His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson...

Oleh LibraBby111

490K 7.8K 996

Klaus Mikaelson is a cruel monster to most that know of him. When the said monster turns up in mystic falls h... Lebih Banyak

Mood boards and character description
Triggers and disclaimers
Oops hehe
Baby's first kidnapping
Breakfast discussions
I just feel stupid
What? I like sugar. Sue me
Babysitters club
You know you love me
My best friend Eli
Disco inferno
Morning conversations
Dance until you drop
Pre-sugar rush
Coffee and compulsion
Do you want to kiss me?
My saving grace
You're an angel
Blushing in the bar
Shop until you drop
Would you get off the floor?
Flowers and phone calls
Vampire history lesson
Birthday blues
Bump in the night
Dinner party from hell
Let them eat cake
You look beautiful
Sacrifices of the innocent
Apologies mean nothing to the dead
Forgiveness and fighting
Full consent to punch
Mending relationships
I need to sanitize my mouth!
Familiar faces
I'm not going anywhere
Smack down
Dream a little dream of me
I want you
He's so perfect!
Cold shoulder
Apology fruit
If only you spoke Aramaic
Sister, sister
Teddy bear
Poison ivy
Prom night
Brand new city

A vile accusation

10.6K 194 17
Oleh LibraBby111


I sit silently in the Salvatore house as Elijah talks to Elena and Stefan about the ritual.

"Tonight is a full moon. We should assume that Klaus is ready to break the curse."

"Elena said that the sun and moon curse is fake. That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." Stefan says, in a questioning tone, looking at Elijah.

"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it...He'll be a true hybrid." Elijah explains.

I fiddle with my fingers nervously.

This whole thing is terrifying. From the sacrifice, to the fact that there's going to be a hybrid running around, I'm filled with fear and anxiety.

As soon as I started to pick at the skin of my fingers, Elijah places his hand over mine.

I smile up at him gratefully and lace my fingers with his.

Damon saunters into the room, obviously having heard the prior conversation.

"Then why are we letting him break the curse? We can kill him today. With Bonnie." He asks.

"Damon..." Stefan sighs.

"No. Bonnie can't use that much power without dying." Elena states.

"I'll write her a great eulogy." Damon says sarcastically.

"That's not something to joke about Damon." I speak in a quiet tone.

He rolls his eyes at my comment.

"It's not an option Damon." Elena says with a tone of finality.

"Alright, how do we break this curse?" Stefan asks Elijah, effectively getting the conversation back on track.

Elijah gently lifts his hand out of mine before he answers the question.

"Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know."

"The moonstone." Stefan guesses at one of the ingredients.

"A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each." Elijah explains.

"And where do I fit into it?" Elena questions her involvement.

"The final part of the ritual." Elijah answers, stepping toward a shelf and lifting up a wooden box. "Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelgänger...to the point of your death."

Damon looks at Elena with a slightly surprised expression.

Stefan takes Elena's hand in his, comforting her. She looks over, silently thanking him.

Elijah opens the box and takes a very old looking jar from it.

"And that's where you come in." Elena says.

"This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation." Elijah holds up the container.

"So I'll be dead?" Elena asks.

"And then you won't." Elijah answers swiftly.

"That's your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date?" Damon questions skeptically.

He pauses, looking over at Elena.

"You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?"

"Those rings only work on humans. The doppelgänger's a supernatural occurrence. Odds are, the ring won't work." Elijah shoots down his suggestion.

"I'll take those odds over your elixir. What if it doesn't work, Elena?" Damon says.

"Then I guess I'll just be dead." Elena shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant.

Damon looks at Stefan. He shrugs in response. Damon then looks at Elijah before storming out of the room.

I frown, about to call out to him but Elena speaks before me.

"Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?" She questions the original.

"Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will." Elijah answers.


After that lovely little conversation, I went to my room so I could braid my hair for the day.

I always found braiding to be very calming, so here I stand putting the last rubber band around my intricate designs.

I'd straightened it recently which made it a bit easier to work with.

The sounds of Jenna shouting echos through the house and I rush to see what the problem is.

"Get out!" Jenna screams at Alaric.

I'm slightly shocked by his presence.

Everyone appears to have the same thoughts as they look at him cautiously, trying to see if it was Klaus.

"Jenna, Jenna!" Alaric shouts back, trying to get her to stop.

"Get out!" She screams again, keeping her crossbow perfectly aimed on the man.

"Jenna, put the crossbow down, okay? It's me." Alaric puts his hands up, attempting to show he wasn't dangerous.

"Stay away from me." Jenna warns.

"What's going on?" I ask, trying to find out what was actually happening.

"It's me, Ivy, I swear, okay? He let me go. Klaus let me go." Alaric promises.

"Prove it." Damon demands.

Alaric looks at Jenna, seemingly debating with himself about his next words.

"Okay, uh, first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in right when I was about to..."

"Okay, it's him." Jenna cuts him off, lowering her crossbow.

My face scrunches up in disgust.

"Why did he let you go?" Stefan questions, still looking a little skeptical.

"He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight."


I was in the middle of a conversation with Elijah when I heard a commotion coming from upstairs.

I rush to find out what the problem was, joining Alaric and Jenna on my trip to the stairs.

We arrive at Damon's room to see Stefan with a stake through his abdomen and Elena with her mouth covered in blood.

I can take a guess at what's happened with the look on Damon's face.

He'd fed Elena his blood and Stefan fought him, obviously losing.

"What the hell's going on?" Alaric questions harshly.

"Get him out of here!" Elena cries, referring to Damon.

Alaric moves toward Damon, but he gets up from his spot on the floor, storming out of the room, shoving Ric on his way out.

I immediately chase behind Damon, attempting to keep up with his fast-paced walk to the library.

"Damon!" I call after him.

"What?" He asks, annoyed. He didn't bother turning to face me.

"Would you just hold on a second?" I beg as I finally start catching up to him.

As soon as we step into the library where Elijah resides, he abruptly spins around, stopping to look me in the eye.

"Why? You wanna yell at me too?"

"I'm not going to yell at you." I say gently.

"Then what do you want?" He snarls.

"Feeding Elena your blood wasn't right, but I understand why you did it. You care about her-"

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about Ivy." He cuts me off with a glare.

"Yes I do. I know you don't want her to die, but Elijah's elixir could have worked, you just need to trust him." I try to explain, so he wouldn't mess with the plan any further.

"Of course. This is all about Elijah." He chuckles dryly, sending the original a glare.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, confused.

"I can't believe I'm this stupid. God you've been so obvious about it too." He laughs, but there's no real amusement.

"What exactly are you getting at Damon?" Elijah questions, squinting his eyes.

Damon pays no attention to him as he remains looking at me.

"Are you really that desperate for someone to like you that you go off and sleep with the enemy?" He spits out venomously.

My eyes blur with tears of anger and hurt.

"I didn't sleep with anybody. What are talking about?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"You've been trying to force us to trust him since he got to town. I don't know what kind of perks he's giving you for screwing him but is it really worth betraying your friends?"

"This is a very bold accusation, with no evidence or truth to the claim. I suggest you apologize immediately." Elijah demands angrily.

Damon's face changes, as if he's uncovered some other revelation. "Did you do it on purpose or we're you compelled?"

"What?!" I shriek.

This was really getting out of hand.

"I swear to god if you compelled her..." Damon angrily threatens Elijah.

I can see Elijah is about to lose his temper at the lies Damon keeps spewing, so I step in.

"Damon, I know that you're upset about Elena, but these are some pretty vile accusations. How could you even think I would do that? I wasn't compelled, and I did not have sex with anyone. Elijah is my friend, just like you're my friend. You've really gone too far this time." I speak, silent tears falling from my eyes.

Damon looks at me, eyes beginning to flood with guilt as he realizes what he said in the heat of his anger.

I don't give him the chance apologize as I storm out of the room, heading to the door.

The last thing I hear is Damon calling for me, but I don't look back.


I decided to sulk at the grill, where I could drown my sorrows in sugar. And by sugar I mean a ginormous ice cream sundae.

I'd eaten most of it, but it didn't seem to be working, as I had to try very hard to keep the tears at bay.

"Hello." I hear a soothing British voice greet.

I look up to meet the eyes of a very handsome man.

"Hi." I gently smile, sending him a small wave.

"Would you mind if I sat here?" He asks politely.

"Go right ahead." I answer, a little surprised he'd want to sit with me.

He smiles, sliding into the booth across from me.

"I couldn't help but notice you looked a little sad. I'm Nik by the way." Nik speaks.

"I'm Ivy. And it's really no big deal." I put on a fake smile.

"Well it must be something big if it has such a pretty girl so upset." I blush at his words.

"Just a fight with my friend. He got mad and took it out on me. It's really nothing." I respond.

"I see." He sends me a smile, which I return.

"So, I haven't seen you around here before, are you new to town?" I make conversation.

"Not exactly. I've actually just returned from a long trip." He smirks.

"Oh really, where'd you go?" I ask interested.

"Everywhere." He says with a spark in his eye.

I smile at his mysterious answer, but don't question it.

"Have you paid yet?" He points to my now finished ice cream.

"No, why?" I ask, confused.

"It would be my pleasure if you'd let me cover the bill."

"Oh that's very sweet but it's not necessary." I try to deny his request.

"Nonsense, you were kind enough to keep me company, it's the least I could do."

"Alright." I smile, giving in to his generosity.

I follow him over to the bar, where he'd go to pay.

We walk up behind who I recognize to be Alaric and Damon. I inwardly cringe at having to face him.

"Gentlemen, why so glum?" Nik asks the two men sitting before us.

They both turn to face him.

"Ugh. Klaus, I presume?" Damon groans.

"In the flesh." Nik... or I guess Klaus answers.

My eyes widen at the revelation.

"Nik?" I ask him, not believing that the sweet man I just met was the one who had been terrorizing my friends.

"I thought it'd be better for us to meet if you weren't scared of me, love." He explains.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Why did he care what I thought of him?

"Thanks for the loaner mate." Klaus turns his attention to Alaric.

Damon appears to be getting angrier by the second.

"Any reason you stopped to say hi?" Damon questions with hostility.

"I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelgänger. Just thought I'd remind you not to do anything you'll regret." Klaus warns.

"Ha. Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?" Damon asks.

"You are kidding?" Klaus pauses, turning his attention to Alaric. "He is kidding right?"

"No, not really." Alaric answers honestly.

"I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?" Damon adds.

"Damon..." I whisper, shaking my head in warning.

"Let me be clear...I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up." Klaus responds.

My vision blurs as I'm whisked away in the arms of Klaus Mikaelson.


Klaus had taken me with him around mystic falls while he ran some errands.

I stayed as quiet and still as I could the whole time, in an attempt to keep myself from being harmed.

We arrived at our last stop which was Alaric's apartment. He stopped just outside the door, turning to face me.

"I really wish I didn't have to do this, but I wouldn't want you getting hurt trying to save your friends." He looks at me with regret at what he's about to do.

I look at him confused before he gently unclasps my vervain necklace. He leans down to look me in the eye.

"You won't leave the apartment until I tell you to." He compels.

"I won't leave the apartment until you tell me to." I repeat numbly.

He smiles as he puts my necklace back on.

"I don't understand why you want me here. I'm just a human, I'm not important."

"You don't need to be supernatural to be important, love." He looks at me with sad eyes.

I'm not sure how to respond, so I just look at my hands as my fingers pick at each other.

Klaus unlocks the door, leading me inside.


Ayyyy my babies are interacting *squeals* anyway I'm going to be mixing some episodes in the next chapter just to clear up any confusion.

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