Youkai Academy

Par wolfYLady-sama

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Ouran Academy, only the best, brightest, and richest children can attend. And apparently, they're youkai too... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Part 1 of 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16: Part 2 of 2

301 18 3
Par wolfYLady-sama

Kagome awoke with a start, coughing and wheezing for air. Seawater and bile burned her throat as it came rushing up from her lungs and stomach. Though she was feeling disoriented from the shock, Kagome forced herself to take in deep breaths of air in order to fill her lungs and regain some composure. She shivered as the wind wiped against her cold, wet clothing. As she glanced around, she began to remember what had happened.

She'd fallen off the cliff and into the ocean after trying to protect Haruhi, Momoka, Kimiko, and Ruri from those drunkards.

As her head cleared, she became aware of the figures sitting next to and behind her; large wet hands gently propped her up.

The sun was just beginning to set, and its dying light bathed everything in an orange-pink hue. And beside her, the mysterious savior who had come to her rescue. His features were hidden in the shadows of the fading day, but she felt an immense sense of peace because of him. His arms had cradled her, pulled her back from the brink of the deep and unknowable depths of the ocean; he'd just saved her from certain death.

"You can't keep doing this!" He yelled. "You can't keep putting yourself in danger, Kagome!" There was a fear in his voice that Kagome never thought to be possible.

"Kyoya-senpai?" She blinked, his face slowly coming into focus.

There was something else in his voice and face, an emotion far more powerful than alarm. He was hunched over next to her, his head bowed and shoulders shaking. She could scarcely make out his features beyond the gleaming strains of wet black hair that was purposefully falling into his eyes. She was bewitched by a single water droplet. Her heart ached as it slid down his cheek before dropping off of his chin. It made him look as if he were crying, but that should have been impossible as they were never that close.

And yet there was something beautiful and tragic about Kyoya at that moment, a rare glimpse of emotion that was only for her. It warmed her in the strangest of ways.

His words reverberated through them both as he repeated himself: "This has happened twice now! That's too many!" He shouted. "You're not like us, Kagome!"

She blinked before offering a weak smile, her hand weakly landing on his.

"Why are you yelling at Kagome!? She did nothing wrong; those guys are the ones at fault; they attacked her!" Haruhi yelled, a deep rage and worry filling her voice.

"And why did you step in?" Tamaki snapped back. "You should have gotten one of us! You're not like Huni-Senpai or Mori-Senpai; you're not a martial arts master. Why would you confront them!?" His question seemed pointed at both of them, and Kagome shied away, a part of her ashamed. "What made you think you could stand a chance against them? You against three boys!"

"You didn't see how they touched her or how hard she was fighting!" Her voice warbled, watery with angry tears. "If I hadn't, they would've...." Haruhi broke off.

"They touched her?" Kaoru asked, his voice stiff and hollow, like the calm before the storm.

"How?!" It seems Haruhi's hesitation only made them angrier. Kagome couldn't discern who was speaking, nor did she have the strength to fight back.

"They had her cornered," Haruhi started slowly, almost guiltily, like she didn't want to share in another woman's assault by talking about it. "They-they were grabbing at her chest and- and her pants were unzipped and..." Her voice trailed off into a whisper.

Kyoya's grip on Kagome's hand tightened, his silent anger palpable.

Looking up, Kagome stared in wonder at Mori, her breath catching in her throat. He was usually such a calm and collected man, but now his features were twisted in a mask of fury and deadly rage. Water dripped from his hair, caught in the last rays of sunlight, and Kagome had to fight the urge to reach out and touch him. He was so beautiful, even when angry, and she couldn't help but be drawn to him.

It seemed like both Mori and Kyoya had jumped after her, but who had pulled her ashore was still a mystery.

Behind her, Kagome could feel the anger radiating from Mori, which mirrored Mitsukuni's fury. Hikaru and Kaoru stood behind them, both looking furious, with the latter looking murderous. Tamaki seemed to be at a loss for words, his face a mixture of confusion, sadness, and anger.

Kagome felt a warm, comforting hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Mori looking down at her. She smiled weakly at him, and he gave her a small nod before turning his attention back to the group. "We'll take care of those guys," Mori said quietly but firmly.

There was a collective nod from everyone. Tamaki seemed to snap out of his shock and put an arm around Haruhi, who looked torn between hurt and concern. Kyoya held onto Kagome's hand, his anger simmering just below the surface.

"I'll be okay, thank you," Kagome whispered, her voice hoarse from the seawater. She knew she had put herself in danger, but it was unavoidable.

Kyoya looked at her, his eyes softening. "Don't do it again," he said firmly but gently.

As Kagome nodded, she couldn't help but feel the concern in his voice. She understood that her actions had put her in harm's way before. Although she couldn't make any guarantees, she was willing to promise to be more careful in the future.

"Would it be okay if we stay and watch the sunset before we leave?" she asked, her voice tinged with hesitation.

Mori responded with a soft grunt and gently lifted her up from the sand. Though Kagome was wet and shivering, the warmth of Mori's embrace brought her a sense of safety. Resting her head against his chest, she watched the sun slowly disappear behind the horizon.

She could hardly believe her eyes as she watched the last rays of the day turn the beach into a golden paradise, with an otherworldly feeling of peace that seemed impossible based on what had happened only minutes prior.

Haruhi and Tamaki stood nearby, taking in the beauty of the sunset without a word. Meanwhile, Kyoya kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, standing a few steps away from the group. Together, they waited until the sky had fully transformed into hues of pink, purple, and orange before heading back.

And when it was finally time to return to the mansion, as she watched Mori silhouetted against the dying light, she couldn't help but be awestruck by his beauty. He looked like a god, his bronzed skin glowing in the ethereal light.

Kagome's cheeks flushed with heat, and her heart fluttered within her chest. It had been doing that a lot lately.

Maybe being around the hosts had made her susceptible to such romantic thoughts and notions. And yet she was desperate to squash those budding feelings that brewed within her; acknowledging them would only lead her to heartbreak.

The hosts had each spent time refining their routines and perfecting their approach to wooing their female clients. Although they were friendly, even flirtatious at times, with each other, it was important not to read too heavily into things or take it personally.

She would be foolish to allow herself to hope that something more could grow between them, any of them. And now she was paying the price for her moment of weakness. She had allowed herself to be drawn in by their charm and their attention, and now she was left feeling foolish and alone.

They were friends, nothing more. She shouldn't overthink their actions or her reactions.

Despite that knowledge, her heart ached, and disappointment settled like a rock in her stomach.


A gentle rapping of knuckles on the door startled Kagome.

"Kagome? Can I come in?" He asked, his voice gentle and subdued.

"Come in, Kaoru," Kagome called back. She had just finished a shower and was just finishing getting ready for dinner. Since none of their guests would be joining them, Kagome settled for a knee-length floral sundress and lightweight mauve-colored shawl. She had her back to the door as she slipped on some sandals.

He came into the room, the door clicking softly behind him. His arms immediately went around her waist, pulling her back tight against his chest as he buried his face in her hair. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin as he inhaled deeply, and she shivered. Feeling overwhelmed by his presence and youki, it blanketed them, threatening to consume her.

"I was so worried," he murmured, his lips dragging over her skin before burying his nose in her hair behind her ear. He purred, and she felt her stomach flutter in response.

She pinched her eyes tightly, trying desperately to push down the rush of heat that left her feverish at his closeness. 'We're just friends, don't overthink.'

It was like being drenched in cold water, the disappointment near suffocating.

But she knew better; she had spent far too long pining after Inuyasha, and she wouldn't be doing that to herself again.

She turned in his arms so that she could face him, about to reassure him, and then his lips descended on hers in a deep kiss.

Kagome let out a gasp, surprised by the sudden intensity of the kiss, but then found herself responding just as eagerly. Her hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. It was like fireworks exploding behind her eyelids, the way his tongue danced with hers, sending shivers down her spine.

She had been kissed before, but never like this. It was like he was trying to devour her and also pour all of his pent-up passion and longing into her. And she found herself melting into him, wanting more and more.

When they finally broke apart, they were both breathing heavily. Kaoru rested his forehead against hers, his eyes locked on hers, "Kagome, I... I can't keep pretending anymore. I've been trying to find the time and place to tell you, but seeing you get hurt again just- I can't wait."

Kagome felt her heart skip a beat. She was torn in two, part of her desperate to hear his confession and the other equally desperate not to get her hopes up. But it was hard to think he could mean anything else from how he had just kissed her. She had never considered any of them in that way, but now that Kaoru was admitting his feelings, she found herself seeing him in a whole new light. Her mind raced with all the possibilities of what being with him could mean.

"I'm not asking for you to return my feelings right now; I just want a chance to be the one to save you. Kagome..."

She bit her lip, waiting for his next words. His amber eyes flashed gold, his pupils becoming slit-like and his youki rising in tendrils around him, the ends of his hair picking up.

Her heart was racing, she knew he could hear it, but she could also feel how quickly his heart raced below her palm.

"Kagome, I love-"

They were interrupted by a harsh knock on the door, "Kagome, Kaoru, dinner is ready!" It was Hikaru, his voice urgent and annoyed.

They both pulled away from each other reluctantly, knowing that this conversation was far from over.

As they made their way to the dining room, Kaoru tentatively took Kagome's hand in his, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.


Dinner was tense, as if no one knew what to say, and were all trying to skirt around the incident at the beach. Although it looked as if Tamaki and Haruhi were in the midst of a fight.

Kagome sat awkwardly beside Haruhi, desperately avoiding Kaoru's constant staring from across the table. They may have shared a kiss, but she still wasn't sure how to feel about it or his feelings. It had all happened so fast, and she still wasn't sure if it was real. Part of her wanted to just forget it ever happened, but another part wanted to explore what could be between them. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice when Kyoya finally spoke.

Kagome's body startled in surprise at the suddenness of Kyoya's voice and the cool feeling of his hand resting gently on her sun-warmed shoulder. A wave of calm spread over her at the sound of his gentle question- "Are you alright?" - and the contrasting coolness of his touch. "We didn't have any servants to help with dinner, so I hope this won't be too hard on your stomach."

She briefly looked at the broth-based soup and white rice that Mitsukuni and Takashi had prepared for her in comparison to the large array of seafood that was spread across the table.

Kagome smiled in appreciation, touched by how much everyone cared for her.

His genuine concern was evident in his kind words, and she was truly touched by it. She laid her hand gently on top of his and said softly, "Thank you for your concern Kyoya." His body tensed at the unexpected contact, but he offered a courteous nod in response. Taking that as his cue, he then turned his attention back to the meal before them.

Kagome felt relieved and grateful that despite the awkwardness in the air, she could still rebuild her friendship with Kyoya. Despite some initial discomfort, Kagome could feel their bond strengthening since the pool incident. She was actually excited to discover new aspects of Kyoya. Kagome was determined to let their relationship blossom and be something they could both look back on fondly instead of being begrudging acquaintances.

Mitsukuni beamed, his cheery voice breaking through the tension. "Haru-chan, you're so cute!"

"Ohh~! Yeah!" The twins exclaimed. "Haruhi, are those your own clothes?"

Haruhi fidgeted awkwardly, tucking a long hair behind her ear. "It seems my father repacked my suitcase. He always wants me to wear these kinds of clothes."

"Good job, Haruhi's dad!" The twins praised.

Kagome smiled, patting the girl on the shoulder. "You look lovely in anything, Haruhi, as long as you're comfortable."

Haruhi relaxed with a kind smile spreading across her face. Behind her, Tamaki looked pained not to be able to praise and compliment Haruhi- it was, after all, a rare phenomenon to see her in a dress or overly feminine clothing in general.

"Let's eat!" Haruhi cheered with a large grin spreading across her face as she quickly began grabbing from the many plates of seafood.

Haruhi was shoveling crab into her mouth like there was no tomorrow, and Tamaki was starting to get worried. They all knew she could eat a lot, but this was getting out of hand. There was already a small mountain of crab shells on her plate, and she showed no signs of slowing down.

Tamaki hesitantly spoke up, trying not to gross himself out too much. "Don't you think you're eating too much?"

Haruhi shot back with a cutting tone. "Huh? I thought you weren't going to talk to me."

Tamaki grimaced, bitterly thinking to himself, 'Urk! S-So not cute!'

As Haruhi stared at Tamaki with a piercing gaze, the tension in the room was palpable. Without warning, she snapped a crab leg in half with a sharp crack, causing Tamaki to jump in alarm.

Tamaki stood up from his seat with an exasperated sigh. "If you don't want to take responsibility for your actions, Haruhi, it's your choice," he said, visibly upset. Although he seemed like he wanted to say more, he simply shook his head. "I think it's best if I retire to my room for the night," he continued his tone now more hurt than angry. He then turned to Kyouya and asked, "Would you please show me to my room?"

"Of course." Kyouya rose gracefully from his chair. "Please, excuse me."

As Tamaki and Kyouya left, Haruhi looked down at her unfinished crab and mumbled to herself, "Maybe I need to learn how to defend myself."

Kaoru interrupted her thoughts, saying, "We won't stop you from learning or anything..."

"...but that's not the issue here," added Hikaru, finishing his brother's sentence.

Haruhi was confused. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Hikaru sighed, resting his chin on his hand. "Frankly, I also want you to reflect upon how recklessly you acted today, but we understand why you did it."

Kagome looked at her hands, having also stopped eating at the change in topic. So it was her fault they were fighting.

Haruhi "Why? I didn't cause you guys any trouble or anything."

"Haa..." They sighed, dumbfounded.

"That's wrong, Haru-chan." Mitsukuni started softly, mindlessly playing with his stuffed rabbit Usa-chan. "You acted recklessly. Even though you only wanted to help, Kagome still got hurt," he looked up, meeting her doe eyes, his eyes turning gold and glinting in the light. "Because she saved you from going over the cliff."

"That's enough," Kagome interrupted.

Haruhi's shoulders dropped. "I'm sorry to make you all worry."

Kagome sank back into her seat.

The twins fell upon Haruhi, giving her a group hug with Mitsukuni.

Hikaru beamed. "Apology accepted~."

Kaoru briefly looked at Kagome. She quickly turned away from him, not wanting to get lost in his gaze, knowing it would only open her up to emotions she wasn't ready to confront. Her mental state was already delicate due to the emotional rollercoaster of a day she'd had. She wanted to safeguard her heart instead of worrying over the frailty of someone else's feelings.

She'd think over them, and her feelings later.

"I'm going to bed." Kagome put a hand on Haruhi's shoulder. "Thank you, you helped me. No one could have anticipated what happened." The unexpected events of the day had caught everyone off guard, but Haruhi's support had been invaluable.

Haruhi looked up wide-eyed before a blushing smile spread across her face.


When the first clap of thunder shook the mansion, Kagome jolted from her bed, her mind quickly going back to Haruhi.

"...Kagome leaned in, curiosity in her voice. "So, what are you scared of?"

Haruhi tapped her chin thoughtfully as she stared up at the sky. Finally, she met Kagome's gaze again and said, "Thunder."..."

Jumping from her bed, Kagome raced across the hall and knocked on Haruhi's door. After several attempts of knocking on the door with no response, Kagome let out a tiny bit of her reiryoku, letting the smallest amount slither forth and blanket her surroundings. Though she did well to mask her presence Kagome knew the longer she used her reiryoku, the more the others would notice that something was wrong.

Kagome focused her attention and tried to feel for Haruhi's human aura, and once she felt it, she took off in the direction she believed Haruhi to be. Suddenly, another clap of thunder shook the hallway, making Kagome break into a sprint.

She knew Haruhi wasn't one to depend on others, but Kagome wanted to be there for her in her time of need, just like how Haruhi had been there for her.

As Kagome neared the rooms where the boys were staying, she paused. Her heart thudded against her chest as she paused, sensing the presence of Haruhi and Tamaki just behind the door. Her trembling hand gripped the doorknob as she slowly pushed the door open, a strike of lightning illuminating the room in a flash of white and blue hues.

In front of her, Tamaki stood before the wardrobe with a pained expression etched on his face. His voice carried a gentle, pleading tone as he struggled to open the wardrobe and comfort Haruhi, whose voice trembled from inside.

He looked at her, worry painting his face.

With a tentative step forward, Kagome addressed Haruhi, "Is everything alright?"

"Y-yeah, I-I'm f-f-fine." There was a clap of thunder and a following shout from within the wardrobe.

"Hey," she said softly. "It's okay; I'm here. You don't have to be scared." She whispered softly, gently pushing Tamaki out of the way. His face was pinched with worry, and Kagome's heart clenched.

"I know, I know. It's just... I can't help it," Haruhi hiccuped.

"Open the door," Kagome whispered.

Another strike of lightning flashed outside, and thunder shook the windows. Haruhi cried out in surprise. Kagome used the opportunity to yank open the doors.

Curled up at the bottom of the wardrobe, Haruhi was silently crying, her hands over her ears, eyes pinched tight, and tears wetting her face.

Kagome was frozen for a moment.

Behind her, Tamaki grabbed the blanket from the bed and draped it over Haruhi.

Kagome took a deep breath and crouched down in front of Haruhi. "Hey, Haruhi. It's okay; it's just a storm," she said softly, placing a comforting hand on her back.

Haruhi sniffled and looked up at Kagome, her eyes red and puffy. "I-I know," she stuttered. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I get so scared."

Kagome smiled gently. "It's okay to be scared sometimes," she said. "We all have things that scare us. It doesn't make you weak or anything, and you don't have to go through it alone. I'm here for you."

Haruhi's expression softened, and she leaned into Kagome's touch. "Thank you," she whispered.

Tamaki wrapped his arm around Haruhi, pulling her close to him. "We're here for you, Haruhi," he said, his voice gentle. "You don't have to face this alone."

Haruhi buried her face in Tamaki's shoulder, her body shaking with sobs.

"Why don't you stay in my room tonight." Kagome offered gently. "I don't want to be alone tonight either."

Haruhi nodded.

With Tamaki's help carrying Haruhi, the three of them made the slow walk to Kagome's room. Haruhi was sobbing quietly, covered by the blanket which she had pulled over her head.

Upon arriving at the room, Haruhi was already asleep, her cheeks still wet from tears. He gently placed the girl down on the bed, taking great care as he gently tucked her in.

Turning, Tamaki and Kagome stared at each other awkwardly.

"Thank you, Tamaki," Kagome muttered softly, rubbing at her arm awkwardly.

Tamaki stepped forward and pulled her into a warm embrace. She froze, unsure how to respond.

"I'm sorry. This is how I should have acted earlier." He explained softly into her hair, squeezing her tightly. "I'm glad your alright, Kagome."

Kagome smiled and returned to hug. Despite his dramatic personality, he was a loyal friend, and Kagome couldn't imagine going through high school without him. She also realized that their relationship was evolving, becoming something deeper and more meaningful. "Your words came from a place of fear." She explained as she pulled away. "I understand. Thank you for caring about me, Tamaki-senpai."

He left, turning out the lights behind him. Kagome then crawled into bed, Haruhi quickly cuddling up next to her.

As the thunder clapped and the rain pelted against the windows, Kagome felt Haruhi's warmth seep into her bones. "Who would have known you were a cuddler," Kagome giggled to herself in the dark before falling asleep to the fading sounds of the storm.

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