Part 33

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8th of September.

It was a week later. The baby was now 7 months. Time is flying by so fast. Its been a week of tony having that sprained wrist. We have been living in his penthouse for the week and lets just say when a man is ill its like the end of the world but this sprain? God alive its like the world has already ended and we are the only ones left in it.

We were currently at the compound though as everyone had just been in a meeting.

"I hate those things" peter says walking into the room with tony.

"Kid it has to be done. Its like school you hate that but you have to go" tony says

"Come on I don't mind school we can actually have fun but meetings? Its like being in the room with the principal so you have to be on your best behaviour" he says making me laugh.

"Come on now danger mouse doesn't scare you does he?" I smirk at fury.

"You shut up tinkerbell and her fairy dust" fury snaps.

"Ddddddddanger mouseee" i sing.

"Shut up. Anyway where is that folder you got for me?" He asks.

"Ah shit its at the penthouse. I will go get it now. I need to grab a spare dummy for the baby anyway" i say.

"Want company?" Tony asks.

"You have work to do stark" fury says.

"Its okay i will only be half hour if that" i say

"I will look after the baby" nat smiles.

"Thanks nat. I wont be long" i say.

I grab the car keys and i walked to the car and climbed in. Blasting my Taylor swift playlist while i drove. I am a huge fan of miss swift and it will never change.

I arrived at the compound and Jarvis let me in. Its weird saying Jarvis as he sounds exactly like vision but tony and bruce did some weird shit or something and theres two.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a drink as my mouth was dry and i could hear a loud sound. I look outside and there was helicopters flying towards me. I tried to find my phone and realised it was still in the car so i hid behind the kitchen counter. It's probably paparazzi.

"Jarvis who is it?" I ask

"Its not paparazzi. I need to inform the avengers and they are on the-" he was cut short from a sentence when bombs hit the place

The whole compound was falling and breaking in half. I scream as i hit my head on the breaking wall. It was all collapsing. The cars were falling. All i could see was all of Tony's suits. I tried holding my arm out for one to attach to me but it was too late they had all fallen down. I shout out to jarvis but there was no answer.

The building was falling faster than ever. I start to cry only because i was responsible for this well not all of it but i could of stopped it if i showed my face to show that it was someone here. Fuck im going to die.

The floor beneath me falls and i fall through and land in the water fuck it was cold.I grab onto the pieces of metal to hold me up and there was basically nothing left of Tony's penthouse. The helicopters flew away and i used the metal to help me swim to the bottom of the little cliff.

I try to catch my breath which took a while so i sat looking at all the rubble falling into the sea. Fuck.

Tonys pov

I was holding aliza in my arms sitting on the sofa. She was giggling at me and my heart was melting for her. She looked so much like stella it was adorable

"Uh guys i think you better look at the news" peter says.

"Nobody sees the news these days peter" i laugh.

"No mr stark its about your penthouse and stella" he says which caught my attention.

Steve switches the tv on and there was no penthouse. No Stella. It was all rubble.

"As you can see its nothing left. Camera footage has been spotted that three helicopters had thrown bombs at the famous tony starks penthouse. There was nobody to be seen on sight so luckily nobody was hurt" the news reporter says

"Thats bullshit where the fuck is stella?" Sam asks.

I place the baby in her bouncer and the police were already here in seconds.I run the security system and see that Stella was hid behind the counter. Then i see when the bombs hit. She didn't have a hoping hell chance. My poor girl.

"There is police checking the area and stella is nowhere to be seen. There is machines looking in the water to find a body and there still nothing. Your cars and suits are down there" the younger officers says.

"Well no shit. Where is my girl?" I snap

"We will keep looking" the officer on the phone says.


It was two hours later and still no sign of stella. Blake and ryan were here and they were scared we all were. Police had looked everywhere in the water and on the land and still nothing. Those bastards better not of taken my girl because i swear i wont hold my shit. I have one suit here that doesn't fly. Another one in the car which my arc don't suit and the last suit it strung up.

"The officers will still be looking around but at the moment she is still nowhere to be seen. We have barricaded the area off so nobody can get there at the moment we are sorry" the older officer says.

We thank them and they leave.

"What are we gonna do?" Peter asks.

"The one thing we can do is suit up and go down there ourselves" steve says.

"We cant steve. We don't know how safe that platform is. With iron man down we cant have anyone fly except sam" nat says.

The police walked back in and they showed us something.

"Im sorry. We have just had a confirmation that stellas body has been found and she is dead" the young lad said and in that time my heart shredded into a million peices.

My future husband, her future daddyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن