
By mekaylapridget

435K 12.2K 8K

Gillian Anderson and Courtney Carmichael are enemies...more or less. While the pair seem to constantly be at... More

1. "I Knew You Were Obsessed With Me."
2. "Bitch."
3. "You're My Favorite Person."
4. "Gillian!"
5. "Are You Wearing Underwear?"
6. "Ew! What The Fuck?!"
7. "Loser."
8. "What Has It Been...A Year?"
9. "Leave Me Alone, Fuckface!"
10. "Can I Kiss You?"
11. "Is This Seat Taken?"
12. "And You're Supposed To Be The Smart One."
13. "Leave Me Alone."
14. "Ugh, Go Talk To Her!"
15. "Courtney, Please!"
16. "Fuck Off."
17. "You Owe Me A Heated Blanket."
18. "Are You Okay?"
19. "Whatever, Courtney."
20. "More Important Obligations?!"
21. "Watch Me."
22. "Someone's Frustrated."
23. "Jealous?"
24. "Gillian, Please!"
25. "We Will Never Be Friends."
26. "You're Being Dramatic."
27. "I'm Proud Of You, Court."
28. "Make Me."
29. "Okay, Sherlock Holmes."
30. "I Miss You, Gill."
31. "You Look Different."
32. "Let Me Get That For You."
33. "Mistake."


10.3K 276 72
By mekaylapridget

Courtney's POV

A Year Later

"Mommy!" My son Gianni yells happily as he runs to me.

I kneel down to the ground so that I am closer to his height, holding my arms open for his tackle.

The short five year old crashes into my body, his small arms going around my neck. I wrap my arms around his small body, standing up with him in my arms. My heart swells at the sight of the small boy.

Gianni has short fluffy chocolate brown hair, his natural hair having beautiful curls. His eyes are a lighter brown, bordering hazel. And my favorite part of him, his cheeks. He has the cutest, chubbiest, baby cheeks ever.

Currently his cheeks and his nose are frost-bitten, both body parts being painted pink from the below freezing temperatures.

I can't believe they still allowed school to happen today!

"Hey, bud!" I whisper into his soft hair.

Call it a mother thing, but he smells like home to me. If I'm having a bad day all I have to do is breathe in his scent and my day is already a million times better.

I don't know where my life would have ended up if I ended up passing on my son or choosing not adopt at all. But I am glad that I went through with it because he is the light of my life.


"How was school?" I ask as I begin to walk towards the parking lot, waving to the teacher who is standing outside with the rest of the children.

He removes his face from my neck, his pink snow-bitten cheeks now visible to my eyes.

"It was amazing!" He expresses animatedly, a large cloud of smoke exiting his small mouth.

I pick up my speed a little, hoping to get him to some warmth as soon as I possibly can.

"Really?!" I try my best to match his youthful energy, careful not slip on the icy pavement.

"Yeah! Ms. Lucy played 'The Grinch That Stole Christmas' and- and we drank hot chocolate and- and ate cookies and- and candy canes." He lists off, more smoke coming from his mouth due to the singular digit weather.

"Wow! You had quite the day mister!" I say placing him down beside the car as I look for the car keys in my pocket.

Mere moments go by when a cold gust of wind whips past us causing Gianni to hold onto one of my legs.

"Mommy, it's cold." He whines with obvious discomfort.

I physically feel my heart break in my chest, not liking the sound of my baby being in pain.

Finally finding the key, I unlock the car and pull the door to the backseat open. Moving quickly, I take Gianni in my arms and lift him into his car seat. I make sure that he is securely buckled before closing the door and jogging around the car.

In less than a minute I am sitting in the Driver's seat, fully buckled, with the heat blasting.


Though it takes a few minutes, I am successfully able to unlock the front door to the house with one hand.

I am careful not to drop the kindergartner as I balance a sleeping Gianni in my arm, his tiny backpack in my other hand. I am praying to every god and spirit above that I do not drop my son when a sudden voice interrupts me.

"Whoa! Stop, let me help you." The person says without room for argument, coming up to me from our staircase.

"Please." I whisper, frightened.

I feel a light touch along my lower back as they brush their hand against the curved area. Immediately tingles spread entirely throughout the area that they touched. My breath gets caught in my throat at the intensity of the sensation.

She didn't even touch my skin directly and I have those damn tingles.

Just as quickly as her touch is on me, it is off of me. She carefully grabs our sleeping son from my arms and hold him in her own. The sleeping five year old is practically unaware of all of this as he snuggles his head into the person's shoulder.

I release a sigh of relief that I did not drop my one and only child. My hands come up to rest on my legging-covered hips.

"Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver." I praise, shutting the front door with one of my hands and locking the cold air outside.

She smiles at my confession.

"Yeah, so I've heard." Is the last thing she says before making her way upstairs, presumably to put Gianni to bed.

I roll my eyes at her sarcasm.

I place Gianni's backpack down on the cushioned-bench next to our front door and remove my snow boots from my feet before exiting the mud room altogether. I close the door to the room and make my way into the kitchen.

Due to Gianni more than likely suffering a sugar crash, I have around an hour or two before I have to start making dinner. Maybe even three.

Hmm, I wonder what I am going to do with the extra time?

I grab an apple from the fruit basket on top of the kit-chen island. Taking a bite out of the apple, I make my way towards the refrigerator for something to drink.

Due to the bottles of water being in a drawer near the bottom of the refrigerator I have to bend down in order to retrieve a bottle of water. I jump a little, surprised when I suddenly feel a warm hand rest on my tailbone.

"Are you tempting me or...?" My wife teases, earning an exaggerated eye roll from me.

"You wish." I tease back.

I grab a bottle of water from the drawer and close the door to the refrigerator. Turning my back to my horny wife, I make my way over to the kitchen island.

"Hell yeah I do." She does not even try to deny it which causes a large smile to make its way onto my face.

I hop up onto the counter skillfully before taking another bite of my apple.

"Now that you're comfortable, would you mind telling me why our son is snoring like he just worked an eight hour shift in retail?" She questions, crossing her arms as she leans back against the counter.

Unconscious of my doing, I slowly begin to check her out. My eyes start on her raven-black hair that is tied up in a messy ponytail, two strands of hair hanging in front of her ears. My eyes trail further down to her face.

My wife's brown eyes stare back at me, awaiting an answer. Her plump pink lips are set in an all knowing smirk. Butterflies swarm my stomach immediately at the sight of this smirk.

My eyes quickly divert from her face, moving further down her body before I get the urge to fuck my wife on this very countertop.

Oh gosh, why does the very idea of that sound so inviting?! No, Courtney. Do not think about it.

A thick black tank top adorns my wife's upper body. I take note of the small pebbles that seem to be poking through the fabric where her nipples would be. I also take note of how perky her breasts appear in the tank top even with the lack of a bra.

I might need to borrow that shirt from her.

Going further down, I notice that she is wearing a pair of grinch-themed pajama shorts. My grinch-themed pajama shorts to be more specific.

Remembering that she asked me a question, I roll my eyes at her sarcasm so that I do not laugh.

"Sugar crash." I tell her simply.

"The school gave him a bunch of Christmas-themed sugar and candy during a movie."

"What movie?" She quizzes.

"How the grinch stole Christmas."

"Live action or animated?"

"Animated I presume considering they are literal five year olds, Gillian."

My wife raises her hands up with surrender.

"What?! You can never be too sure nowadays." She shrugs.

I chuckle at the raven-haired woman, shaking my head.

A smile of her own graces her face. She uncrosses her arms and makes her way over towards me, resting each of her hands on either of my legging-clad thighs. The muscles in her arms flex as she uses her hands to pull my body closer to her own. Her body now standing in between my legs.

A humored laugh leaves my lips at this action. I bring my arms up to rest on her shoulders when she is close enough to me. Using this leverage, I bring her even closer to me. Our bodies now pressed up against each other.

"I don't think that we could possibly get any closer to each other." I joke when I feel her attempt to pull my hips even closer to her pelvis.

"How was you day, beautiful?" I ask lowly because of our closeness.

She sighs.

"Boring." She admits.

"All I did was read and sort paperwork."

"Aww, my poor baby." I pout at her frown.

She rolls her eyes at my answer, but I am able to spot the smile that she is trying so hard to keep off of her face.

"What about you? How did you spend your off day?" She questions.

I hum, glancing up at the ceiling in thought.

"Well, I washed the dishes," I remember due to how horrible it was.

I absolutely hate washing the dishes. I need to get a dishwasher installed into the kitchen immediately.

"I vacuumed the living room and the den, I disinfected the countertops, and I bought groceries."

"All of that before picking up Gianni from school?" She questions with fake surprise.

"Yeah, I guess that I can be really productive when my wife isn't constantly trying to give me an orgasm-"

"Hey! It was three orgasms and you thoroughly enjoyed them. Don't discredit my hard work." She lowers her voice as she speaks.

I roll my eyes at her cockiness.

"I'd hardly say that giving someone three orgasms is hard work." I say, mostly referring to myself.

Gillian raises a singular eyebrow at me.

"Clearly you're unaware of how much you toss and turn during one."

My jaw drops at her accusation.

"Because you overstimulate me frequently." I point out.

"You don't seem to be complaining when I do it. You do quite the opposite actually."

"Yeah, right." I scoff.

Gillian raises an eyebrow at me.

"Are you testing me right now?"

I stare at her for a few moments before my eyes widen a little. Realizing that she will actually fuck me on top of this counter without a second thought, I shake my head in response.

"No because I'm your wife and I love you so very, very much." I flutter my eyelashes, hoping that she lets me off of the hook.

Gillian continues to stare at me with a raised brow.

"Did I mention how much I love you?" I try one last time to distract her, sighing when she does not let up.

"I'm sorry." I whisper against her soft lips.

The raven-haired girl hums with satisfaction, connecting our lips in a gentle kiss.

"You're forgiven," she kisses me again.

"And I love you."

The two of us kiss each other softly for a few moments before parting.

"Do you want to watch 'The Grinch That Stole Christmas' and drink some hot chocolate before Gianni wakes up?" Gillian asks.

A mischievous smile makes its way onto my face.

"I thought that you would never ask."

Gillian's smile gets wider if that is even possible.

"You go find the movie and I'll make the hot chocolate." Gillian instructs, turning to make her way to the pantry.

I will not lie, her more demanding voice kind of turns me on.

I salute the girl even though she is unable to see me.

"Yes, ma'am." I say in a way that purposefully shows that she has turned me on.

"Watch it." She warns.

"I can still bend you over that countertop and give you three more orgasms to go with the ones I gave you this morning." She threatens, only they don't sound so threatening to me.

I laugh at her 'threat' but hurry out of the kitchen before she can make true on her promise.


"Why don't you head upstairs for bed? I'll come up to read you a book in a few minutes." I suggest.

Gianni nods his small head quickly before hopping down from his chair and rushing towards the stairs. I watch his Spider-Man themed pajamas disappear behind the wall that separates the dining room from the hallway.

I stand up from my chair, grabbing both my plate and Gianni's plate before making my way into the kitchen. I lay the plates down inside of the stainless steel sink when I reach it, running the palms of my hands along my legging-clad thighs.

"You're being quieter than normal. What's wrong?" I hear the all too familiar voice come from behind me.

Turning around, I am met with the sight of my wife leaning against the doorframe that separates the dining room from the kitchen.

"What?" The question falls from my lips before I am even able to process the question that she has asked me.

I watch as she pushes herself off of the doorframe. She slowly makes her way over to me, only stopping when she is directly in front of me.

"What's floating around that pretty little head of yours?" She teases.

I briefly look down at the tiled flooring, looking back up into my wife's eyes when I notice her take a step forward, her finger guiding my chin upward.

"My eyes are up here." She doesn't sound seductive, nor does she sound like she is accusing me of something. If anything, she sounds encouraging.

I feel her warm palms rest along my biceps, running up and down the body part a few times in a comforting manner.

My body instantly relaxes at this action.

"Please, don't hate me." I whisper.

Gillian furrows her eyebrows at my plea.

"I could never hate you, Court. You know that." She promises.

I nod my head, releasing a heavy exhale.

"You know that I love our son." I start.

"I love him so much-"

"What are you getting at, Court?" Her voice is still as calm and soothing as ever, her hands still running along the sides of my biceps.

She must have sensed the tangent that I was more than likely going to go on.

"I want another kid, a daughter to be specific." I drop the bomb that I have been holding onto for nearly three weeks now.

Gillian ceases her movement which only causes fear to grow within me.

She remains silent for a few moments before speaking.

"How long have you felt this way?"

"Two, almost three, weeks." I answer honestly.

Gillian nods her head, but does not say anything.

Immediately, I feel my heart tighten in my chest. As if someone reached into my chest and squeezed my heart.

This feeling forces my heart to speed up with a desperation for oxygen.

"I mean, I was an only child and I felt sad and lonely a majority of the time." I admit.

"I just don't want Gianni to grow up that way."

Gillian nods her head once again, still not saying anything.

My panic continues to rise the longer that she chooses to stay quiet.

"Are you mad at me?" I whisper, barely able to breathe.

Gillian furrows her eyebrows, appearing confused by my question.

"Why would I be mad at you?" She questions gently, pulling me into her arms.

"I don't know." I answer as I rest my cheek on her chest.

"You were quiet so I just thought that you..." I do not finish my sentence, not wanting to think about the bleak possibility.

Gillian tightens her hold on my body.

"I would love to have another child. Hell, I'll adopt twelve of the little fuckers if it'll make you happy."

"Really?" I laugh, my cheek still pressed to her chest.

"Of course."

"All I ever want is for you to be happy."

I lift my head from her chest so that I can look into her eyes.

"Have I ever mentioned how in love with you I am?" I question.

She smirks.

"Maybe once or twice, or one hundred times."

"Well, let's make it one hundred and one." I joke back.

"I love you so much, Gill."

The raven-haired girl smiles at me.

"I love you more, Court."


I cried while writing this, though that could've been because I was listening to Cigarettes After Sex while I wrote it.

One more chapter left and it's a bonus chapter so be prepared!!!

I hope that you all have a great week!

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