Tina? Kidnapped again? That girl needs a bodyguard!

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This chapter is dedicated to @Kate160801.

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have been shocked. Tina had been kidnapped twice before (well, for a few seconds the second time), and Carter had threatened me that he would make me regret going with Arex.

Arex was holding my shoulder so I wouldn't collapse from shock. 'Why didn't she hear earlier?'.

Laura shrugged. 'I told her as soon as I could! I thought someone would've told her before I did.'.

Savannah walked over to us. 'Firstly, I have no idea what you're saying. However, you guys do realize Sophia's here? She's not on the other side of the world.'.

I was nearly crying. 'Do you mind if I just... left? To my room. I need some sleep.'.

Laura smiled at me, a change to the scowl she used when talking to Arex. 'Oh, of course! You're gonna need some sleep. You have your first mission tomorrow!'.

Wait! They were gonna throw that on me AFTER everything that happened? I decided to ignore that, for Laura's sake. She'd always been nice to me, unlike some people.

I walked away, went into my room, and collapsed on my bed. Why was everything going wrong?

I woke up the next morning happy and refreshed. No, wait. That's how I wish I was feeling. In fact, I woke up tired and depressed. How much fun is that? On the bed side table, there was another note written by Arex.

Sorry about Tina. If you need to talk about it, I'm here. At least one person should stop seeing me as a psychopath.


Wow. Real helpful, Arex. Just inspirational (A/N Yes, L, I stole your quote). I walked off to the main room, hoping that I'd see Arex along the way. Heck, I even wanted to see Savannah. Just someone to talk to would be nice, and they seemed to be the only ones who cared.

I eventually reached the main room. Kae, Daniel and Lupa (duh) were there. Everyone had already left (or, at least that's my guess).

Laura walked over to me, smiling. 'Ready to begin?'.

I shrugged. 'Do I have much choice?'.

She shrugged back. 'Nah. Look, since it's your first mission and all, we thought it might be better if you went with someone. There was a bit of a debate about it, but we decided that maybe Daniel could accompany you? It's okay if you say no. However, going solo might be a bit dangerous.

'Um... Okay. I guess it'd be better. I don't want to come back a zombie, after all!'. (A/N The person who works out what inspired this scene gets a dedication! Have fun working it out!).

'Great! Daniel, can you come over here?'. She beckoned over to him.

Daniel walked over. 'Nice to see you again. You know what we're doing, right?'.

'Nope. No idea. Do you have any ideas?'.

He laughed. 'Yeah. Read this.'.

He passed me a slip of paper. I unfolded it, and read what it said. It was a recent newspaper clipping, with a bold title stating 'Killer Strikes Again!'.

It read as follows:

Ever since the re-opening of the popular 'Twilight Carousel' ride at our yearly carnival, many unlucky kids have disappeared, presumed dead. The latest, Brianna Jay, was only twelve, and will sorely missed by her family and friends, who are now advocating that the ride should be shut down. However, without proof that the disappearances are linked to the the ride cannot and will not be closed down. This newspaper recommends you stay as far away as possible from this supposedly haunted roller-coaster.

Below was a list of the people who had gone missing. There were about ten kids, ranging from seven year old girls to guys of seventeen and a half years. What kind of sick and twisted monster would actually want to hurt those people?

'It's hard to take in on your first time, isn't it?' Daniel asked. 'I've been doing it for a while, and it doesn't get much better, believe me.'.

Believe me. Eh. It was better then trust me, which everyone had been saying recently. 'It's awful.' I responded.

He nodded. 'You scared? You can back out at any time, you know.'.

I shook my head. 'I'm all in.'.

Laura smiled. I'd almost forgotten she was there. 'Great! Now, go!'.

A swirling portal of light appeared. Daniel stepped through, unperturbed.

'Well?' Laura asked. 'Ya going?'.

I smiled. 'Duh.'. I stepped through, thinking only of one thing.

Laura had seriously changed.

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