Yandere!Salem x Fem!Dragon!Fa...

By Nighttra

48K 2.1K 158

She did it. She won. The kingdoms were too late in uniting against her, and Salem achieved her victory. Now y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

2.3K 134 11
By Nighttra

"Fuck." I curse watching as the wave of grimm invades the camp.

At the sounds of the shouting more of my people emerge from their homes, taking on the grimm without a second thought. I join them cutting down a few grimm along the way. It's not long however until one of the grimm huntresses come for me, and with my luck it ends up being the older Schnee.

"Winter Schnee." I greet her brandishing my weapons.

"Y/N L/N." She responds getting into an attack position.

The older Schnee gives me a glare before dashing forward. Her speed was impressive, and I barely had enough time to dodge her sword. I followed up my dodge by slashing at her waist, but she jumped out of the way. Winter then summoned a glyph midair, using it to dash towards me again. This time I met her halfway, our weapons clashing while both of us tried to gain the upper hand.

"You won't escape this time." Winter snarls with a heavy push, "We won't allow it."

"Well you're going to have to." I smirk, igniting my blades.

The grimm huntress hisses as the flames hit her face, forcing her to jump away from me. Our fight went back and forth for quite some time, moving through the small, ruined camp while we tried to hit one another. Winter unsheathes a smaller dagger when she lunges at me, my blades stopping the two weapons just meters from my face. I snarl at her but only receive a smirk in return. Before I could process the next attack, a shield flew into my side, knocking me away from Winter and leaving me breathless.

A wheeze leaves me while I get back to my feet, my angry glowing eyes meeting Pyrrha's green ones. The two move to charge my weakened state but are suddenly stopped by a barrage of arrows. The spartan is forced to protect the two of them, glaring at the sudden intruder.

"2 on 1? I expected some more honor but then again, you're now grimm." Robyn states jumping down next to me as she glared at the pair.

"Hello beloved." Winter greets Robyn, her gaze holding nothing but obsession and lust.

"You're not my beloved anymore." The huntress sneers back pointing her weapon at her.

Winter doesn't reply, merely sharing a look with Pyrrha before the red head's gaze falls to me. Robyn stands in front of me protectively, her glare turning more deadly. The older Schnee's eyes glowed a dark red while she observed Robyn's movements.

"You'll be seeing differently once we're through."

"I doubt that." Robyn answers back, her eyes shifting to my form as she speaks, "Y/N go. I can handle these two."


"Go. Someone must lead our people."

Before I could stop her, she rushed the Schnee, the three engaging into a battle. Although just as I turned a corner, I paused hearing Robyn's painful cry. I clutch my weapons as my breathing became ragged, a wave of rage rushing over me while I realized I was being a coward. Robyn stood no chance against those two.

"Y/N what should we do? The grimm are everywhere!" One of my people call out.

"Get to the ships!" I order them taking some of my rage out on an alpha Beowolf, "Follow Ozma back to his camp. You'll be safe there!"

"What about you and Robyn?"

"Don't worry about us. We'll cover you until you escape."

"Wait, you're staying?" Someone asks while I took down another Death Stalker


"If you think we're leaving either of you here you have another thing coming!" Raya, one of my soldiers states, joining my side and shooting down a few Sabyrs.

"Yeah we're not leaving you!" Ryan, another huntsman, joins in rushing forward and leading the attack against the grimm.

A small smile appeared on my face, knowing that despite fully knowing that we were fighting a losing battle they were still willing to stand by my side. I roar and rush after them, the effects taking their toll immediately. However, another roar responds to my own and I look up to see Yang smirking down at me.

"There you are~"

The rest of team RWBY appears beside her, all four pairs of red eyes settled on me and me alone. I glare at the team, a snarl leaving me as I turn to them. We stare off for a few seconds before Ruby and Weiss dash forward.

The younger girl tries to hit me with her scythe, but I dodge and shoot past her, clashing my blades with Weiss. Although before I could further my fight with the ex-heiress, I hear Ruby charging at me from behind causing me to dodge once again. Suddenly something wraps around me midair, swiftly bringing me down and slamming my body against the ground.

I grunt, my aura taking a heavy hit. If I take one more hit like that my fight would be over. I glance up, spotting an unimpressed Blake who was responsible for the hit. A maniacal laugh leaves the blonde beside her who jumps down a few feet away. I wait for the three to get within range. Once they were close, I use my fire to burn Blake's arm, earning a cry from her while her arm retreats from my body.

I leg sweep the other three, aiming my blades down at Ruby and Weiss. The two swiftly dodge and I just barely miss a punch from Yang. Blake tries to reach for me again but this time I snag the tentacle like arm, yanking her towards me. Her eyes widen when her stomach met with my knee, the force behind it shattering her aura and sending her flying into Yang.

Weiss summons a glyph, propelling Ruby forward with impressive speed. I threw my blades towards her, purposely missing her so the chains could wrap around her body. However, she used her semblance and sped past the chains. My eyes widened as she was only a few feet away and I was pretty much weaponless. I lean back, Crescent Rose missing me by just mere centimeters. I follow up the dodge with a harsh punch, Ruby's eyes widening as her aura flickered and was sent flying. I swiftly pulled my chain blades back as I recovered, sending them forward again and wrapping the chains around her. I then slam her into the ground, finishing her off.

I turn to Weiss and Yang, the two looking at me with lust, anger, and surprise. I twirl the blades and point them at the two.

"Who's next?"

The two teammates share a look, getting into a fighting stance before motioning me forward. I tsk and launch myself forward. Yang fires a few rounds from her gauntlets when I get close causing me to deter my route. With a quick flap of my wings I stay on course, narrowing my eyes at them while I readied my blades. Weiss summons a beowolf just in front of them, it taking the hit for them and allowing them to dodge the hit. I land on the ground between them, the two propelling themselves forward with the aid of Weiss' glyphs. I smirk using my speed to jump just in time, the two hitting and shattering the auras instead.

I huff looking at the defeated team. I walk towards Yang, readying my blade above her. Although suddenly I'm hit in the stomach, causing me to stumble back as I try to gain my footing. I look up seeing that Raven, Winter, and Pyrrha had joined our battle.

"I'll take you three on," I snarl, igniting my blades, "And you'll fall just like they did."

"You're delusional." Winter sighs, "They're still training. You'll fall to our combined attack with ease."

"Famous last words." I smirk, readying myself.

Just like Weiss, Winter propelled Raven and Pyrrha forward. The Branwen slashed at me with her sword, Pyrrha quickly following up the attack with a strike from her stinger. I dodge Raven's attack but use my blades to stop the poisonous stinger. Pyrrha then slashes at me with her spear, it cutting my shirt before she jumps back. Just as she moves Winter is in my face giving me no time to react. Her sword hits me but thanks to my scales causes little damage.

Although Raven returns from behind, striking at my legs. My aura flickers while my knees buckled threatening to collapse underneath me. As I try to think about a return attack Pyrrha returns, kicking me in the side with her fucking heels. I grunt and go flying from the force, my body skitting and rolling against the ground. With a growl I stop myself with my hand, clawing it into the ground and bringing me to a halt. I pant glaring at the three while they approached.

As I stagger to my feet I'm tackled from behind. I'm forced to the ground by the combined weight of team RWBY. My arms shake while I try to get up, but it was useless. They had worn me down enough to where I couldn't even push them off.

"Queen Salem is going to be so happy!~" Ruby smiles as I grunt.

"I can see why she's after her," Blake speaks her hand moving to cup my cheek, "She's a beauty and an experienced warrior. She is perhaps worthy of more than just her love."

Yang smiles down at me, her fangs on full display, "I wouldn't mind giving her some of my love~"

I sneer up at her but that only makes her smirk wider. The small group agrees, and team RWBY begins to get off me as they go to place restraints on me. However, before they can, Ruby and Yang cry out as bolts hit their shoulders. They stumble off of me, turning to their attacker. My eyes widen when I follow their gaze.

"Get...the fuck off...my friend." Nighttra snarls, barely keeping herself up as her strikers transformed into crossbows.

My friend was clearly still fighting the venom, half of her body being a pale white with black veins and a red eye while the other half was still human. Nighttra could barely hold herself up, but it was clear at that moment she didn't care. She fires a few more bolts at the other grimm huntresses, the group separating while they try to avoid them. Pyrrha uses her shield to block them making her way towards her.

I tried to get up and defend her, but Blake wrapped her tentacle hands around me pulling me towards her and Yang. Her hands returned to normal while Yang held me down with her enlarged hand, my weakened state giving her the advantage. I could only watch as Pyrrha reached her, moving to strike her with her shield. Nighttra was able to dodge the first hit but was too slow to dodge the second. Her face contorted in pain when the shield made contact with her stomach, the force sending her into a fetal position on the ground.

"Consider yourself lucky that your lovers wish to keep you." Pyrrha glares down at her, knocking her out with her spear.

I snarl and try to lunge at her, but the two's grip remains tight. My gaze falls to the battle around us, watching as my people fell to the grimm and the huntsmen. There were only a few left, including me and I'd be damned if I wasn't going to put up a good fight for my fallen family. Smoke began to emit from my body while I heated my inner body temperature, preparing my body for what was to come.

"You can't burn through my binds this time." Yang states, continuing to push me down, "Queen Salem made sure to evolve it's heat resistance. There's no use in trying."

"Well it's time to go big or go home." I mutter to myself, confusing the grimm girls.

I roar and extend my wings, the limbs forcing the two off of me. They step back while my bones begin to snap, my body transforming into my last trap card. It doesn't take long for me to complete my transformation, my gaze narrowing at the now small group in front of me.

I breathed fire on the group, forcing them to take cover between the buildings. Weiss bolts out from her alleyway as the stream of fire ends, summoning a glyph before her summoned appeared. The knight-like servant swung its sword at my leg, but because of my scales did no damage. I snarl and swiftly bite down on it, thrashing it around and forcing it to dissipate. The ex-heiress looks at me in shock before I crash my claw down onto her. Sadly she was too quick and was able to dodge my attack.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Blake propel herself and Yang, the cat faunus wrapping her tentacle-like arms around my mouth while the blonde attempts to punch me. I huff rolling my eyes at them, yanking Blake in the direction of Yang and causing them to collide.

Pyrrha and Ruby dash forward striking my legs with their weapons. I smirk down at them as they stare at the undamaged scales in shock. I breathed fire onto them, forcing them to dodge. While they were midair, I smacked them with my tail smashing them into a building.

Weiss POV

"We won't be able to get through her scales!" My sister shouts dodging another stream of fire.

"Then what should we do? She's not coming out of that form anytime soon!" Yang replies, her and Blake taking cover in an alley.

"We need something that can get through those scales!" Blake huffs firing some bullets at Y/N.

"Then how about another dragon?" I speak up, my sister and I sharing a look.

"And where do you think you're going to get one?"

"Weiss and I both have been able to defeat Grimm Wyverns in the past. We can combine our summons to create a larger Wyvern that can challenge her."

"Then once we're able to break her scales Pyrrha can go in with her tail and inject her with paralytic poison."

"That can work." Pyrrha responds, her and Ruby recovering from their hit.

"Good. You all cover us while we merge them."

Your POV

I rip the Nevermore off of me, easily disposing of it with my jaws. I turn my attention back to the grimm huntsmen, immediately being met with gunfire to the face. I huff turning away from the annoying bullets. Once it stopped, I attempted to turn back only to be met with a punch by Yang. I curl my wings around me when they start to open fire again, uncurling them with force causing the wind to knock them back.

I open my mouth to blow fire onto them only to spot a summon behind them. It was a Wyvern, but it was easily the same size as me. I glare at the large summon when it roared at me, extending its wings before charging at me. I met it head on, it gaining the upper hand as it sunk its claws into my shoulders.

I roar in pain, sinking my teeth into it's neck before slamming it on the ground. I went to finish it off until I felt something on my back. I look to see it was Raven, her eyes meeting mine before she attacked one of my wings. I huff going to deal with her until Blake wrapped her arms around my mouth again, pulling me back towards them with the help of Yang.

I'm quite surprised by their strength, the two actually being able to pull me forward. Just as I was able to stop myself, the summon sunk it's teeth into my left foot. I roared in pain and attempted to get it off, but it was not letting go. I could feel my blood dripping down my leg fueling me with rage. I snarl and look down at the summon bringing my other leg down and smashing it's head. It disappeared allowing me to finally focus on Raven who was still on my back.

I blow fire over my shoulder forcing her to abandon her position. Suddenly Ruby flew past my face and I attempted to grab her with my jaws. I'm unsuccessful and try to follow after her, but I'm stopped when I feel pain radiating from my wound on my left leg. I look down seeing Pyrrha who now had her scorpion stinger in my wound. My eyes widen as the poison easily spreads to the rest of my body with the help of my adrenaline and rage.

I try to step on her, but my body feels heavy. I stumble and she retracts her tail, jumping away from me. My energy begins to decrease while I grow nauseous. I attempt to lean on a building to steady myself, but it only made the nausea worse. My limbs give out from under me a few seconds later, forcing me to go back to my human form.

I tried one last effort to gather myself on my knees but was unable to keep myself up. Ruby rushed forward and caught me before I could hit the ground. Weiss joined her, the two swiftly placing restraints on me.

"Now let's get you back to our queen~"

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