Silver Stag

By AneesaBadu

234K 8.8K 533

Aelinor Baratheon stands out in her family. She doesn't have the golden hair and green eyes of her mother and... More

News Arrives At Winterfell
Arrival At Winterfell
Welcoming Banquet
The King's Hunt
Broken Lord
Journey To The Capital & Assassination Attempts
Trouble On The Kingsroad
Arrival & First Small Council
Secret Visit To Kings Landing
Tourney Preparations & Questions
The Hand's Tourney
The Vale of Arryn
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing
The Vale of Arryn Pt. 2
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing Pt. 2
In The Riverlands
You Win Or You Die
The King Is Dead & Plots Begin
Imprisoned & Calling The Banners
Bronn & Tyrion
Winterfell Gathers Its Banners
Stark Camp
Last True Knight & Pleas
Visit To The Twins
Sept of Baelor
I Tried To Warn You
King Joffrey's Nameday
Robb Stark
Bastard Massacre & Goodbye Ser Lorch
Trouble With The City Watch
Treating With Renly
Dinners & Ploys
Battles & Responses
Winterfell Is Lost
Goodbye Sister & Kings Landing Riot
Harrenhal Pt. 2
Nightmares & Flowering
Responses & Attempted Escapes
Preparing For Stannis
Robb & Talisa
Battle Of The Blackwater
Blackwater Aftermath & New Alliances
Talks & Dining With Tyrells
Stark Forces Arrive At Harrenhal & News From Riverrun
Tyrion's New Responsibilities
Tyrell's In The Capital
Marriage Preparation & A Possible Betrothal
Intercepting Betrothals & Forming New Ones
Flea Bottom Fun
New Friends & Conversation With The King
Wedding Of A Wolf & Lion
News; Both Good And Bad
Aelinor's Wedding
First Born
Meeting A Prince Of Dorne
Training & Pre Wedding Banquet
Purple Wedding
Death Of A King
Imprisoned Imp
Leaving The Capital
New King & Tyrion's Trial
Unlikely Ally
The Mountain And The Viper
Surprise After Surprise
The Death Of A Hand
Dangers Of Prophecy
The Fury Of Dorne
The Wedding Of The New King
High Sparrow
Faith Militant & Goodbye Ser Ashford
Pirates & Plans
Goodbye Husband
Queenmaker Setbacks
Release My Granddaughter
Arrival In Dorne & Feast
Queen Of Thorns
Plan Backfires
Water Gardens
Imprisoned Queen Mother
Walk Of Atonement
For The Watch
Heir Arrested
Dilly Dilly
Return From Dorne
Lord Commander
Arise Lord Commander
Trekking To The Wall
Reunions At The Wall
Siblings & Plans
Battle Preparation
The Time Has Come
Gathering Allies
Arrival & Riverrun Battle
Battle Of The Bastards
The Great Sept
Deja Vu
Valyrian Wedding
Battle Aftermath
Northern Plans
In The Capital
Imp In The Capital
True Parentage & Dragon Queen
Rally In The Capital
Letters From The Capital & Ignored Advice
Bastard Of Winterfell
Hostages In The Capital
Lost Allies
Last Stark Returns
No Matter The Cost
The Spoils Of War
Battle Of The Goldroad Aftermath
Parley Requests
Dornish Returns
Return To The North & Plans
The Essence Of Surprise
Beyond The Wall
Invitation To King's Landing
Dragon Assist
Dragonpit Summit
Attempted Alliances
Mockingbird In The Capital
Attempts On Dragonstone
Heritage Reveal
Dragonstone Response
King's Landing Scouting
To The North
Arrival In The North
Return To Winterfell
Bonding Attempts & New Discoveries
Night King Origins
Strategies For The Undead
Letters In Dorne
Isle Of Faces
Fears And Voices
Warging And Dangerous Discoveries
Any Means Necessary
Tables Have Turned
Second Artifact
Fragile Alliance
Golden Company
A Second Lannister In Winterfell
Dornish Mission
Find My Daughter
Southern Reinforcements In Winterfell
Conversations Before Battle
Battle Of Winterfell
Meetings In The Capital
Trial By Combat
Preparations For Final Stand
They're Here
Within Sight
Downfall Of The Mockingbird
Second Wave
Victory At Any Cost
Azor Ahai: Promised Prince
Final Stand
Final Artifact
Bye Bye Mockingbird
Author Note

Eldest Daughter

10K 301 9
By AneesaBadu

A/N: Milly Alcock as Aelinor. Love her in House Of The Dragon (and Upright). Wish they wouldn't have skipped so much time so fast and we got to see more of her because she was amazing and her chemistry, on screen and off, with her cast mates was amazing. Will be a mix between books and TV show. So, if you see unfamiliar characters, they are either OC or from the book but not in the show.


The word most would use to describe the eldest daughter of the king.

Though they'd probably argue she had to be.

It was clear neither of her parents gave her much attention.

Her father loathed how much she reminded him of the man who stole the woman he loves.

Her mother, didn't so much ignore her, as she clearly had a preference for her younger children who closely resembled her, mainly Joffrey, the future King.

However, Aelinor could not deny that her mother defended her against her father, who in his drunken state would often order his Kingsguard to "kill the Targaryen". With her silver hair and purple eyes, many could mistake her for a member of the Targaryen family, but most were long dead by the time she was born, including the former king's uncles, Duncan and Daeron, and his second eldest son, Daemon, who had not been seen since the tourney of Harrenhal, was presumed dead. Yet it didn't stop her father's ale-riddled brain from mistaking her for one.

Aelinor was often left to her own devices.

She could be found in the library, sometimes with her Uncle Tyrion as they both shared an interest of books and history, including that of the Targaryen's. Which, seeing as her father lacked interest in history, plenty of books on the Targaryen dynasty remained in the library.

She also tried to learn High Valyrian, the language of Old Valyria, commonly used by the Targaryen's and other families that descended from Valyria. It came almost naturally to her and she enjoyed being able to speak in another language that most around her could not understand.

She was free to voice her frustrations and insult those around her, mainly Joffrey, without being punished.

Some thought it was an act of rebellion towards her father, giving his hatred for the family who spoke the language.

But it was just curiousity, and a way to entertain herself.

If she wasn't reading or practicing her High Valyrian, she could be found on the training grounds, watching the knights. However, it was known the princess had been caught multiple times attempting to learn how to wield a sword.

After so many times, her Uncle Jaime managed to convince her mother to allow her to train with him when he was not busy with his Kingsguard duties.

Her dream, to be as fierce as Visenya Targaryen, a well renowned warrior and one of Aegon the Conqueror's sister wives.

When she couldn't spar with her uncle, she found other Kingsguards or visiting Lords, many who were quick to question her proficiency with a sword.

Needless to say, Aelinor quickly shut them up.

Aelinor knew her mother wasn't particularly fond of her interest in swordsmanship, but felt it was her way of making up for the lack of attention she showed her once her younger siblings were born.

The training grounds were exactly where her mother found her when she came to deliver news.

Aelinor had been sparing with one of the Kingsguards when he suddenly stopped and bowed his head.

"Hello mother," Aelinor spoke, without turning around. "What is it this time? Did Joffrey accuse me of putting spiders in his bed again?"

To be fair, she had put spiders in her brother's bed because she knew how much he hated them, but it couldn't be traced back to her.

She'd only done it because Joffrey had been tormenting poor little Tommen.

Tommen Baratheon, Aelinor's youngest brother, was a gentle soul, who preferred the company of animals, namely his cat, Ser Pounce.

He and Myrcella, Aelinor's youngest siblings, were far too sweet to be in their family.

Sometimes it was a wonder how they were related to someone as cruel as Joffrey.

Joffrey, who could do no wrong in her mother's eyes.

Not even at the expense of harming his siblings.

"No. I only came to inform you that Jon Arryn is dead, and your father wishes to ride for Winterfell."

"Winterfell? Why?"

Sure, father and Ned Stark, Warden of the North, and brother of my father's former betrothed, Lyanna Stark, were friends. But why would he want to... unless...

"He plans to ask him to be his new Hand, doesn't he?"

"It would seem so. You best start packing. We have a long journey ahead of us."

Sighing, Aelinor bid the Kingsguard farewell and set off to pack.

I hope Lord Stark knows what he'd be getting into should he accept my father's offer.

Kings Landing is full of snakes, seeking power and riches. I should know. I'm related to some of them.

Mother can't be happy about this. She had long encouraged my father to appoint her father as his Hand, but he would dismiss her, claiming he was already surrounded by Lannisters.

Which, he wasn't wrong. Not including my mother and her brothers, many of her Lannister relatives found places at court.

So he was indeed surrounded by Lannisters. Not to mention, he relied heavily on my grandfather, Tywin Lannister, for gold. Mainly to fund all the tourneys and feasts he liked to hold.

I can't quite explain it, but there is a deep sense of foreboding about the trip to Winterfell.

Something is going to happen, but I'm not sure what.

Which is one of my biggest fears. Not being in control.

I know you can't control everything, but I've managed control most things about my life, to an extent.

I know my mother would much rather I be a proper lady than spend time with swords.

My father- there's not much to say as he hardly looks at me.

Many would say to hope, but Corlys Velaryon, a master sailor and ally to the Targaryen's, once said, "Hope is the fool's ally". Which I am inclined to agree.

If all you do is hope instead of act, then you must be a fool.

For hope can only do so much. You must learn when to hope and when to act, for the wrong choice can have dire consequences.

As of now, all anyone can do is wait for what is to come.

Winterfell, here we come.

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