Amnesiac swimmer

By Mizu-Sina

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I guess my life started when I woke up in this hospital. Alone. With no memories. I had no idea of who I was... More

Words from the writer
Chapter 1: "Marie"
Chapter 2: "Marie"
Chapter 3: James Miller
Chapter 4: James Miller
1st memory
Chapter 6: James Miller
Chapter 7: Liam Smith
Chapter 8: "Marie"
Chapter 9: Rebecca Peterson
Chapter 10: Rebecca Peterson
Chapter 11: Max Austin
2nd Memory
Chapter 12: Silver Henderson
Chapter 13: Silver Henderson
Chapter 14: Liam Smith
Chapter 15 : "Marie"
Chapter 16 : "Marie"
Chapter 17 : "Marie"
Chapter 18: Rebecca Peterson
Chapter 19: "Marie"
Chapter 20: Silver Henderson
Chapter 21: James Miller
3rd Memory
Chapter 22: "Marie"
Chapter 23: "Marie"
Chapter 24: "Marie Miller"
Chapter 25: Silver Henderson
Chapitre 26: Silver Henderson
Chapter 27: Silver Henderson
Chapter 28: "Marie Miller"
Chapter 29: Carl Leroy
Chapter 30: Carl Leroy
Chapter 31: "Marie Miller"
Chapter 32: Silver Henderson
Chapter 33: "Marie Miller"
Chapter 34: Marie Miller
Chapter 35: Marie Miller
4th Memory
Chapter 36: Marie Miller
Chapter 37: Marie Miller
Chapter 38: Marie Miller
Epilogue: Marie Miller
The end
🎶 Playlist 🎶

Chapter 5: Silver Henderson

82 1 0
By Mizu-Sina

-The Mystic-

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50

I can't believe we skipped school for this girl we barely know. Rebecca and Liam just pushed me into James's car. Lucie enters the key and here we go: to the hospital. And how am I going to explain this absence to my parents? Max is already there when we arrive at the hospital,—sitting against his motorbike. 

Lucie convinces the secretary to let us access Marie's room. She calls the room and asks James to come to get us. He leads us to the second floor and we enter room 220. Inside, a doctor and a nurse are waiting for us. I can't see inside the room I can only hear. Liam can't too. Are we not tall enough? Maybe.

"Poor girl," the doctor sighed. "Any news from doctor Vidal?"

"You called the doctor Vidal?" ask James. 

The adult jumps out of fear and turns to see us. They both sigh.

"I did because she shouldn't have passed out like this. All the exam results are correct. So I want to know if something like that has already happened when she was at the hospital in France. "

"I can tell you: nothing happened. She never passed out."

Tired of just hearing their discussion, Liam enters and drags me in, too. Why do I always get dragged? Seriously. We pass the doctor and we are now able to see Marie laying in her hospital bed, unconscious. She's a little pale but I don't see much difference from how she usually looks. Liam reported his attention to the doctor. At some point, he interrupts them: 

"Did Marie lose her memory? She forgot her life before coming here, right?"

The doctor looks at him, completely lost. James sigh. 

"They don't know Marie lost her memory. Yes, Liam, she doesn't remember anything and so Marie isn't her real name."

"Gosh, that's awful, but I don't understand: why is she here? Didn't you say, she is from France? What about her family? "

James and the doctor make eye contact and they both sigh. 

"I'll handle it, thank you, doctor."

They excuse themself and leave. James let everyone enter and close the door. He let himself fall on the armchair next to marie's bed. Liam looks at Demonia and Rebecca is behind him. Max waits at the entry and Lucie walks to her boyfriend. 

"So don't you have something to tell us, James?"

He passes his tongue between his lips and says:

" My family is taking care of Marie since this august. You know every summer vacation, we go to France to visit my father's family. When we were visiting a town near Paris we found her. She was laying on the ground, unconscious. She was brought to the hospital. "

He looks at Marie, worried. 

"Doctor Vidal, her french doctor, told us she lost her memories. Everything is just gone," he says, mimicking an explosion with his hands. "From his analysis, he supposed Marie was the victim of a traumatic encounter. She had no documents, no phone nor anything that could justify her identity. But she had bruises."

"Alright, that explains a lot of things-"

"She's here because my parents convinced the doctor. If 'Marie' stayed in France, she would have stayed in the hospital until something happened. So she's here with a 'family' so she can go to school or just go swimming. Apparently, integrating with the 'real world' helps recover memory. Now, that's all. Sorry I kept this from you, she's just the loner kind. Not very extroverted like you Liam."

"I must say, I'm impressed: she adapted quickly."

"Yeah, I did my best to help her learn fluent English. Oh by the way, Silver I wanted to ask what did the two of you talked the night you met?"

"Not much, we argued and did a race before you arrived. And she told me I had a beautiful name."

"Silver, that's a useless fact," mocks Max.

So that's why she keeps asking him for a word translation. What a weird demon. Liam sits on the end of the bed and starts talking with Max and Rebecca. Lucie opens the windows and invites James to come to breathe some fresh air. 

"Are we seriously going to stay in this room until Demonia wakes up? "

"I mean yeah, we already skipped school so..."

I sigh and sit on the other armchair. I scroll through my phone for the whole afternoon. When the sleeping beauty wakes up it's practically the end of the visiting hour. She sits, ignoring James's recommendations, and takes off the needle in her arm. 

"Marie for god sake, stop doing this."

"What are you all doing here ?"

She takes off her mask and it falls on me.

"Be careful, Demonia," I say annoyed. 

Marie stares at me and I prefer to shut up. She put her attention back on James and I can sigh. Damn, I just got death scared by a demon. That was the most terrifying moment of my life. I thought I was going to die. The doctor barge into the room, panicked. He looks at 'Marie' and sighs. 

" Miss Marie, will you please stop doing this ? You're gonna give me a heart attack, one day."


"I called the doctor Vidal, we talked about you. So don't you have anything to tell me?"

She takes two minutes to think. 

" A little bird told me you started swimming. Mind explaining, why I was not aware of that?"

" Ah merde, je comptais le faire. Ça fait moins d'un mois et je vous-"

What is she saying? James sighs, retaining his laugh. 

"Marie, personne ne comprend ce que tu dis."

" Effectivement. I am sorry but can't I start an activity when I want to?"

"Marie, this is not right. You at least need to tell me about it."

The doctor looks at Marie before looking at James. He gets up and asks us to leave the room. We get out, leaving the doctor alone with his demonic patient. We wait in the chair outside the room. And ten minutes later, the coach arrived.

"Hey kids, is everything alright ?"

"What are you doing here ? Weren't you supposed to be at some reunion ?" I ask.

"We just spent five hours in a closed room, watching over the sleeping beauty so I think we're all tired."

"Yeah and I can already tell you I won't come tonight, coach," say Reb.

"Me neither," adds Liam. 

We all agreed, we won't go to the training today. James proposed to go to his house and eat pizza and I can tell you I prefer this option. So yeah, I accepted. The coach says it's alright and asks about Marie

"She's alright, the doctor is talking to her. It seems to go pretty well from what I hear. "

"You hear something?" Ask Lucie.

"No and that's my point-"

Suddenly a scream interrupt him in his sentence. He sighs and turns to the door. 

"Let's ignore what I said."

"Are you deaf ?! I told you to get out !"

"Marie it's for your own good !" 

"OUT !" scream Marie as a final warning. 

The nurses in the corridor looked at us like we were the one at the origin of the noise. The doctor get pushed out of the room and it closes behind him. He adjusted his blouse on his shoulder and brush his hair. Finally, he seems to notice us. James walks to him to have an explanation. 

"She's as stubborn as the first time we met. Listen, James, I have nothing against her joining the swimming club or any club, actually. The only thing is that I wanted to be warned. I can't let 'Marie' join any sport in her state. Tonight and for the next two days, I will keep her here."

"Doctor Myers, you can't keep Marie here-"

"It's just a matter of two days. Some exams and she's free like the wind. Maybe she'll even be able to join the swimming club, definitely."

He turn, signing the end of the conversation. 

"The visiting hours are finished: go home, James. Take some time for yourself. And say hi to your parents for me."

He leaves. Alright, that was a fun encounter, I guess? Can we please go eat pizza, now? Ok, I guess not: James is getting close to her door. He try to open it but it's blocked. 

" Marie?" 

She doesn't answer.

"Marie please..."

Suddenly a loud noise interrupts the silence and the nurse's attention is back on us. 

" Marie ! Are you alright ?!"

"I'm fine, James. I just fell. Do you know where my medications are ?"

"Second drawer."

After some time, she comes back to the door. 

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worried."

"It's alright, can you open the door ?"

" I prefer not. Est ce que les autres sont encore là? "

James looks at us, hesitant. She probably asked if we're still here or something. 

"No, they are gone. They are probably waiting for me outside. "

"Oh, alright. Can you ... thanks them for coming?  I will apologize to Silver next time. Don't do it for me ! she warns him."

He laughs. 

"Alright, alright. Call me if there is anything."

"Don't worry about me."

He smiles, stands up and we leave the hospital like we entered: like if Marie considers us as her friends. 

"I like her, says Liam enthousiast."

"We know you do, we all say at the same time."

"I'm gonna be her friend. "

"I was counting on you for that, Liam, laugh James."

We leave the coach and I go in James's car with Lucie and Liam. Rebecca goes with Max on his motorbike. We eat pizza and watch TV when James's phone rings. It's not Marie and the number is not named. He excused himself and left the room.

"She did what ?!"

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