The Effects of Betrayal

By KatieMossman

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Not your average Percy becomes a god fanfic, read to find out more. Just a warning, Percy is bisexual in thi... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

624 11 3
By KatieMossman

AN/I think I'm finally getting my inspiration back, I'm hoping it will stick around until I finish all my stories, also Happy easter to everyone who celebrates it. 

Percy's POV

It had been a week since my daughter was born, and I had been spending a lot of time with her and Fortuna. I usually had to split my consciousness so I could be in more than one place at a time. Yeah, I'm busy nowadays but that's okay since I can still always make time for the people I care about, as well as my duties as a god.

My dad had gone to Fortuna's palace to see Silvia a couple of days ago. I was there when he'd shown up, I knew he was coming since I had told him the day before that Silvia had been born. Once he had arrived Dad had switched to his Roman form mainly because Fortuna and I were in ours. He smiled when he saw Silvia, and we let him hold her for a while. She didn't seem to mind, and we were planning on taking her to visit my mom and Paul soon since I knew they would want to see her.

Of course, I am still spending as much time with Apollo as I can. He knows about Silvia, but he hasn't seen her. That doesn't bother me, although I was sure they would end up meeting at some point, even if it was only by accident. Regardless, we were happy. There is no one else I'd rather be with so I spend most nights with him, and I haven't slept with anyone else in a while. Technically we still have an open relationship, so I could sleep with other people if I wanted to but I honestly haven't wanted to in a while. Maybe I will eventually decide to have a one-night stand with someone else but right now I Don't really need to since I am content with Apollo.

A few days ago I had taken Olivia to meet my mom. The visit was a bit awkward, but my mom wanted to meet her before she has our baby so I had taken Olivia to meet her. Lisa had also met my mom a while ago, the first time they had met I had taken Mom to meet her, but since then I think my mom has been visiting her often to give her some extra support through her pregnancy. I'm sure Mom would have helped Olivia too if it wasn't for the fact that they lived so far apart. Either way, I certainly appreciate my mom helping Lisa since I couldn't be there to help her constantly and it was mainly my fault we were in this situation.

Now I am spending time with Fortuna and Silvia. It looked like Silvia had gotten my black hair and her mother's amber eyes. I am not with Silvia and Fortuna constantly, but I still try to spend a lot of time with them. between what I had seen and what Fortuna had told me Silvia was a good baby. She wasn't too fussy, or anything like that, but even if she had been we wouldn't have to deal with that for too long.

She is an immortal, and would probably be a minor goddess when she's older she will grow much quicker than a mortal baby or demigod. I had no clue what she might end up being the goddess of, we won't know that until she's older. I know I had been really nervous about becoming a dad, but now that my first child is here, that has faded for the most part. I'm happy to take care of Silvia, and I love her. Now I'm not too worried about what I'll do after my other kids are born, I'm sure everything will be fine

A few days went by before Fortuna and I visited my mom and Paul with Silvia. Fortuna wasn't going to go and was just going to let me take Silvia to see them by myself, but I convinced her to go too. As I had expected my mom and Paul were happy to see us, but they were especially happy to see Silvia. It didn't surprise me at all that Mom immediately loved Silvia. I mean she was happy to see me but Silvia was definitely the center of attention during that visit and she seemed to be perfectly fine with that. It looked like she enjoyed the attention that we were all giving her.

After we went back to Olympus, not much else happened that day. I spent some time with Apollo, but I didn't do much else. A few weeks went by without much happening before something important happened. I was in my palace one evening when my phone rang. it was Lisa. I wasn't really surprised, I often contact her or visit her to see how she's doing since our twins are due any day now. "How are you doing?" I asked, a bit concerned since she sounded nervous or worried, maybe a bit of both. She also sounded like she was breathing heavier than usual, she replied, "I'm okay, but I think the babies are coming,"

"I'll be right there," I replied quickly,

" no, wait!" she replied.

"What?" I asked, confused.

She replied, "My parents are here, so don't just teleport in here, and maybe take a little longer to get here than you normally do,"

"Alright, I understand," I replied. Instead of just teleporting to her apartment, I drove my chariot, which is Slower than just teleporting there, but considering that with it I avoided having to drive in the New York traffic, it still got me to Lisa's faster than any mortal method would have.

I was only slightly surprised when I got there, and my mom was also there. I knew that my mom had been visiting and helping Lisa pretty often ever since the first time I took her to meet Lisa. Lisa Introduced me to her parents, and then we all left for the nearest hospital, Lisa's Parents insisted that they take her to the hospital, and I didn't argue since they didn't know what I really am so they had no idea that I would be able to get her there much faster than they could. Regardless, that didn't matter too much because once we all got to the hospital she still wasn't fully dilated, so we still had some time before the babies would be born. In fact, a few hours passed before that.

Once she was ready to start pushing I held her hand and did my best to encourage her. Her mother was also in the room with us, and she was also trying to encourage Lisa while ignoring me, which was fine since Lisa was more important, but her parents had made what they thought of me obvious before we left her apartment. I guess I couldn't blame them too much, after all, Lisa and I had never dated, we had just hooked up a few times and obviously hadn't been careful enough when it came to using protection. Despite how we had met we had also developed a friendship, and I did care about her even though I obviously didn't romantically love her, at this point, we were basically just good friends. She had also let my mom in with us.

Once the twins were born, Lisa was holding our daughter, while I was holding our son. We had talked about possible names for them a few times, but we had eventually made a decision and when it came time to name our twins we named them Hope and Charlie. I will admit that I suggested Charlie, mainly because of Beckendorf. Hope was Lisa's idea, but I agreed that it was a nice name so that was what we had decided on.

I stayed there with Lisa for a while after that, and over the next few days, I spent a lot of time with her and our twins. I was thankful that I could be in more than one place at a time since I also spent time with Fortuna and Silvia, Apollo, and also my dad. I also spent some time at Camp half blood since I'm supposed to, considering that I am the camp director now. It seems like Nico and Will are working things out although I haven't really talked to either of them in a little while.

Grover has been spending some time at camp to be with Juniper, and I had been catching up with him as well. Grover had been gone for so long that he hadn't even known that I had taken over as Camp Director. I went to talk to him when I was sure he wasn't with Juniper because I didn't want to interrupt them if they were spending time together. After all, they hadn't seen each other in a while. When Grover and I found a time when we were both free, we met in a clearing in the woods. "How are you doing Grover?"

"Good, although I have to admit I was getting a bit homesick after being away for so long," Then he started talking about some of the different wild places that he had managed to save during the time he had been gone.

"What about you Percy how are you doing, "

"Good, I'm the camp director here now since Zeus decided that Dionysus had been here long enough so someone else had to take over the job. I was happy to do it since I still have friends here, and considering my domains it makes sense for me to do it, for several months now, I have also been dating Apollo,"

That certainly surprised Grover, considering that he hadn't known that am bi, I didn't mention my children yet, and Grover and I just talked about less important things for a while before going our separate ways because we had other things we needed to do.

Regardless it was nice to see Grover again, I would probably mention my kids to him at some point I just didn't want to do it yet. I didn't want to tell too many people about them mainly to keep them safe, especially the twins since they are demigods. I was sure that most of the other gods probably wouldn't care that I had already fathered a few kids considering that most of the gods sleep around and at this point most of them have had many children. The only exceptions are Hera and the maiden goddesses. One of those maiden goddesses was another reason why I was keeping the fact that I have children quiet. The longer I can avoid dealing with a pissed-off Artemis the better. I was sure that once she finds out, Artemis would jump to conclusions and assume that I was being just like the other gods, fathering children and then ignoring them before going on to father even more, despite my domains and everything the fates had said about me being exempt from most of the ancient laws regarding demigods.

She might even assume that it was Apollo's fault that I had changed, but of course, it wasn't. sure he and Hermes had invited me to the bar the night I met Lisa, and when I had refused at first they had tried to persuade me to go, but in the end, I had made the final decision and decided that I couldn't let fear stop me from going on with my life. Apollo certainly hadn't forced me to sleep around, I had chosen to do that, and of course, occasionally forgetting protection had been partially my fault, and partially that of whoever I was sleeping with at the time, after all, both of us could have thought of it, and more often than not we did, but the few times we hadn't were why I now have three kids with one more on the way. I was sure it might be impossible to convince Artemis that I hadn't done anything wrong and that I do genuinely care about my kids and their mothers, even though the only person I have romantic feelings for is Apollo. the longer I can avoid that conversation with Artemis, the better.

Most days I leave a part of my consciousness at Camp Half-Blood, while other parts visit with Fortuna and Silvia, Lisa and the twins, Olivia, and sometimes my parents. I usually spend the evenings on dates with Apollo, and when they are over we usually spend the rest of the night together. I love him, and we are happy together, despite some of the unpleasant events that happened in the past, and the fact that I hadn't exactly planned on having four kids this soon, I am happy with how my life had turned out even though it certainly hasn't gone how I had been expecting it too. If someone had asked me a couple of years ago, what I thought I would be doing now, I probably would have guessed that I would be in a a happy relationship with Annabeth while going to college in New Rome, but it seemed the fates had other ideas, and they must have wanted me to end up with a different blond.

I wasn't complaining. I was also happy to not have to fight monsters anymore, the only times I ever did now was when I had to help a demigod get to camp. believe it or not, now some monsters don't even bother to try and fight me anymore and run away instead, rightfully assuming that they would just lose if they fought. Despite that I often still practice with my swords, sometimes dual-wielding them, other times using one of them along with a shield. I always have enjoyed Practicing swordplay, it was the life-or-death fights that I disliked for obvious reasons. Since I'm the god of swordplay I don't technically need to practice anymore, but I still enjoy it and it gives me time to think so that's why I still do it sometimes.  

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