Part 2

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"¿Dónde están Ryan y Blake?  ¿No puedes preguntarles si podrías quedarte con ellos hasta que te recuperes?" Dad asks. "wheres ryan and blake? cant you ask them if you could stay with them until you get back on your feet?"

"no papá, están en un crucero.  no volverán hasta dentro de un mes.  me siento descarado  Además, este hotel es hermoso, el bebé está un poco inquieto, eso es todo.  ella está durmiendo en este momento de todos modos" i reply "no dad, they are on a cruise ship. they wont be back for another month. i feel cheeky. plus this hotel is beautiful the baby is just a little unsettled thats all. she is sleeping at the moment anyway"

"dame dos segundos mi amiga me esta llamando amor.  te llamaré de vuelta" give me two seconds my friend is calling me love. i will phone you back

I say okay and the phone ends. I love my dad but he worries about me too much. Aliza is only three weeks old so i cant expect her to be okay staying in a hotel. Im not exactly happy. I have tried to find little houses for the both of us but nothing is affordable around new york. Yes I'm a midwife i get paid really well and saved but its just difficult trying to find the perfect home. I have job hunted everywhere to find a job where i can work and look after the baby at the same time. I just cant seem to get it perfect. 

I cradle the baby in my arms and she was already asleep. Being a single mother is hard enough but without any help with friends or family as the only people you have are in the army and on a cruise ship it's difficult. My phone was ringing again so I answered.

"Hello" i say.

Dad- i have just came off the phone to my friend. His friend well roommate i guess you could call it is looking for extra help with looking after two children and a teenager.

Oh yeah my dad switches from english to spanish quite often.

Me- where is this? Will they let the baby stay with me? How far is it from the hotel?

Dad- question upon question. You can go and have a meet with everyone tomorrow. I will send the address. My friend is called Howard he is lovely he agreed you could take the baby with you because I explained your situation. 11am tomorrow morning you can meet them in the place they live.

Me- really? Thanks dad

Dad- "no te preocupes amor, ahora duerme un poco" he says "no worries love, now get some sleep"

Me- lo haré, te amo papá. I say "i will, i love you dad"

Dad- yo también te amo. "I love you too"

We end the call and i sort the baby out. I bath her feed her and lay her in the little crib. Its weird living in a hotel but hopefully its not for long. Maybe Ryan will be nice enough to let me stay with them. They basically have a mansion but as they are away i hate to ask now. 

While the baby was sleeping on the bed i look at the address my dad gave me. It was a huge building. It didn't even look like a house but all it says was the compound. I wonder who lives there. I know this Howard is apparently a billionaire because I remember dad talking about him to me. Apparently he has a roommate too. Oh god I really hope i pull it off.

I close my phone and i turn the tv on. There wasn't much on so i turned it off. It was 10PM and i was dying for a cigarette. I didn't smoke during the pregnancy but i did before and i have started back up. I shouldn't as my mother always used to tell me to stop smoking but when she passed away two years ago due to getting run over it just helped me through the stress.

Gosh i miss that beautiful face. The beautiful smile she would send me making me smile with her. Her and dad swaying to music in the kitchen while she cooks. Her and dad were just a perfect married couple. Dad was a carpenter so he would leave home for a couple of hours and come back and spend every holiday with us. We were a happy family. Once i got 18 dad got a apprenticeship with the army and started training with them. He is only 47 years of age so he is quite young considering I'm nearly 27. Mum was 44 when she passed so she would only be 46 now.

Pushing the thoughts away i grabbed a cigarette out of my bag and opened the balcony door. I kept my eye on the baby but she was safe as the bars on the bed were up. I close the door but leave it open a little tiny bit so i could hear here if she stired. I sat on the seat looking at the view of new york. Luckily the windows in this hotel were sound proof so the sound of cars passing by in the busy city couldn't be heard.

Its very different to spain. You looked out the window there and you would be over looking the beach. Me and catilina and donte would often sit in our joint garden watching the waves pass by while i waited for mum and dad to come home from work. Mum worked in a flower shop that she owned so she had quite a few flowers growing in the garden. I just wish i could go back in time.

Little aliza kept me going. 9 months of happily waiting for her to come out of me and three weeks of loving her in real life. Alex my ex we were together for two years. My parents loved him and his parents loved me but when he got me pregnant and i told him he acted all happy but in reality the next day he packed his stuff and left while i was in work. It broke my heart knowing that my baby wouldn't know who her dad was but i moved on from him with my life. I came back and forth new york and spain but when i knew my time was coming to give birth to the baby i came here. This hotel is huge and the room is huge too its like an apartment but spending money on this room has cost me enough i just need to get my life together in a real home.

I took the last dreg of my cigarette and put it in the sand bucket. I walked back in and shut the door and curtains and laid in bed. Knocking the lights off i stared at the ceiling wondering what tomorrow will bring. Seeing if this job will bring me any good. Im just hoping it will.

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