Sinful Desire [Yandere genshi...

By Whoasked_886

76K 1.7K 814

They were like sides of triangles, polar different from each other yet they always hold each other's hands. B... More

Mondstadt [1]
Mondstadt [2]
Mondstadt [3]
[Extra Chapter]
Mondstadt [4]
Mondstadt [5]
Mondstadt [6]
Mondstadt [7]
Mondstadt [8]
Mondstadt [9]
Mondstadt [10]
Liyue [1]
Liyue [3]
Liyue [4]
Liyue [5]
Liyue [6]
Liyue [7]
Liyue [8]
Liyue [9]
Liyue [10]
Liyue [11]
Liyue [12]
Liyue [13]
Inazuma [1]
Inazuma [2]
Inazuma [3]
Inazuma [4]
Inazuma [5]
Inazuma [6]
Inazuma [7]
Inazuma [8]
Inazuma [9]
Inazuma [10]
[Sinful Desire]
Sumeru [1]
Sumeru [2]
Sumeru [3]
Sumeru [4]
The game of death [1]
The game of death [2]
The game of death [3]
The game of death [4]
[Back Stories]
The Fight [1]
The Fight [2]
The Fight [3]
The Fight [4]
The Fight [5]
The Fight [6]
[The End]


218 6 0
By Whoasked_886

And there was not a single vote in the last chapter and if you are so wondering that there is one vote, Yes it's mine.

Guys at least tell me that this book is shit or it is good so I can leave it on hiatus or continue, I just feel like I am writing for fugging bots!

Anyways continuing on Ezra's back story


"Waht da fuk is happening!?!" The female shouted in confusion, the female was so smaller than them. Her fight-or-flee response started, she gazed around to find something small that could fit her, that way she would be away from those big dragons and those things in the sky.

She sprint, her eyes blurring with panic but that didn't stop her pace. Running over small rocks, seeing little to species that she was familiar with.

And with that, she ended up at a small cave and pushed her in. It was quiet the entire time, causing her to doze off. After hours she was awakened by a weird noise, it sounded a little too much like bombs. It sounds like some airplanes are falling missiles at those dragons.

She nestled herself, thinking about the comfort of her life that she had in her home. Screams of those dragons could be heard outside, causing the woman to tear up.

Sitting there the teenage girl realized that she is stuck in a place that she doesn't even know. And on Earth things such as dragons don't exist!

Suddenly the ground started creaking, and she quickly stood up. Her heart beat loudly as she gazed outside to find the corpses of those dragons, she almost shouted as her eyes went up to a humanoid creature, yet not human enough.

That creature was golden in color, slaughtering those dragons with its bare hands. Unexpectedly the ground below her starts breaking, causing her to scream as she falls.

While screaming and falling she noticed that nothing was below, just darkness causing the female to scream more loudly.

The creature that was slaughtering the creature heard the strange noise, it followed it to find something falling. It jumped in to catch the thing.

It confusingly gazed at the creature in its hand which was shouting and trying to get out of its embrace. The creature has never seen a thing like this before, it looked so....beautiful, it felt so lifelike even with that disgusting expression of fear on its face.

The creature tried to communicate with the thing in its hand to find it, still clawing into its embrace. That creature looked so utterly small and adorable.

Unfortunately, the human didn't reply just kept screaming in fear. The creature shouted for its friends, the little adorable thing was still clawing in its hand, causing it pain. So the creature dropped the little human to the ground to get it to quiet down, instead of that, the human started sprinting away.

It gazes at the sprinting human with a loving gaze, already loving the new creature who was full of life. It tried its powers to slow the small little thing down and it worked!

The little adorable thing fell to the ground, smashing its head in the rock. It walked up to it and picked it up, looking for any injuries, and holy hell there were lots of those. And just like any normal creature, it started licking the injuries.

"Why did you call us?!"  In a foreign language that the female didn't know, the friend of the creature that nestled the teenage girl asked.

The other three friends were there, "Istaroth! You know we were busy!" one of its friends said, causing the other to smile as it showed the human in its hand with a little hint of mystery. "Look at this! This little thing was out here, all alone! It's so beautiful, isn't it?"

The other swarmed Istaroth like flies, staring at the human with curiosity, "What even is this thing?" Its friend asked, confused about how a small thing like this could be a dragon, "Not sure, why don't we ask the primordial one? They might know!" Istaroth suggesting, the other nodded, prodding at the small little creature that was embraced in Istaroth's arms.

That's how Ezra was adopted by the four shades of primordial one.

She saw the end of the dragon race, and she was utterly terrified of the things that adopted her but they were warm and made her feel at home even though they can barely communicate due to both speaking different languages.

For some reason, Ezra stopped aging, stuck in her teenage self. After more than a hundred years, they were able to communicate a little. They all were interested in her race, her name, her life and many things.

Ezra learned their names as well, after learning their names she finally realized that she might know this world, she remembers reading her favorite games' lore.

"The primordial one and its four shades."

That's what they were, Ezra is isekaied in genshin world, just a little too early.

She was okay with her life for now, she is fed properly, Istaroth and the others hang out with her when they are free. But she second small world crumbled as the second who came, came.

Her small little haven was destroyed again, just like her old life. But as she knew, the Primordial one was victorious in this battle.

As her life with them continues, they created another thing named Asmoday, as a servant of the primordial one and the new little haven called Celestia, the new human race was started along with the birth of gods.

But on one unfortunate day, the four shades and the primordial one disappeared, leaving the Celestia in shambles.

Knowing that Ezra was nothing but a weakless human, Asmoday stole the throne but Ezra didn't see it that way, she trusted her after all the time they spent together.

Ezra knew that Asmoday will leave the godless nation in shambles, maybe due to her being in the picture, maybe things will change? Maybe...?

But thousands of years before the cataclysm, Asmoday [The unknown god] waged with a nation, its name was "Maurt" it was under the rule of a god who refused to work under Celestia, causing the people of the nation to disobey Celestia as well.

"You CANNOT do that!" Ezra shouted at the greater being, "I will." The dull gaze in her eyes never changed. Ezra pulled out her sword, pointing at Asmoday's chest, and shouted, "No you won't!"

"I will." Asmoday stood up from the throne, leaving the room. "I see... Then count me dead like the rest of them!" Ezra said before throwing the sword and walking outside the room.

Asmoday stopped her by catching her hand, "You can't. You know I hold deep affection for you." Ezra snatched her hand away before walking out the door.

The new god's eyes widened, "You know I LOVE YOU RIGHT?" The feeling of losing more lingered in her heart. Ezra ignored every single word, but she will come to regret that decision.

"That has to be a joke." Ezra sighed, finding chains connected to her hands. "I apologize, I will end the matter in Maurt peacefully. I just want you..." Asmoday apologized, her gaze on the floor

"....? Really?!" She heard pure delight and hesitantly nodded. "Thank you!" Ezra jumped and hugged Asmoday. At the start of their life, Asmoday and the others took things such as hug threatening but she explained that it is a sign of love.

"Thank you...Love." Ezra said again, her cheeks blushing. Without a single thought Asmoday lifted her and wanted to gobble up the human in her arms.

And there comes the problem, more thousands of years passed and Asmoday became more cruel to the world while more sweet to Ezra.

Ezra was utterly oblivious of that fact. "Love!" She called out happily, Asmodays' heart skipped a beat causing an earthquake on the ground.

More times later, the idea of an archon war was presented. Ezra was opposed to it but her words were not taken seriously. Due to that, on a stormy night a fight began.

"You are so cowardly! You are scared of the fact that the other gods will get more powerful to you, don't you?! You are scared that they will take over you!" That was nothing but truth.

With that Ezra left the Celestia, causing an outrage in the world.

Not long ago, Focalor was born. And Ezra met Zhongli and the others.

In the darkness of the room, Ezra stared at her wrists. Her eyes went up to her naked chest, which had few marks. Suddenly a hand crawled up to her and pulled her closer, "Sleep, its night." Tsaritsa said gently, causing Ezra to sigh.

'Maybe, this is the life for me....?'

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