Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)

By Fahemalillianaltaee

39.6K 816 1.2K

What if Monkey king's successor was actually a girl instead? Her name is Yue who loves taking care of her unc... More

Character info
A hero is born pt.1
A Hero is born pt.2
A Hero is born pt.3
Bad weather
Duplication gone wrong
Noodles or death
The great wall race
Impossible secret date Pt. 1
Impossible secret date Pt. 2
Skeleton key
The end is here
πŸŒ΄πŸŒ…Beach specialβ˜€οΈπŸŒ΄
Revenge of the spider queen pt.1
Revenge of the spider queen pt. 2
Revenge of the spider queen pt.3
Revenge of the spider Queen pt. 4
Revenge of the spider Queen pt.5
After math
The truth
Back to the Celestial Realm
The Huli-Jing's and a monkey
Jade Face vs Yue
Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckle
Dumpling destruction
Sweet' N Sour
Sweet N' Sour aftermath
Minor scale
Mateo's (MK) heat
Shadow play
A close encounter
A twisted Nightmare

Coming home

1.3K 29 39
By Fahemalillianaltaee

~in Sandy's boat~
Yue and Aobing are talking enjoying each other's company while Mei couldn't help but simp over her best friend and her dragon cousin are having a moment to get to know each other.

Her uncles on the other hand are glaring daggers at these 2, ever since Yue brought Aobing over, they couldn't help but being protective of Yue making sure that Aobing won't do any funny business on their adorable niece. Usually Tang would go in fanboy mode meeting the dragon prince in person but right now he only cares about Yue's safety. "Will you guys calm down? You know you gotta let Yue have a special someone someday." Said Mei causing Pigsy to get angry and yelled "but you never know what kind of person Aobing is. He could be a stalker or a pervert or... something!" Mei laughed as she tried to calm the angry pig demon down.

"So, quick question. In the stories you were supposed to be dead but yet here you are. How are you alive?" Yue asked wondering why Aobing is alive after all this years since he had a fight with the third lotus prince in ancient China. Aobing slightly chuckled and says. "Well, to be honest with you, Nezha did kill me, but my father was able to bring me back to life with a little help of Guanyin. The goddess of mercy." Yue was slightly impressed and relieved that Aobing gets a second chance in life. When she was little, she has a huge crush on Aobing, Nezha, Sun Wukong, Macaque, Red son and Azure lion.

(That's a story in season 4 😉)

"Wow. The story didn't mention that in the books that my uncle Tang read it to me when I was little." Yue said making Aobing chuckles at Yue's response. "Yes well, in the books, they had to tone down about me coming back from the dead, or no one would believe them." Aobing said to Yue who had stars in her eyes with amazement. "I would believed anything." Yue said excitedly, causing Aobing to chuckle at Yue's cuteness with a hint of blush on his face. 'I sense that this is true.' He thought to himself, as he heard Mei's phone started to ring.

Mei picks up her phone and revealed a women calling to her and it was her mother. "Oh boy, hi, mom," causing Aobing and Yue to get concerned for Mei along with Pigsy, Tang and Sandy. "Yes. Of course. No I- yes mother." Mei says as she finished her call. "Hey, are you ok there Mei?" Sandy asked in concern. "Would you like to talk about it?" Yue asked in concern for her friend as Mei nodded. "Yeh, yeah, yeah. It just.... My parents.... They want me to house sit." Mei said causing both Sandy and Yue to worried for their friend while Aobing was concern for his cousin. "And that's a bad thing?" Sandy asked in worried.

While Yue puts her hand on Mei for comfort. "Tell you what Mei how about me and Aobing can come over to your place to help you house sit, think of it like it's a sleep over." Said Yue which cause her uncles in shocked not liking the idea having a boy over for a sleep over or the fact that Yue is willingly to help her friend with the guy who happens to be the same guy Yue met in human form and finds out that he's a dragon prince. Mei looks at her friend with an appreciation and says "thanks Yue." Yue nodded with a smile and hug her side.

"You'll always have me." She whispers to her friends and let her go. "Alright then, let's go." Yue said she she grabbed Aobing's hand when they were about to leave but was stopped by Her uncle Pigsy. "Wait a minute! There's now way I'm letting you go anywhere with my niece!" Pigsy said giving Aobing a serious glare. "Yeah! I don't care if you're Mei's great, great, great times a thousand great cousin but I'm not trusting you with my niece for one bit!" Tang agreed with Pigsy while Sandy was hugging held Yue and hugged him while crying. "Please don't go! I don't want to lose my cute niece to a stranger!" Sandy cried.

Yue sweat dropped thinking that she has over-protective uncles in her life but she still loves them. Luckily she freed herself from her uncle Sandy's grasp. "You guys, I'll be fine." Yue said as her uncle Pigsy was about to protest. "Uncle pigsy, I promise Aobing won't do anything to me. Besides, I have Mei here to protect me." Then the moment went silent.

"You're right" Pigsy, Tang, and Said said as Sandy packed her things for a sleep over. "Be back home safely ok sweetie?" Yue nodded for reassurance. "Let's go guys! Operation: cheer up Mei is a go!" Yue cheered as the trio made their way to Mei's house. Unknown to them, general iron clad listens on their conversations from the distance. The bull clone pull up the scene about Mei and her parents and the fact that Aobing is alive.

Meanwhile at Flaming foundry

Princess iron fan had just received the transmission from him and looks at the specific file of the dragon blade. "The legendary Dragon blade. That blade is amongst the most powerful artifacts in history." And while bringing up hologram artifacts and among them was the celestial crystal and the celestial Sphere as well.

"I do love powerful thing. Go. Bring it to me. And bring me my future daughter in law as well." Princess says in transmission she'd heard that Yue and Aobing were going to Mei's house as well so she knew that Red son has a crush on a certain noodle girl and General Ironclad nods before cutting off the transmission.

Meanwhile with the trio

Yue, Aobing and Mei have arrived at Mei's house, the dragon temple house as they were in awe, amazed and astonished by the place.

"Wow! You're place looks amazing Mei!" Yue exclaimed with stars in her eyes as Aobing couldn't help but have a frown on his face as Mei chuckles nervously. "Yeah, I guess, but— I don't know. When I was growing up, I just wanted to be rough and tumble, break stuff, look at the bugs. You know, have fun, just like normal girl stuff. But when your house is pretty much a museum and you come from a long line of ancient noble dragons, that's kinda frowned on."

As she was looking down with her eyes closed as the trio looks at Mei with concern, as Mei quickly changes her mood to happiness. "Anyway. Onward to the definitely- not-going- to be-terrible sleepover." Mei said as she dashed off while both Yue and Aobing was about to follow Mei when suddenly she heard a meow, and saw the black cat from a couple of days ago. "It's you!" Yue rushed to the cat to pet him. "Yue, come back!" Aobing shouted as Yue walked towards the cat and says "Hey little guy, it's nice to see you again." She picked up the cat and hugged him.

"Do you have an owner?" Yue asked as she scratches the cats chin. His tail puff as a loud purr emits from him. He opens his eyes and a sad face. "No owner huh? How about I take you in?" The cat looks thrilled and beyond exited and meows. "Hehe. Guess that as yes. I'll call you shadow, let's go check on Mei ok?" As she walks towards Aobing who is unsure about the cat Yue is bringing. "Are you sure it's a good idea to bring a dem– cat with you? What if Mei's parents are allergic to cats." Aobing said not trusting this cat one bit. "Don't worry Aobing, I'm sure shadow won't be much trouble won't you boy?" Yue gives Shadow some kisses making Aobing feeling uneasy.

'This cat... Is no ordinary cat' Aobing thought to himself giving a suspicious glare on the cat who is being petted by Yue. While the cat is giving Aobing an evil smirk. "Come on Aobing. We've got to catch up with Mei." Yue grabbed his hand  whil her other arm is holding the cat and quickly headed towards Mei. Mei was waiting for the duo and luckily they did as Mei noticed that her best friend is holding the cat. "Aww who's this cutie?" Mei asked as she pet the cat.

Yue was about to answer her question until the house's security system aims at Yue and Aobing, but Mei quickly sprinted in front of them, and typing in the safe code which made the weapons retract. "Yeah, my parents are a bit serious about the old security thing." Mei says as Yue and Aobing nodded for understanding. "Maybe you should think about getting your very own security for your apartment." Aobing whispered to Yue making, Yue nodded in agreement.

Security system VO: Welcome home Mei

Yue, Aobing and the cat look inside of the house in surprised. While Mei had an unimpressed face. "Yeah" and they all come inside and revealed to be the architectures full of weapons and other things that are part of the dragon, Yue, Aobing and the cat were amazed and deeply impressed on how big this place is. "This is amazing." Yue said as Aobing looked around in awe. "I haven't seen these stuff since my uncle died ages ago." Aobing said missing these old stuff that use to belong to his uncle and his cousin before he met Yue.

"Where did you get this stuff?" Aobing asked while Mei shrugged it off acting like it's not a big deal. "Ah, you know. Gifts, artifacts, offerings. Yeah,it's just stuff that has been in my family for a thousand years." Mei said looking down and sighs while walking. "Follow me." Said Mei with the crew following not realizing that the general was standing in the entrance as he narrowed his eyes.

Meanwhile Mei start's giving a tour of her house

"This is the garage filled with all the awesome things I am not allowed to drive" Mei says showing the garage.

"This is one of our many long hallways, we also have the celestial jade garden." As Mei shows a random hallway and then the beautiful garden as Yue, Aobing and the cat were on a bridge looking at the water.

"The room with 30 centuries of antiques" then showed them a room filled with collections of antiques.

"Pool of a thousand tears" and they were standing on the stones on the pool as there were four four dragon heads and water came out of their mouths like little waterfalls.

"Tea and the zen room" as they were in the room sitting down with a teapot and cups in the middle.

"And my bedroom" and they were looking at Mei's room, "nice room Mei" Yue comments making Mei smile. "Thanks Yue" says Mei.

"And this is the dragon claw chamber" Mei says as the group was walking past the dragon claw chamber before something flashes catching Yu, Aobing, and the cat's attention, and then there it was a statue as it was holding the legendary dragon blade.

"That sword! It use to be,ong to my uncle before he gave it to my cousin." Says Aobing admiring the sword as Yue took a picture. "You mean this sword actually belong to the dragon of the west?" Yue geeks out over the blade while Ao bing and the cat were amused at Yue's fan girl mode. 'Cute' they both thought one thing in their minds.

Mei nodded while being amused at Yue's fan girl mode as she and the trio looked at the portrait that Mei was looking at and saw the mighty dragon who is the dragon of the west. "Yep. That's him alright." Mei said as Yue's eyes glowed as they were getting images of what Mei was saying. "Legends say that my grandfather imbued it with unimaginable power so that our clan would always have the strength of the dragon to protect them. It's true power will only show itself to those deemed worthy. A true member of our clan who's proven themselves strong enough to protect our family from the forces of evil." And then Yue's eyes stopped glowing as she snapped out of it. "Woah" Yue was impressed by this story as Aobing was looking at the sword with a sad expression missing his uncle and his cousin.

"But I'm not aloud to touch it. Hey anyone want to see the game room?" Asked Mei, making Yue and Aobing concern for Mei and looked at each other and looked back to Mei. "Mei, I think you and I have a good talk about your problems ok?" Making Mei sighs in defeat and nodded cause Mei knew that her childhood friend is right and Yue takes no for an answer. "Aobing could you be a dear and watch out for Shadow for me?" Yue asked as Aobing nodded for a yes while Shadow not liking the idea of Aobing taking care of him while Yue is going to have a girl talk, leaving Yue and Mei alone.

As soon as they left, Mei looks at the portrait's of her family. She feels as if they're watching and judging her. She frowns and gets out, Yue was catching up on her friend. Mei was alone with her family's portrait and heard someone called out to her. "Mei?" She looks up and sees Yue walking up to her with concerned look and asked "Mei, is everything ok?" Mei sighs and says, "to tell you the truth, whenever I tried to do something cool, everyone just... don't like it. My parents acknowledge me. Is there something wrong with me?" Mei says as Yue shook her head with a smile grabbing Mei's hand to make her look at her best friend with confusion. "Mei there's nothing wrong with you at all. You are you, you're my awesome friend and I like you just the way you are. Either you're born from the dragon clan or a normal girl, you're still my best friend in the whole world." Yue says making Mei smiles. "Thanks Yue." Mei says as Yue begin to sing,


🎶You know I got it, I g-got it.
You know I got it
I'm your girl
Every time you miss the beat and life pulls you under
When you need your rhythm back I'll be your drummer
No matter where your coming from I'll see your true colors,
oh, Ooh, ooh
Oh, oh, ooh,ooh,🎶


🎶If you come undone
I'll be the one to make the beat go on and on and on.🎶


🎶I'll be your a to the z even if the troubles coming,
You know I got it, I g-got it, you know I got it
I'm your girl
I'll be whatever you need call me and I'll come running.
You know I got it, I g-got it, you know I got it
I'm your girl.
You know I got it, I'm your girl.
I'm a little bit sunshine, a little bit starlight.
Sometimes when my halo slips on the wild side
No matter where you're coming from I know what it feels like
oh, Ooh, ooh
Oh, oh, ooh,ooh,
I'll be your a to the z even if the troubles coming,
You know I got it, I g-got it, you know I got it
I'm your girl
I'll be whatever you need call me and I'll come running.
You know I got it, I g-got it, you know I got it
I'm your girl.
And if the road gets rough we're gonna be hanging tough yeah, yeah, yeah
If you get lost sometimes, I'll be you neon sign. Yeah, yeah. Cause I'm your girl🎶

🎶If you come undone
I'll be the one to make the beat go on and on and on.🎶


🎶Be the one to make the beat go on and on.
I'll be your a to the z even if the troubles coming,
You know I got it, I g-got it, you know I got it
I'm your girl
I'll be whatever you need call me and I'll come running.
You know I got it, I g-got it, you know I got it
I'm your girl.🎶

After they finished their little dance the girls laughed and hugged each other, "thanks Yue. I needed that." Mei says as she and Yue let go from the hug. "That's what friends do." Yue smiled and they both quickly ran off to meet up With Aobing. But I know to the two of them general ironclad was on top of the roof narrowing his eyes to steal the room.

In the game room

Mei and the girls are watching Shadow play with pretty lights like a cat. Yue giggled while watching Shadow messing around with the light. "Hey Yue, could you help get some snacks for the movie?" Mei asked, Mei smiled and said "sure Mei, I can do that." She put the laser pointer away as she and Mei left the game room leaving the Ao bing pet sitting again. Shadow wants to follow Yue but was stop by Aobing, "where do you think you're going demon? You and I are going to play game I like to call capture that cat." Ao bing says with an evil smirk making Shadow scared.

Meanwhile it's Mei and Yue

"Party,board games, snacks, Bull clone." Said Mei making Yue froze at what Mei said that they passed by General ironclad struggling to steal the dragon sword. The girls back tracks to take a better look. General ironclad realizes they were staring at him. "Wait a minute, you're a bull clone!" Mei said in shock while dropping the snacks and points at it.

General ironclad kicks the jade green stand at Mei's face and not onlyruns off with the sword but he grabbed Yue too as she screamed. "Hey! Get back here!"Mei chases after ironclad through her house as he destroys the dragons artifacts and escapes on one of the previous vehicles. Mei whistles for her white dragon bike and zooms after the bull clone. The chase is on.

Meanwhile With Aobing

"Hahah, there. I'm sure Yue would love to see how cute you are while wearing a bow tie." Said Ao bing being amused when Shadow gave Aobing the 'I'll get back for this look' as Ao bing gave Shadow a victory smirk. One moment later he heard a familiar scream making his dragons ears appear and he went outside leaving Shadow trying to get the bow tie off.

As soon as he left the game room he spotted his cousins a chasing a bull clone who is holding Yue a hostage,making Ao bing widen his eyes in worried. "Yue!" Using his remarkable super speed, Ao Bing races down the halls to catch up with his cousin who is still chasing general ironclad, then Yue notices he was about to use the sword and shouted, "Ao bing! Mei! Look out!" And then general ironclad used the blade on the pillars and caused them to fly towards the two and both Mei and Ao bing dodge's them.

Mei crashes into her bike and an explosion was caused as the duo went flying and Mei slams into a wall while Ao bing  catches Yue in bridal style and landed on the ground safely and the dragon blade impales itself above her head, she reaches up and takes a hold of it. "The dragon blade?" Says Mei as she looks up and gasp as she saw her dragon ancestors appear surrounding her. They mumble things about her.

Dragon 1: "weakest link of them all"

Dragon 2:"Such a disappointment"

Dragon 3: "You call yourself a girl?"

"You know what? I am part of this family, I am Mei, descendant of the great dragon of the west sea, this is mine and this is my house" said Mei as she harnesses the power of the dragon blade. Both Yue and Ao Bing stared at Mei in shock as she hovers the midair, staring down general ironclad.

Ao Bing look at his cousin with a proud smile and Yue was very proud of her BFF to harness her ancestors power. "Get. Out. Of. My. House!" Said Mei as she points her blade at the bull clone. Mei blasts General Ironclad outside with a beam of green light.

The moment Mei landed on the ground safely, "Mei!!" she was tackled by Yue while Ao Bing couldn't help but smile at the scene. "I can't believe you harness your power!" Yue exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "I know right?! I can't believe I could harness the power of the Dragon sword!" said Mei as she held up the sword until she heard, "Ahem" They all turned around and say Mei's parents.

Yue and Ao Bing froze in a place as Mei gasped, "Mom, Dad, you're back" Mei says nervously and quickly hides the dragon blade behind her back. "We we're on our way when we realized somebody forgot our luggage"said Mrs Dragon glancing her husband. Yue stand beside Ao Bing. "Um, Ao Bing, did you know your cousins parents are coming back?" Yue whispered to Ao Bing, "No, not really," Ao Bing answered, nervously. "I can explain, someone tried to steal the sword, I didn't let them, and I used this." Mei explains while showing her parents the Sword. "I'm sorry" Mei apologized while looking down guilty with the sword out, as Mr. Dragon stated "we saw the whole thing" and Mei tried to speak as Yue was ready to defend her best friend. "But we couldn't just-" and was cut off by her father. "And we're so proud of you" said Mr. Dragon smiling at his daughter, Shocking Mei.

"What?"Mei asked who looked confused while Yue and Ao Bing both looked surprised as he and Yue walked back a little letting the family talk as Mr Dragon let out a laugh. "The Dragon Blade is the pride of our family heritage, it's power only shows itself to those that embrace their family history" Mr. Dragon says as Mrs. Dragon kneels down to Mei's level and gestures Yue while looking at Yue with recognition, "We may not always see eye-to-eye, and your friends are more unique than we expected, but you are part of this family. And it is part of you. We love you." Said Ms. dragon. "I love you too, Mom, Dad." Mei says as she smiled happily the three went into a group hug with smiles on their faces and Yue couldn't help but smile softly for her childhood best friend but then looked away and closed her eyes feeling a little upset that she couldn't experience something like that with her parents, after all they abandoned her didn't they? Ao Bing noticed this and gave Yue a hug surprising her and hugs him back with a smile. "I am sorry about the house, though." Mei says to her mother. "What's important that you are okay. Objects can be replaced" says Ms. Dragon giving her daughter a reassuring smile. "Everything except my prized pinball machine. That is irreplaceable." Mr. Dragon said causing everyone to laugh. Ao Bing was about to until he heard, "Ahem." He turned around and saw Mr. Dragon in front of him. "Do you need something Mr. Dragon?" He asked. "You're Ao Bing correct?" Mr. Dragon asked, Ao Bing blinked twice and answered. "Yes I am, sir." Mr. Dragon smiled and said "It's nice to meet you, cousin Ao Bing." And Ao Bing responded, "and to you as well Cousin." Ao Bing offer him a hand as he and Mr. Dragon gave each other a hand shake. Yue was glad things turned out ok, it was all worth it to come over at Mei's place.

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