Its Just You And Me

By Derekspxssy

20.9K 510 95

Meredith us a single mother to her five year old daughter Aurora with a father who us hardly in the picture. ... More



1K 23 2
By Derekspxssy

Addison took Aurora home later that same day. She got Aurora situated in the guest bedroom for the next few weeks until Meredith got better.

She didnt really have any of Auroras things at her place so she was going to babe to go to Meredith's house later to pick up some of Auroras things.

She wasnt sure if she should take Auroras with her in case Nathan decided to drop by and pay an unpleasant visit not knowing Meredith's condition.

Aurora was currently sitting on the couch of Addisons living room watching a cartoon show to keep her mind off of things.

"Rori, do you want to go with me to your place to pick up some things?" Addison asked as she sat down next to Aurora.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because you don't have any of your things here, we need to get some of your clothes, and toys, would you like to pick out what kind of clothes and toys?" she asked.

"No," she said.

"well I can't leave you home alone, you have to come with," she said.

"But I dont want to," Aurora argued.

"Rori, you have to. You cant stay here alone," Addison said.

"Why not?"

"Because You're too young and your- you're too young, come on, get your coat and shoes," she said standing up.

"Why cant i stay with Daddy when mommy's sick?" She asked as she stood up to go do as Addison said.

"Because youre dads away again," she said. She of course couldn't tell Aurora that she was no longer aloud to see her father. She would understand one day when she was older.

"Why is daddy never here? Does he not want me anymore?" She asked as Addison helped her put on her coat. Addison said nothing she didnt want to lie to her or tell her the truth.

"Auntie Addie?" she asked.

"Yes, Aurora?" she replied.

"Does my Daddy not want me anymore?"

"I don't know your father very well so I can't speak for him," she said.

"I want Mommy to come home and I want to go home," she said.

"You can't go home and neither can your mom. let's just go to your place and get your things, Okay?"

Aurora didn't say anything but instead walked out the front door.

Addison helped Aurora into the car and drove them to Meredith's house.


Derek looked outside the window and saw Addison's car pull into the driveway of Meredith's house.

she parked the car and got out before going around and helping Aurora out of the car. he watched as they both went inside the house after unlocking it.

a few seconds later Aurora ran out of the house. he watched closely where she went. he saw her run down the street.

he walked to the front door and opened it.

"Aurora!" he called out. she stopped and looked at him.

"Where are you going?" he asked her.

"I don't want to live with Auntie Addison and I want my Mommy to come home," she says.

"come here, come inside," he said.

"I don't know you," she says.

"you met me at the hospital and I know your mom, you can't be wandering off and running away. you could get kidnapped," he said.

"by you?"

"Just get inside," he told her. she rolled her eyes and ran over to Derek's house.

"Where did you plan on going? did you forget I live next door?" he said as he closed the door behind her.

"No, I wanted to go to the hospital where my mommy is," she said.

"Do you know where that is?"


"then how did you plan on getting there?" he asked as he took her into the living room.

"I don't know," she shrugged.

"Are you hungry or thirty, have you eaten?" he asked. she shook her head.

"Do you want something to eat?" he asked. she shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the floor.

"Lets go into the kitchen," he said.

he took her into the kitchen and made her something to eat. once the good was ready he plated it and placed it down in front of her.

"Do you think you're aunt will come looking for you soon?" he asked as he sat across from her at the kitchen table.

"I don't know. we just came to get some of my clothes and stuff," she said.

"that's good," he replied.

"Do you know when my mom can come home?"

"not for another few weeks," he answered. she rolled her tear filled eyes.

"Eat up and then when you Aunt comes looking for you you can go home with her, okay?" he said. she nodded and started eating.

Words: 787


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