The Father Of Deep Cut

By Shiverfan

3.6K 116 56

You're a lonley man who has never had any Real experience with kids. But one night you stumble across three l... More

Meet them
Family time
Preteen secrets
Fathely confrontation
New York Baby!
It's the perfect Christmas
Growing up is hard to do
Temper Tantrum
Play Date chaos
Getting and Giving
Snow Day
Here comes the Storm

Flu season...great

284 8 2
By Shiverfan

Kindergarten was going well for your kids. They were thriving like fish in water. had began to notice some constant sniffling and coughing from Shiver. Hopefully it was just allergies. You walk downstairs where your kindergarteners were, they were simply just watching some tv. "What 'cha guys doing?" You ask. "Watching movie!" Frye smiles. Big man then jumps off the couch and walks up to you. "May I have a cookie?" Big man asks. "Yes you may. And amazing job with grammar buddy." You smile. Big man smiles back at you and runs into the kitchen ans out of sight. "Daddy!" Frye smiles. "Frye I told you to stop calling me that." You say. "No! Daddy is someone who is boy and take care of us!" Frye smiles. For a kid in kindergarten she sure was smart. "Well...that IS what a dad is...but...I'm not it." You say. "Then...where's our daddy?" Frye asks. "Yeah! Where's our dad?" Shiver asks. "I can't answer that..." You murmur. "This is so DUMB!" Frye huffs. "Yeah! Like you gave birth to us! So why can't we call you dad?" Shiver asks. This was gonna be a tuff one to get out of. "Well...I am a man, I can't give birth...but your mom. She uh...gave birth to you, and went on an around the world trip!" You lie. "Oh...why didn't you just say that from the start?" Shiver asks."Our mommy is an around the world traveler!" Frye smiles. Shiver soon starts her coughing fit again, making you wonder if it was actually allergies. "You okay Shiver?" You ask. Shiver recollects her breath before speaking. "Yeah..." Shiver sighs. "Just tierd. We have to go into play groups at school...I don't like who I'm with." Shiver grumbles. "Oh? Why's that?" you ask. "I dunno..." Shiver sighs. You sit next to Shiver and give out a sigh. "You know...I had people I didn't like too." You say. "You did?" Shiver asks. "Yup. I called them the insane rascals." You smile. Shiver had no idea what you were talking about, and she stared at you blankly before sneezing on you. Oh. Shiver wipes her nose and looks up at you. "Yup...covered in children snot...oh boy." You sigh to yourself as you pick Shiver up and take her to the bathroom. Shiver looks up at you in confusion. You, in the mean time, look for some new clothes for her to wear. If she teally was sick, the fabric she was wearing would capture the disease and save it for later. You help Shiver get dressed, and you let her out of the bathroom. Shiver runs over to the kitchen...and you're pretty sure you know why. This cookie stuff was really starting yo make you angry. "Shiver! I hope you're not planning on eating cookies!" You call. You then hear a loud crash. You run into the kitchen to see one of your favorite plates shattered on the ground. "He did it!" Shiver says as she points to the manta ray. "No! Frye did it." Big man says as he points at the bubbly inkling. "No daddy! It was Shiver!" Frye says pointing at the blue octoling. "Be honest with me you guys. I won't be mad. But who in here broke my plate?" You ask. With tears in his eyes, Big man steps in front and bows his head. "I'm sorry..." Big man whimpers. But then Frye lets out a snezze. Usually you'd just move past it...but this time you were worried. Shiver had been showing sick symptoms as well...perhaps it was time for a visit to the doctor. You set up an appointment...and suprisingly, they were open for you to come in today
You clean up the broken glass, and walk over to the tiny trio. "Kids, we have to go somewhere special." You smile. "Da zoo!?" Big man asks in excitement. "No...somewhere not so animal infested." You smile. You get the kids in the car and begin driving. Since you lived in LA ( Los Angels ), you knew thingd would be crowed. You lived in the more...quiet part of the city. As you drive you hear honking and people cussing and yelling at each other. "Daddy...what does damn it mean?" Frye asks, as she had picked up the word from a road rage driver. "Sweetie, please don't say that word." You say. "Why?" Frye asks. "Because it's not a very nice word." You say. "What does bitch mean?" Shiver asks. "Holy Jesus if I could murder those people who taught my children those words." You groan to yourself. "Sweetie, PLEASE stop repeating what you hear these people saying. They're not okay words, and I won't be happy if you use them." You say. "Oh...okay." Frye says. "Aw man! But those are fun words to say." Shiver complains. "Shiver that's not funny." You sigh. You soon arrive at the doctors office and walk up to tje staff. "Hello, how may I help you today?" A woman asks in a kind tone. "Um, I have an appointment for Shiver, Frye, and Big man." You say. "Okay, number please?" The woman asks. "(Your phone number)" You smile. "Thank you! And your adress?" The woman asks. "(Your adress)" You say. "Alright, the doctor will. e with you momentarily, please sign these papers real quick please." The woman smiles. You sign the papers and walk over to a couch. Big man sits beside you, Frye sits on your lap, and Shiver sits on the other side of you. "Daddy...I don't feel good..." Frye whimpers. "Me neither." Shiver sniffles. "I feel a bit weird." Big man sighs. "Don't worry guys. That's why we're here. So the doctor can make the pain go away." You smile. "Shiver, Frye, and Big man?" Somebody calls. "That's us." You smile as you walk your kids to the back. "Alright, step on the scale for me please." The doctor says. Frye steps on the scale and looks up at the numbers going up. "Pretty." Frye smiles. "Alright...39 pounds. Let's try to eat a little more, okay sweethearr?" The doctor asks. "Okay!" Frye smiles. Shiver then steps on the scale. "42 pounds...that's pretty good." The doctor says. Big man then steps on the scale. "56 pounds. works since he's a big species. Follow me into room 4." The doctor says. You and your kids walk into the room. "Mrs. Goldwing will be with hyou shortly." The doctor says as she leaves. Frye lets out a loud sneeze, and you sigh. You go get a tissue and wipe Frye's nose. Frye looks up at you trying to pull away from you. "Frye, please stand still." You say. Frye sneezes again, making you a bit worried. "Blow through your nose." You say. Once Frye was all cleaned you threw the tissues in the trash can, and sat on the little bench. The trio played tag in the room running around, until Big man begins complaining. "I don't feel good..." Big man whimpers as tears fall down his face. "Buddy...come here." You say. Big man slowly walks towards you and sits on your lap. He then begins sobbing. "I DON'T FEEL GOOD!!!" Big man sobs loudly. Sokn the doctors walks in. "Why hello there....oh. Are we upset?" The doctor asks noticing Big man crying. "He's just not feeling well." You sigh. "Oh...that's the worst...well. I heard they have not gotten Flu shot yet." Mrs. Goldewing says. Oh no. After the quick check up you discoverd your kids had the flu...great. "Time for a shot." Mrs. Goldwing says. She pokes Shiver first earning a slight whimper. Next Frye, who didn't seem to care. And lastly she did Big man. "NOOO!!!" Big man screams as the needle goes into his fin. "Daddy help!" Big man cries. You felt so bad and helpless, but there was nothing you could do.

Night time came and it was pretty peaceful. All the kids had refused to sleep by themselves and slept with you. You sigh as you listen to your snoring children. But at least they felt happy, safe, and well. YOU were gonna catch the flu.

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