His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson...

By LibraBby111

492K 7.8K 999

Klaus Mikaelson is a cruel monster to most that know of him. When the said monster turns up in mystic falls h... More

Mood boards and character description
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Baby's first kidnapping
Breakfast discussions
I just feel stupid
What? I like sugar. Sue me
Babysitters club
You know you love me
My best friend Eli
Disco inferno
Morning conversations
Dance until you drop
Pre-sugar rush
A vile accusation
Coffee and compulsion
Do you want to kiss me?
My saving grace
You're an angel
Blushing in the bar
Shop until you drop
Would you get off the floor?
Flowers and phone calls
Vampire history lesson
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Bump in the night
Dinner party from hell
Let them eat cake
You look beautiful
Sacrifices of the innocent
Apologies mean nothing to the dead
Forgiveness and fighting
Full consent to punch
Mending relationships
Familiar faces
I'm not going anywhere
Smack down
Dream a little dream of me
I want you
He's so perfect!
Cold shoulder
Apology fruit
If only you spoke Aramaic
Sister, sister
Teddy bear
Poison ivy
Prom night
Brand new city

I need to sanitize my mouth!

4.4K 84 7
By LibraBby111


I had woken from my sleep (if you could even call it that) hours ago. I sat unmoving on my bed.
Tibbles had run downstairs earlier, probably to go eat.

I sat in complete silence, the only noise being that of my fan.

The wooden fan blades made a whooshing sound as they sliced through the air. However, the cold air emanating from the fan wasn't enough to stop my skin from getting clammy.

Esther was right. Being separated from Nik was torture.

All I could do was sit in silence like I was now, staring at the wall with a blank expression.

The only hint of emotion was the undeniable sadness in my red eyes.

I look at my bedroom door as it swung from a slight crack open, to being fully open.

My eyes rest upon the blonde haired vampire standing at the entrance of my room.

"Oh Ivy..." Caroline let out a sad gasp, taking in my state.

My lip trembled as I tried to hold back my tears.
She immediately rushed over to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Rebekah let me in before she left. I thought you could use some company." She says, running her hand over my hair comfortingly.

"You don't have to worry about me." I lie.

"But I am. I'm worried. You're my friend and we both lost someone we loved. We shouldn't be alone."

"I'm so sorry about Tyler." I hug her again. After a moment we pull away.

"Okay, time to get up." She says.

"What? No." I groan, laying back into my pillows.

"Yes. Come on, you need a shower." Caroline says as she pulls me back into a sitting position. "Do you really think Nik or Tyler would want us to sit around and rot in our rooms?"

"No." I begrudgingly admit.

"That's right, so go take a shower and then we'll go visit Matt in the hospital. I'm pretty sure he's getting discharged today."

"Wait what? Why is Matt in the hospital?" I question, confusion lacing my words.

"No one told you?" She gasps.

"Told me what?"

"Elena and Matt got into a car accident. They went right off wickery bridge. Matt was fine, but Elena...she's in transition."


After Caroline informed me of the news I took a quick shower and we left for the hospital.

I stood next to Caroline as she talked to Matt.

He had already been discharged, now he was just gathering all of his belongings.

"Elena doesn't want to be a vampire." Matt states.

"She doesn't want to be dead and now she's not. This isn't your fault, Matt." Caroline tries to comfort.

"It's all my fault. I was driving. I was saved. She's a vampire because of me!" Matt says, getting upset.

"Shh! Cool it on the V word. I'm a fugitive, remember? I'm supposed to be halfway to Florida by now." Caroline hushes, fearful of the council that was hunting down the vampires.

"If the Council is after you, then why are you here?" Matt questions.

"Because I don't know where to go. Tyler's dead and everything's different now and I..." Caroline starts to cry.

Matt hugs her comfortingly.

Caroline then abruptly pulls away. We all hear an officer coming towards the room.

Suddenly, Caroline uses her vampire speed to take us out of the hospital, leaving Matt by himself.


Caroline had taken us back to her house where we laid low for about an hour.

We were about to leave again when Caroline's phone rang.

"Mom, hey!" She answers the call.

We continue to walk outside while she talks.

Suddenly, just as Caroline had turned around to lock her front door, an officer came up behind her, injecting vervain into her neck.

I gasp as I watch her fall unconscious.

I see the officer pull out another syringe, going for my neck.

I manage to knock the shot out of his hand, but that doesn't stop him from knocking my head against the wall, rendering me unconscious.


I groan as my eyes flutter open.

I scan my surroundings, looking at Rebekah and Caroline. Both are sitting on my left side but Caroline is closer. The female vampires are tied up into their seats of the van we sat in.

It takes me a moment to notice I was in the same position.

I yank my hands away from the side of the car they were tied to, only creating further friction on the rope binding them.

"What the hell is this?" I question the wet rope tying my hands.

"Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed us all to the Council." Caroline answers.

"Outed us? I don't get it, I'm not a vampire." I start to freak out.

"No offense, but Alaric kinda despised you for dating Klaus. He must've told them you were a vampire just to get you killed." Caroline explains

"Lovely." I sigh, banging my already aching head against my headrest.

"What exactly does this council think they can do to me?" Rebekah questions, knowing the white oak stake wasn't in their possession.

Suddenly, the wheels of the car start to screech.

The van flips.

The van lands on its side reclining all of us to lie on our backs, still strapped into our seats.

None of us were seriously injured but we stay silent in shock.

"What the hell happened?" Rebekah hisses in pain.

My eyes go wide as the door to the van is ripped open, revealing a very much living Tyler Lockwood.

"Tyler?" Caroline questions in shock.

"I'm harder to kill than you think." He smirks, ripping the ropes off of me. He gently pulls me out of the van and moves to help Caroline.

"You're alive? How are you alive?" Caroline cries in relief as he rips off her ropes.

"No time. Come on, we've got to go." Tyler urges her out of the van.


Tyler had super sped us far enough into the woods so the council wouldn't find us.

Basically as soon as we stopped, Caroline pinned Tyler against a tree and kissed him passionately.

"I never thought I'd see you again! I don't get it. How are you alive?" Caroline questions in awe as she pulls away from the kiss.

"Woah, woah, woah." Tyler puts his hands on her shoulders, looking a little uncomfortable.

Caroline silences him with another kiss.

It only lasts half a second before Tyler pushes her back gently, breaking the kiss.

"Sorry, love. I'm spoken for." Tyler smirks at me.

No. It's not possible...

"Yeah I know. I'm your girlfriend." Caroline says confused.

"Not quite." His smirk turns into a grin as his eyes never leave mine.

"Nik." I state in a breathless whisper.

"Hello, angel." He opens his arms gesturing for me.

I immediately run to him, pulling him into a fiercely passionate kiss. Tears of happiness glide down my cheek as our lips move in sync.

I pull back to catch my breath.

"What the hell is going on?!" Caroline questions.

"Is it really you Niky?" I ask, my trembling hand reaching up to touch his cheek.

"I would never leave you, my little Angel." He says resting his forehead against mine.

"What the hell did you do to Tyler?!" Caroline questions sharply.

I pull back fully, waiting for his response.

He simply shrugs.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I kissed you. You're disgusting! Oh, I need to go sanitize my mouth!" Caroline shrieks.

"Your mouth was all over me. I was an innocent victim." Tyler/Nik defends.

"Yeah, kinda weird you kissed my boyfriend Care." I shrug jokingly.

"Hey, your boyfriend is in my boyfriend's body, so technically you just made out with Tyler." She states.

"Ewwww. She's right! Now I need to sanitize my mouth. Don't kiss me again until you have your old body back." I wipe my lips.

"Put Tyler back!" Caroline shouts.

"Well now that I can't kiss my girlfriend anymore I'll have to be quick."


The three of us had come to see Bonnie about getting Klaus out of Tyler's body.

"She said she's not strong enough." Jeremy speaks on the witch's behalf.

"You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely, you're strong enough to get me out." Tyler/Nik says, his hand holding mine without fail.

"I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that kind of magic again. It's too dangerous." Bonnie states.

"Bonnie, do the bloody spell!" Tyler/Nik shouts.

"She said she can't okay?" Caroline interjects.

Tyler/Nik huffs out an annoyed breath.

"We'll just wait a few days until you're strong enough to do it with traditional magic, right Bonnie?" I say, trying to calm Nik down.

Tyler/Klaus let's go of my hand, rips open his shirt, takes a deep breath, and extends his claws on his right hand. He punctures his chest with his claws and grabs Tyler's heart and begins to rip it out.

"What are you doing?" Caroline questions worriedly.

"Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else." He answers before he turns to Jeremy. "Maybe you."

He continues to tear out Tyler's heart.

"Oh my God! Nik just hold on a minute!" I shout, trying to stop him from killing Caroline's boyfriend.

"You're hurting him! Stop! Stop!" Caroline yells in fear.

"He's bluffing. He needs a witch to do that." Jeremy says.

"What makes you think I don't have one? Or ten? Pick, Bonnie! You or Tyler!" He says, having almost successfully torn open his chest.

"Stop, please! You're killing him!" Caroline begs.

"Fine, I'll do it! Just stop." Bonnie shouts.

Tyler/Klaus takes his hand out from his chest. "Good. Let's begin."


Bonnie is performing the spell to get Klaus out of Tyler's body and back into his. She has her hands on the side of Tyler's head.

Caroline, Jeremy, and I all look on worriedly.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Raverus En Phasmatos Ex Sonos. Resistamus Et Veram Vatus. Raverus Phasmatos Ex Sonos." Bonnie chants.

"This is black magic. She shouldn't be doing this." Jeremy mutters.

Tyler opens his eyes and looks up.
"Tyler?" Caroline questions happily.

"Caroline. Hey." Tyler smiles, he tries to get up, but falls down to the ground.

"Tyler?" Caroline rushes to his side.

Bonnie is still chanting, worrying everyone in the room. "Bonnie, what are you doing?" Jeremy questions.

Bonnie stopped chanting and black veins crept up her arm. She then started talking to somebody we couldn't see.

She ended her freak out by screaming and questioning what she had done.


I ran quickly to the front door of our house.

I slam the door open and run inside, knowing exactly where he'd be. I practically sprint into Nik's art room.

He looks at me with the largest smile I'd ever seen him give.

I immediately run into his arms, pulling him into a heated kiss.

My arms wrapped around his neck tightly, as if to make sure he didn't leave me again.

I inhaled his intoxicating scent, happy to have his real body back. I pull back from the kiss and rest my forehead against his.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Angel." He smiles.

"Please don't leave me ever again." I beg.

"I promise."

"I missed you." I gaze at him lovingly.

"And I you. Have you slept at all my love?" He questions with concern, his fingers tracing the purple circles under my eyes.

I shake me head.

"Let's go nap then." He offers.

"Okay. As long as you stay with me."

"I wouldn't dream of being anywhere but by your side."

"Good, because you're not leaving my sight for at least a month." I giggle.


Klivy stans can breath again 😘

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