My future husband, her future...

By peterstark54

10.8K 555 37

Stella a single mother who have just moved to new york. A new mother and a new woman. Starting a new job with... More

Part 1- introduction
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49

Part 23

201 10 2
By peterstark54

June 27th.

I was currently in the mall with most of the avengers. Well we wasn't on a mission but we were all bored so we decided to come here. Think it was the first time everyone came out together without actually going on a mission.

"That babies bum is smelling so badly stell" peter says holding his nose.

"Well if someone can tell me where the toilets are i will go and change her" i laugh.

"Theres one just around the corner" bruce says.

"Thanks. See you all in a minute" i say.

I push the pram around the corner and he was right the toilet was there. I went into the baby changing one and changed her. For a little girl she don't half make a mess. I freshened her up and made her giggle while blowing raspberries on her stomach. Then i put her bottoms back on.

I put her back in the pram and had a wee myself then i walked out and i gasped.

"God you haven't changed at all" alex says smirking at me.

"Alex what the fuck" i say.

I try to walk away but he grabs my arm.

"I just want to see the baby" he says.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask.

"I seen your instagram story of the baby half hour ago. I hoped you were still here" he says.

"Well you have seen the baby on there. You don't need to see her now" i say.

"Its my baby too you know" he says.

I take a huff through my nose and i turn the pram around to face him. He leans down and touches her cheek and she starts to cry.

"She don't take well to new people" i say spinning her back around to face me.

I give her the teddy and she stops crying.

"Can i see her once a week?" He asks.

"Alex. As far as it goes you never wanted this baby with me at all. You left me and now she is here you are running back. Im happy in a relationship and he is more of a father to this baby than you are. People think its Tony's baby as it is and i don't even have to say anything" i say.

"Shes mine though. What part of that don't you understand. Its a two way thing to make a baby and you and me done that" he snaps.

"Well you should of been there for me when i needed you!" I say.

"I fucking hate you stella. All what i did for you and shits my thanks!" He says.

"Hate me all you want. I have hated you since you have left me. You know i always think to myself you would of been a great father and its no lie you would of but when you are acting like this im glad you left" i say walking away.

"Well i left you for a better woman. Great sex and i should of broke it off with you sooner so i wouldn't of had to go around your back!" He shouts.

"You cheated on me?" I ask.

"Yeah of course i did, why wouldn't i?" He smirks.

"Glad you did. Hope you will be happy" i say.

I walk off and he grabs my arm tight.

"Come with me" he whispers.

"What no" i say trying to get out of his grip.

He grabs my stomach and pulls me away from the pram.

"NOOO! LEAVE ME GO!" I scream.

A man next to me tried getting him off me and i hear the baby crying. The woman tried to stop her crying.

He takes me around the corner and i see the others.

"Fuck" he says.

"TONY! STEVE! NAT!" I shout.

Nobody was listening and thats when i see peter turn around and run towards me.

"Get off her!" Peter shouted.

"Get away kid you don't know what is happening" alex says pushing him away.

My stomach was bruising from where he was gripping me so tight.

"Get the fuck away from her" tony says behind me.

"Tony" i whisper.

"Its ok baby. Alex. Put her down" tony snaps.

I see peter rush towards the woman with the baby and he gets her out of the pram. The woman looked worried.

Bucky comes behind alex and wraps his metal arm around his throat and pulls him back making him leave me go.

I run to peter and he hands me the baby and i sob.

"Thank you so much" i say to the woman.

"I tried my best to calm her down she wouldn't stop. Are you okay? The police are on their way" she says.

"Im ok. Was that your husband?" I ask.

"Yes" she says.

"Where is he?" I ask

"When he seen that tony stark was coming he knew you would be saved and he went to get the police from downstairs. Oh here they are" she says.

I turn and i see the police.

"Do you mind holding her pete?" I ask.

"Of course" he says. I hand her to him.

I walk over and i speak to the police. They said that if he comes near me to phone them again as they have had trouble with him with assault with other people. They left and i started to cry.

"Did he hurt you?" Nat asks embracing me into a hug.

"Yeah but im not even crying because of that. He tried to take me away" i say.

"Everything ok?" The man asked who helped to save me.

"Thank you. Im ok well i will be. Thank you for helping me" i smile lightly.

"Its ok. Dickhead he is. Is your baby okay?" He asks.

"She is perfectly fine thanks to your wife" i smile.

"Time to go home" tony says wrapping me in a hug.

"I love you" i whisper

"I know, i love you too. Lets get you sorted" he says

We head back to the compound and my stomach had a bruise on it so there was nothing really we could do about it. We all decided to have a movie night well because the kids were there it was frozen and encanto night. I enjoyed every moment of it and the thoughts of today's adventures had slowly disappeared

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