His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson...

By LibraBby111

568K 8.9K 1.2K

Klaus Mikaelson is a cruel monster to most that know of him. When the said monster turns up in mystic falls h... More

Mood boards and character description
Triggers and disclaimers
Oops hehe
Baby's first kidnapping
Breakfast discussions
What? I like sugar. Sue me
Babysitters club
You know you love me
My best friend Eli
Disco inferno
Morning conversations
Dance until you drop
Pre-sugar rush
A vile accusation
Coffee and compulsion
Do you want to kiss me?
My saving grace
You're an angel
Blushing in the bar
Shop until you drop
Would you get off the floor?
Flowers and phone calls
Vampire history lesson
Birthday blues
Bump in the night
Dinner party from hell
Let them eat cake
You look beautiful
Sacrifices of the innocent
Apologies mean nothing to the dead
Forgiveness and fighting
Full consent to punch
Mending relationships
I need to sanitize my mouth!
Familiar faces
I'm not going anywhere
Smack down
Dream a little dream of me
I want you
He's so perfect!
Cold shoulder
Apology fruit
If only you spoke Aramaic
Sister, sister
Teddy bear
Poison ivy
Prom night
Brand new city

I just feel stupid

13.5K 204 28
By LibraBby111


I'm currently standing around Elena Gilbert's kitchen island with Damon, Stefan, and Elena.

Damon had called me to come talk about Katherine, whom he'd just gone to see at the tomb.

"You don't believe her do you?" Elena questions, referring to the deal Katherine proposed.

She said that if they got her out of the tomb, then she would hand over the moonstone and leave mystic falls for good.

"No. Of course not. We just want the moonstone." Damon replies.

"According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the curse Klaus wants to break." Stefan relays the information.

"No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice. Ergo, you live." Damon adds.

"Yeah that sounds great, but how do you destroy it?" I question.

"By releasing it from the moonstone." Stefan answers.

"So all you have to do is break a rock?" I giggle, thinking that the spell could be destroyed that simply.

"God, are you stupid? It's not gonna be that easy." Elena sighs.

I look at my feet as my face flushed with embarrassment.

"Nope, it won't. But we have just the crafty witch on our side to help." Damon states.

"You discussed it with Bonnie." Elena guesses.

"She agreed to do anything she could to help us." Stefan says.

"Are you forgetting that it's Katherine who has the moonstone? She's not just going to hand it over." I add skeptically.

"We're gonna get it from her." Stefan states confidently.

"Well, what he means to say is, we will pry it from her cold, dead hands if we have to." Damon adds.

"Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out in time for her to return it." Stefan explains

"Wow. I mean, it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out." Elena says.

"Yep. We're awesome." Damon smirks.

I give him a big smile and two thumbs up.

"Except for one thing. I don't want you to do it." Elena states, causing my smile to drop.

"What are you talking about? Elena, we don't have a choice." Stefan reasons.

"What about Klaus?" Elena asks.

"We'll find him right after we get the moonstone." Stefan states.

"Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about, including the two of you."

I know Elena doesn't like me, but I thought she'd at least care if I was dead or not.

"Elena, if we can de-spell the moonstone, we can save your life." Stefan says.

"I know. Everybody keeps saying that."


After school I was summoned to the Salvatore house by Damon. I sigh as my knuckles knock against the wooden door.

It soon swings open revealing my best friend.

"Hello, baby."

"Hi Damon" I smile softly.

"Come on everyone's waiting."

"I don't know why you even want me here. I'm human. I can't help with anything. I just feel stupid."

"You're here because I enjoy your company. And you have to know what's going on to keep you out of danger. Now would you please get in the house?"

"Fine. But only because you enjoy my company so much." I giggle to which he playfully rolls his eyes.

I walk into the room where most of my friends are congregated.

"Hey guys." I greet, earning a chorus of hellos in response.

"Now, as I was saying, I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine." Bonnie explains.

"How? It took both you and your Grams last time, and look what happened to her." Jeremy says.

"I'm well aware of what happened. I've learned a few new things."

"Bonnie..." Jeremy starts.

"How will you get in?" Bonnie asks, directing her attention to Stefan.

"She hasn't been feeding. She's weaker, we're not." He explains.

"I don't know... that seems too easy. You wouldn't be underestimating her would you?" I ask worriedly before Damon answers.

"It's a plan. Is it perfect?" He scoffs. "What plan is?"

Before I can reply, Jeremy speaks up. "Let me do it. I've got my ring. I can get in, get out. No spells necessary."

"Gee, thanks, you 16-year-old child. Why didn't we think about that? Why are you even here?" Damon questions.

"Damon! What have I said about the bullying?" I scold.

"You said not to, and then I promptly ignored you."

"Hey, if I'm not useful in this plan then neither is she. At least I'm offering to help." Jeremy says pointing at me.

Damon gives him a harsh glare.

"See? I told you! I should just go home." I start getting up before Damon gently grabs my wrist, pulling me onto his lap.

"You're staying." He says simply leaving me no room to argue.

"And I swear little Gilbert if I hear another word come out of that obnoxious mouth-"

"Okay that's enough. Can we get back to the plan?" I ask, giving Damon's hand a squeeze of reassurance.

"Yes, thank you Ivy. I was thinking of a way to better the plan. Do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?" Bonnie speaks.


I had gone with Stefan and Bonnie to the tomb after she created some of this magical ash that would knock Katherine out temporarily.

Damon wasn't here yet which I found weird.

When we got to the entrance I noticed the small rock that was the reason for this trip lying out in the open.

"Is that the moonstone?" I question.

"What the hell?" Stefan breathes in confusion.

The three of us rush over to it, confirming our suspicions.

Katherine comes up to the entrance, mouth drenched in blood.

"I hate to interrupt. Today has just been full of surprises." She says, revealing a barely conscious Jeremy who's sporting a nasty bite mark on his neck.

"I'm sorry. I took some powder." Jeremy reveals.

"Don't worry, I know that he's wearing his ring, so no matter how many times I kill him, he'll just keep coming back for more. So, I'm going to be in the back playing with my new little toy. And you guys just give me a holler when you've got the tomb open." Katherine taunts.

After a bit Damon still hadn't shown up and Bonnie started her spell.

Just as Katherine dragged Jeremy to the entrance of the tomb Bonnie's chanting got louder and the flames grew.

"Oooh something's happening." Katherine.

After a few more minutes of chanting Bonnie's nose starts to bleed heavily. Jeremy yells for her to stop, causing Stefan to try and stop her.
She just continues her spell.

"Bonnie!" Stefan tries shaking her arm.

Suddenly she faints into his arms, causing Stefan to shake her.

I run over and lay Bonnie's head on my lap.

"Are you okay? You alright?" I ask as she slowly sits up.

"It didn't work. Even with help I'm not strong enough." Bonnie says defeatedly.

"Aww that's too bad. I'm still hungry." Katherine says, slamming Jeremy against the stone wall. Her fangs come out as veins appear under her eyes.

In a fast blur Jeremy is thrown out of the tomb, being replaced by Stefan. "Go!" He warns Jeremy and Bonnie.

They scurry out of view as I just stand there in shock.

He's stuck.



I sit with Stefan on opposite sides of the tombs entrance.

I decided to keep him company instead of just leaving him with Katherine.

"You know what you did was really brave." I tell him.

"It was nothing."

"It's not nothing. You're a good man Stefan and an even better friend."

He smiles before we're interrupted by Katherine.
"Barf. Can you leave now?" She asks me rudely.

"You can go if you want. I'll be fine." Stefan offers.

"No I'll stay."

He smiles again.

"You're a good friend too Ivy."


I eventually fell asleep against the cold stone wall.

I'm woken by someone calling Stefan's name. Upon looking I see Elena and Damon.

Elena tries to rush into the tomb only to be stopped by Damon. "Don't you dare."

While they argue I notice Stefan missing from his previous spot.

Elena once again tries to go into the tomb when Damon grabs her arms.

She beats against his chest in protest before giving up and stomping out of the cave.

"Are you ok?" Damon asks, pulling me into a standing position.

"I'm fine."

I hear footsteps and turn to see Stefan again.

"Of all the idiot plans, Stefan." Damon groans.

"Yeah." Stefan sighs.

"I'll find a way to get you out." Damon promises.

"Ah, it's all right. I'll handle myself. Bonnie has the moonstone. Work with her. Try to figure out how to de-spell it." Stefan instructs.

"You martyr yourself in a tomb and I get partnered with a semi-competent witch. Wonderful." Damon jokes.

"Keep Elena away from here."

"Yeah. 'Cause that'll be easy." Damon scoffs.

"Promise me. No matter what happens. You'll protect her."


Damon holds his hand out for me to take. I look at Stefan, not knowing if I should leave him alone.

"Go get some sleep, Ivy. I'll be here tomorrow." Stefan reassures.

"Goodnight Stefan."

"Goodnight Ivy." He smiles.



anyway uh vote and comment if you want. I love you all. 😘

Ps. I know it's a lil boring rn but when Klaus shows up, things will get interesting :)

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