The Father Of Deep Cut

Shiverfan tarafından

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You're a lonley man who has never had any Real experience with kids. But one night you stumble across three l... Daha Fazla

Meet them
Flu season...great
Family time
Preteen secrets
New York Baby!
It's the perfect Christmas
Growing up is hard to do
Temper Tantrum
Play Date chaos
Getting and Giving
Snow Day
Here comes the Storm

Fathely confrontation

206 5 2
Shiverfan tarafından

I got this art from TerminatorBuns go check them out on twitter!

You sigh as you drive to Shiver's school. You needed to have a word with her. Once you arrive you enter the building. It was a pretty big school, it took you 5 teacher just to find the office. Once you did, Shiver was already up there. Both of you walk into the principal's office, where he sat in his chair with a dissapointed look. Shiver looks at you, then back at the principle. "So Shiver, I think you know why you're here." The principal says. Shiver looks just as clueless as a dog watching a comedy show. She actually has no jdea what's going on. "In case you don't know. Your father and I have seen some...smoke bombs...if you know what I mean." The principal says. Shiver freezes. "You wanna tell me why I found drugs and vapes in your backpack?" You ask. Shiver looks at you with a bit of guilt in her eyes. "I-It calms me down...that's why I use it..." Shiver sniffles. "And the drugs?" You ask. Shiver shrugs and avoids eye contact. "Shiver, look at me." You say sternly. Shiver looks at you with solemn eyes. "You do know what this stuff can do to you...right?" You ask. Shiver shrugs again, not showing any sort of sorrow towards her actions. "You could die from this, Shiver. One morning I could walk in your room and you could be dead!" You yell. Shiver covers her ears as tears stream down her face. "Do you want your hearts to turn black? To you want to have the voice of a robotic demon? Do you want to die early?" You ask. "N-no..." Shiver sobs. "Keep in mind that I'm telling you these things because I love you." You say. Shiver nods, though you know she's pissed off. "I hate making you cry, but you need to learn that this has got to stop." You say sternly. "I'll take you home with me....and can just relax." You sigh. "So I'm getting in trouble but Frye isn't !?" Shiver shouts in anger. "Huh? Why would Frye be getting in trouble?" You ask. "She was beating up a student in the girls bathroom. I...I wanted to help but....she looked so aggressive. Like...she's not the Frye I know." Shiver mumbles. "I'll get office staff to call her to the office for ya." The principal smiles. You and Shiver patiently wait for Frye's arrival. All you heard was the clock ticking, pretty intimidating. But you turn your head over to Shiver once you hear sniffling. "I'm sorry..." Shiver whimpers. "Sweetie it's okay. Just please don't do it again." You say sternly as you see Frye walking into the room. You give her a stern look, which wipes the cocky smirk of her face. "So...would you like to tell me what happened?" You ask. "SHIVER DID YOU SNITCH ON ME!!!!?" Frye screams in anger. "That's none of your business right now. I'm asking YOU if you uave something you need to tell me." You say. Frye gives Shiver the death glare of a life time before wacking her in the back of the head. "You bastard!!!" Shiver snaps. "Laungue!" You say. "Ha ha, sucks to be you." Frye smirks, earning a snarl from Shiver. "I'll make you shove those words up your-" Shiver begins. "Alright let's not say threats like that. Now Frye, tell me what you did." You say. "So what if I beat the crap out of a kid? They deserved it!" Frye says as she crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Why are you beating kids up?" You ask. You see Frye's expression change from cocky to somewhat sad. "Frye, tell me what happened." You say in a calm tone. Frye walks over to you and rests her head on your shoulder. "Sweetie what happened?" You ask as you hear Frye sobbing. "Did someone hurt you?" Shiver asks. Frye doesn't answer, she just keeps sobbing. You pick her up and sign both kids out of school. You knew both of them needed a break. You drive the girls home and take Frye on the couch with you. "Tell me what happened." You say. "S-s-some k-kid at school m-ade fun of m-me for my forehead..." Frye says before breaking into sobs. You were pissed. How dare some random kid make fun of your daughter! Daughter!? No no no! You were just fostering her...y-you didn't see it in any other way. You hug Frye tight and sigh. To be honest you couldn't have said you wouldn't have done the same. "Nothing is wrong with your forehead." You whisper. "Then why is mine so damn BIG!!?" Frye yells. Usually you would have told Frye to watch her laungue, but she was going through something right now and you didn't have the heart to tell her. "It's not big. This just means you're smarter than others." You wink. "There's no way I'm smarter than others! Did you even look at my last report card? I got all D's!" Frye wails. "Yes you did. But you can bounce back from that." You smile. "The only thing that's gonna bounce back is the sunlight off my big ass forehead." Frye sighs. Just then, Shiver comes in the room with a small peice of paper. "What's that?" You ask. " know how my last report card suddenly went missing?" Shiver asks with a nervous expression. "Yeah..." You say. "I-it didn't actually go missing. I-I hid it from you..." Shiver whimpers. "Why would you do that?" Frye asks. "Because...I-I don't want him to get mad at me..." Shiver sniffles. "Well...let me see it." Frye says as she walks over to Shiver to look at the paper. "Holy crap, Shiver!! Those grades are absolute garbage!!!" Frye shouts making Shiver whimper. " bad." Frye murmurs as she hugs Shiver. Shiver takes a deep breath before walking over to you. "I'm sorry..." Shiver whimpers as she hands you the report card. You take the card and gasp at what you see.
English; F
Math; C-
Social studies; D-
Scince; F
P.E; F
Music; A
Art; A
Career's; F

You cover your mouth in shock as you look at the report card. "Dad please I-I'm sorry!!!" Shiver sobs as she tries to take the paper from you. "Shiver Hohojiro! What is the meaning of this sweetheart? You told me you were doing well in school." You say in a dissapointed but calm tone. "I'M SO SORRY!!" Shiver wails. "Daddy, take it easy on her, at least she's owning up to it." Frye says as she goes to comfort Shiver. "Sweetie, you need to tell me when you're struggling in school so I can help you." You say. "I-I know that now...just please don't be mad at me..." Shiver whimpers. "I'm not mad. I'm just..." You begin. "Please don't finish that sentence...I-I can't bare to hear that right now." Shiver sobs. You walk over to Shiver and set her on your lap. "I just need you to start telling me when you're having problems in school so I can help." You say. "Guess I should've known that BEFORE I got those bad grades..." Shiver snarls. "Honey, I don't like that tone you're taking with me. Please change it." You say. "Why? Can you not handle a 10 year old talking back to you?" Shiver smirks. "Go go your room Shiver. I'm not in the mood to deal with your attitude today." You sigh. "B-but-" Shiver begins. "Now!" You say sternly. "Ugh!! This is stupid." Shiver hisses as she storms up the stairs. "D-daddy?" Frye asks. "Yeah?" You answer. "I-I've been hearing my classmates talking about a vacation for Christmas break next week. "D-do you think we could go on a vacation too?" Frye asks. "Hmm...yes I do. But my mom and dad will have to come as well." You say. "You have parents too?" Frye asks. "Everyone that's alive has parents Frye." You smile. "Woah!" Frye gasps. "What's going on?" Shiver asks as she comes downstairs. "Shiver, you're supposed be in your room." You sigh."SHIVIE!!" Frye smiles."Don't call me that." Shiver snarls. "Oh...sorry. Anyway, daddy said we're going on vacation." Frye smiles. "R-really?" Shiver asks. "Yeah!" Frye cheers. "Where to?" Shiver asks. "Well...I was thinking New York." You smile. "N-New York? U-um...y-you sure?" Shiver asks as she begins trembling. "You alright?" You ask. "I-I'm f-f-fine...." Shiver stutters as she walks to her room. "Shiver, talk to me." You say. Shiver looks at you as sweat drips down her forehead. "I-I....Ugh!!" Shiver groans as she storms upstairs "Was it something I said?" Frye asks.

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