilities.

"That was the amount of time it took for me to formulate all the theories about S-system". I replied. Which is not true, as I it took me even lesser time.

"YOU - you are lying, it is impossible, you are just full of lies, tricking others. TELL ME HOW SOMEONE LIKE YOU ACE THE TEST WHERE NOT EVEN MY NII- " 

She suddenly stopped shouting, hmm interesting

"-it doesn't matter how you cheated, you can fool everyone including the school but you can't fool me."

 I can see it. She is panicking, nearly hyperventilating. 

Her eyes already looked tired from the morning, she didn't sleep well yesterday, rather it seems she didn't sleep at all

Now I pieced together the puzzle named Horikita, what a coincidental slip-up. So she is a bro-con huh. I wonder who her brother is? It seems she holds him at such an high degree. 

Now it makes sense why she denies my very abilities so much to such an extent that she think I even cheated the school? I mean with my abilities, it's possible, and even a piece of cake. There are two possibilities. 

One : She holds her brother to such an extent that she doesn't want to believe I am way above him

This can explain her denial towards my abilities, but I don't believe it's that simple. If that's the case then that doesn't explain her unusual rage and Superiority complex. She firmly believes in the concept that friends are a liability. She should have said something like, 'don't think you are better than my brother just because you aced the entrance exam and figured out the S-system'. But she didn't.

Second : She still thinks her brother can beat me in other aspects. If that's true, then her behaviour can be explained through her relationship with her brother. She must look up to him so much, she admires him, she wants to become like him. Or rather, she wants to be recognised by him. 

Humans are social creatures. Humans need one another. They need the group. At the beginning it was because of safety and survival issues, later because it also helped them define who they are in the group, in the environment.

As children, they see themselves in the eyes of the other. By reflex, the other defines them by his/her gaze. 

The first "significant other" in their lives will be their mothers. As they grow up, their mother will establish boundaries, approve or disapprove of their behaviour, reward or punish accordingly. And once they learn the methodology, they will do everything they can to attract her attention, earn her approval, to be loved by her.

Harry Harlow, an American psychologist well known for his researches in this area, made an experiment with little monkeys to study the mechanisms by which baby monkeys bonded to their mothers as well as the consequences of social isolation. He built two duplicate monkey-mothers. 

One was soft and fluffy, the other was made of barbed wire and equipped with a nursing nipple. To make a long research short, the baby monkeys would seek nourishment and quickly go back to the cloth mother. In another experiment, the babies were deprived of the soft-cotton mother. Left alone, the baby monkeys would cling tightly to the wired surrogate mother, seeking comfort in their isolated cages. 

As a conclusion, one could say that a kiss is better than a slap, but a slap is better than contempt and indifference.

What they learned in the early years of life will be repeated in other relationships. They will seek respect, esteem, love, friendship and recognition

No one looks forward to disrespect, dislike, hate, antagonism or rejection. It is recognition that will define them as social beings.

 Lack of recognition implies that we have no importance, value, significance or interest. This is what's at play. The worth of our lives in contemporary society. ( AN : I got everything about recognition in a blog somewhere, credit goes to that unknown soul)

I already judged her to be the type that says no to 'friendship' related stuff. It means from an young age, she trained, she was determined to be recognised by her brother. Now obviously I am an obstacle. 

You may ask why? Think about it, you spend all your life training for one thing, not for money or power, rather something as innocent as to be recognised by your brother. Suddenly someone enters your life with everything you wish you had, and it can even lead to your brother recognising that said person. 

No, it will happen. If May 1st occurs, and if whatever theories I presented becomes true, Elder Horikita will recognise me for sure. That's the main reason for her anger towards me. If I got recognised by her brother, her whole life will be an lie, her efforts will be for naught. She will become useless, someone not special.

I believe it's the second one. But let's just make sure. Let's see which one of these two is true.

"What happened Horikita, it seems you are in denial. Do you even have any proof that I cheated?. Do you even think we can cheat in such an elite's school's entrance exam? Do you even have the capacity to think straight ? -". I continued my onslaught.

"- What happened Horikita? Still in denial? It seems you need an reality check ".

I held her wrist tightly so she can't escape. She subconsciously positioned to a stance. Hmm interesting. Good thing while walking I steered us into an alley way where no one is watching. She was having too much thoughts that she was even unable to see where we were going. I darkened my expression, made her look at my eyes directly, released my bloodlust and gave her a death glare

Here eyes showed fear. She wanted to call for help, but words struck at her throat. 

I spoke more coldly, "You are a failure Horikita. Even if you spend your whole life chasing your brother's back, he will never turn around to see you. You are a disappointment in his eyes. Get. That. Through. Your. Head. You are Pathetic"

Her knees became week, her eyes teared up. But my expression showed no sympathy. Seeing my face again and noting my expressionless face, the indifference, even after witnessing her pathetic state, must have instilled fear in her.  

I am not fully trying to refine Horikita at all. If she becomes better after this, then I will use her as she seems fit. It she doesn't then I will dispose her. It's that simple. Then what do I achieve by doing this?. There were many benefits.

First : Curiosity, it's not everyday I can come across a superior complex Bro-con-chan. I wanted to see what she will do while facing the reality.

Second : I gave her a second chance to redeem herself. If she succeeds, then I have another tool at my disposal. A very fine tool.

Third : If her brother seems useful, I can use Horikita as a bargaining chip. Not breaking her mind seems like a great offer in a deal right? That is if her brother cares for her.

"NO!!! I am n-not p-pathetic, I spent the last nine years dedicatedly to improve myself I won't allow you to rob my recognition, I-I-I will surpass you in no time by traini- " she spoke weakly.

"It seems you don't understand your position Hoekita, we both know, even if you get reincarnated and spend your whole life to train to beat me, still I will be leagues above you. You must have realised it after the school forum post right. Even now I am holding you and you can't free yourself even with all your strength. Even if you are a 3rd Dan in Karate and 3rd Dan in Kungfu " Her eyes widened at my final statement.

"Ho-How ?" she asked weakly.

"Say the magic word"


"According to you, superiors should be given respect by inferior beings right? " I spoke more harshly.

"P-Please tell me. Please tell me how you know my Dan in Karate and Kungfu, PLEASE". Horikita asked me by swallowing her Pride.

She knows very well the difference in our abilities, and this will be the final  bullet to pierce through her superiority complex nature.

"Simple. When I held your wrist, in a split second you tried to assume a stance in Kungfu, precisely "Ma Bu" .

(AN : I chose this stance cuz it looks like Manabu lol, made horikita a complete bro-con

---You did it unconsciously. And when I held your left wrist, with your free legs you tried to kick me, precisely "Mai Geri Kekomi", a Karate move, you didn't even realise you did those two. I simple held your leg toes with my leg when you tried it. "

"And Finally, I guessed your Dan simply by the muscle density of your legs and wrist, added with your response time of your instinct. I calculated your Dan rating". I let Horikita's wrist go and stepped back.

She fell to her knees. And her expression darkened. She was in a pathetic state. It was the final blow. All the determination that I saw in her eyes when I first saw her in the bus are gone. She was empty. She gave up trying. More than 9 years of determination, got demolished simply by me. 

Do I feel pity? No

Do I feel guilty? No

Do I feel pleasure? No

Do I feel horrible? No

Do I feel anything


I felt nothing. After all breaking other people was nothing new to me. In fact I broke down 99 such kids, more than 300 instructors in that place to ensure my survival. What does one more going to do to me? 

The key difference here is those has an pretext of 'survival', Here I did it for curiosity and to obtain a potential tool. I am a horrible human being. No I am not a human to begin with. No use thinking about it. Do I want to be Human? That's a thought for another time.

Let's give Horikita her salvation. I got near the lifeless (lol she is alive don't take it literally) Horikita's ear and whispered.

"Your Brother will recognise you Horikita- " Her eyes shot up "-He doesn't want you to walk behind his back, rather to walk with you, side by side, as your brother". I told sweet lies.

I don't know her brother or the full extent of their relationship. I only know the story from one perspective. I don't know if her brother hates Horikita, or why he doesn't recognise her. I can form theories, but I at least need to talk to him once to grasp the situation fully. 

But for now, this lie will make Horikita take a decision, and not completely break her. When telling the words side by side, her eyes flashed nostalgia. Maybe somebody has already told her this huh? Then I need to step it up.

"If you think your brother achieved everything he did- "Lies, I don't know how much her brother achieved in anything. 

"- as a lone wolf, then you are wrong. You should have seen it right Horikita? Him smiling and being friendly towards others while he is cold towards you".

I theorised that Horikita's cold nature arises from, her copying how her brother acts towards her. She idolises him, so she copies his every move. I don't know if he smiles like I said or not. But whatever I say right now will be the truth in the eyes of Horikita.

"People need allies to achieve it, that's your defect, you are uncooperative, but you can change it. You got this whole year or two to prove it to your brother". I paused so that she can process it.

Her thinking abilities should have plummeted a lot due to her being in this state. I don't know if he is a second or third year. But that doesn't matter for now.

"Tomorrow at 6PM, at my dorm room which is 801, I- No we will be waiting. All the future important class figures will be there. If you want to work towards class A, or want to be recognised by your dear brother, then abandon your stupid pride and reach out to others." I finished lecturing her.

I left her without saying anything more, to let her think it through. And went toward the Gymnasium No.1, this farce already took 10 minutes. I entered the place.

"It is bigger than I thought it would be" I muttered.

When I entered the atmosphere was tense, everybody was quiet. Nobody dared to speak. Is it because of the atmosphere that the guy in the podium creating. It wasn't that tense. There was a man on podium with scrutinizing gaze. It seems like he was calculating the first year students.

Interesting, same eye colour, same hair colour, identical facial features such as eyebrows, noes. "fu~", I giggled lightly so no one notices. 

Even the same stern look. So this is where she got that 'I am on period' look huh. It seems I am very lucky today.

"I am the Student Council President. My name is Horikita Manabu" 

Heh, such power, such authority. But can't able to find a way to unlock the potential of his sister and keeps on pushing her away. Just by looking at him, I got everything I need about their relationship.

Now I changed some of my plans. I know whatever I did or said to Horikita wouldn't have affected her much. After all it's only the 1st day of school. But after seeing her brother, I formulated many different plans to make Horikita a perfect tool. Perfect, today was very productive.

"The Student council is looking to looking to recruit potential candidates among the first-year students to replace the graduating third years. Although no special qualifications are required for candidacy, we humbly ask that those who consider application, not to be in any other club activities. We generally do not accept students involved elsewhere."

He spoke in a soft voice, His presence dominated everyone.

"Furthermore, we in the student council do not wish to appoint anyone who possesses a naive outlook. Not only would such a person not be elected, he or she would sully the sanctity of this school. It is the student councils' right and duty to enforce and amend the rules, but the school expects more than that. We gladly welcome those of you who understand this. "

He didn't pause during his eloquent speech. He left the podium, and the tension in the atmosphere was diminished due to a bub-bun loli-senpai finishing her part of speech. 

"Thank you all for coming. The club fair has ended. We will now open the reception area to anyone interested in signing up. Also, registration will be open until the end of April, so if any student wishes to join at a later date, we ask that you please bring the application form directly to the club you wish to join. ".She finished.

"Yo Ayanokouji-san, so you came to join any club huh? " Sudo asked

Popping out of nowhere, with Ike and Yamauchi.

"No I am not going to join any club. What about you Sudo, Are you going to join the basketball club? "I answered him with a question of my own.

"Wh- How did you know? And yes I am going to join the basketball club. I have been playing it since elementary school." He was flexing his mediocre muscles.

"What about you two?" I asked the two idiots.

"O-Oh, I am waiting for my fateful encounter to happen." It seems Ike is still afraid of me. Good.

"Fateful encounter? What do you mean by that? ". I asked while tilting my head 16 degrees, and had an innocent look.

All the three blushed and their face was as red Sudo's hair colour. 

"I-I mean, I will encounter my first girlfriend here. I want someone from class D as my first girlfriend". Ike spoke. 

Pathetic. Anyway it's none of my business. I received their contact information and went to a nearby elevated stage where there was a piano. From there every club registration was visible. I filtered all the information I was getting, focused on people's walking pattern. Their friend's circle. Writing style. The clubs they are registering. I did it for 5 minutes straights. It was enormous information. A goldmine if I say so myself. 

Now for the final touch. I went sat in front of the piano and started playing Fur Elise. Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, "Fur Elise" is one of the most famous and recognizable pieces of piano music in the world. Unlike Beethoven's other famous compositions, the Fifth Symphony and Ode to Joy, "Fur Elise" was not published during his lifetime.

People stopped chatting. Everyone's focus was on me, or rather on the sound produced by the piano. I finished the piece elegantly and bowed in front of the audience. 

Silence. It was very creepy. Suddenly someone clapped their hands.

"Excellent, I have never heard such a perfect play of 'Fur Elise'. It was on par- No it was the best, better than most professionals" Horikita Manabu praised me, diffusing the silence.

People were clapping loudly after. Some senpais can't believe that The President complimented someone, and that a first year girl. 

"Thankyou President" I replied and started walking away from the crowd. I didn't approach the president for now.

I achieved the many things that I wanted by playing the piano.

"Wait Kouhai, You played the piece beautifully. If you join the music club, you will easily win many tournaments" A senpai stopped me.

"Sorry senpai. But I am going to join the student council. I hope you don't mind". I replied.

"Ah, souka, It's ok it's ok. If you ever reconsider your choice, please visit the club anytime you want. You are most welcome". The senpai replied cheerfully. 

Before I walked out of the gymnasium, Hirata and his harem ambushed me.

"Whoa, we never knew you were a musical genius. Why did you never tell us?" Karuizawa exclaimed loudly.

"Yes Ayanokouji-san. It was very pleasant to hear. I don't know much about classical music. But even I can say that it was professional level" Hirata complimented me.

"Yes Yes, it was suuuuper good. Ne ne, let's hear it some other time" Sato joyfully replied.

"Yea, it was go-good. Why didn't you tell us? Are you hiding this from us?" Shinohara tried to antagonise me. Well nobody listened to her anyways.

Matsushita didn't say anything. She might have probably guessed that I am a women of multiple talents. It seems she holds me in such an high regard. Her eyes show admiration. Good.

"First of all Karuizawa-san I am not a musical genius. I just like playing Piano. And second You guys never asked about it to me." I continued.

"And thanks for the compliment Hirata-kun. Sato-san, I will surely play it for you guys some other time". I purposefully ignored Shinohara. 

From the corner of my eyes, I can see the rage and jealousy of Kushida kikyo. She was here with her friends circle which consists of More Nene, Ichihasa, and Mii-chan. It seems like Mii-chan feels more comfortable around Kushida than Karuizawa gang.

"I am also very tired so I hope you don't mid me going to the dorms". I  continued in my fake tired tone.

"Eh, You are leaving already? " Karuizawa complained.

After exchanging good bye, I approached the Kushida group and got their contact information. I didn't chat much with them and went towards the dorm.

It was already 6;30Pm, I cooked my self dinner early and took a shower.

----Time skip---- 

After finishing dinner, I laid down on the bed facing the ceiling. I took my cell phone messaged messaged 5 students of my class to come to my dorm room at tomorrow 6PM. They were none other than Matsushita, Karizawa, Sato, Kushida and Hirata. 

I don't have immediate plans for Karuizawa. But I have my reasons for calling her. And as for Sato... I don't have any particular reason. She is there just to lighten the atmosphere. Like an decorative product.

I also messaged three particular senpais.


[Cute Kouhai] : Good job you three. You guys were useful.

Cut the crap. Delete those videos as promised : [NonameSenpaiNo1]

[Cute Kouhai] : I will do it when I feel like it.

You little piece-


I exited the chat. Good everything is going smoothly. Tomorrow if everything goes as planned, then I have finished all the foundations for my future plans.

Thinking about it, my eyes fluttered slowly and went into sleep.

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