His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson...

By LibraBby111

489K 7.8K 996

Klaus Mikaelson is a cruel monster to most that know of him. When the said monster turns up in mystic falls h... More

Mood boards and character description
Triggers and disclaimers
Oops hehe
Baby's first kidnapping
Breakfast discussions
I just feel stupid
What? I like sugar. Sue me
Babysitters club
You know you love me
My best friend Eli
Morning conversations
Dance until you drop
Pre-sugar rush
A vile accusation
Coffee and compulsion
Do you want to kiss me?
My saving grace
You're an angel
Blushing in the bar
Shop until you drop
Would you get off the floor?
Flowers and phone calls
Vampire history lesson
Birthday blues
Bump in the night
Dinner party from hell
Let them eat cake
You look beautiful
Sacrifices of the innocent
Apologies mean nothing to the dead
Forgiveness and fighting
Full consent to punch
Mending relationships
I need to sanitize my mouth!
Familiar faces
I'm not going anywhere
Smack down
Dream a little dream of me
I want you
He's so perfect!
Cold shoulder
Apology fruit
If only you spoke Aramaic
Sister, sister
Teddy bear
Poison ivy
Prom night
Brand new city

Disco inferno

10.2K 172 39
By LibraBby111


I rub the sleep from my eyes, tiredly, as my alarm blares throughout the room.

I sit up, exhausted.

It's then that I was hit with a wave of grief. It crashes over me, suffocatingly.

Elijah is gone.


Not gone.


My best friend, the person who is supposed to look out for me, care for me, love me.

He betrayed me.

He had stabbed me in the back, just as he had done to Elijah.

I finally find it within myself to roll out of bed.

I do my morning routine, almost robotically.

When I finished, I try to lightly make my way downstairs. Avoiding any creaky steps.

However, my efforts appear to have been futile, as I hear my father's voice boom from the kitchen.

"Ivy!" He calls, sending a shiver down my spine.

I quickly make my way into the kitchen, where he was standing.

"Where are you going?" He asks calmly, which scares me more than the yelling.

"School. Sir." I answer timidly.

"Make me breakfast. Please. Then you can go." His voice remains steady. I hated when he did this.

He would try to act all nice, and then snap at me.

Those would always be the worst beatings. Like he's saved up all the hatred he felt, and took it out on me.

"Yes sir." I reply with a fake smile.

It would be even worse if I didn't play along.

I scurry around the kitchen, trying to scrounge up a decent meal for him. I make scrambled eggs and toast.

I sit with him as he eats, per his request.

I couldn't even pretend to have an appetite right now.

"Would you mind cleaning the dishes before you go?" He asks, as if he were giving me a choice.

"It's no problem." I answer in a quiet tone.

I gather his plate and the pan I used, heading over to the sink.

I try to wash them as fast as I can, but he walks over to me in the middle of washing the second dish.

"You're such a good girl." He whispers into my hair, causing my body to stiffen, and slightly shake with fear.

His hand snakes around my shoulder, squeezing me into a side hug. As if he was actually a loving father.

But I knew better. I knew there was another reason for his closeness.

One that is so vile, I feel nauseous.

"I really have to get to school." I try to excuse myself.

"Right. Have a good day, Ivy." He responds, with a sickly sweet voice.

His hand drops from shoulder, brushing against my breast, making me shiver in disgust.

I practically run out the door.


I walk through the school parking lot, I actually made it to school on time, despite my unexpected delay.

I was in a terrible state, emotionally.

Between what had just happened at my house and Elijah, I felt like i'd start crying at any moment.

The feeling only worsened as I saw Stefan walking away from Elena, and toward me.

I try to quickly turn and walk away.

"Ivy!" He shouts to get my attention.

I keep my head down and continue walking, but I hear him run to keep up with me.

My short legs were never a big help when trying to escape.

"Ivy." He taps my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I ask, trying to keep my composure.

"Look, I'm sorry abo-" He tries to apologize, as he takes in my red, puffy eyes.

I didn't have time to do makeup this morning, as I had made breakfast for my father.

"It's fine Stefan, I really don't want to talk about it." I try to walk away again, but he gently grabs my upper arm.

I flinch slightly at the contact.

His eyebrows furrow in concern, but he says nothing.

"I just wanted to tell you to be careful. After Elijah...uh, you know. Katherine's compulsion wore off. She's getting awfully good at impersonating Elena. So just keep an eye out ok?" He warns.

"Alright." I answer, my voice slightly wavering at the mention of Elijah. I then made my way into the high school.


At lunch, Bonnie had come to sit with me, and I happily accepted.

Bonnie's presence was always very comforting to me.

"You know, Caroline, Elena, and I are having a sort of girls night. I'd love for you to come." She asks hopefully.

"I don't think so Bon..." I answer warily.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." She tries to persuade.

"Elena doesn't like me, and Caroline probably won't even notice I'm there."

"Well it's better than thinking about Elijah all night."

Bonnie knew of my friendship with the original. She didn't exactly approve, but she knew he made me happy, and that's all that mattered to her.

She takes in my facial expression, and her feature fall into a look of regret.

"Sorry...I just meant it would be better than staying at home all night. And I promise you can just hangout with me all night. I won't let Elena say anything mean."

I decide that I'd rather endure Elena's rude comments than be at home with my father.


"Really?" She squeals happily.

"Yeah." I can't help but chuckle at her excited expression.

"Ugh I can't wait!"


I sit silently in the Gilbert house's kitchen.

The girls have been chatting, but I really can't find it within myself to act happy right now.

"Chinese food or pizza?" Caroline debates on our dinner choices.

"Like you have to ask?" Elena chuckles.

"I will get it." She smiles going over to her tablet.

She pauses, seeing a picture of her and Matt, who she's been having some troublesome times with.

"I'll do it." Bonnie offers kindly, taking the tablet from her.

"Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere?" Elena questions about the witch Elijah had employed.

Since Elijah had sadly departed, he wasn't sure what to do.

The friend group made him a deal that if he helped them, they would do everything they could to get his daughter back.

"I don't know what to believe. I think he's at a loss. He doesn't know who to trust." Bonnie answers.

"Join the club." Elena jokes.

"Well, what are we going to do about this movie situation? How about, 'the notebook'?" Caroline suggests.

"Caroline, how many times have you seen that movie?" Elena questions jokingly.

"That is so not the point."

"Well yeah I mean..." Elena starts to speak.

That's when Jenna entered the kitchen, bringing a small smile to my face.

"Hey, Jenna." I say in a happy tone, making Bonnie's face light up.

She hadn't seen me smile this big since Elijah passed.

"Hey, Ivy! What's going on?" She questions.

"Girls night." Elena answers before I can get the words out.

"Oh." Jenna says simply.

"How are you doing?" I ask her, as I had learned about her fight with Alaric.

"You heard about my fight with Ric?" She guesses, making me give her a sympathetic smile and nod.

"He feels terrible." Elena offers her input.

"Is this some kind of disguised attempt to cheer me up?" Jenna asks.

"No, no. This is just about us girls hanging out and you know, we'll be here if you happen to want to talk, or..." Elena answers.

I smile gently. I know it's only because of Bonnie, but it feels nice when Elena doesn't act like she hates me.

I always wanted to be her friend, but she never reciprocated those feelings.

"Because I am a winner when it comes to relationships." Caroline says sarcastically.

"You too?" Jenna questions.

"You have no idea." Caroline responds with a sigh.

"Okay then." Jenna accepts their offer to talk, as she walks to the fridge. "It's this whole Isobel thing. He's hiding something from me." She explains.

"To play devil's advocate, maybe there is a great reason why he's not telling you. Maybe he is just trying to protect you." Caroline advises.

"Well, that's not his call to make. I mean, I deserve the truth. Everybody does." Jenna replies, making me feel a slight twinge of guilt.

"Sometimes it's harder than that." Caroline tries to explain, without giving away too much.

"Not if it's somebody you care about, it isn't." Jenna says.

"You know what we need? Dancing. There is a band at the Grill." Caroline suggests.

"I'm in." Bonnie agrees to the plan.

"In." Jenna says decidedly.

"In." Elena answers as well.

Everyone looks to me, waiting for my answer.

I really don't feel like going. I signed up for a night in. I can barely sit here doing nothing, I definitely don't want to go dancing.

"Uh...I don't think I want to. You guys go though, have fun. I'll just go home." I try to excuse myself.

"Okay." Elena says quickly, attempting to leave, but she stops when the other girls make sounds of protest.

"No way. If I'm going you're going." Jenna says.

"I'm really tired I don't-"

"Please, Ivy? I'll buy you an ice cream. Whatever you want." Bonnie persuades.

"Low blow, using my sugar addiction against me. But very smart. I will attend." I answer, which results in cheers from everyone other than Elena, who stares at the wall.


We walk into the grill and Jenna immediately spots Alaric.

"I need a drink." She excuses herself and heads over to the bar.

I look at Bonnie, holding my hand out.

She chuckles, forking over the money for my promised ice cream.

I order it and head back to the table. I notice Caroline missing and look around.

It doesn't take long to find the girl, as her voice rings out through the microphone.

"Hey, everybody. Let's hear it for the band! Weren't they awesome?" She says, earning cheers from the crowd.

"This isn't going to end well." Jenna mutters, taking a shot of her tequila.

I nod, taking a spoonful of my ice cream.

"So there's this guy. And, uh, he told me to tell him how I feel about him. Like it's so easy. Um, you know, just 'cause I talk a lot doesn't mean I always know what I'm actually talking about. Ah, like now, I'm feeling loopy and I don't really know how to express myself." Caroline explains through the microphone.

"I can sing. Yeah! Yeah. You know what, I'm going to sing." Caroline adds, decidedly.

Our group looks at her in bewilderment.

"Sing?" Elena questions to no one in particular.

A singer from the band tries to take the mic from her, but she pulls it back and looks him in the eye, saying something I can't hear.

It was pretty obvious she just compelled him, but it's really not that big of a deal. She just wants to sing.

All of the sudden, the band breaks out into a cover of 'eternal flame'.

Caroline's sweet voice fills the mystic grill, providing a relaxing environment for me as I enjoyed my treat.

"She's good!" Jenna says to me.

I nod my head enthusiastically. Not wanting to speak with my mouth full.

Jenna giggles at me stuffing my face.

Once Caroline finishes her serenade, she maintains steady eye contact with Matt.

Matt breaks the eye contact as he walks on to the stage, looking determined

"Matt...I" Caroline starts, but is cut off by Matt planting a loving kiss on her lips.

Cheers and claps erupt from the crowd, causing me to chuckle.


Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena had all wondered away from the table, leaving Jenna and I alone.

There was an awkward silence, as I fiddled with the spoon of my now missing ice cream.

"So, I shared my troubles earlier...it's your turn now." Jenna breaks the silence.

"I don't have any troubles." I lie.

"Oh that's crap, you've been sulking all night. And you barely even cracked a smile while eating your ice cream. Something is wrong, so tell me." Jenna demands.

"It's just...Elijah left." I lie, not wanting her to know the true fate of my departed friend.

"Sweetie, he was only here on business. He was going to leave at some point." She tells me in a soft voice.

I eyes water for what feels like the hundredth time today. I blink back the tears and try to keep my voice steady as I answer.

"I know. I just have a hard time making friends, and he was so nice. I try to make friends with everyone but very few accept the invitation."

"I'm sorry hunny." She looks at me with sympathy, before pulling me into a hug.

I melt into her touch. It had been awhile since an adult I looked up to had hugged me.

"Thank you, Jenna." I smile into her shoulder.


Bonnie had returned with a worried expression, instantly setting off my internal alarm.

She grabbed my hand, leading me away from the table.

"Where are we going?" I ask, confused as to where she was dragging me.

"That's Jonas." She points out an angry looking man.

"Dr Martin? You okay?" Bonnie questions once we'd walked over.

"Where is she?" He demands.

"I don't understand." Bonnie answers.

"My son is dead." He spits out angrily.

"Whatever it is you think you need to do, there's a better way." Bonnie tries to talk him down.

"They killed Elijah and they killed Luka and my only shot at getting my daughter back is if I have Elena." Jonas explains.

In a sudden movement, he grabs me by the throat, holding me tight against him, leaving no room to escape.

He breaks a few lights with his powers

"No. No, Dr. Martin." Bonnie attempts to diffuse the situation.

"Where is she?" He inquires after Elena with rage.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her." Bonnie lies.

In a shower of sparks he breaks the rest of the lights in the Grill.

"Just let her go." Bonnie demands.

I stay silent trying not to make the situation any worse.

"Im not letting her go until I have Elena." Jonas states with determination.

My body trembles with fear as he holds onto me.

"Please let me go." I whimper.

"She didn't do anything Dr. Martin. Just let her go." Bonnie adds.

"I know that. It's nothing personal, I just want Elena." He explains.

He then breaks the bottles of alcohol with his powers, setting the bar tops ablaze.

I watch in fear as the flames dance across the counters.

Bonnie moves to stop him, but he puts his hand to her head and she falls unconscious.

"Bonnie!" I call out.

I struggle in his arms, flailing around.

He grows tired of my attempts. The last thing I feel is my head being smacked against the wall.

My visions goes dark.


I begin to stir from my slumber.

My hands brush against the plush surface of a bed beneath me.

I flutter my eyes open, to catch the eyes of Damon, who's sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How'd I get here?" I question warily.

"Stefan called, I came to get you." He answers as I try to avoid eye contact.

"Thanks" I mutter.

"You can stay here tonight. If you want of course."

"What​ happened ​to ​Dr. ​Martin?​ Is​ Bonnie​ okay?" ​I​ ask​ worriedly, remembering the nights events.

"Bonnie's fine, but Jonas is...dead." He answers.

I nod my head numbly.

"Look Baby, I'm so sorry. I can't stand it when you're mad at me."

"Damon, sorry's not gonna cut it this time. You're my best friend. I trusted you, and you went behind my back to kill someone I cared about."

"Please, baby. I'll do anything." He begs.

"I don't need you to do anything Damon. I just need some time."

He nods as a disappointed look takes over his features.

He moves to leave the room but I stop him, gently grabbing his forearm.

"You're still my best friend Damon. As much as I hate it, I don't think you could do anything to change that."

He gives me a soft, relieved smile.

"Goodnight baby." He kisses my temple before leaving the room.


Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that from Ivy's pov she doesn't know that Elijah could be revived. She thinks that he's gone forever, so that's why she's so upset.

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