Savannah: Apparently not a bimbo

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I was less exhausted after teleporting this time. Daniel seemed pretty tired though, which was annoying. After all, who just saved his life? Me! And partially Carter. Who knew Tina's whereabouts.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to tell the Saviours that I'd seen Carter. Firstly, they might go nuts and try to kill him, and he seemed to be the only person who hadn't hurt me at some point. Secondly, I didn't want to die, or have the Saviours die. They were actually kinda nice people. Well, except Daniel.

The moment I teleported in, Laura was there. 'Sucess?' She asked.

I nodded. 'Well, kind of. Daniel got possessed. He managed to shake the demon off, though.' Wait. Why was I making him sound like some hero? Rule number one: Don't give jerks an extra ego booster.

Laura raised her eyebrows. 'That would explain the fact he's unconcious. But how did he manage that?'

I shrugged. 'Must've been a weak demon.'

'Obviously. You've got your second mission in now, by the way. You're with me for this one.'

At least it was with someone I knew. 'What do I have to destroy this time?'

She laughed. 'Nothing. It's reconnaissance. We go and do research on places in case a demon pops up. We'll be able to work out what's normal, and what's demon work that way.

It sounded boring. But it got worse. Far worse.

It turns out Savannah, who was in charge of disguises, did not just limit her disguises to infiltrating places. No, she'd decided that if we were doing reconnaissance, we needed to fit in. And what better way to do that but let her choose exactly what we were wearing. She'd decided that, if we were going to Adelaide, Australia, we needed a typical Aussie outfit.

'No way.' That was what I said when she showed me the cork hat and t-shirt with a kangaroo emblazoned on the front. 'There's no way people could actually wear that.'

She laughed. 'You're actually pretty gullible. Like I'd make you wear that. Pick something out from your wardrobe. I've tried to get some Australian brands in there.'

This would be the perfect time for a time skip. Because, trust me, this bit doesn't get any less boring. So, I'll skip the rest of chatting to Savannah. I'll skip spending ten minutes looking for a trilby hat. I'll even skip that point when Laura started laughing at me because I'd managed to trip over a rug during that ten minutes. So, let's skip till we got to Adelaide.

'This isn't a normal part of Adelaide, is it?' I asked. We'd ended up in a graffiti covered street with bared windows. It looked abandoned, desolote. The perfect place for demons to attack.

Laura shook her head. 'We were supposed to end up in a mall. I'm blaming Sav. She's an adrenaline junkie.'

'She'd send us somewhere demon-infested?'

Laura shook her head. 'Nah. She has limits. I'll scout ahead, see if anything's here. You've got your gun, right?'

I nodded. 'Duh.'

'Good. If anything happens, shoot and run like hell. I'll be back. Ciao.'

And she walked off. And I freaked. Every time this happened, I was cornered or something.

'Stay calm. You'll be okay.' I reassured myself.

'Hey.' I heard someone say. Drat.

It was James. As in, the guy Laura said was a murderer. The guy who saved me and Tina from Arex, probably knowing he worked for the Saviours.

'What are you doing here?' I asked in a husky whisper.

'I'm staying here for a while. Plus, I wanted to see what you'd gotten up to. Joined the Saviours now, have we?'

'Obviously. What's it to you?'

He stopped smiling. He looked just like a predator again. 'You do realise that, even though I'm a murderer, the only reason they're after me is because they think I'm a demon? If I could prove I was human, they'd probably send through apology cards and chocolate. They don't care about people, Sophia. They care about destroying creatures who might not have done anything wrong. Just because demons are called demons doesn't mean they're demonic. In the same way, just because the Saviours are called that doesn't guarantee they save people.'

I'd had it. 'Where else am I supposed to turn, then? All you people ever say is "trust me". How am I supposed to trust you, a murderer who used to be friends with Carter, of all people. And I can't trust Carter; he's kidnapped Tina, for goodness sakes. And I can't just walk out when she's in danger. At least they're trying to do something!'

'I wouldn't say friends. More like mentor. But I see your point. I'll leave you alone, if that's what you want. But one piece of information. Tina's at Low Bridge farm. It's a while away, but with teleporting you'll be fine. Tina probably won't be, though.'

And he teleported away. That was as still as annoying as ever.

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