My Little Hatefuck

By sweeti_hannah

33.5K 1K 82

Most people dream of meeting Chris Motionless and being his friend. When Audrina Woodworth met Chris Motionle... More

Prologue ♪ Hatefuck
Chapter 1 ♪ Sick From The Melt
Chapter 2 ♪ Sinematic
Chapter 3 ♪ Fatal
Chapter 4 ♪ Contemptress
Chapter 6 ♪ Puppets
Chapter 7 ♪ Count Choculitis
Chapter 8 ♪ Ghost In The Mirror
Chapter 9 ♪ Creatures
Chapter 10 ♪ Underdog
Chapter 11 ♪ Devil's Night
Chapter 12 ♪ Bananamontana
Chapter 13 ♪ Death March
Chapter 14 ♪ Destroying Everything
Chapter 15 ♪ My Friend Of Misery
Chapter 16 ♪ Cobwebs
Chapter 17 ♪ Wasp
Chapter 18 ♪ Break The Cycle
Chapter 19 ♪ Unstoppable
Chapter 20 ♪ Puppets 2
Chapter 21 ♪ Puppets 3
Chapter 22 ♪ City Lights
Chapter 23 ♪ Abigail
Chapter 24 ♪ Reincarnate
Chapter 25 ♪ Com Pt II
Author's Note

Chapter 5 ♪ Synthetic Love

1.5K 44 2
By sweeti_hannah

By two thirty am the movie Divergent had ended. Chris didn't want to watch it but Audrina forced him to since she fought him for the remote, the others were asleep, and the only ones up were those two and Bobby.

"What did you think?" Audrina asked him after turning down the volume, he shrugged his shoulders then looked at her and she smiled.

"I guess it was alright."

"At least you didn't say it sucked." Audrina said, she had seen the movie before but who said you couldn't watch a movie several more times?

"We should go to bed, it's late." Chris told her, he was getting more tired each second that ticked by. Audrina nodded in agreement.

"I'll sleep on the couch."

Chris shook his head side to side.

"Nope, Bobby sleeps on the couch. You're sleeping with me," he said then stood up, she wasn't too sure about this sleeping together thing. They've never actually slept together in bed before, so this was going to be a first. He held out his hand and she was hesitant, but she took it and he grasped her hand and pulled her up. "night Bobby."

"Night Chris, night Audrina." Bobby said as he stared straight ahead as he continued to drive, Chris led her to the bunk area and pointed towards a bunk that was obviously his. It was on the top though, above another bunk but she wasn't sure who slept there, there was a black curtain giving him some privacy.

"Do you want to sleep near the edge, or no?" Chris asked as he undid his belt, Audrina was thankful she was already in her pajamas. A big comfortable white shirt, and hot pink pajama shorts.

"No, I don't want you to push me off." she said, there wasn't a ladder so she just had to take a big leap and climb and once she did she was on the bunk, it wasn't bad, wasn't too big but big enough for them both. She got comfortable and gripped the blankets, covering herself up she realized there was an area for drinks or other small things. Once Chris was out of his shirt and pants, since he only slept in boxers, he climbed up onto the bunk and laid under the covers with her and she felt his skin on hers. He gripped the black curtain and closed it, and now it was pitch black. She was laying on her back and he was laying on his side, his hot breath against her skin. She didn't feel trapped, it was a good thing she wasn't claustrophobic or else right now she would be freaking out.

"Hey Chris?" she said, her voice soft and low so she didn't wake anyone up.

"Hm?" he mumbled, he wasn't asleep nor near to falling asleep. He was wide awake.

"Will you tell me about this girl named Sabrina?"

Chris hesitated, he didn't even think about her and now he was heading to his hometown where Sabrina lives with another girl. Air head.

"I don't think—-"

Audrina interrupted him. "Chris, for us to work things out I need to know the truth about things, and this is one of them."

Chris licked his piercings, and pulled on them gently with his teeth. She was right, and he hated to admit that. He didn't want to tell her about Sabrina in all honesty, he figured it would just give her another reason to dislike him even more. But she needed to know, even if he hated the idea of her knowing. He sighed, closed his eyes then buried his hand into his hair.

"I used to date her."

"How long ago was that?" Audrina asked softly, Chris swallowed to clear his throat.

"A few days before we left for Carolina Rebellion."

Audrina was speechless, she was trying to find the proper words to use, but there was only one thing she could get out.

"So, you've been cheating on her with me?"

"No no no, I've never cheated on her. Whenever I knew you and I would be together, I would break up with her. But when I came back home, I got back together with her."

"Oh my god Chris, what is the matter with you? Does she even know about any of this?!"

"No, she doesn't know about you. Neither of you did, and I wasn't going to tell, but Ryan opened his mouth." Chris mumbled, Audrina rubbed her temples.

"And what are you going to do when we get to Pennsylvania and I'm with you?"

"I'm not sure," he replied. "I didn't even think about her when I got the idea for you to come back with me."

Audrina didn't know what to think, she didn't know if she should push him off the bunk or simply slap him. He needed something to knock sense into him, if he wanted to date someone why didn't he just tell her? It would've been a great reason to stop talking to each other and leave each other alone, but the more things she learns, she realized he's so desperate to keep her around. Which made no sense to her, he didn't like her, so why was he holding onto her with all the strength he had?

"I don't know about you Chris, you're so complicated," she mumbled, shaking her head. "how many times have you done this with her?"

"Since December of last year."

That long ago, he's been breaking up with Sabrina then getting back together with her since December 2014? Audrina was surprised Sabrina was still putting up with it and him, which made Audrina think Sabrina really does like him and he was playing a break up game.

"This is going to be another thing we have to work on, well that you have to work on. You do get that, right?"

"I know," Chris mumbled, his mouth opened and he yawned. "we'll talk about it more later, get some sleep Audrina."

Was sleep possible at the moment? No not really, because she tossed and turned for half an hour with thoughts running through her mind about everything. Chris, Sabrina, herself. Maybe she should just leave, block his number, block him on every social media she has, then move to a different state or country where he couldn't find her. But was running really the answer? No it wasn't, she needed to stand up and face this and try to end it all before it ruins their life. Wouldn't Chris like to meet the one he's meant to be with, get married and have a few children just like Audrina wanted eventually? But neither of them could do that if they're still playing this game, the game that had no name apparently because she couldn't find a word to describe this situation perfectly. She rolled over onto her side facing Chris' back then closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep and in seconds she fell into her slumber.

It was eight thirty when Chris' eyes opened, oversleeping while on the tour bus was literally impossible. He was facing the curtain, the same way he fell asleep facing, but he felt arms wrapped around him and as his eyes looked down he saw it was Audrina's. She was holding onto him? Something new. He unwrapped her arms slowly and carefully, trying not to wake her up. Once he had succeeded he climbed out of the bunk then stumbled his way to the bathroom, trying to wake up fully before he reached the toilet. Once he was done emptying his bladder, he flushed then took a look in the mirror. He needed a shower, and badly. He turned towards the small shower and pulled back the curtain, turning on the faucet he made the water warmish.

He stepped out of his boxers then got into the water, feeling the warmth cloak his body. He grabbed the bottle of Old Spice shampoo and squeezed some of it into his palm then rubbed it into his hair until it turned white with the soap, then he washed his body with regular scented bodywash. He turned off the faucet, gripped a towel then ruffled his hair until it was somewhat dry, he dried his body, wrapped the towel around his waist then pulled back the shower curtain and stepped out. He approached the mirror then wiped away the steam with a towel, and glanced at himself. He shaved his face, brushed his teeth, then rinsed with mouthwash to get rid of the nasty morning breath he could taste (so he knew it didn't smell very pleasant).

"What are you going to do about Audrina and Sabrina?" he asked his reflection after spitting out the mouthwash, he had no answer. He shook his head then walked out of the bathroom, the others were still asleep with their bunk curtains closed, so he got dressed in the bunk room. Once he was finished spraying cologne onto himself he walked into the kitchen to see they were driving again, he knew they were close.

"Where are we Bobby?"

"We just passed the sign of Pennsylvania ten minutes ago, we're getting closer to Scranton."

"Hell yes." Chris said excitedly, there was nothing better than being back in your hometown where you grew up, where you knew everything was; to sleep in your own bed, to be in your own house. He saw some dishes in the sink and he figured Bobby made himself breakfast before beginning to drive again, Chris opened the refrigerator door and gripped a cold bottle of water, thirst was driving him insane and he was craving the fresh water. He chugged the water like he hasn't had anything to drink in days, when someone touched his shoulder. He pulled the bottle from his lips and turned his head to see Audrina standing beside him with his cell phone in her hand, she looked like she just had woken up, her eyes looked tired and her hair was tangled a bit.

"Your phone has gone off several times." she said while holding out the phone, he took the phone, his fingers brushing her hand.

"Thanks." he said, she nodded then walked away and entered the bathroom. He typed in his code (he locked his phone so no one would see the things he was hiding) then saw he had two text messages, and both of them were from Sabrina. He bit his lip then clicked on the messages, beginning to read them.

Sabrina: Are you back from Carolina Rebellion yet Chris? I want to see you!

Sabrina: If you can, call me once you get these messages? Thanks!

Chris hesitated for a few seconds, his mind racing as he tried to decide if he should call her now or just text her. Even though Audrina knew about Sabrina now, Sabrina was still in the dark clueless and Chris wanted to leave it that way until he worked up enough courage and sense to tell her.

"Do whatever you're thinking about doing." Audrina said, he turned his head to see she was holding a can of orange soda in her hands looking at him with her blue eyes, her hair was brushed out and pulled back into a bun. She was still wearing the clothes she slept in, but who cared about that? It was early and she was comfortable.

"How do you know I'm thinking about doing something?" he asked her suspiciously, she sighed.

"Because when you're in thought you just stand like you're frozen, so you're either thinking about something or trying to decide on what to do." she replied, she walked out of the kitchen and entered the living room and crashed down on the couch. Chris smirked.

"Have you been watching me, Audrina?"

"Not watching you, just figuring you out slowly."

"How did you sleep?" he asked her suddenly, his hand closing around his phone as he looked at her. She shrugged a shoulder.

"Alright I guess, I got cold though."

"You were on top of me when I woke up." Chris said with a smirk, she looked at him with disbelief on her face.

"I wasn't."

"Yes you were, you had your arms wrapped around me. I had to unwrap them just to get up," he said. "looked like to me someone wanted me close."

Bobby chuckled as he listened to the two, it was hilarious to hear them bickering at each other over the pointless things.

"I don't want you close to me."

"Oh really?" Chris challenged, she nodded. "we'll see what you're saying later when we get home."

"Shut up Chris and go back to staring at your phone." Audrina hissed, she cracked opened her can then took a long sip while Chris dialed Sabrina's phone number.

"Then be quiet, I'm on the phone." Chris told her as he held the phone to his ear, she sighed, she wasn't the type of person that began talking while someone was on the phone. She was always silent, but she was usually silent anyways.

"Hello?" Sabrina's sweet voice answered on the line, Chris smiled once he heard her voice. He liked to hear her voice, it had a sweet caring tone to it that made him melt. Of course he liked Sabrina, he wanted to date her, but he couldn't let Audrina go. He couldn't walk away from her no matter how bad he wanted to. He hated when he breaks up with Sabrina, but he didn't want to cheat on her, that would destroy her.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Chris said, his voice was deep and smooth. Audrina knew that voice, he sounded like that whenever he called her and flirted. The way his voice became deeper and became smooth drugged you, and Audrina hated when he did that with his voice.

"Chris!" Sabrina squealed happily, Chris' smile became bigger. "I've missed you."

"Missed you to." he said as his voice became lower, he didn't want Audrina to hear but it was hard not to hear since he was standing just several feet from her.

"Hey Audrina," said Bobby, she turned her head. "come look at this."

She got up from the couch and approached Bobby and looked out the windshield to see a bunch of buildings up a head.

"Where are we?" she asked curiously.

"Welcome to Scranton Pennsylvania." Bobby greeted with a smile, Audrina didn't know what she had expected Scranton to look like, but it didn't look too different there was a lot of buildings she knew that, but she was more excited to see more things and get to explore. She loved to explore new places, even if she had to walk for hours straight just to see things, she would without a complaint.

"Where are you?" Sabrina asked Chris, he was looking ahead as he watched Audrina look out the windshield at his hometown.

"We just arrived in Scranton."

"Yay!" Sabrina squealed again, he smiled but he couldn't break his stare from Audrina. "will you come see me soon?"

"If I can," he replied. "I have to unpack and settle in again and stuff."

"Do you want help?" Sabrina asked him.

"No, I'm fine." Chris said a little too fast, the last thing he wanted was Sabrina to show up at his house while Audrina was there.

"Good morning losers!" Ricky greeted loudly as he walked out of the bunk area, Chris' stare broke from Audrina and he turned his head to see Ricky looking at him with his eyebrows raised. "who you on the phone with?"


"Oh," Ricky said, then he looked at Audrina and laughed. "oh!"

"Chris, I should go. I have to run some errands but I will call you soon, okay?"

"Alright, well have fun doing that." Chris said with a soft chuckle.

"I love you Chris."

Chris bit his bottom lip awkwardly, he wanted to say it back, but he couldn't.

"I'll talk to you soon, bye Sabrina." he said, then hung up.

"What do you think?" Ricky asked as he approached Audrina.

"Looks cool," she said then Ricky chuckled. "I wasn't sure what I was expecting."

"Not much different is it?" Bobby asked her, she shook her head then turned around and walked back into the living room.

"How was your phone call?" she asked him with a smile, he smirked.

"A lot better than the phone calls we have." Chris told her, she rolled her eyes then crashed down on the couch.

"We're home!" Ryan yelled from the bunk area, Audrina smiled then suddenly he ran out of the bunk area to look out the windshield as well. "hurry up Bobby, I want to go home!"

"I can't rush this tour bus Ryan, if you wanted a faster one maybe you should have bought a smaller one!"

"How long does it take to get to your house, Chris?" Audrina asked, he looked at her.

"Well probably half an hour or so."

"I'm just glad I don't have to drive the others home." Bobby said with a laugh.

"Do the others live around you too?"

"No," Chris replied. "Ricky lives in Washington, Devin lives in California, but Josh and Ryan live here in Pennsylvania."

That was something Audrina didn't know.

"See," Ricky said. "all of our fans thinks we live right on top of each other. But honestly we only see each other on tour, though we do text and call, but it's mostly on tour when we see each other."

"That makes a lot of sense to be honest." Audrina agreed.

"So, Josh and Ryan will be the ones to stop you two from killing each other." Ricky said with a laugh, Chris rolled his eyes.

"We won't kill each other."

"Sure you two won't." Ryan said sarcastically.

"Go wake up Josh and Devin, tell them to start getting their stuff together." Chris ordered, shaking his head. If it got them to shut up, then he was going to give out orders.

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