Because You Need To Know: Epilouge

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It was about a week later, and I was lying on my bed, listening to music streaming from my CD player. Yes, I still use one. I practically hadn't moved from my room since Tina had died. Laura had come up to comfort me, as had Savannah, who said she'd kill Carter if she ever saw him. Looks like Laura wasn't my only friend there.

The music started to swap between songs. Bring Me The Horizon started playing, only it was halfway through one of the songs. Damn glitches. The lyrics were creeping me out at that moment.

I'm scared to get close,

But I hate being alone.

I long for that feeling

To not feel at all.

The higher I get,

The lower I sink.

I can't drown my demons,

They know how to swim.

'Hi.' I heard Carter say. 'You have no idea how easy it is to sneak into here.'

I jumped up and grabbed my gun. 'Get away from me. YOU KILLED HER!!!'

He shook his head. 'Actually, that's what I'm here. She's alive.'


He laughed, cold and hard. 'Yeah right. She's alive, and if you want her to stay that way, I'd recommend staying out of our way.'

I shot him. Look, the guy was threatening to kill me, and I was carrying a gun. Heard of reflexes? Anyway, it didn't work. Carter sliced the bullet in half with his sword.

'Oh, now we're trying to kill each other? I'd win any day, so don't even try. Stay away from Christina, okay?'

No. Not okay. But I knew I would lose in a fight to death. It wasn't worth trying to win. 'Yes.'

He smiled. 'Good. Now, since I know you still refuse to believe us, I've got some proof arriving soon. Ciao.' And he.. didn't teleport? No, he jumped through the window. That's different.

It was, what? Ten minutes later, tops? I was still listening to music. And then Timothy knocked open the door. And what he said spun my life around, and changed my opinion on the Saviours forever.

'We found James.'

YES! Finished! Took ages, but it's done. Saviours is over! But the sequel isn't! (Insert squeals and squirrels [Don't sue me, whoever gets the joke] of delight). Yes, there is a sequel. Yes, I can't wait to start it! Also, if you can't remember who James is, look back a few chapters. I know, there's too many characters, but I was originally planning on more. But, yeah. Look out for "Angelic" on my profile!

@Marethyu2 out for this story!

Oh, yeah. Nearly forgot. It's dedicated to @Silentbluex for never letting me have a day off writing. Not appreciated. Also, criticism welcome and very much appreciated.

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