If you let me

By yagirlllay11

113K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven

thirty six

1.2K 38 7
By yagirlllay11

A week later
Los Angeles, California

Morgan sighed calling Jordyn's phone again but still not getting an answer. She sat her phone on the bed before plopping down.

It's been a week since the phone call situation and Jordyn still hasn't been responding to none of Morgan's text or calls.

Morgan kept her word and came down the next morning after seeing her grandparents. When touched down in LA she went over to the house everyday this week to try and talk to Jordyn but she was never home. She wasn't by her mom house either and that was the only place she could think of because she didn't know where else Jordyn could be since her and Jade wasn't exactly on talking terms.

But today was Saturday and she had a little faith that she would catch her at home. The kids would be home which was the only bad thing because she would've rather Mia been at school and Jenesis with one of their moms so if the conversation go wrong the wouldn't be there. But she gotta deal with that for now.

Morgan got up and grabbed her keys before leaving out. She made her way over to the house after a little track and when she pulled up she seen Jordyn's suv sitting outside.

She turned her car off and walked towards the front foot before entering the key code. Once it unlocked she walked in. The house was quiet but she heard the tv on in the living room.

Morgan walked in seeing Jordyn watching a movie with a bowl of ice cream in her hand. Jordyn jumped when she seen Morgan right there.

"Shit." She mumbled and closed her eyes taking a deep breath before sitting the bowl down

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Jordyn didn't say anything but brought her attention back to the tv

"I've been calling and texting you." Morgan said but she just stayed quiet

"Can we please talk?"

Morgan walked over and sat next to her "Can I at least explain?"

Jordyn shook her head

"No? Jordyn I-

Jordyn began to burst into tears making Morgan sigh and pull her into her.

"I'm so tired, Morgan! What are we doing at this point? Do you want to be single and just co parent the kids? Because I feel like you won't ever forgive me for cheating. And I don't know... just hearing you on the phone last week that night p-pleasing another woman made me feel weak. I've failed as a wife and I know I fucked up so why keep holding on to something that's just going to continue to break?"

"Jordyn, you got to understand that the call wasn't me trying to be petty or get revenge. I didn't even know i accidentally pressed your name. I didn't even expect to have sex with her or anything. I just happened and i was going to tell you about it when I came back to LA because I was willing to work things out."

"Was? Morgan, please don't lie to me. What do you want to do?"

"Our next move can't just be based on what i want to do. You can have some say in this, ya know?"

"I don't think it really matters what I want."


"We can't just cheat on each other and act like shit is normal, Morgan!"

"I never said it was.

"Morgan just tell me what you want to do about us. Do you want to divorce and just co-parent the kids?"

"Do you? You sent the text."

"Only because after what I heard I figured you wanted to move on and I'm losing faith in us."

"Your losing faith?" Morgan questioned

"I am. We usually come back together stronger than anything when we go through something but I think that this time is different."

"What are you saying?"

"We should get a divorce." She said


"I love you and I know that I've hurt you when I said that i wouldn't. After this past week, I've been doing a lot of thinking and maybe we did rush things. I don't regret meeting you or us having Jenesis but I think marriage was a big step. We never even got a chance to even fully enjoy the moment afterwards. I had her and it was strictly mom mode for you and before I knew it you were leaving for New York."

"I know you Morgan, you won't be able to trust me again so why go through all of that? I gave you time to get your thoughts and feelings together and from what I heard the other night I think you've made it pretty obvious with what you want."


She shook her head cutting me off "And while we go through the process I think it would be best if you come home. Mia misses you and I need you here helping me out with Jenesis."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"This is what's best. I'll get in contact with my lawyer." She said moving from next to Morgan

Morgan watched as she cried walking out of the living room. She sat there kind of just staring into a daze not believing what just happened. It was truly the end of her relationship and with way the conversation went their was nothing she could do to save it.

Standing up she walked to Jenesis nursery room seeing that she was sleep. She then went upstairs to Mia room to hang out with her but she was sleeping also.

She sent the guys a text to meet up somewhere

She needed to vent

Spire 73 bar, downtown LA
8:34 p.m.

"Y'all fucked?!" Tre asked shocked

"Nigga why are you shocked? You and Brandon was the main ones wanting me to fuck her."

"Yeah but I ain't think you was really going to hit."

I shook my head "Well I did and I got caught."

"How the hell you butt dial, Jordyn?"

I shrugged "I really don't know. I remember sitting my phone in my pocket but I never touched it while we were having sex."

They all looked at me

I raised a eyebrow "What?"

Brandon chuckled "If you ain't do it then who else?"

"Miracle fool."

I looked at Kevin and he shrugged "It could be possible bro."

"Nah, I don't think she'll do that."

"Yeah I bet but I mean she still could've did it. Yeah she might've gave some advice but maybe she knew that you were going to still go back to Jordyn."

"And she did want you first. She finally got the chance to have you. You really think shawty was going to let up that easy?"

"Y'all could be right but either way it goes, it's over with. Jordyn already knows so there's no point in trying to be investigator."

Kevin nodded "So how do you feel about the whole divorce thing?"

"I'll be honest, this shit sucks. I think with her cheating we were on edge but when she heard me over the phone it sort of made her believe that it would be the best thing."

"So that's it? You ain't going to fight for her?" Tre asked

"And do what? I can't just take her out or buy her flowers and hope she changes her mind. She said I would never be able to forgive her."

"Will you?" Kevin asked

I sat back "I feel like I will be able to."

"You feel like it or you actually will able to?" Brandon asked

I shot him a look

He put his hands up "It's a difference. Don't say you will but then let's say you two work things out and wherever you get upset you bring up her fucking with Karl. You can't do that if y'all work things out and start fresh."

"So do you see yourself fully forgiving everything that she did?"

"If I didn't then I would've given her the divorce papers the same night I found out."

"I think you should fight bro. Besides Aliya, Jordyn is the only woman I've seen you love this hard if not harder."

"I was going to forgive her for the kids and part of me was but most importantly I'm going to forgive her because I love her. Most people divorce so quick these days, who actually be in love, without even trying to fix things. I ain't trying to be like most people. Plus I don't see myself being with anyone else. If we divorce, y'all already know how I'm going to be and that's something I'm honestly not trying to be."

"Back to fucking bitches temporarily." Tre laughed

I laughed "I ain't trying to be like you."

"Aye man I'm young and living life." He shrugged

Tre was twenty seven while Brandon was twenty eight, Kevin being thirty and me being twenty nine. But I'll be hitting my dirty thirty in a few months.

"So what are you going to do?" Kevin asked

"I think I'm going to just look for some marriage counseling or something like that. I don't think this is something we could fix on our on. We both just need to hear each other out properly."

"Yeah man! My bro said she ain't letting her girl!" Brandon said giving me a dap

I shook my head at his foolishness

"So now that we got that out the way, the million dollar question of the night is... is Miracle better in bed?" Tre asked

"Man shut up!" Kevin laughed

I chuckled "I'm fighting for Jordyn back for a reason right?"

Brandon laughed while Tre jaw dropped

"Wait hold up, she isn't good in bed?" He asked

"She's good but I was doing most of the work. I don't know it's just different when you're having sex with someone who knows every part of your body and wants to please you too."

"That's also why I'm happy it won't happen again. I think it just the attraction and the need of another friend that even made the sex possible."

"So y'all got a good understanding on where y'all stand?" Kevin asked

"We talked before I left and I believe we do. We both knew that it was just a in the moment thing or whatever and that we don't necessarily want a relationship with one another. Well at least I don't."

Brandon laughed "That's good. I could never get some from a chick without her wanting more. Teach me ya tricks."

I laughed

"Oh I forgot to mention, big boy called me the other day about that charity basketball event he got coming up,"

"Yeah I remember. I might have to pass on this one Kev."

"Man no you're not. I already got the rest of my team all I need is you."

"For real though even India said she'll come ball with us."

"India? For real?" I asked

"Yeah, shit gonna be real fun. Food, drinks, music and shit,"


"The staples center, the last Saturday of this month."

"I'm going to give you a strong maybe."

"I'll take that as long as you at least give me a for sure answer the week before."


A waitress come up "Did you guys want another round of the beer?"

"Yeah we could do another." Tre said

"And what about you?" She looked at me

"I'll just take a water."

"Okay I'll be right back."

"A water? Man you lame." Tre waved me off

I chuckled "Bro beer taste like piss."

"How do you know what piss tastes like?"

"I don't know what it tastes like but it's something doctors say we can't drink so obviously it's nasty."

He sucked his teeth while I laughed

For another hour or so we talked before I went back to the condo. I figured I'll wait another day or two before leaving to go back to the house. That way I can do some research and looking for counselors.

Finding one probably wasn't going to be hard but getting Jordyn to agree will be. Her mind was so set on this damn divorce and I couldn't blame her but I'll do what I can before we fully go that route.

I just want my marriage back.


India pov
Next day | India's condo

"Just do some romantic shit, she'll forgive you. It was just a petty argument." I said listening to Tyrell vent to me about his girlfriend

"I know but I wasn't wrong."

"I doubt she care about that." I chuckled

"Or just find you a black girl. It might your time to leave the white gummy bears alone."

He sucked his teeth pushing me "Shut up."

I laughed

"Enough about me. What up with you? Any new person on ya line?"


He side eyed me "Oh yeah? I wasn't going to say anything but what's up with those neck marks?"

"Where? You could see them?"

He laughed "I knew you was lying."

I rolled my eyes "Okay I did a little something recently but I'm honestly just chilling."

"So I'm guessing you and Jade are officially done?"

I shrugged editing one of my clients pictures "I guess. I'm not sure what else to do. Its been like three months and no matter how many times I keep trying to reach out, she pushes me away by not responding."

"I get it but it still sucks. Y'all were cute. I never thought I'll see you with a woman, an older one at that."

"I know right. I had the Niggas on my lineeee!"

He laughed as I got up "I'm going to the kitchen you want anything?"

"Yeah bring me back a Gatorade or something."

"I got you" I said walking off

I went in the kitchen and grabbed two drinks when I heard the door bell rung.

"Aye can you get that for me?" I yelled out

"Yeah I got it!" He yelled back

I grabbed some chips and walked back to where he was.

"I only got blue so I hope that's good for now." I said looking up

Seeing him looking at me with this face

"What? Why you looking at me like that?"

He nod his head to the wall where Jade was standing against.

"You got a visitor." He chuckled as I handed him his drink

"I'm going to head out and figure out my plans but text me later so I can whoop ya ass in some 2k."

I sucked my teeth before we did our handshake and he left out the door. I closed it behind him and locked the door.

I sat my snacks down and put my hands in my pocket

"So, what's up?" I asked

"I just kind of wanted to talk."

"Okay. The floor is yours."

"I got your address from your mom, in case you were wondering."

Ain't even been in here for a month and she already giving my address out.

"It's cool." I mumbled

She nodded looking at her nails, playing with them.

I watched as she seemed nervous and we were just standing there in silence.

She scoffed shaking her head "I'm sorry, I'm not even sure why I came over here."

Jade walked over to the door but I stopped her making her turn and her back lean against it.

"Come on don't leave. You obviously came over here for a reason so just say it."

"I miss you." She said, "And I know I probably shouldn't because you've hurt me by lying but i- i don't know."

"You haven't been acting like you do. I've been calling and texting you. I thought we were done, Jade."

"Can you blame me? How would you feel if i did what you did and I lied to you about it? I was hurt and I needed space."

I sighed "Yeah I understand that how many times do you expect me to apologize? I gave you space, cool. But you can't just walk in here after weeks and think things are going to go back to being good just because we miss each other. That's like the worse way to start a relationship."

Jade nodded her head slowly "Well Im sorry for wasting your time."


"Move please. I just want to go home now."

"There you go running again. Go ahead and let me know when you're ready to have a real conversation without you kicking me out or getting in your feelings like right now." I said moving out of her way

She left out of the door making sure to slam it behind her. I shook my head.

I don't got the time for her ass right now.

Like I said before I'm chilling.



Thoughts on Morgan & Jordyn?

The divorce ☹️

Thoughts on India and Jade? Chileee

Comment and let know! I love when y'all comment it's makes my day lol.

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