OP Kiyone COTE

By Nagavignesh

58K 1.5K 693

*WARNING* Kiyone (female Kiyotaka) will be very very OP , has impossible and inhumane abilities such as calcu... More

Volume 1 : Chapter 1: Equality
Volume 1 : Chapter 3 : S-system and Introductions Part - II
SS : From the point of curiosity
Volume 1 : Chapter 4 : Official first day Part 1 : Manipulation at it's Finest
Volume 1 : Chapter 4 : Official first day Part 2 : Horikita, Clubs and Goldmine
Vol 1 : Chapter 5 : Information and Ichinose
Vol 1 : Chapter 6 : Foundations and 3 viruses
SS : Shopping and Shopping
Vol 1: Chapter 7 : May 1st
Vol 1: Chapter 8: Swimming class and Papayanagi
Vol 1: Chapter 9: Study groups, Ryuen and Manabu
Vol 1 Chapter 10 : Date, Kushida and deal
Vol 1 : Chapter 11 : Saving Yamadead and Broken bonds
Vol 1 : Chapter 12 : Mending bonds
Vol 2 : Chapter 1 Disaster
Vol 2 : Chapter 2 : More problems, witness and Stalemate
Vol 2: Chapter 3: Explanation and new Friendship
Vol 2: Chapter 4: Vacation on an Island
Vol 2: Chapter 5: Island Exam Part 1
Vol 2: Chapter 6: Island Exam part 2
Vol 2 : chap 7 : Results and Explanation.
Update : I am not dead .... yet
Vol 3: Chap 1 : Far into the future
Vol 3 Chap 2: Decpetion
Vol 3 Chap 3: Marionette

Volume 1 : Chapter 2 : S-system and Introductions Part - I

4.6K 113 61
By Nagavignesh

*Kiyone POV*

I Disliked the entrance ceremony and imagined that many first years felt the same. But my dislike can't be justified as I didn't attend the entrance ceremony completely, in fact I only glanced at the ceremony that was talking place in the auditorium.

And in that instance (approximately 4 seconds) I assessed all the remaining 159 students, more like I got a copy of 4 seconds video in my brain. Hmm ... interesting, it seems like there is a hierarchy among the classes, A to D huh, A being superior and D being defective.

I also got glimpses of some interesting individuals such as a lilac-haired petite girl with a cane and a hat, she excluded the aura of confidence and was smirking 'smirking real life loli it is'. Anyhow there was the famous Jonny and eww a green haired degenerate was blushing seeing him.

Class B contained a long back-length strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes. Poor soul she got tricked into joining this school by the offer of 100 percent placement after graduation. She seems naive, she will struggle a lot I guess, maybe I will save her like a prince(ss)... Just kidding, probably.

Class C has a delinquent grinning like a fool with magenta colour hair and a foreigner with glasses on.

Class D has that arrogant bi- *cough* I mean girl, also has that two-face and blonde guy from earlier. Some perverts oogling other girls, and I hate perverts naturally.

This may raise a question, if I only "attended" the ceremony for such a short time then what was I doing right then?? Very simple, information, I just entered all the four classes and memorised the names of the students in the nameplate, and so far I saw 119 cameras from the entrance to the classes, each class has five cameras, one in the middle and four in each corner, they were micro in sizes too.

This school was already under my suspicions when I first heard of the 100 percent employment rate It simply made no sense, nothing is this easy in this world, at least for humans.

All these clues leads to the conclusion that only class A gets those privileges. It was fairly simple to deduce at least for me. If all the classes received those privileges then there won't be any competition going on, class D can get through with the humiliation as they get the 100 percent employment rate.

If only the first 3 classes get those, then they can gang up on any one class, leading to lesser and zero conflict, with similar reasoning I concluded that only one class can get the rewards being class A.

In order for us to fight each other, for sure the school must have considered some special conditions, normal academic exams can't conclude superior classes after all, let's call it "special exam".

Now from my previous assessments, and "clues", I can't help but think that the entrance exam and interview is a farce.

Only 160 students got admitted each years where millions apply, and someone named Yamauchi got in? Ridiculous, my women intuition says that he is a trash.

Anyhow while I processed all these information, the class got filled by 10 people, they already started making friends.

*sigh*"It seems like I won't make "friends" for a while or maybe the worst case 3 scenario years of loneliness". I muttered softly.

In the end, I couldn't talk to anyone at all. At the rate things were going, I'd be completed alone. Had I heard someone say "Is she still all alone?"

Had I heard chuckling? It's was all in my head. What on earth are "friends", anyway? Where do friends come from? Do people become friends after eating a meal together? Or maybe after going to bathroom together? The more I thought about it the more I wondered. What is friendship? Is it something deep and meaningful? I tried to piece is together.

Good friendships are based on mutual respect, honesty, and support (helping each other with problems, and celebrating each other's success). Friends should help you grow into an even better person, and love and care for you, without expecting anything in return.

That's the part I don't understand or rather I can't comprehend, humans are selfish creatures, Selfishness is central to many theories of human morality, yet its psychological nature remains largely overlooked.

Psychologists often draw on classical conceptions of selfishness from evolutionary biology (i.e., selfish gene theory), economics (i.e., rational self-interest), and philosophy (i.e., psychological egoism), but such characterizations offer limited insight into the psychology of selfishness.

The point I am trying to prove is, actually don't mind me, I am not trying to prove anything, I am just "lonely" and "frustrated" that I can't make friends.

I unknowingly sighed again.

"That's quite a heavy sigh, considering the school year has only begun. Meeting you again makes me want to sigh".

It seems my neighbour is the audacious girl from earlier, so she is Horikita Suzune huh?

The probability of both of us being in the same class is 4 in 16, but the probability that this particular girl being my neighbour (if you consider neighbour as forward, back and left and right seats), it is around 0.00536858974.

(AN: lol, me and my friend tried to find this probability, don't check if it is correct or not, I am not confident in my math skills) Life sucks.

Now how should I respond? Maybe I should try to introduce myself.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Ayanokouji kiyone".

I tried to speak enthusiastically, but it came as monotone, anyway I didn't try enough, as I deemed her not worthy to see my precious smile for now, not that I ever smiled genuinely before.

Her eyes widen for a second after hearing my name and she looked at my nameplate for a split second to confirm whether I was lying or not.

I wondered why? Does she know about WR, is she someone that man had sent here to expel me? Then why can't he have sent someone better? someone with real abilities.

Nah who am I kidding, if she was a WR enforcer she would known me without saying my name.

I already know the reason, since this was a prestigious school and I now that I know for a fact that the entrance exams were a farce, it means that they must have made it so difficult that if someone aces it, they get the acknowledgement.

Simply put, I deduced that my name was announced in the entrance ceremony. This might come handy while I ask the questions to the faculty.

"You just went ahead and introduced yourself?". she said.

Why is this girl making my life harder? Maybe I should return the favour at some point.

Even if she knew I am on a different level than her in terms of academics, she still thinks she is superior, I can't wait to break this girl's pride.

"Well it's the second time we meet each other, so isn't it fine for me to do so?". I asked rhetorically.

"Do you mind if I refuse?" she spoke like the absolute idiot she is.

What if this was a working place? would she refuse to introduce herself to the colleagues whom she may work together with at some point?

No company would accept her at this level of attitude.

The role of attitudes is vital one in determining the structure of society and nature of social relationships.

An individual's entire personality structure and his behaviour are organized around the attitude he holds.

Attitude is important because it can influence your ability to move through the world. For instance, maintaining a positive attitude on the surface can help you achieve measurable success in your personal and professional life.

"I don't think sitting next to someone for an entire year without knowing their names would be comfortable" I still tried to reason with her.

"I disagree" she replied.

Though I already anticipated her reply, it was still a nice try. Maybe I should push forward and lead this conversation in such a way that it hurts her pride.

And I know exactly how. Don't think me as some kind of sadist, it's just sometimes people needs to be put in their places for greater good.

"You can at least give me your name right, we never know if we may work together in group projects or something like that". I made a stupid point.

But that doesn't matter, the moment I get her name, I will hurt her pride.

*sigh*"I am Horikita Suzune".

Wow she's cute, or rather a beautiful young maiden. I'd believe you if you told me if she was a year or two older just kidding she is as immature as a 5 year old kid, not that it matters anyways.

Now for the onslaught,

"Let me tell me about myself, I have no particular hobbies, but I am interested in just about anything, I don't need many friends, but a few would be better than none or many.

I believe I am "above average" in both academics and physical department, that's about it ".

I saw her eyes widen when she heard the words "above average", she might think I was trying to joke or humble brag about my superiority, but unfortunately for her she won't find any lie in my statement.

Or rather she doesn't have the necessary capabilities to spot the lie. So she must be in disbelief that I consider myself as above average.

She must feel like the trash she is, if not sooner or later I will make her feel like it.

She must already be thinking about my other abilities, such as my physical one, in her eyes, my "above average" abilities seems to be off the chart for her.

But her superiority complexity won't allow her to see the bigger picture.

"Above average huh". Horikita muttered.

"Did you speak anything Horikita, I am sorry I didn't hear you, can you repeat it". I made another frontal attack

Hehehe This is fun, okay that was weird by me...

"No No, I was just talking to myself, and if you excuse me, don't disturb me again". She replied coldy.

Maybe that was enough fun for today and all the students already entered the classroom while I was conversing with Horikita.

After a few minutes, the first bell rang. At that precise moment a woman entered the classroom. When I first saw her, my initial impression was that she firmly believed in discipline.

If I had to guess i would place her around the age of thirty. She wore a suite and had delicate features. Her hair seemed long and she tied it to a ponytail.

---Skip S-system Introductions---

----The school monitors the bullying very carefully. Well it appears that no on-".

"Sensei, I have a lot of questions". I asked the question in a soft and calm voice.

A voice I copied the pitch and softness from one of the famous singers in some band, and it seemed to work, people were mesmerized.

I already have some doubt about this teacher, she seemed to eye me from time to time to see my expression, also she seems to want me to ask some questions as she seems delighted that I stopped her.

Also I decided to further increase my social status by just showing a fraction of my intelligence. I have other merits in showing myself, first of all I can talk to the Chairman this way, and many other advantages which you will see later.

Now everybody's attention was between me and sensei.

"Ahem, you are Ayanokouji Kiyone right? The one who is the first in the history of the school to ace the entrance examination, ask away what are your questions". She spoke

Many people widened their eyes to see the me who aced that "super difficult" test. It seems Kushida Kikyo is jealous, probably because of me being an obstacle to her becoming a social queen.

And Yamauchi is that pervert huh, my intuition was correct.

"Sensei, how may points will we receive next month?". I asked

Many had puzzled look on their faces, some caught on to it, 'Matsushita Chiaki' and 'Koenji Rokusuke ' huh, interesting and disappointing at the same time.

Even my arrogant neighbour didn't seem to have a clue on why I asked this question. But nobody dared to criticise me, since I aced the entrance exam.

"Unfortunately I cannot answer that , but be careful". She emphasized those words clearly.

Heh, what a sly woman this Chayabashira Sae is.

"Do you have any other questions?" She asked while smirking.

It seems she can't hide her happiness, hmm that's too much happiness, ooh so that's the reason huh, past regret? or just for the reward for the class A teacher?.

"Yes sensei, I have many more questions, what about the point transfer system? what if the other party's omits his or her promise for paying points, we can get scammed right? Is there a system to prevent this?"

Many widened their eyes again, it seems they didn't think of this loophole.

"Thank goodness she asked that question". Hondo Ryotaro said in relief.

"Yeah dude, I certainly wouldn't want my points to get scammed" Ike Kanji replied.

"Good question, don't worry there is a system to prevent this, you can always sign memorandums to the aforementioned parties for transaction, students who won't obey the memorandums they sign will be expelled".

I already concluded that expulsions will be a normal occurrences in this abnormal school. It came as a wave of shock for the students.

"Sensei you told that anything can be bought with points right? I want to buy the full information about the S-system, including the amount of points we will receive next month".

That nailed the coffin perfectly, she widened her eyes, but at the same time she sweat dropped, probably due to fear as I raised my voice and spoke more authoritatively.

"It will cause more than just mere private points-"

"Enough, I understood", I cut her off.

I manipulated my facial muscles and gave her a smirk, she understood what I meant and was in a state of disbelief, now this confirms everything, I already had a hunch about "Class Points", no hunch is an understatement.

I already confirmed it, now I need to showcase my abilities to these defects by stating my obvious observations and a glimpse of my abilities.

"Everyone my name is Ayanokouji Kiyone, I like to talk about the school a bit in detail with you guys, and explain my suspicions about this school". I spoke.

I smiled gently and it worked, most were blushing profusely.

"Go ahead and share the information that you understood Ayanokouji-san, we are all in the dark why you asked that question to Sensei". Hirata Yousuke kindly supported me.

Like the good pawn he will be. My neighbour and my whole class watched me curiously as I walked to the podium.

"Ahem, Thankyou Hirata Yousuke-kun for you kind support"

"What how did you know my na-".

I continued as I cut him off

"Now don't you guys find this school a little bit suspicious for giving 100,000 points every month. A quick calculation shows that in a year of 160 students.

The school gives 16million points a month and for all the years included, they spend 48million in a single month, leads to the whopping amount of 576million Yen worth of money annually".

Silence ensued, creepy

"How did you do such fast calculations".

Yukimura Teruhiko muttered which heard by all my classmates including me.

Horikita's face paled, she was angry too, it seems she can't accept the reality that I am better than her.

"Yukimura Teruhiko-kun, as I said earlier it was fairly simple calculations, now focus on the important part,

Sensei specifically mentioned 'Yours points of 100,000 is deposited for this month' and in a different sentence she said we receive points every month.

Now think. Why not mention it as 100,00 points every month? It was obviously a scripted speech.

I don't think the school made a mistake there, this is to mislead us ('not really, it's to only mislead you defects') .We won't receive the same amount of points next month".

As I finished the first part of my speech, Sensei was still smirking in the corner of the room. People were in frenzy, shouting things like

'no way, it's impossible'

'this girl is blabbering' and some other shits.

But they weren't insulting me to too much of an extent and some seemed to believe me maybe the perks of being a female?.

"Wh-what you said is true Ayanokouji-chan?" Kushida asked in a fake worrying tone.

It seems she still uses this situation to get attention, nice presence of mind, but not enough, and excuse me? -chan?, that feels disgusting to hear coming from her mouth.

"Yes Kushida Kikyo-san, I-"

Suddenly a 'thud' sound can be heard, and Horikita stood up by slamming the desk.

"Do you have any proof that what you said is true? You are just merely speculating!!!" she spoke harshly.

Jeez what's with this girl, hold your horses women.

"They aren't mere speculation Horikita-san, I have plenty of proofs, and let me explain them one by one"

Let's humiliate these defects and give them a reality check.

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