Fame | A Tomdaya Romance

By anotherstoryinmyhead

10.8K 97 1

Narrated between two different periods of time - follow Tom as he discovers that fame isn't all that it's cra... More

Note to readers
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 13

321 2 0
By anotherstoryinmyhead


They used to tell me that being famous was the thing you wanted as an actor, that it would prove in the world that I grew up in - that I'd made it. Yet the closest I've ever felt to 'making it' has been right now, stripping down in the bathroom to share a shower with Z.

This will be the first time we've been properly naked infront of one another, believe it or not. Is that crazy? We've known each other for years, I've been in love with her for just as long. If I have to put up with everything else to keep this feeling in my life, to keep her in my life - I will. One hundred times over.

I lean over and turn the facuet on, still wearing my boxers - I need her to lead this, I need her to set the pace before I take things too far. "Are you getting in wearing those?" her voice is accusatory and it's answered the question I didn't want to ask.

I turn around and shake my head, "No - I just wanted to ensure that the temps were perfect" I lie. She's topless now and putting her hair up in a wrap and I am now all the more distracted. "Are you going to wear those shorts?" I press, it's a game now - who is going to get naked first?

She looks at me in the mirror, and I can see she realises what we're playing. I swear to god she's been taken over by some type of vixen, she's looking me dead in the eye now and places her hands on the edges of her shorts. There's absolutely no way I'm going to not watch this but I'm going to struggle to control myself afterwards.

Maybe I have underestimated this side of her all these years, fooled myself into thinking this part of her didn't exist out of protection. But clearly, it does - and hopefully just for me. I actually groan when she starts pulling the shorts down, and then I'm stuck in place as she turns to walk to me, so confident - so naked.

"Need some help?" I think she says, but to be honest I could be making this up, am I dreaming this? All I can do is nod, because this is not what I expected at all. I'm not making myself look great here and I'm hard, which is going to make this more intense. She knows I'm hard, she's just looked down - so I'm even harder.

She's just placed one hand over the front of my boxers and she's touching my dick for the first time. I genuinely can't tell you what my face looks like right now because I'm overwhelmed. After a few moments, ones where I'm trying to stop myself from exploding at the touch, she pulls them to the floor, her eyes taking me in for the first time before looking back up at me.

I can't help it, I place my hand on her waist and pull her in for a kiss. It's probably the most passionate we've ever shared and my dick is literally right up against her leg - but she doesn't seem to mind. I'm awake again now, knowing that this isn't a dream and this part of her exists - I need to show her what I can do.

I pull her into the shower, letting my lips trail down her neck, letting my hand squeeze her bum softly before I pull back. I can't control what I'm about to say, because I mean it and I've been good for so long, "I fucking want you".

Her response takes me by surprise, "Take me".


You know that feeling you used to get as a kid when you'd go off to camp, or on a long school trip or something - that's how I felt yesterday leaving my family to come here. I'm finally in Atlanta, finally about to start the biggest journey of my life - and I'm scared.

I'm fucking petrified to be honest, and all that's keeping me sane is my now three times a day workouts with Mr Thor (I refuse to call him anything else and it really annoys him, hence why I do it) and the friendship that I've formed with Z.

They've put me up in this amazing house in this gated estate in Atlanta, it has a big pool, it's own gym and a cinema room - Jacob, Rosie and Z will also be staying here as well. There are about 8 bedrooms, so we'll all have enough space if we need it. But the shoot is so long that they explained the mental and wellbeing reasons for doing this to us when we were all in New York. I'll be here the longest naturally - annoyingly Z the shortest.

The first thing I do when I wake up, after my mandatory run that I have to text proof to Mr Thor of, is jump in the pool. You don't really grow up with pools when you live in Kingston, so it's a very nice treat that I am not going to complain about. I take a selfie in it and message it to the group, which has been very active recently.

Tom <PIC> non negotiable daily pool sessions are already locked in our schedule... when's everyone arriving?

Jacob YASSS!! You don't have to convince me, I'm in. I arrive tomorrow, 2pm - have the pool ready to go!

Rosie As long as it doesn't ruin my hair... ;) Joking, I can't complain to an evening swim. I fly Thursday, keep the place clean at least until then will you?

Jacob Haha... we will try!

Tom So I've got one night to try out all the beds to figure out which is my favourite then....

Z If you're going to do that you better clean the sheets after :D I'm in for the pool!

A dark thought crosses my mind, one in which she and I don't need to worry about the sheets - because we're staying in the same room. I wish.

Jacob Reckon we should have a boys side of the house and a girls side?

No, that is not what I want at all. I want the room next to hers for all the obvious reasons.

Rosie The answer is yes if either of you snore...

Z ^^^ Second that

Jacob ....

Tom Damn it Jacob...


I'm about to reply when Z sends me a private follow up.

Z I was kind of hoping you and I would be next door neighbours so we can make it easy to sneak out and have DMC's

So it wasn't just me? Interesting.

Tom We'll figure it out... you arrive Thursday too right?

Z Yup... I think they have Rosie and I travelling together.

Zendaya is too much of a sweetheart to tell me she isn't happy about it, but I know she and Rosie aren't going to be best friends. I don't think any of us are going to be best friends with Rosie, as mean as that is - but I'll try and give her a shot when we're all together. It would be rude not to.

Tom Thursday can't come soon enough J

Little does she know how much I mean that.

I thought I'd be spending the day alone, but after a few hours of me facetiming Haz and my brothers and playing some FiFa there's a knock at the door. It's Amy, which is really a surprise because we spoke on the phone yesterday and she didn't mention being in Atlanta yet or anything.

"Hey stranger" she says, leaning in for a hug, "I thought I'd come check out your pad and see if you wanted to come for dinner?"

I smile at her, "Well come in - lovely to see you".

As I take her around the house, I find out that the whole cast and crew have basically taken the entire private estate. I have no idea how on earth they have managed to do that, but it makes me feel better knowing that in this few miles we will be completely free of outside eyes and ears.

Amy is staying at a smaller house with her family about three down and has invited me to a barbeque so I can meet them. Of course I say yes - I want her to really like me, to support me and fight for me over the next few years.

And perhaps to like me enough to not be annoyed when I eventually pluck the courage up to make a move on Z.

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