To the Shadows that Cry Witch...

By dragons-n-dwarves04

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Kíli x reader/oc (will write a Fíli x reader/oc POV soon) Summary: Magic was real, but it came at a price. So... More

Chapter I - Go on a roadtrip they said, it'll be fun they said
Chapter II - I should've stayed in bed
Chapter III - Error: Friend not found
Chapter V - Coping mechanisms my ass
Chapter VI - Ironically Alive
Chapter VII - This is why you don't socialise
Chapter VIII - How it feels to chew five gum
Chapter IX - The Teletubbies could never
Chapter X - DIE. But first, food.
Chapter XI - Unfortunate Beginnings
Chapter XII - Not much has changed but there's no Wi-Fi now
Chapter XIII - Item: Suspicion
Chapter XIV - Thanks, I hate it.
Chapter XV - Screaming
Chapter XVI - 'Let's go on a shopping spree!' They said, unemployed.
Chapter XVII - I am confusion.
Chapter XVIII - Into the thick of it.
Chapter XIX - Beautiful new - BLOO - passport
Chapter XX - Yer a wizard. Sorry, witch.
Chapter XXII - Interesting Concept. Poor Execution.
Chapter XXIII - Rearranging furniture

Chapter IV - Hey ghouls, the girls are here.

50 3 0
By dragons-n-dwarves04

Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Minor Injuries, Major injuries (i.e. broken bones)

Alternate Universe (definition): A hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own.

I felt nothing and everything at the same time.

Each of my senses were heightened as I tried to make out what was happening, though there was nothing to make out. I opened my eyes to pitch black, straining my ears for even a single sound only to receive nothing but an empty void. It was as if I was floating in the middle of a sensory deprivation tank, where time slugged by in slow motion. A dream where you wanted to run, but your limbs were made of lead and only dragged you down further.

Frustrated and frightened beyond belief, I floated there for what felt like a thousand lifetimes, trying to reach for something, until slowly but surely, I could feel myself tilting backwards, or upwards, to be honest I don't think direction even existed right now. Soon enough I felt myself descend, the sound of air whistling past as I seemed to descend quite rapidly, gaining speed to the point where the air became a deafening roar in my ears. Where I was falling to I had no clue of, but it was better than having a panic attack whilst magically suspended in a void.

A voice. Well, it wasn't really a voice, more like screaming. I mean, I was screaming too, but I knew I wasn't hearing things. At this point I wasn't really worried about who was making the ruckus, I could be falling to my death after all. The only thing I comprehended was that they were falling too.

I had enough. Panic attack No.2 just finished, and I was still falling?? At this point the initial fear was now replaced with boredom and irritation at my predicament. I was even tempted to go to sleep, you know, make up the hours, and hopefully wake up to find I had already landed. But I knew I couldn't doze off, everyone knows I'm too picky about my sleeping arrangements, and it's always an hour minimum before I actually fall into any form of slumber. I still closed my eyes in some form of attempt, and relaxed as much as I could. I no longer had any concept of time. It felt like it had been hours when it could've easily been mere minutes.

Whether it was good or bad luck, I still felt the relief at the change of atmosphere. The air became significantly fresher, and I could almost see the light trying to pierce through my eyelids. The sound of thunder wasn't very promising, though, and my relief didn't stick around for long, packing up its bags and sprinting out the door the second I opened my eyes.

I ignored the fact that my throat was already painfully sore from earlier and began my screaming match again. Only this time wasn't with the void, but with the dark clouds and the rapidly approaching ground below me. I hastily spotted I was going to hit a tree before coming to a possibly fatal landing on the grass, so I did all I could think of. I reached behind me, moving my rucksack as quickly as I could despite the aerodynamics, from my back to my face, wrapping my arms around the bag and curling my legs into me to prevent injuries as much as possible.

It wasn't long before I hit something. Hard. And another thing. And another. All the while I was scratched and whipped by twigs all around me. A short moment of falling again passed, until I slammed into the ground with a loud thud. A deafening shriek ripped through my throat, wailing as agony shot through every part of my body. Despite the evidence of magic existing, it seemed no mercy would be given since something, if not several, things felt very broken. I forced my eyes open through the torture, blinking rapidly as rain hammered at my face, light filling my vision for the first time in what felt like forever, even if it was only dim.

Forcing the bag off me, I rolled over in the sodden grass, letting out involuntary cries of anguish as my body trembled from both the excruciating pain and freezing temperatures.

Managing to roll onto my front, I tried my best through this nightmare to kick in my first aid training, to figure out just what parts of my body had the misfortune of baring the worst of the impact. My head was lucky, the bag only letting it receive a few knocks. My torso, not so much, with my painful breathing telling me a few ribs had definitely cracked. My left wrist was completely trashed, seeing as I could hardly move it as it already had begun to turn red and swell up. However, as if by some miracle, my legs were intact, albeit a bit sore and with some definite bruising, not to mention the twisted ankle.

Thanking whatever kept me alive, I used my right arm to push myself up, trying not to twist too much to save myself from slipping over in the wet mud and tormenting myself further. I carefully retrieved my bag and shakily cradled my left hand to my chest. Only then was I able to finally take in what was around me.

Blinking through the rain that was collecting on my lashes, I saw it was like I was back in the forest, though it looked like something out of a fairy-tale. Twisting my head around, I observed that I was in some sort of meadow, filled to the brim with flowers of every colour. Perfect for frolicking in if it wasn't pouring with rain, and also if you haven't just fallen from the uppermost atmosphere. It was bordered by a darkened forest of oak trees, with possibly the most vibrant, dark green leaves I've ever seen. A pond, I guessed was about ten metres across or so in diameter, was tucked in at the edge, between the border of flowers and trees. It was also daytime, albeit still dark and grey, from what I could make through the hammering rain.

Taking shaky breaths, I peeled wet strands of hair from my face whilst trying to ignore the blood mixing with the water on my arm. I took a minute or so to calm down as much as I could, trying my best to focus on my surroundings as I tried to get the dizzying pain and cold turn from sharp jabs into a dull throbbing. Though I wasn't able to get that far.

Because today decided that what I had endured wasn't enough and sent me another lovely experience.

The screaming I had heard from the void returned, though I knew it definitely wasn't me this time, with it now coming from above, and it was gaining on where I was very rapidly. Squinting up through the raindrops hitting my face, I scoured the dark grey sky above me. From out of the corner of my eye, a figure fell past in a blur, and my head twisted in its direction, despite the developing ache in my neck, as the sound of an object hitting water filled my ears. I watched in shock as the once still pond crashed around in violent waves as whatever hit it sent water flying high into the air, soaking a vast area of the meadow.

Dropping my bag, I pushed myself to my feet with a wince and hopped over as fast as I could, coming to a stop on the slippery edge of the pond. I watched as it kept churning and splashing, and I realised the figure was most definitely drowning.

My lifeguard training flashed in my mind and I jumped in. The adrenaline now pumping in my veins blocked me from feeling most of my broken bones as I wrapped my arms around the mass of flailing limbs, quickly dragging them out the water and pulling them up onto the bank.

Eventually said mass of limbs had calmed down and was now leant on their knees and elbows as they retched up pond water. Seeing that they were alive, I collapsed for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

"I thought you said you weren't jumping in after me?" heaved a familiar voice from beside me.

I whipped my head around in shock, practically giving myself whiplash, to see Kay hunched over on the bank next to me, looking exactly like she did several hours ago, albeit now soaked from head to toe, her copper hair sticking wherever it could on her face. I shrieked many indiscernible noises, almost refusing to believe that she was here after all that. All I could do was wrap around her in a desperate hug, finally feeling like I was no longer going to hyperventilate for the fiftieth time that day.

Letting go, we took some time to calm down and regain our energy. The burning question still stood firm, however, as we observed our surroundings. We both looked at each other, eager to ask questions, but the inconceivable events from today left us utterly dumbstruck, too stunned to even say a word to each other. We were totally tongue-tied.

Although it didn't last long.

All that movement had jostled my injuries, and I let out a quite hiss as the adrenaline wore off, my whole body feeling like I had been run over three times and processed through a meat grinder.

Kay's head moved like flash, setting her scrutinising eyes on my pained grimace, before scanning my soggy appearance. A gasp flew out as she caught sight of the now dried streaks of blood down my right arm. Reaching out she snatched up my wrist and I opened my hand as much as I could, allowing her to survey the gashes across my palm and fingers.

She raised her eyebrow at me, looking for an explanation and I sheepishly admitted to trying to poke a magical veil with a stick. She wasn't amused.

"Did you wanna take a picture?" I kidded, doing my best to lighten the atmosphere, whilst also trying to focus on anything but my hand.

My attempt seemed to work, though, as it wasn't a second before her phone was out her bag, zooming in on my open hand, the camera shutter going off several times as I cracked up as much as my ribs would allow me at her priorities.

As she went to return it, I used that hand to drag over my bag, unzipping it to take out my miniature first aid kit. Swivelling back, she furrowed her brows in confusion at me using my bloodied hand. She eyed my other hand, watching as I cradled it to my chest as I attempted to open the kit with one hand.

"What else happened?" she demanded. I looked up at her sheepishly.

"I mayyyy have broken a fewwww..... bones?" I meekly confessed, my voice shaky as the waves of pain crashed over. I withdrew slightly at the sight of her expression hardening. "I didn't exactly hit the water like you did."

"Bones." She deadpanned.

I darted my eyes around, scratching the side of my neck with a finger whilst avoiding eye contact with the storm that was now developing in front of me.

"Like.... A couple ribs and my wrist?" I smiled nervously, slowly dragging the first aid kit towards me with my bleeding hand to see if I could open it again. "It's not like you can say anything, with your borderline concussion." I pointed out the large cut on her forehead and the fact she was blinking far too much whilst also swaying slightly.

A hand swatted me away, before snatching up the kit. Within a minute or so my arm was cleared of both fresh and crusted blood, red replaced with white as Kay secured the bandage in its place with medical tape. I tried my best with my ruined hands to stick the large plaster over her cut in return, after she had cleaned it.

After tidying the equipment away, she clambered to her feet. Stretching out her painfully sore back with a groan, she scanned our current location, the both of us now recalling that we were currently god knows where. I tried my best to follow suit, carefully pushing myself up and limping over.

"Where in the actual fresh hell are we?" I asked. Kay shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm just as clueless as you." She replied. She stared at my swelling wrist before deciding. "We have to find a village or town though, otherwise you're fucked the most if we stay out here."

I agreed with her and retrieved my bag. Not seeing that she had spotted my limp.

"Don't tell me your ankle's fucked as well!" She cried over the rain. I turned around slowly to see her displeased expression.

"It's only twisted." I explained nervously. God she had eyes like a hawk.

With a frustrated sigh, she strode over and reached into one of the front pockets of my bag. Taking out the spare tote bag I had packed, she insisted on lightening my bag's contents, as to not worsen my injuries.

Slowly but surely, due to my mangled ankle and her aching back, we chose a direction we thought best and began our trek, leaving the meadow behind as we entered the dark forest.

Thank you for reading! See you soon for Chapter 5.

If you're interested in this story, check out my other socials for extras, or even just a different layout.

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