His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson...

By LibraBby111

571K 9K 1.2K

Klaus Mikaelson is a cruel monster to most that know of him. When the said monster turns up in mystic falls h... More

Mood boards and character description
Triggers and disclaimers
Oops hehe
Baby's first kidnapping
Breakfast discussions
I just feel stupid
What? I like sugar. Sue me
Babysitters club
You know you love me
My best friend Eli
Disco inferno
Morning conversations
Dance until you drop
Pre-sugar rush
A vile accusation
Coffee and compulsion
Do you want to kiss me?
My saving grace
You're an angel
Blushing in the bar
Shop until you drop
Would you get off the floor?
Flowers and phone calls
Vampire history lesson
Birthday blues
Bump in the night
Dinner party from hell
Let them eat cake
You look beautiful
Sacrifices of the innocent
Apologies mean nothing to the dead
Forgiveness and fighting
Full consent to punch
I need to sanitize my mouth!
Familiar faces
I'm not going anywhere
Smack down
Dream a little dream of me
I want you
He's so perfect!
Cold shoulder
Apology fruit
If only you spoke Aramaic
Sister, sister
Teddy bear
Poison ivy
Prom night
Brand new city

Mending relationships

6.3K 94 4
By LibraBby111


After Nik left yesterday, I spent the rest of the evening relaxing and thinking.

I decided it wasn't worth it to be mad anymore. The next time I saw Nik I would ask for an apology and I would try to prevent this behavior in the future.

My spirits were quite high this morning when I remembered it was the day of the 20s themed decade dance.

I was currently very confused as Damon had dragged me into the living room and then left, telling me not to move.

I was even more confused when he brought Elena into the room. He sat her on the couch next to me and stood in front of us.

"Now, it's come to my attention that there is some bad blood between you two. Seeing as I promised to try and be a better friend to Ivy, I am doing the ultimate good deed of having you mend your friendship." He announces.

"What?!" Elena says, looking a little annoyed.

"Don't worry, I'll be here to mediate the whole time." Damon reassures.

"Damon, I don't think Elena wants to be my friend." I mumble, my cheeks blushing a soft pink from embarrassment.

"Then we can settle for civil acquaintance." He says.

"Fine." Elena sighs.

"Ever since we were little you've hated me. Why? I mean I've always tried my hardest to be nice to you. I don't understand what I did." I get straight to the point.

"I'd really feel more comfortable talking if Damon wasn't here." Elena sighs.

"Yeah me too actually. Would you mind giving us a minute?" I ask politely.

"No problem." Damon smiles, leaving the room.

Once I heard his footsteps get far enough away, I turned to Elena expectantly.

"I don't even really remember when I first started hating you. I just remember how I felt. How I feel." She speaks.

"How do you feel?"

"Lesser than." She answers after a moment of silence.

"What did I do to make you feel that way?"

"You've just always been so perfect. Nicest girl in school, prettiest girl at the dance. When my parents were still here, they'd always talk about how perfect you were, how I should be more like you. I guess after awhile I started feeling like I was always 2nd place. So I decided that if I was mean enough, that one day I'd get you to crack and you would blow up at me, then I'd take my spot in 1st. I know it's stupid but I just can't stop myself. I wanted to see how much it would take to get the nicest person ever to be rude."

I sit in silence taking in the information.

"I'm not perfect." Is all I could come up with.

"I think I've realized that now. No one is." She replies.

"I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was just trying to be kind to everyone." I say.

"I know. And I am sorry. I know it doesn't mean much after years of my behavior, but I needed to say it."

"It means a lot actually." I answer.

She smiles gently.

"Do you know what's funny?" I ask.

"What?" She questions.

"When we we're little, I wanted to be your friend more than anything. So whenever I was around you I'd be ten times nicer, which is probably why you thought I was perfect." I explain.

"Well I don't know if we could go from enemies to friends in one day, but we can start." She offers

"I'd like that."


After my talk with Elena, we had both gone to the high school

Which is why I was currently walking with Elena and Caroline, making our way through the gym hall which is being decorated for the Dance.

Caroline clutches her clipboard that she uses because she is in charge of the preparations.

The job was supposed to be Rebekah's but she blew it off.

"So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?" Caroline adds onto our ongoing conversation.

"I just...I wish there was something I could do." Elena says. She then picks up a chandelier decoration. "Where do you want me to hang this thing?" She asks, a confused expression resting on her face.

"You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrousity she should have shown up to do it herself." Caroline grumbles, handing the chandelier to a student who was walking by. "Just no!"

Caroline sees Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars on the ceiling. God help 'em because if you don't decorate something right Caroline might actually rip your head off.

"What are you doing? You can't just hang them! They're supposed to trickle down." Caroline scolds.

"Trickle, duh!" Matt says as if he knew it the whole time.

I gave the boys a thumbs up and mouthed the words "good job"

"Look at them all bromancy." Caroline says, referring to Matt and Jeremy.

"Yeah I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill." Elena explains.

"That was nice of him." I comment.

"Jeremy has got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out." Elena says.

"You sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?" Caroline asks.

"Are you serious?!" I gasp.

"I didn't tell you that so you could torture me with it." Elena groans.

"Is he a good kisser? I've always kinda wondered. And it would actually be hilarious if he was bad." I question.

"I am so not talking about this." Elena says, hiding her face in her hands.

"She's not answering, so it's a yes." Caroline chimes in.

"Thank you so much for interpreting Caroline." Elena mutters sarcastically.

"Aww, what are friends for? So who are you bringing to the dance?" Caroline changes the subject.

"What do you mean? I thought you, Bonnie, and I were going as girl dates." Elena questions, wrapping a feather boa around her neck.

"Hm, Bonnie has a date." Caroline says.

"What?" Elena frowns.

"Jamie called and wanted to see her so she asked him." Caroline mentions the boy Bonnie met at her mothers house.

"Hmm." Elena sounds.

"So here's a thought, why don't you ask Stefan?" I suggest.

"I can't ask him on a date, I just made out with his brother." Elena whispers.

"All the more reason! Look you're supposed to be figuring out what you want, that's what Stefan wanted you to do, right?" Caroline questions.

"Yeah, but-" Elena starts, only to be cut off by Caroline.

"But nothing! I've watched The Bachelor, okay? Fair is fair. It is Stefan's turn."

"Yeah and you're not biased or anything." Elena mumbles.

"I'm sorry, but Stefan is your epic love. And I'm not going down without a fight." Caroline says before looking at me. "Speaking of fights, are you taking Klaus?"

"I was going to get an apology then ask." I explain.

"Good girl. Make him work for it."


I quietly step inside of the Mikaelson mansion. Though my efforts are futile in the face of vampire hearing.

"Ivy?" Nik asks, vamp speeding into the entryway.

"Hi Nik." I greet, letting Tibbles jump from my arms and run upstairs.

"Are you staying?" He asks with a hopeful look.

"That depends. I would like an apology."

"Of course. Angel, I am so deeply sorry that my words have hurt you. That is the last thing I wanted. In the future I will make sure to think before I speak."

"I forgive you. And I'm sorry too Nik. I should've respected the fact you didn't want to talk. I shouldn't have pushed you."

"It's quite alright Angel." He smiles.

"Now, I have a favor to ask." I say.

"Anything you ask I shall provide." He promises.

"Would you provide me with your company to the decade dance?" I ask.

"It would be my genuine pleasure."

I smile, pulling him into a loving kiss.


As we enter the dance with our hands interlocked, I take in the gorgeous scenery.

They had turned the smelly gym into a soft, glamorous, 20s atmosphere.

"It's so pretty!" I squeal, bouncing on my feet.

"I could think of something much prettier." Nik says with a smirk.

"You're right, Tibbles is a very hard beauty standard to live up to." I joke.

Nik playfully rolls his eyes, making me giggle.

"Wanna dance?" I ask.

"I'd love to." He replies.

I follow behind as he leads me onto the dance floor.

When we get to our spot on the floor, his hands wraps around my waist and mine loop around his neck.

I smile as I rest my head on his chest, our bodies swaying to the music.

"You would've loved the 1920s, Angel. The girls were reckless, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped." Nik states.

"I'm not very reckless." I giggle.

"Sure you are. You're dating the original hybrid."

"Oh please. You're just a big ole teddy bear." I gently pinch his cheek between my fingers.

"Only for you, my love." He smiles.

I stand on my tippy toes and plant a small kiss on his lips.

"I've been meaning to talk to you. I'm leaving town tomorrow and I would greatly appreciate if you'd join me. I would love to show you what the world has to offer."

"What about school?" I ask.

"I can compel the faculty to send you the work. I'll make sure you graduate." He promises.

"Then I don't see any problems."

"Perfect." He grins.


After about thirty minutes I hadn't seen Rebekah, and I started to get worried.

Nik offered to call her for me, which is why I was standing out in the cold as Nik spoke into his phone.

"Call me back Rebekah. You so desperately begged me to let you come to this dance and you haven't even shown up. Not to mention you're worrying my girlfriend..."

I tuned out the rest of his message as I noticed something suspicious. My eyebrows furrow as I look at the line of salt on the ground. "What's that?" I question.

Nik looks at it before attempting to step over it, only to be held back by an invisible barrier.

"What is this?" Nik talks mostly to himself.

"Your mother is back." Stefan states, announcing his presence behind us.


After that lovely piece of news, we were led into a classroom where Bonnie was working on a spell.

"She does this all the time, right?" Jamie asks, a little freaked out by the girl's chanting.

I offer him a nod and smile when nobody answers.

"What's taking so long?! All boundary spells have a loop hole." Nik grumbles impatiently.

"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier." Matt states as he enters the room.

"Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is." Jeremy says.

"It's suicide, Jeremy." Stefan states.

Nik rushes over and grabs Jamie by the throat and starts to strangle him.

"Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy."

I look at him with wide eyes.

"Let him go!" Bonnie shouts.

"Not until you get us out of here."

"Nik I'm telling you right now if you do not let that poor guy go, I will restart our fight." I threaten.

Nik begrudgingly let's Jamie out of the chokehold.


After a long spell, Bonnie was able to find the location but she was still working on the boundary spell. This meant that the humans who could leave went to go stop Esther first.

I volunteered my services, but I was immediately shot down by Nik.

So here I was with Nik and Stefan, standing outside the school near the entrance to the gym hall.

"You know this is your fault. You set us on this path when you released my mother. I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost." Nik breaks the peaceful silence.

"Oh, I'm done with revenge. As far as Esther; we've stopped her before, we'll stop her again." Stefan states confidently.

"We're strange bedfellows, you and I. You know, all of this, reminds me of our time together in the Twenties." Nik says.

"You say that like I'm supposed to have happy memories about it." Stefan responds.

"Well, there were moments. Real friendship. Brotherhood." Nik says.

"Well, he already has a brother. Not to be, you know, territorial or anything." Damon says walking up to us.

"Oh no, of course, the Salvatores. And their unshakeable bond. I wonder what'll happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?" Nik questions.

I shoot him a warning look, to which he responds by intertwining our hands.

"It's done. Esther's not fighting me any more. The boundary spell is broken." Bonnie says as she exits the school.

Nik tests the boundary with his arm, and seeing Bonnie's words are correct, rushes away with me safely in his arms.


Long story short, Alaric was supposed to be turned into a vampire hunting vampire, but he had decided not to complete the transition.

So here we were, standing outside of the tomb where Esther had been keeping him, holding candles to celebrate the life of our dear friend.

Elena brought Alaric out for a moment to see all of us one last time.


I was taking my dog out yesterday and I saw a freaking rat. I almost fainted I was so scared 😱

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