Manan - Sunshine to her darkn...

De Vintage_essence

39K 4.3K 568

Nandini Murthy didn't know what she wanted in life until her eyes fell on her long lost childhood bestfriend... Mais

Intro and characters
Going back?
I'll buy a bhabhi for myself
Another relationship?
Missing or dead?
Bhaiya slow down
Ahaan Cabir Dhawan
Handwritten letters
Sperm donor
Break my heart and I'll break your bones
Scared to lose you


2.1K 229 26
De Vintage_essence


“Mukti wake up” I muttered, shaking the sleepy pig, I mean she really sleeps like one, with no care in the world, god bless her with prettiest dreams but I really need to go out today.

“Let me sleep” She mumbled sleepily, shoving my hand away as she turned to the other side.

“I’m going to throw water on you” I threatened her. Abhi is going to kill me, but it’s worth it.

“All the best” She threw a duvet on her face covering completely.

“I need to go find an apartment” I whined, pulling the duvet off her but damn these Malhotras and their firm hold.

“I’m not a broker for a fact” She said bluntly and I know she is up. But then, who wakes up early?

“Tell me who can I take for a company” I muttered frustratingly.

“Manik will be elated to do that” She muttered, sitting on her princess bed.

“Any girl?” I asked, knowing my crankiness might not help with him.

“Navya is with her baby and Dhruv and Alia are on a date today. So left are you and me, but I’m definitely not helping you find an apartment because I want you to be here” She yawned, throwing her duvet away.

“I can’t be here forever” I huffed.

“Try me. Mom and dad will be happiest” My heart fluttered at her reply.

“Come on, I need my space and I’m habituated to being alone” I sat on the bed complaining.

“Mom and dad are going to throw a fit for this, I’m not even sure mom would let you leave this house alone after knowing your past” She grinned.

“So sorry but I convinced her this morning” I grinned back. Her smile faltered.

“Mukti, I’ll be here for your marriage and all, but I need to be okay with everything first, shifting to India is not going to be easy and I’m going to be cranky for months, consider it as a hang out place for us youngsters'' I muttered, hugging her. I really love her, but I need to find myself first.

“Promise me you are going to visit me often” her eyes looked hopeful.

“I’m going to be in Mumbai itself. Maximum a forty five minute drive from here, we can meet whenever you want” I assured her.

This family, these many friends, this affection and love are so overwhelming that I don’t know when I’ll break down.

It feels so ironic. People made me reach a point where I keep wondering if I don’t even deserve love and seeing this much is really cracking my heart. My cold lifeless heart.

“That’s better, but I’m still not helping you find an apartment, go try it with Manik” She waved her hand, walking to the bathroom ignoring me.

Sulking, I walked to his bedroom that was on the other side of mine. Abhimanyu is going to throw a fit anyways.

He hates me living away from Malhotras, like he said, he wants me to be close to the people who love me.

It’s been a day since we divided the work between ourselves. We slept and chilled the next day, well I slept until yesterday afternoon because of jet lag.

Everyone was roaming in their night suits declaring that they are chilling yesterday and today so that we can work on engagement from this evening.

I only have till this evening if I want to at least check one apartment. I won’t have time until after marriage which sucks if you ask me.

I raised my hand to knock on the door.

“Come in Nandini” He yelled, even before I could knock the door that made me jump. How did he know it was me?

“How do you know it’s me?” I asked, entering inside. He was setting his hair standing in front of the mirror wearing an office suit. Who works for the office when he is having his sister’s marriage? Manik ofcourse fucking Malhotra.

“No idea, do you need something?” He asked, looking genuinely concerned that flipped my stomach. Why do they care so much?

“Uh- well, Umm.. I need to go check for apartments you know, to shift after the marriage is done” I stammered, seeing his face. He looks angry.

“Why do you want to shift? I thought mom said you are living here” I’d swear these Malhotra siblings have damn intimidating eyes.

“I need an apartment manik, I can’t be here forever, please don’t argue with me on this, I need a place where I can be alone, I just need an escape from everyone and everything sometimes and I want it to be mine” I don’t even know if my words make any sense.

His dark eyes softened. He walked to me in long and silent strides that made me stand rooted in my place. Why am I not cowering away? No idea.

“Overwhelmed?” He asked, his voice gentle as he gestured to me to sit on his bed which was messy. Hey, it's always girls who do the cleaning.

“Kind of, having these many people around is kind of.. uh weird and scary Manik. I feel like running away even though I know you guys won’t hurt me” I explained honestly as I sat on his bed, wondering why I didn't lie to him.

He just seems to make me speak anything honestly even without trying. One more reason I want to run away.

He sat beside me, keeping a feet distance between us, giving me my space that I’m grateful for.

He took a deep breath, interlocking his fingers.

“Nandini, I know this is really overwhelming for you when you have had nothing but been hurt all your life and this sudden change of the people around you is scaring you” He said softly.

I wanted to argue that Abhi really loved me but my mouth was sealed and I couldn’t utter anything.

“You’ll need time to get used to this, you will feel overwhelmed and that’s okay, don’t beat yourself up for it. A sudden change from the place you are in for years to something that’s completely new and like you are in some other dimension is really intimidating, but give this a fair try please” my voice stuck in my throat at his words.

It’s like he knows what I need to hear. What the hell is this? Can he hear my thoughts or what?

“Take space, but don’t run away, yeah? All the people aren’t really that dangerous” his tone was light at the end and I found myself nodding at his words.

“Thank you” I whispered. Oh I found my voice. Thank you everyone who tried to search for it when this guy turned me mute.

“We don’t say thank you to our friends” He ruffled my hair affectionately. I smiled, a real one.

“Are you feeling better?” He asked, a smile on his face that robbed my breath.

“Alot” my reply made him chuckle.

“And I’ll take you for seeing apartments, I have three in my mind and I’m sure you’ll love one of them, do you want to see it today?” he asked, standing up and I nodded eagerly.

“But it looks like you are going to the office,” I pointed at his suit.

“Eh, I have an urgent meeting, can we go there after lunch?” He asked, making his tie, making it messy. I laughed, standing up.

“You are messing it more Manik, this isn’t how you tie it” I muttered, shaking my head.

“Help me then, the meeting came up urgently and I’ve been reading the files since I woke up, I won’t be doing it right until I’m calm” He mumbled helplessly.

“Even you Malhotra siblings are cute” I teased, moving closer to him. Being closer to him made me look a lot smaller than I’m, that made me want to fall on the floor and cry.

“Aye, I’m not cute. I’m hot and handsome” He winked with a laugh. His voice is enough to freeze everything in me.

“Tch, look at the way I see you guys” I grinned, undoing his tie.

“I’d love to” His flirty line woke up the fangirl in me.

"Why are you so tall?" I asked. Ignoring the way my heart and stomach are doing summersaults. This guy will give me a heart attack.

"I can't help it if you are a minion" he teased, making me look at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not a minion. You are a giraffe" I said grumpily.

"Do you need a stool or something?" Such a tease.

I looked around, trying to see something that could help me.

"Well, no majesty, go sit on bed" I smirked.

"Don't get dirty ideas okay?" His voice was seductive. Oh shit. This guy just didn't say that.

"Get your mind out of the gutter" I glared at him, my cheeks heating up at the thought. Shh shh shut up Nandini.

"I was talking about you messing up my tie, what were you thinking Nandini?" He asked, looking innocent.

"I'm going to kill you with your own tie if you don't shut up" I snapped, trying to control my blush but I could feel my whole face heating up.

"You five feet few inches is going to do nothing to my six feet 2 inches Nandini" this guy dared to insult my height.

"Hey, I think my height is cute. If you drink too much complan that's your problem" I glared at him, tying the time calmly, not that his proximity is helping but you gotta try right?

“You look really adorable with your red cheeks and angry face, makes me want to annoy you more” Manik smirked.

Can you insult and compliment someone in the same sentence? Manik Malhotra can.

“There you go” I said, adjusting his collars as I was finally done with the tie.

“Perfect miss Murthy, I’m impressed” He gave me a smile as I took a step back, giving space for him to stand up.

“Welcome” I shook my head.

“Okay, I’m really getting late, so I’ll text you as soon as I’m done with a meeting which needs to be finished by lunch, but I can’t do anything if it’s too late, but the driver will drop you at Malhotra Heights okay?” He asked, grabbing his watch and keys.

“I’ll come by myself Manik, chill” I said calmly. I don’t want him to do everything when he is the one helping me, not the other way round.

“I’m not letting you be alone, you will have your personal guards from tomorrow and  your driver might be here actually” he ignored my words, making me frown.

“It’s Rajveer Malhotra’s order. Sorry” he shrugged, looking not at all sorry. Too protective.

“I’m sure you and Abhi are the ones who talked about my security issues” I glared at him. I’ve heard alot of times from Abhi about Manik. This guy is really protective and possessive.

“Not bad, but bye, I’ll see you at the office” he kissed my head, rushing out of the room while I stood there rooted in my place.

He just kissed my head! And that was not even uncomfortable or the touch didn’t make me want to run away. Why is that? I always run away from boys.

In Fact this felt kind of right and made me feel….. assured? So fucking weird. This guy makes me feel too many things.

I walked to the living room to find Mukti and Maa talking about something.

“Good morning beautiful ladies” I greeted, sitting on the other side of maa.

“Good morning, ready for breakfast?” Maa asked with a sweet smile. I nodded, pecking her cheek.

“Let’s go then, it’s paratha” Mukti squealed, dragging me to the dining room. She was literally dragging me.

“Mukti I can walk” I squeaked. She stopped at her seat before shrugging and sat in her seat.

“Idiot” I muttered as Maa served both of us. I ate the first bite. Tears threatened to fall almost immediately at the taste of home. Fuck, I don’t know if I really want to live alone again.

“Are you okay?” Mukti asked, looking at me.

“This is really tasty, a hit home” I smiled, wiping my tears.

“You are going to get this daily now” Maa declared, serving herself as she sat in her place.

I smiled, nodding my head as I found my appetite returning.

“Can you take lunch for Raj and Manik, Nandini? They might overwork if they don’t see at least one of us” Maa asked.

“Ofcourse Maa, I’ll” I smiled.

“I’d have taken but I need to go out, sorry, and Manik told you're going to visit Malhotra heights so you are doing it” Mukti grinned.

“Where is the magical word?” I teased her. I’d have done it anyway.

“Oh please, you’ll do it anyway. See, I used please in this sentence” she teased back.

We laughed as we continued bickering and laughing throughout the breakfast.

“You didn’t tell me where are you going” I asked her as Maa went to get ready for some NGO work while me and Mukti settled in the living room.

“To explain everything to the interior designer who is going to redecorate the whole penthouse, Abhi will be there in two hours” Mukti explained.

“That’s amazing,” I smiled. I’m happy for both of them. Every time they talk about each other, they look so happy that it makes me want to see how this love would feel, but I hate attachments. So I’m going to be single I guess.

We sat and talked about our lives, favourite bands, brands, chocolates, series movies and what not until we needed to go get ready for our work.

Everything with Mukti makes me feel a lot connected to her. And she's an amazing bhabhi and friend.

Getting ready in half an hour wearing a white crop top, white jacket and blue jeans. Comfort first I swear.

“You are going to give heart attacks to all the guys” Mukti whistled, making me giggle.

“And Abhi would want to take you to the bedroom and do all the things” I could barely control my teasing self around her.

“Chii, I’m not sparing you details” She muttered, wrapping an arm around me as we walked down the stairs.

Her green hoodie and grey jeans just added to her beauty, well I’d better say they looked more beautiful because she wore them. She is a goddess.

“Gross Mukti, I don’t want to know my brother’s sex life either” I scrunched my face disgustingly and she bursted into laughter.

“Yuck, bye I’m going, be careful” Mukti kissed my cheek as she walked away.

Maa hugged me and gave me the lunch boxes with the biggest grin on her face, I assume, seeing me and Mukti. I chuckled at her happy face before I saw the driver and car already waiting for me.

I entered the back seat, greeting the driver with a small smile. He smiled back before he started the car.

And my mind suddenly went to the time when I thought of Manik as a driver. I almost laughed out loud at the memory. How can I be so stupid?

I shook my head when my mobile pinged and I started immediately into my work.

“We are here ma’am” The driver stopped the car in the parking lot when I was busy, lost in my thoughts.

“Thank you” I said, getting out of the car. Holy shit. The building is a dream come true for every businessman I swear.

Malhotras are really best at everything they do. Seriously impressive. Didn’t ever think I’d fall in love with an office, but here I’m.

It was made of glass, reflecting everything that is seen around it. I’m sure sunrise and moon nights steal everyone’s breaths whoever works overtime.

I entered inside and dare I say, none of it disappointed me. The palest blue and white painting I ever came across, that filled my heart with a weird kind of peace.

“Excuse me?” I walked to the receptionist, reminding myself that I need to meet malhotras.

The woman didn’t even look up. I bent slowly to find her playing candy crush on mobile. Damn, is this how they are going to treat the visitors.

“Excuse me, woman?” I banged my hand on her desk. She jumped in her place, almost throwing her mobile on the ground in fear.

She glared at me, like I snatched all her property. She stood up like assessing me and the familiar annoying feeling crept back in my head. I hate when someone looks at me like that.

“If you are done staring, I have some work” I snapped at her.

Who the hell wears see through outfits to the office? I have no hate towards short dresses, but seriously, wearing something like she wears on honeymoon is too much.

“Then do your fucking work and don’t disturb mine” She snapped back. Oh she has a voice.

“I didn’t know Malhotras would pay you to play Candy Crush.” I want to bang her head somewhere.

“You aren’t paying me, so fuck off” Woman I say.

“I need to meet Manik malhotra” I said, feeling frustrated.

“Well, flash news, you need an appointment for that, sir isn’t free to talk to brats” She was talking like I did something wrong.

Well darling, you are at fault. No receptionist ignores whoever comes to the office and this woman is playing games telling she is working.

“Check if he is free and tell me, stop being a bitch” Well, she asked for it.

“How dare you call me a bitch? You fucking whore” She yelled, gaining attention. If she thinks this can make me cry buckets, welcome home.

“I didn’t call you a bitch, I asked you to stop behaving like one” I replied calmly, trying to find my mobile. Don’t tell me I dropped it.

“And you better control your tongue or I’ll cut it off and feed it to wolves'' My anger is at its peak now. How dare she call me a whore? People are around us now, looking at the scene going on.

“You can’t threaten me like that, Manik sir won’t definitely like to meet you now” She smirked, like she is his girlfriend. If she is, I almost feel sorry for Manik, even though the thought brought a bitter taste in my mouth.

“Just call him and tell that Nandini is here” I tried not to yell.

“Or what?” She taunted.

“Ten minutes before you lose your job” I actually threatened her. She’d seriously bring bad name to Malhotras if this is how she behaves with everyone.

“What the hell is this-” Manik stopped speaking as soon as his eyes fell on me. Fucking finally.

“What are you doing here?” He walked to me, handing the file that was in his hand to someone beside him. He looked really hot. But her calling me whore snapped me out.

“Didn’t know you got fucking amnesia alng with bitches as receptionists” I snapped at him, rolling my eyes.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I getting angry at him? But he looked amused and even chuckled. Seriously? Now he’ll tell me he finds me cute again or what?

“Who pissed you off Nandu?” He asked, wrapping an arm around me, giving me a side hug. Everyone’s eyes almost popped out at the scene. What? Why are they giving me that look?

“No one,” I muttered.

“And you look so beautiful today” he complimented, pressing a kiss to my temple that calmed me down. I didn’t know Manik Malhotra was this PDA person.

“No thanks, she called me a whore” I glared at the receptionist who looked at me like deer caught headlights. I’d swear she’d even run away like a deer now.

“She did what?” He growled. Wait, he growled? Heck yeah.

“And a brat too” Papa’s voice made me snap my head in that direction.

“Papa” I grinned and walked to him as Manik nudged me to go. I heard people gasp loudly.

“How are you little don?” He hugged me back with a smile and I saw a girl almost faint. What is up with the employees here?

“You just met me this morning old man” I teased him, hugging him back.


I’m declaring this as a public holiday.

“Awe, I love you” I can’t stop smiling.

“Are you guys done?” Manik’s voice was like he was controlling his anger.

“Not yet, you need to wait for two more days” I gave him a sarcastic smile.

And then, he gave me a smile that made me laugh. He looks like he is torn between getting angry or laughing at my answer or pulling his hair in confusion.

“You, I’m dealing with you later” He shook his head in disbelief.

“Why are your employees weird?” I asked, looking around.

“Maybe because no one saw them smile or saw them smiling at a girl who was snapping at them Ma’am” I turned to my right to find the guy Manik gave the file to. I think he is the secretary.

“Do they look like robots to you guys?” I asked, breaking the hug from papa, almost missing his warmth immediately.

“What? Answer her” Papa asked, but I could tell he was controlling his smile.

Everyone shook their heads in no, looking like they were sick. Some of them need to lay down for a while.

“You guys are dismissed, go back to your work, I was kidding” I gave them a friendly wave who looked relieved.

“You heard her, you guys can leave, and yeah, she is Abhimanyu Murthy’s sister. She is as much a daughter to me as Mukti is” Papa declared before shooing them away.

His words warmed my heart. The receptionist turned so pale that I felt sorry for her. But then, she called me a whore.

Everyone left, except me, Manik, papa and two PAs and the receptionist.

Manik’s face was red with anger.

“How dare you call a woman a whore being a woman yourself?” He roared. I think he’ll turn into a werewolf.

“Sir, even she called me a bitch” The receptionist tried to argue, but I could see her confident mask slipping away.

“I’m repeating myself again, I asked you not to behave like a bitch, I didn’t label you as one” I glared at her as I voiced out.

She glared at me before she turned to Manik and started crying. And being a crybaby myself, I could say they are crocodile tears.

“Stop with your crocodile tears, it was your fault that you didn’t pay attention when I called you the first time, and you called me a brat over it while playing a game on your mobile at work hours and don’t even start with your dressing style. Sorry to say that your dress is inappropriate for office” I took a deep breath.

“You can wear like this for parties and clubs, but not in the office, when they make you their receptionist, you are the first one everyone who meets Malhotra’s for work or anything. Your behaviour and your style will give them a wrong idea about the company, decreasing the efficiency of the growth of the company” I didn’t know I could speak this much.

“In simple words, you are bringing a loss to the company, who the hell even gave you a job in the first place?” I asked and looked at Manik.

“You are terminated from your job, thank you very much for your services until now, leave before I make sure you get no job at any other company” Manik’s voice was filled with anger and rage.

Someone’s getting possessive.

“Get her resignation letter typed” Papa said to his assistant who was making heart eyes at me. Not in a bad way. Like he is impressed. In awe!

“The first time I stepped and someone is walking out” I muttered looking at Manik with puppy eyes.

“No looks from you are going to get her back Murthy, walk to my cabin, dad take her and you both start eating I’ll just come” Manik grunted and walked away into a corridor.


Omggg 4k+ words in two years!!! I'm impressed with myself...

Well this is a long chapter because you won't get any chapters in this whole month. I'm sorry but I'm really stuck with my exams and I need to dedicate my time to it!!

And don't forget to comment how you feel about this update.

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