Part 18

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It was now june the second. Dad has been here for around a week and dad has been amazing. We have been all sorts of places and had a really good catch up. I have realised now that im such a daddys girl. I do miss my mum but i know she is in a safe place.

"Your daughter is worthy" thor says to my dad.

"What does that mean?" Dad asks.

"It means that she can rule my kingdom if she wanted to" thor replies

"She has a boyfriend" dad says.

"No asgard. Where i come from. She can be the queen" he says.

"Thor don't confuse him more than he is" i laugh.

With that the bell rang saying someone was outside.

"I will go see" happy says standing up and walking out.

We all carry on talking and then i see him. The actual man that i thought my dad was.

"Hey stell" alex says.

"Alex" i say standing up. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Fuck what he is doing here get the fuck out before i do something i regret" my dad says standing up.

"Dad no. Stop. Alex what do you want?" I ask.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

I could see him looking over at the baby which was in nats lap and i stand in the way.

"Not in here. You get ten minutes tops" i say.

"Fine" he replies.

I lead him into the next room and he sits on the sofa he looks at me and im not going to lie he looks like he was on drugs. His eyes were bloodshot and he was sluring.

"Look i know i left you. I fucked up i know. I was just so scared to be a dad and so soon I thought it would just be me and you but when you said you were pregnant I don't know what went over me. I want to be in your life and the baby's life i do" he says.

"Look you can see her im not saying but you haven't been in her life and i don't want her having a shit dad. Im not saying you are one because you would make a brilliant dad but separate lives i don't want this for the baby alex" i say looking at him.

"I still love you st-" he starts.

"No don't say that. You don't. If you loved me still you would never have left. You left me alone. Fuck alex i was living basically in a hotel until this job came up. I have tony he is amazing with the baby and so is everyone else" i say.

"You moved on fast" he says.

"Nearly a year alex. Its not fast. The first few months i thought you would of had the decency to phone or text but you didn't. So yes i did move on" i say.

"Let me see the baby" he says changing the subject.

"Fine" i reply.

I walk out of the room and towards nat. She hands the baby to me and alex walks to the side of me. He looks at her and his face drops.

"Thats not my baby. It looks nothing like me" he says.

My face drops. What the fuck.

"Of course its our baby. Just because she doesn't look like you. Sometimes she does. She changes alex" i snap.

"She deserves better" he mutters.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Im just saying. She deserves to be with me. I would be perfect. You literally live with a bunch of people. This isn't normal. She needs a normal house" he says.

"Just a minute a go you said she doesn't look like you!" I say.

"Well she does, can i take her for a walk alone?" He asks.

"No" i say.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Alex seriously? First you keep changing the subject and secondly i don't trust you" i say.

He goes towards me and i take a step back. I hand the baby to pepper as she was next to me and alex grabs my arm.

"Get the fuck off her" my dad says grabbing his collar

"Touch me again and i wont hesitate to phone the police" alex says in my dads face.

My dad punches him.

"Dad!" I shout.

"You will regret that!" Alex says storming off

"Are you okay?" Dad asks me.

"Im fine. Im sure he is on something. But dad he probably will phone the cops" i say.

"Don't worry. Are you sure you are okay? He didn't hurt you?" He asks.

"Im fine" i say.

I sit on the sofa and tony holds my hand. I cuddle into the baby as pepper hands her back to me and we chat. The police did come and they said they tested alex and he was on drugs and he will stay away and they warned dad not to hit him unless it was for a reason and they left.

"How did you meet alex if you don't mind me asking?" Wanda asks.

"Funny story actually" i laugh.

"It was. I remember the day she told me" dad says.

"Come on tell us" peter says.

"So basically i was out with Ryan and Blake in new York just visiting and i had a car and well me not knowing new york as well i dropped ryan and blake off at target for them to pick some stuff up and i went to find a parking space. Well i was driving and alex walked out in front of the car and i hit him well lightly as I wasn't driving fast. So me being me i got out to see him and well at that point i just fancied him. I apologised and exchanged numbers and yeah we went on a date" i laugh.

"So you hit him with your car and you ended up dating?" Nat asks.

"Yeah it was love at first swipe" i say.

Everyone laughs and at that moment i just knew that i was safe. Tony was holding onto my hand. My dad was enjoying their company and the baby adores them.

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