Not Yet ~ Completed

By Hallows_Spence

63K 2K 1K

Tws: Abuse, Suicide attempts, cutting, mentions of abuse and suicide attempts, dark humor, neglect, scars, me... More

The chat
Eraserhead is tired
Nezu has questions
Staying for awhile
The next day
The meeting
A teaching job huh?
The USJ part one
Z- Zombie!?
Hospital break out
Nequam - less?
His lair
Their home
And they were roommates
Too painful
The morning after
More questions because Hizashi can't keep his mouth shut
Hitoshi knows
How it happened
With 1-A
Class time!
Sparring part one
Sparring part two
Sparring part three
Tea time
Boyfriends woo hoo!
Getting caught... again..
Surprise guests? No, strangers, surprise strangers
More work plus different pronouns!
Stalking students + some unnecessary concern
Weapon showcase time!!
Waking up
Date night
New outfit plus new hair!
Spilling secrets and maybe some lies
Finally Something
An old friend
Over Their Heads (literally?)
What now?
Back In Action
Camping! Woo!
Fight fight fight!
Final A/N
Update about the sequel

The USJ part two

1.7K 61 25
By Hallows_Spence

Izuku huffs at the insult. "You're so rude!!"

Aizawa rolls his eyes. "Thirteen protect the students!"

Izuku grins behind his mask as he stares the students over. He notices Tenya Iida. "Oi! Engine boy! Get out the doors and get back out before misty man covers them!!!"

Iida stands there shocked until Bakugou shoves him towards the doors. "GET GOING DUMBASS!!!"

Iida nods. "Right!!!" He blasts off out the doors just before Kurogiri covers them.

Shigaraki laughs as he steps forward. "Well! We've got a smart npc here!"

Nequam freezes for a split second before giving him a snarky come back. "Oh and look here. We've got a crusty dusty asshole who thinks he's actually worth something!" He internally flinches at his own words. "Sorry Shiggy... But I've got a cocky act I gotta keep.."

Shigaraki growls. "That was uncalled for!!! Now where's All might!? I was told he'd be here!!!!"

Nequam growls. "If that dick was here I wouldn't be. Now would I?"

Shigaraki scoffs. "Fine! I guess we'll have to start killing off students then!!!" He snaps his head towards his misty babysitter. "Kurogiri!!!!"

Kurogiri nods, immediately warping the students and other villains to different parts of the USJ.

Aizawa growls, immediately starting to fight some for the minor villains that had stayed.

Nequam just sighs. "Shigaraki, go home. They're just kids. They honestly aren't worth your time."

Shigaraki narrows his eyes. "And how would you know that huh prat!?" He growls, charging towards Nequam, ready to decay him.

Nequam just yawns. "Damn. You really are determined huh? Well, I gave you your chance handy." He bends over backwards as Shigaraki goes for his neck. He places his hands on the ground then kicks his lower body upward, colliding directly with Shigaraki's hips.

He kicks the blue haired male up into the air.

When Shigaraki falls back down he lands on top of the villains Aizawa was fighting, giving him the perfect opportunity to grab the hero.

Shigaraki jumps back onto his feet, grabbing Aizawa by the elbow with all four fingers as the hero ties up another villain

This makes Nequam very angry. Aizawa whirls his head around and deactivates Shigaraki's quirk long enough for him to get away.

Shigaraki growls. "Not fair!!!"

Nequam growls back louder. There's a frightening aura radiating off of him. "Nothing's fair in life you asshole." He walks over to Shigaraki, not an ounce of fear in his entire being.

Aizawa frantically glances over as he fights the other minor villains who had attacked him the second he got away from Shigaraki. "Kid!!! Don't do anything stupid!!!!"

Nequam scoffs. "Says you prick!? I'm not the one who just got disintegrated!!"

Shigaraki smirks. "Yeah. But you're about to be." He reached forward to grab Nequam's neck.

Nequam rolls his eyes. "Stop being so predictable!" He ducks down however he doesn't duck far enough as Shigaraki manages to decay his hat. "Hey! I liked that hat you asshole!!!"

Shigaraki rolls his eyes. "Oops. Sorry."

Nequam shakes his head. He reached up grabbing Shigaraki's arm hard with one hand. Using Shigaraki's own body weight as leverage Nequam jumps up, kicking Shigaraki in the face. He lets his arm go, laughing as he sees Shigaraki flying through the air.

Aizawa sighs. "Problem child." He growls under his breath as he disables another villain.

At this point some of the students start to make it back, just in time to see all might burst through the doors. "I AM HERE!!!!"

Nequam growls. "Oh fuck off you elderly ass ape."

Shigaraki coughs up blood as he manages to get back on his feet. "NOMU!!!!!" He yells as a big purple monster walks through the portal. "GET ALL MIGHT!!!!" Nequam takes a second to get a good look at the thing. As soon as he spots the open brain he sighs.

"Hand job."

Shigaraki growls. "WHAT YOU STUPID NPC!"

Nequam immediately jumps atop the giant purple monstrosity. It having not a care in the world about the child, only hurrying to follow orders. "Next time. Make sure you're actually smart about your plans." He says calmly as he stabs his dagger directly into its brain, he pulls it out and stabs it there a few more times for extra measure.

Shigaraki stands there, mouth agape. "N- no fair!!!! You cheater!!! You glitch!!!!" He yells, charging the child who's standing atop his Nomu.

Aizawa yells out, running to pull his problem child out of the way. But it was too late, Shigaraki was faster....

Did you really think I was gonna end it there?

I could...

But I won't

Nequam spudders as he feels Shigaraki's hand lay flat against his back, right atop where the burns were.

"Kid!!!!!" Aizawa yells as he wraps Shigaraki in his scarf.

Alot of students gasp as they see the decaying back of this random stranger.

Aizawa immediately runs to Nequam, catching the boy as he falls over. This couldn't be it. His problem child can't die, not now, not when they were so so close to finding out who he was. "Kid. Come on. You can't die on me yet."

Shigaraki cackles. "Look Kurogiri!! I killed the glitch!!!!"

Aizawa slaps Nequam hard. "Don't you dare die. You're not aloud too. I'll kill you myself."

All might and Thirteen stand their shocked, mainly at the fact that this kid is quite literally dying but also at shocked with how much emotion is on Aizawa's face. The normally emotionless teacher was in the brink of tears.

Aizawa sits there crying, the dying boy still in his arms. Snipe suddenly bursts through the door, shooting Shigaraki all over.

Shigaraki coughs up more blood as he gets shot. "K- kurogiri! Get us out of here!!"

Kurogiri quickly warps them both out of the USJ as well as whatever villains weren't tied up or incapacitated.

Aizawa holds the kid tighter, still sobbing his poor eyes out.

Bakugou groans as he walks over. He immediately kicks Nequam in the head, earning a glare and a growl from Aizawa.

"Nows not the time for your st- stupid shit Bakugou!!!"

Bakugou rolls his eyes. "Oi. Fucking dipshit. Calm yourself. He's not fucking dead. He's just being an asshole at this point."

Uraraka gasps. "Bakugou!!! That's very rude!!!! He's obviously gravely injured and honestly he looks pretty dead to the rest of us..."

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