
By Marethyu2

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You've heard of magic, right? Everyone has. And everyone, upon hearing it, thinks about Twilight, or Harry Po... More

Not The Kind Of Dream Anyone Else Would Want
School (with Mages)
Medusa? I think not.........
How to become friends with people who might/will betray you
Smooth criminal (now with no Michael Jackson)
My sleepover for two is gatecrashed (and no one is suprised).
A normal day (for once!)
Showdowwwwwwn! Sophia vs Arex
The importance of secrets (and styrofoam).
Christina ruins my secret in five...four..
Why Laura needs a day off (among other things)
My sister gets kidnapped by a demon (again....)
The (nearly) bracketless chapter
The world gives me a reality check
I meet with Mr Death
Can't Joke About This
How long, exactly, has this been going on?
A nice chat on a building, and a kidnapping
Tina's P.O.V. Be prepared for shocks
Tina? Kidnapped again? That girl needs a bodyguard!
Fairground Horror Story/Chapter
A/N I'll have less kidnapping next time! Honest!
Savannah: Apparently not a bimbo
Don't make me feel low.
Skip this chapter. Seriously. You don't want to find out what happened.
Because You Need To Know: Epilouge


1.2K 24 13
By Marethyu2

Chapter 1-

I live in a small town named Rayfield. There aren't very many people who live here, so whenever someone new turns up everyone knows. Or, at least everyone is SUPPOSED to. So, when I started seeing a mysterious man in the black coat I knew something was up. And when the disease started to spread around town wherever he turned up things began to get a little weird. Well, a lot weird. Then the anonymous messages started up, from a group of people claiming to be 'helping mankind from the greatest evils'. See my point? My world has gone psycho. But I guess I should start from the beginning.

My name is Sophia. Sophia Dec'Arden. And no, despite my name I am not rich. Everyone who I've met seems to think that if you have a fancy name you are automatically a rich and extravagant person. Stupid stereotypes. I'm a resonably well-off twin girl who enjoys what parents call 'violent video games' and what other people my age call 'cool'. I like rap music, get good grades in school and am completly obsessed with fantasy stories and mangas. My twin is a lot louder, more jokey, finds it easier to make friends and is, in my opinion, far, far better than me. Any way, we are both relatively smart in our opinion and are fantasy fanatics. Which is probably why I find everything I now have to deal with easy. I admit, I'm a little weird. Well, a lot. But I do have my reasons, trust me. Anyway, now then introductions are over, time for the tale! (Finally.....)

I was walking out of school with my friend, Anjie. We chat a lot, but don't really get to see each other outside of school. Sad face...! Moving on..... We had just managed to get our parents to let us go to the town, so we going into the nearest book store to check out the new material. But I still managed to see him, at the back of the store, looking around as if for a particular novel like us. The only problem? He wasn't looking at the shelves. He was looking right at me. He was dressed in a black coat, with dark, handsome features. I turned away, embarrassed. Anjie hadn't noticed a thing. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my back. 'Excuse me,' the person said, 'but can you please lead me to the graphic novel section?'. I spun around. The man I had just seen was over here. But no-one could move that fast. Except perhaps Usain Bolt. And did he look like this guy? Nope.

'Sure.' I mumbled. It was right back where I saw him, which meant deserting Anjie for a little while.

'Anjie, do you mind?' I asked.

She looked at me. 'No, go right ahead. I'll just buy this book. I've been meaning to get this gift for one of my friends.'.


'You're welcome.'. She went back to skimming over her book. I turned around to direct the man over to the graphic novel section. I walked over to the back of the store, leading him back to where he was before. Suspicious....... Anyway, the moment I got to the back, which was deserted for some reasn, he pushed me against the wall. 'Finally. You're the one we have been waiting for. Come.'.

I wasn't really listening though. I was still struggling to get away. 'Let me go, you freak!'.

He winked at me. 'If that is what you wish, my lady.'. And then he disappeared before my very eyes.

I walked over to Anjie, still shuddering at the memory of that guy. She ran up to me, a concerned look on her face. 'You okay, Sophia? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Anyway, I got you that book you've been looking at.'.

'Aw... Thanks Anjie. And I'm fine. Really.'.

'Well, okay. If you say so. Wanna go grab a bite to eat?'.

'Actually, do you mind if I just go home? I'm not feeling too well.'.

'Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow, okay?'.

'Okay. See you soon.'.

'See ya.'.

And so she left for her house, and I left for mine.

I was just at the front door when I heard what was going on on TV. Or, at the very least, saw. I walked in and saw my twin sister, Christina, on the phone, my father, James, doing some random job work and my mother, Layla, watching the TV as usual. I sat down next to her. 'Whatcha watching?' I asked, lounging on the couch.

'The news.' Said my mother. 'Did you know, there's a disease spreading around the central town area. Doctors have never seen anything like it. It's leaving the victims in permanent comas. Thank the stars we don't live there!'.

I reached to grab some of the nuts that had been placed on the table. 'Actually, me and Angie were there earlier.'. I wasn't too worried about what mum had said. She always watched the news channels that would make up anything to get better ratings. She says it's interesting. My dad and us kids call it a load of garbage. Just then the doorbell rang. My sister, who had finally gotten off the phone, snapped to attention.

'I'll get it. Mick's brother just got a job as a pizza deliverer. Mick could be at the door right now!'. (In case you haven't guessed, Mick is my sister's boyfriend. I have no idea how they can still seem to hate each other and obviously adore each other, but they manage it.) She ran up to the door and opened it, then let her smile slip for a moment. She passed over the money, collected the pizza and shut the door. I looked at her.

'No Mick, I take it?'. She frowned at me, and good-naturally poked her tounge out at me. We both laughed. I ran up to get some of the pizza then sat down and chatted to my sister. Sadly, we didn't really pay that much attention to our volume control.

'Hey,' said dad, 'can you talk a little louder? I think a little lady in the next town didn't hear that.'.

'Sure we can!' we said, completly synchronized.

'And you say you can't read each others minds.' muttered dad under his breath, then continued his work.

After a little while we were sent to bed for chatting too much. No fair, I wanted to say. You didn't warn us! As you can probably tell, I didn't bother. And yes, this is important to the story, so stop asking questions and read! Still, I wasn't exactly expecting an easy night, after what had happened, but you would think I got a little bit of sleep before I started having nightmares, right? Wrong. Epically wrong. I couldn't even get to sleep to begin with, I was so shaken up with what happened. I mean, what kind of person actually wants to be cornered in a shop by a pure psycho who can disappear into thin air? Not this girl, that's for sure. So, once I managed to pull myself into a (fitful) slumber I started having an overly realistic nightmare. And trust me, this is not the kind of dream anyone else would want.

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