Hmesha: One Shots

By eilyywrites

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HMESHA This word in itself is a promise of forever. It makes one assure that things are going to last beyond... More

71st Century
The last piece of Cake
In life-he had won
His perfect painted picture

Koffee with Karan

1.9K 85 315
By eilyywrites

»This one shot is based in the year 2019 however I've included pictures that were posted after 2019 too. Because why not?
»Virushka has been married for more than an year.
»Virat is still the captain of the Indian cricket team
»Hardik and Rahul has yet not appeared on this couch.
»Vami is yet to grace our lives.

Karan: Hello helloo helloooo. Welcome back to Koffee with Karan.

Now, Have you guys ever heard of the word ‘Ineffable’? Let me tell you it refers to something so great and perfect to be described in words.

No, I'm not showing off my enriched vocabulary but I was just describing the guests for today.

These two are the couple everyone says is a ‘Rab ne banadi Jodi’. Coming from two of the most entertaining and loved industries of our country- Cricket and Bollywood, sparks were meant to fly. They became the heartbeats of millions and ofcourse of each other.

I think I've already given enough and many of you have already guessed because there's no one other as them, so without further ado, I welcome the most loved couple of India- The Gorgeous Bollywood Diva, Anushka Sharma and her very handsome husband, The Indian captain, Virat Kohli.

*Virat and Anushka walk in with her hand wrapped around his arm and their faces moulded into wide smiles*

K: Welcome Welcome *hugging them one by one*

K: Please be seated

*All three of them take their seats*

K: So, Helllloooo *clapping his hands excitedly*

Anu and Vee: Hellooo *wide smiles*

K: So good to see you both. Welcome to the koffee couch. And I must say, you both look so gorgeous.

A: Thank you Karan. You look good too.

K: Well that's what I wanted. A nice compliment before we start. *winks*  You know, I'm very excited for this particular episode because this is the first time a cricketer is gracing this couch.

V: That's quite an achievement if I have got Karan Johar excited.

K: That surely is. And It's going to be a great episode.

A: We ain't too sure about that. Your show is known for good talks *gesturing ironically with fingers* and we don't have any.

K: Leave that to me babe. I know how to bring that up *evil smile* . Well, It's your first ever interview together after being together for like 5 years. You guys have kept your relationship extremely private. How did my show got lucky?

V: To be very honest, I'm not a fan of your show at all.

K: Ouch! It hurts *dramatically putting hand on his heart*

A: Get ready for some really honest confessions, my man is brutally honest, Karan.

V: I've learnt from the best. *raise their entwined hands and kisses Anushka's back of palm*

K: Looks like I'll have to see a lot of PDA today. You guys are already making me jealous.

A: You should've thought of the consequences before inviting us. *laughs*

K: Yeah, My bad. *asking virat to continue*

V: Yeah. So as I said I'm not into your show at all but we've got fans who've always respected our decisions regarding our privacy so we thought of doing this for them and moreover my lady agreed and that's enough reason for me to say yes. *looks at Anushka and both of them smiles*

K: And to convince your lady, my team literally had to work their ass off.

A: In my defence, I had to make sure you don't come up with your ‘not so good’ questions.

K: My show works that way only, you should know that, nush *grins evily*

A: I think I'm already reconsidering my decision. *Karan and Virat laughs*

K: The first thing I want to ask you is coming from two parallel worlds and then becoming the most celebrated couple of the country for obvious reasons. I mean It doesn't happen daily that a Bollywood Diva and Cricket superstar fall in love, does it? How do you guys feel about it?

V: There's nothing to feel about this. We respect the fan's love and emotions but we've kept us away from these tags. Within the four walls of our home, we are a normal couple in love and it has always been this way. And that's why we love our privacy because being termed as power couple or couple of the decade doesn't fascinate us, cocooned in our home with each other does.

K: Amazing. And privacy is bliss considering all those baseless rumours that keeps going around all the time.

A: Says the source of those rumours *smirks while Virat laughs*

K: I'll pretend I didn't heart that. *pouts*

A: Ofcourse *laughing*

K: When you guys started seeing each other, did you ever think this will go this far? Like you are now married?

A: From the day we've been together, the connect we had we always knew we were gonna end up together. There were no doubts ever.

V: And man, Look at her. She is beautiful inside out. *pointing at her* Do you think I would've ever let this gem go away from me? *Anushka blushes*

K: Aw!

*Anushka inches towards Virat and wrap her hands around his arms sneaking a kiss on his bisep*

K: Looking at you both, i think a single seat couch would've been enough.

V: Not a bad idea actually *scoots more closer to Anushka*

K: Jesus, help me survive. *Virat and Anushka laughs*

K: Okay, so tell me the first thing you noticed about each other.

V: I noticed her height because when she walked on the sets she looked even taller than me with those pair of heels.

K: And you? *turning to Anushka*

A: I took notice of his appearance, like he looked so good in that tuxedo.

K: Oh ooh! So you were clean bowled there and then?

A: Before I could have, he cracked a joke that made no sense to me.

K: What did he say?

A: He asked if I didn't get a higher pair of heels?

K: Really? *shocked*

V: Comeon guys, I was nervous. I thought it would be a good ice breaker.

*karan laughs while Virat facepalms*

K: *To Anushka* So what changed your mind and made you think he is actually a decent guy.

A:  When the very next second he apologised, All the tabloids about him being arrogant and rude were shattered then and there for me. I indeed feel so glad that he cracked that joke, it actually worked.

K: Did it?

A: Ofcourse, this wedding ring is the proof. *shows her ring*

K: I must say you guys have come a long way. But when was the exact point you thought that this is my person?

V: During that ad shoot, I was so nervous about Salsa and I remember her trying to comfort me throughout the shoot. Though, she didn't say a word but whenever I couldn't learn a step she was so patient and understood that it was not my forte. So that really made me respect her. And then when we talked it was like we've known each other for years. Coming from the same middle class background, there was an instant connect and we just went with the flow.

A: It was not a particular point when we decided that we are going to spend our life together because our transition from friends to boyfriend-girlfriend and then to a married couple has been very organic and natural. But ofcourse the spark was always there. The love has always been there.

K: So we can conclude by saying that your bond is exactly like how you two are. Extremely real and natural. *Both of them nods with a smile*

K: Now we will doing a fun segment and you will have to answer accordingly.

A: Okay but what do we win?

K: Nothing. It's just candid session.

A: No, I'm not answering if I don't get anything. *karan looks at her surprisingly*

K: What are you? 4?

V: My innocent 4 years old wife.

*Virat laughs pulling her more closer as if she is a baby*

K: Fine you get a kiss from your man himself if you win without me cribbing about PDA.

A: The offer is tempting! Fire your questions right away. *Virat blushes*

K: *blinks rapidly* This is too much cuteness to handle. So I'll show you some memes, tweets and pictures and you have to react.

*Both of them nods fixing their attention to the side screen*

K: What exactly is going on here? *Virat-Anushka laughs at the tweet*

A: This is from our Mumbai reception. We three were having a good chat when both of them started ranting about how much they love ADHM.

V: It's not called ranting, it's called expressing our immense love for the movie.

A: Yeah *rolling her eyes*.. So these two literally made me do this signature pose and the happiness on their faces was like they finally achieved impossible.

K: Why am I not this frame? I directed the movie yarrr *whining*

A: Don't be upset, Karan. You already got your share of awards for this movie. *Karan nods*

V: Btw, let me clear it for you guys that No, Ranbir didn't sing Channa Mereya but infact we danced on ‘Mere yaar ki shaadi’.

K: Yeah, I was the live audience and I must say you two rocked. *Virat how's down dramatically*

Now, next picture.

*Virat and Anushka looks at each other while Anushka slaps her forehead*

K: What do you guys have to say about it.

V: Let me clear this once and for all. The rumours that there's a rift between me and Rohit or our respective partners is utter bullshit. And please stop assuming things based on who follows whom, that's literally so childish. *sighs*

A: Exactly. You guys don't have slightest idea of what really happens between us and what caused this follow-unfollow game. But it's far far away from a ‘rift’.

K: Then you must tell about this. I'm sure it will put an end to these rumours.

*Both of them looks at each other and laughs*

V: Nothing but once we were playing cricket teaming between the players and their partners as boys vs girls and Anushka scored 0 run in both the matches. *Anushka slaps his hand*

A: You didn't have to say that.

V: Ofcourse I did. *smirking* So Ro was teasing her how one Sharma is so good at batting while the other can't even score a run. And the debate then went on to cooking skills, academic records, acting and finally on number of insta followers. Anushka reverted back saying how she has more insta followers than him to which Ro instantly unfollowed her bragging how he lessen her number of followers. That was all.

K: I can't believe this is a professional cricketer and an actress we are talking about. Oh my god. *looking at Anushka weirdly while she facepalms*

V: It's just a teaser of what happens inside that mad group. Thus I urge people to not take any of us so seriously. *folding hands and all three of them laughs*

K: Moving on, here's the third picture

Did you guys hear about this rumour that surfaced recently?

A: Yeah, we did but we laughed it off.

K: Doesn't it feel bad seeing such kind of news spreading?

V: It used to affect us but not anymore. We have made peace with the fact that somethings are not in our control so why to even worry about them? *Karan nods*

A: It was so stupid that when I saw this tweet I was wrapped in his arms in our balcony. So baseless. *Virat holds her waist and pulls her closer to cheer her up*

K: I'm sure after seeing you both like this, noone will ever dare to do this again.

V: We hope so. And let me announce it myself, there's no way we can live without each other. So kindly mind your own business guys.

*placing a sweet kiss on Anushka's temple and she blushes profusely*

K: Look at her, I've never seen her blushing so much. She has gone all red.

A: That's his effect on me.

K: You guys are making me feel so single now. I better move to the next part. Now you've to explain these pictures.

*Karan laughs hysterically*

A: Oh I remember. This was our first time doing grocery shopping together and we literally didn't agree on even one item. So, this was us frustrated and trying to find a middle ground. *Virat-Anushka laughs in remembrance*

K: Has it changed now?

V: Oh yeah. Totally. Though, it took a lot of efforts.

K: Here goes another picture.

*looks at the picture weirdly* What has happened to you two here?

V: We both were competing on who can make the weirdest face.

A: And I'm a clear winner as you guys can see.

V: Come on yarr, you know it too. I have won it.

A: That's why I always call you sore looser.

K: You know, I always thought there could be noone as crazy as Anushka. But damn Nush, you found a perfect match. *All three of them laughs* Let's have a look on the next picture, shall we? *Both of them nods*

K: What's that face, Virat? You look really disgusted by something.

A: I'm sure it must be his reaction to not getting good food. *Virat looks at her with wide eyes*

V: Oh my god, How did you know?

A: Perks of knowing you for years. *raising her imaginary collars*

K: The chemistry between you two is so visible and with this we end this segment.

A: Where's my gift?

*Virat instantly comes closer and place a gentle kiss on her cheek*

V: Happy? *Anushka nods happily*

K: Gently ignoring the happy tears I'm getting by seeing you two, I would like to know, how are things between family. You are Punjabi and you're a Sharma- two extremely different cultures so how did you manage?

A: Our families have known each other for as long as we have been together. Initially, we faced challenges because both the families are totally different.

V: Yeah, Anushka's parents are very shaant people while obviously that was not the case with Delhi family, they are louder. So they took their own time to gel with each other but once they did, there was no going back.

K: So do you guys have that hum saath saath hai type of reunion of both the families? *Both of them laughs*

A: Things have fallen into place so beautifully that now there's no more Virat's side of family or my side of family. We are just a big happy family living in two different places.

V: True that, we even refer as Mumbai wali family and Delhi wali family. And whenever we meet or goes for a trip together, we've the best time. My mother, my nephew and nieces are obsessed with Anushka like they can't get enough of her when they met. *make a face*

A: And he is so jealous of it. *Anushka laughs while Virat shrugs his shoulder*

V: Just like you when I and Dad team up. *smirks while Anushka shows him tongue*

A: So, I have reasons. He misses you more than me when you're on tours.

K: Really? *laughing*

V: He is a very sweet man with extremely raw humour. I love him.

K: I am loving this whole family dynamics. Amazing. *Both of them smiles* Moving on, let's move to the rapid fire round. *clapping excitedly*

V: This is the scariest part of the whole show.

K: This is the most fun part too

A: Only for you because you get your masala from this.
*all three of them laughs*

K: So, one is the 2 time rapid fire participant, while one is the debutant.. It's going to be exciting. This is the hamper you get if you win this. So, who's going to start it?

A: Let's start with the debutant.

V: Okay, as the lady instructs. Shoot it.

K: Very well then. And here is your first question.

K: One thing you regret the most?

V: Not meeting Anushka earlier. *looks at her adorningly*

K: Uff, this ankhon hi ankhon mein romance. Anyways next question, The most irritating teammate?

V: Hardik, without a doubt. *Anushka laughs*

K: I love that boy's dressing and fashion style. He has his own vibe.

V: He's a real pain in ass.

K: But I look forward to call him on the couch sooner.

V: No way I'll let him come over here. Either your show will get banned or him. *Anushka and Karan laughs*

K: Okay now, One thing you love, hate and tolerate about Anushka?

A: Now, this question has my attention.

K: Be very careful, Virat *Virat laughs*

V: One thing I hate about her is she gets very tensed over minor issues.

A: Yeah, that's something i do *guilty face*

V: One thing I tolerate is her sarcasm. That's too good to handle. She can literally burn a person with her quirky replies.

A: But, that's a good thing right? Sarcasm is an art and it comes naturally to me. *Karan nods*

V: And I love her for million different things to be honest like her kindness, her unbothered self, her pure soul and each and everything. But talking about the one thing that stands out for me is that she is super honest. Jo ye baat krti hai vo ye hai.

*Anushka looks at him with heart eyes and places a kiss on his hand*

K: Aww, You both are goals. Next is who would you go for following advices?

V: Okay

K: Cricket advice?

V: AB devilliers

K: Relationship advice?

V: Mahi bhai.

K: Captaincy advice?

V: Again Mahi Bhai. And for every life problem advice. He has solution to my every problem. *Anushka smiles*

K: You adore him a lot?

V: Adore is a small word. I have deep deep respect and love for him. He is my elder brother. I can't imagine myself here if he hadn't handled me the way he did in my younger days. And even today, there's not a single day I don't learn anything from him. There's a reason I always say He'll always be my captain.

*Sense of satisfaction on Virat's face while Anushka smiles*

K: I can see that in your eyes.
Okay, now who would you go for Acting Advice?

V: Why do I need to go anywhere. I have the best one *pointing at Anushka*

K: And before you guys starts the romance again your next question. If these following people are jailed, what do you think their crime would be?

K: First is Rohit Sharma.

V: Probably done something wrong while sleeping

K: That's quite funny.

V: The man himself is funny and it's quite possible too.

K: Next is Yuzvendra Chahal.

V: Must've been caught for his stupid tik tok videos.

*All of them laughs*

K: AB devilliers.

V: Umm.. He will be the last person getting arrested but still, he must've been caught for breaking someone's head by hitting the ball hard.

K: Now Rate these actors on the basis of their romantic chemistry with Anushka
*Typical KJo smile*

V: Bring it on.

K: The actors are Sushant, Ranbir, Akshay Shahrukh, Ranveer, Aamir and Salman

V: So, the list goes like- Ranbir, Shahrukh, Ranveer, Sushant, Aamir, Akshay, Salman.

K: Ohh, I see that, Understood. *Grins sheepishly*

A: What did YOU understand, Karan?

K: That Virat has no problem with you and Ranveer working together.

V: Why would I have any problem? I prefer my lady's comfort over anything and if she is comfortable then why not? Past is past for a reason, Karan. *Anushka looks at him proudly*

K: So, the next is If you wake up as the following person what'll be the first thing you'll do?
Varun Dhawan

V: Make a plan to meet Virat soon.

K: Aah, I see the bromance.

A: Now, Varun is more of his best friend than mine.

V: He is not bestfriend. He is my brother now.

K: Kya baat hai!!
Next is Rohit Sharma

V: I'll tell the world that Virat is the sweetest person and I am the one who starts the silly arguments.

K: Seriously? *Laughs*

A: Don't be surprised, they're like this all the time.

K: Next is, Karan Johar.

V: I'll permanently close the Koffee with Karan show.
*Anushka laughs while Karan pouts*

K: Why would you do that to me?

V: Because, the world needs some peace.

K: Oh god, this man. Next is, Ranbir Kapoor.

V: I'll sign a movie with Anushka Sharma.

A: I knew this

K: Really, Why so?

V: Are yrr, they look so great and I literally love their chemistry. But none of them listens to me about signing another movie together so I'll do it myself.

K: That's the first time I've seen an actress's partner so cooperative and easy going. You're one lucky girl, Anushka.

A: I don't doubt that. *sweetly kisses Virat's back of hand*

K: Next is, Gautam Gambhir

V: I'll smile for the whole day. *maintain a straight face*

K: Got it. *laughing badly*

K: Next is would you rather...
Go bankrupt or lose all your fame?

V: I'd rather lose all my fame. I don't crave for it. I just need my people, cricket and some money- obviously that's a basic need.

K: Okay, then
Leave RCB or Leave Test Captaincy

V: I'll happily leave the test captaincy because there are many deserving leaders who can take the team forward but leaving RCB is the last thing i can think of. I'll better leave IPL then.

K: Would you rather
Live a day in the past again or delete a haunting memory?

V: I'll again live the day we got married. *smiles at Anushka*

K: I've lost counts of how many time I've done this but Awww! *Anushka-Virat chuckles* your next question... Your least favourite movie of Anushka?

V: Bombay Velvet

K: What's so worse about that movie, I don't understand.

V: Your acting. *Anushka breaks into laughter*

K: Today it's less of KOFFEE WITH KARAN and more of ROAST OF KARAN.

A: I told you to be careful. He is honest, you see.

K: I agree. So the second last question for you Virat *grins sheepishly*

V: I doubt your intentions.

K: What's one thing that turns you on?

V: Her subtle touches. Like caressing my cheeks or something along the line.

K: What's the weirdest place you've done it?

V: Umm- A vanity van.

K: Weren't you afraid that someone might come in? *shocked*

V: That's what made it thrilling. *winks while Anushka go all red*

K: Well, Clap, Clap, Clap. Virat, you did a fine job here. Let's see what the lady has in store. So, Are you ready Anushka?

A: No, but I think I have no choice. So, Bring it on.

K: Your first question, One thing that Bollywood has but Cricket world doesn't, and vice versa.

A: Cricket world has real friendships while Bollywood offers popularity irrespective of gender. *Karan nods in understanding*

K: Two things about Virat the world doesn't know?

A: A, that he sleeps like a lifeless object. He doesn't even move one cell of his body. And B, that Virat is actually a super calm person. He never ever loose his temper outside the field.

K: That's some serious revelations. Now, If the following person calls you at midnight, what do you think their reasons be?
First is Katrina Kaif

A: To provide me some really important information that i need to know. Because she knows how antisocial I'm.

K: Oh, so basically to give you some gossip.

A: No Karan, gossips aren't important. I mean, real important things.

K: Boring people. Anyways. Next is Virat.

A: He must've forgotten about the time difference. You know when he's in the other countries.

K: Ohh, does he really do that?

A: Yeah. Once, he actually called me at 2:30 in the midnight to wish me good day because he was in Australia and it was 6:30 there.

K: Really?

V: Yeah, i did that *facepalms himself*

K: Rohit Sharma

A: To complaint about Virat after their silly fight.

K: Deepika Padukone

A: I don't think we even have each other's contact numbers. *Karan smirks*

K: Your next question
What's the one thing that Virat has and none of the bollywood heroes do?

A: The realness. He never fakes anything.

K: You must be quite familiar to the Dressing room so tell us who do you think are the following people in the dressing room.

The troublemaker

A: Hardik

K: The victim

A: There's no one in particular. But Kuldeep and Jassi are the most prominent.

K: The prankster

A: I'd say Jaddu but even this one *pointing at Virat*

K: The 'Nautanki'

A: Yuzi

K: The Kid

A: There are two.. Virat and Rohit

V: Are, Rohit is fine but why me?

A: I'm sure you wouldn't want me to say the reasons here. *Virat immediately shuts up while Karan laughs*

K: Now, Quickly make a choice
Virat's first century in England or His 82 not out in Mohali. Your favourite innings?

A: His test century in England anyday. Even the Mohali innings were special but I know what it took to bring up that test hundred in England. Everything was against him and then he turned it all around and announced who's the boss. Super super special.*Virat grins*

K: Ranbir or Varun. Your favourite co actor?

A: Ranbir.

K: Sakshi or Ritika. Whose company you enjoy more?

A: Tough but I'll say Rits. Because Sakshi Bhabhi travels very less so I and Rits get to spend more time.

K: Indian team group or RCB. Where do you enjoy more?

A: It has to be RCB. Because the way I feel at home and so welcomed there is something magical. And ofcourse the RCB fanbase.

K: Now, if you find certain things in Virat's pocket, what will you do?

V: This sounds interesting.

K: First is Lipstick

A: I'll keep it in my make-up box thinking of the time I must've given it to him to keep because girls are still devoid of pockets. And on that note, I urge the designers to please please add pockets to our clothes. *Virat chuckles*

K: I hope the designers consider your request. The next is lighter.

A: I'll immediately call Hardik to tell him that his plan failed. Because 110% it must be his idiotic prank.

K: So much trust on Patidev *smirks*

A: Ofcourse, I know him too well to doubt him for even a second. *Virat pulls her closer and they keep looking at each other*

K: Sorry to break your moment, guys but we're still rolling. And if you allow, may I continue?

V: Go on. *playfully rubbing his nose on her cheeks while Karan slaps his forehead*

K: They ain't stopping so next is... Condom?

A: I'll keep it in the side drawer. Must be of some use sometime. *Anushka winks while Virat blushes*

K: Next question, One thing you love hate and tolerate about Virat.

A: I hate how he's such a workout freak. I understand it's a part of his profession but why does he has to drag ME to the gym every morning? *Anushka cribs while Karan laughs*

V: That because you're a sleepyhead. Imagine, we both sleep together but she never gets up on time. So I do it to keep you healthy and energetic baby. *He pulls her cheeks while she make a baby face*

A: Coming to one thing I tolerate is him being on his phone during important conversations. I have to tell him everytime that yarr, abhi ek baar sun le.

K: And what's the one thing you love about him.

A: I love how he doesn't let stardom sit on his head. He's so grounded and so oblivious to what he has achieved that I fall in love with him even more everyday. And that's also one thing I learned from him.

K: And Having known you for years, I know you are like that yourself. *They interlock their hands*
If you've to write insta bios for the following people, what would it be?
Ranbir Kapoor

A: I lost my brain somewhere. Help me find a new one. *Virat and Karan laughs hysterically*

K: Ranbir will kill you for this.

A: I know he doesn't even see a single episode of your show.

V: Don't worry my love, I'll make sure to send him this clip personally.

A: Traitor

V: That's brocode, Nushkie.

K: Ms Dhoni

A: ‘Hey there, I'm using Instagram -Yours, Thala’

V: That's enough to break the internet.

K: Yeah, next is Katrina Kaif

A: I'm too sexy for you, Mai tere haath na aani.

K: Haha, I love it. Kangana Ranaut

A: I have a long nose. Sorry, if it comes in your business. *Virat laughs*

K: Burn! Last is Virat Kohli.

A: Official eye candy of @anushkasharma. Kindly keeps your eyes off me.

K: Possessive. *She blinks*

K: Next is if a biopic is made on your love story, What will be the title?

A: Dandruff ne banadi jodi. *Both of them laughs*

K: I'm sure it will be a hit. Now, what's the one thing you find sexy about Virat?

A: One thing? Are you kidding me? Look at him. *points at him and eyes him from head to toe* HE is sexy. SEXY is him.

*Virat blushes*

K: I second that. Is this the statement of the episode? He is sexy, Sexy is him. Now, the last question.
One sexual fantasy of yours?

A: Going skinny dipping.

V: Really? How do I not know this? *looks at Anushka surprisingly*

K: That's bold.

V: I know right. I'll make sure your fantasy is fulfilled sooner, Nush. *she slaps his arm*

K: Now, with this we end this rapid fire round.

V: Who won?

K: Atleast, let the results come Virat.

A: How does it even matter? Either ways the hamper is going to our home.

K: Yeah but we've a clear winner. And it's Anushka......'s husband, Virat Kohli

*Anushka frowns while Virat shows her tongue. He comes forward to take the hamper*

K: An acceptance speech?

V: Thank you to each and everyone who supported me through years. This wouldn't have possible without you guys. I'll make sure that I work even harder so that I win lot more hampers like this in future. And to the people who lost, Keep working hard. I'm sure you'll get there. *Karan laughs while Anushka give him a look*

K: Now, before I conclude this wonderful episode. I have some fans questions.

First one is from Kiran under the username ictxscribbler, she asks how did meeting each other strengthen or changed your perspective on love?

V: Hi Kiran. Hope you doing well. And thank you for this beautiful question. Meeting Anushka was really a life-changing moment in my life. My perspective towards love, myself, and even life totally changed. In the process of loving her, I realised how it feels to do things for someone you love, how it feels to trust someone, how it feels to find solace in a person. Meeting her and Loving her taught me that Love is selfless and that Love is heaven.

A: Hey Ki, I hope you don't mind calling me that. After I met Virat, I learned about the strength that love possesses. In our journey, we've seen so many ups and downs- individually as well as together and we've managed to live through them happily, only because we had faith in our love for each other. We knew we had each other's back all the time. And having a person you can come home to and totally rely yourself on is bliss.

*Both of them looks at each other with a smile*

K: The next question is from an anonymous fan who wants to ask you both, what's the craziest thing you've done together?

*both looks at each other and laughs*

A: Hii. Thank you for your question. So, the craziest thing we've done together is prank Mahi Bhai.

V: Actually, all of us tried to prank Bhai but he always used to get away somehow. So, I and Anushka planned to prank him once and we succeeded. So that was crazy.

K: The last and final question is from an ardent fan of yours named Tanu under the username @eilyywrites . She firstly conveys her love to you both. She wants to ask what's the recipe of a successful relationship.

V: Hi Tanu. Thanks for your love and we hope to meet you someday.

A: I hope you're doing good, Tanu. And the recipe of a successful relationship have only 4 basic ingredients. *Both looks at each other* Trust.

V: Respect

A: Understanding

V: And lots and lots of love. *Both of them smiles contentedly*

K: And we saw all of that in abundance between you two today. Thank you for agreeing to do this Virat-Anushka. You guys reinspire a whole generation in love. They look up to you to believe in true love. Thank you for just existing guys. Before I shed any happy tears, let's sign the mug next to you.

*Both of them sign the mugs and hug Karan as they move out*

Hello guys..
Long time, huh? Well, firstly a sincere apology to keep you guys wait for so long but I didn't had it in me to be on Wattpad. Everything was very hectic and I was a mess throughout.

Now, coming to this update. Actually It's been in my draft for around 4-5 months now, incomplete. Everytime i tried to write something in it, I couldn't.

But this time, When I started i finished in around a day and half. Maybe the break helped. From 1000 words to more than 5500 words, i enjoyed writing every single word.

Now I pass it over to you. It's all yours. My special update. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

See you soon.
Love you guys.
Keep reading, Stay happy

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