
By KittyJ0

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By day Megan is the hottest rapper everyone wants to be or wants to be around. But by night she's a five year... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
CHAPTER5- aLittle


880 39 7
By KittyJ0


I wake up to Megan laying on top of me sound asleep. I'm shocked that she's still here, automatically thinking it'll be a repeat of everything before. But I guess this time is different..... maybe.

"Good morning" I hear

Looking down I see the most gorgeous woman, it's like no matter how much she hurts me; I can't stay away. She has a pull on me.

"What? Why you looking at me like that?"  She ask looking up at me
"I can't admire you" I say staring into her eyes getting lost in them as she giggles

"I guess you can. Can I make you some breakfast?"
"No....cause I'm going to make it for you" I say making her pout turn into a smile

"Why you so sweet?"
"Because I have no choice to be when I'm around someone so beautiful" I say pulling her in my her chin giving her a kiss

That she happily grants me one back. I pull back before it gets too heated, sitting up saying I'm gonna start on breakfast.

As I scramble the eggs I hear a phone go off then it stops. I hear Megan talking on the phone, not wanting to be in her business I pay no mind to it. Till I hear my name.

"Beyoncé will call you both when she's ready...like I said. But she's quite busy right now... very- very busy" she says

"Who you talking to?"
"That little couple you was with... ugh I don't get why you went out with them"
"First don't go through my phone, cause I don't go through yours. Secondly, they were there when you weren't"

"How many times I have to say I'm sorry. Cause I am. I'm sorry Beyoncé... I'll do anything to make it up to you"
"Any-thing you want"

Damn, Meg....s-slow down
I beg her as I'm laid on the kitchen table with her between my legs licking and slurping me up like I'm her last meal.

As I feel my legs begin to shake she smiles up at me.

"M-Meg! Meg!" I start to shout so she can stop but of course it goes un noticed then I'm cumming...in her mouth.

"See Mommy....I told you we were meant to be. Together,forever"

"Together....f-forever" I mumble liking how it sounds as I catch my breath

After finally eating some real food we go back to her room, with the idea of us going out to do something. What, I have no clue. But clearly she does.

"Let's go shopping"
"Cause I want to spoil you....you deserve to be spoiled. Let me spoil you" she says giving me those puppy eyes

"Okay...okay fine you can" I say earning the largest smile from her

With some overly large shades she brought for me and herself we shop; with no interference from a fan or our friends. It's just us.

As we're in H&M I look through a rack of skirts and I feel arms wrap around me and from her scent I know it's Megan.

"What's wrong Mamas?"
"C-Can we go home?"
"Yes we definitely can. Are you okay?"
"T-They just keep looking at me" she mutters letting me know she's in her headspace

"Who?" I ask and she points to a small crowd of people outside the store
"Shit" I mutter realizing that one, people see her a famous rapper in public. Two, that she's in her headspace.

I grab her hand and move us as quick as possible through the store.
"B-But, the shoes" she whines as we walk out
"No baby, we have to go. We can get them another time, okay?"

"You pwromise?" She ask as she holds her pinky out to me
"I promise" I smile up at her interlocking our pinkies as she smiles
"Okay baby let's get outta here. I'm gonna make you your favorite"

"You know my favorite?"
"Yes...of course I do. Chicken nuggets and apple sauce" I say as I drive us back to her house

She blushes. Surprising me by grabbing my right hand interlocking our hands together.
"You know me better than anyone"

Pulling up to the house I take a deep breath trying to figure out how I'm going to carry a sleeping Megan first into the house then up the stairs. Turning the car off I slowly take Megan's fingers out from mine releasing our interlock. Then quickly hop out the truck and go to her side.

With the key loop on my left index finger I unclip her seatbelt from the passenger seat, wrap her arms around my neck then grab her waist picking her up as best I can. I can only imagine how someone would laugh seeing a tall girl like Megan being carried like a baby by little ol me.

I muscle through it because surprisingly enough Megan weighs literally nothing. Very light just her height that makes her dangle in my arms.

Slowly placing her on the bed I undress her into a dress to sleep in. I cover her and undress myself for a much needed shower.

As I let the water run over me I think about it all. Me, Megan, if we can be. If there will be an us or not. Where do we stand....

On cue I feel arms trace over my breast and I know it's Megan. She giggles in my left ear then gives me a kiss behind it.

"Well someone woke up feeling good" I say

"I did...that nap was so needed. Thanks for taking care of me"
"Of course, you don't have to thank me for that. I told you I got you baby girl... I'll do anything for you"

"Yeah....then make love to me"
"Right here. Right now" she continues then licks my ear

I turn around looking up at her grabbing her throat pulling her down to me giving her the biggest kiss. She releases a moan as I squeeze her ass.
"Fuck me Beyoncé....fuck me" she mutters against my lips

With my left hand I run it down from her large breast to her stomach to the wettest I've ever felt honey pot.
"Damn baby you this wet for me" I say smirking at her as I slowly graze her clit

As she gasp I slowly dip two fingers into her honey pot, moving in and out. Before I know it she's cumming on my fingers.
While she catches her breath I take that as my time to get the real taste in. I bend down till I come face to face with her honey pot. Lifting her left leg onto my shoulder I attack her best as I know how. By licking and sucking every part of her. Not leaving anything untouched. Every part of her belongs to me.

"B-Babyyyyyy oh gosh" she mutters than cums in my mouth

I slowly let her leg down as I stand up.
"You taste so fucking good baby" I mutter to her then kiss her

She melts into the kiss moaning and groping me as I grab all over her. We pull apart looking at each other knowing things is just about to get good, and long.

".........p-p-ppplease baby...Oh gosh! I'm about to cum"
"Let it go. Let it all out baby"

"FFF-Fuck I- I love you. I love you Mommy"
"I love you too baby... I love you" I say back to her as I lean over her pounding into her harder with the strap she brought for us


I wake up to an empty bed, I slowly get up feeling my back sore. I guess from working Megan out, I threw my back out.

"You finally up Mommy!!" I hear

Looking I see Megan in nothing but a white crop top that has the word Angel written on it. She smiles then takes off running towards the bed landing right on me.

As she laughs I feel all the pressure of her body on me. But I still run my fingers through her wavy hair. My precious baby.

"Mommy... can we do something?"
"Of course whatever you want"
"I want to play"
"Play what baby?"
"Hide an seek" she says in her cute little voice

"Alright baby, only for you" I say then cover my eyes and start counting

"Alright Meg come out, it's been an hour baby. Come out, I'm tired...." I say tiredly as I'm exhausted from searching every inch of this mansion

I repeat myself again when I don't see her. Shouting for her to come out.

"Lost her"
"SHIT!" I shout scared when I hear that said behind me. To find Megan's friend Lani looking at me in amusement

"She loves hide and seek and will have you looking for hours. That's her specialty. So to find her you just stop looking for her. She'll get tired and will come out. It works everytime, trust me" she says

She walks away smiling and goes into the kitchen. I stop and think of what she says and stop looking for Megan. And I take that as my opportunity to get to know Megan more from her friend point of view.

"So, has Megan always been a little?" I ask leaning on the kitchen counter

One wording it I see.
"No explanation....okay. I get it want to protect your friend"

"..........(sigh). You wanna know who Megan is, the Megan I know. But I'm sorry I'm not that person that's gonna spill all my friends business to you. If you wanna know something you gonna have to go to the source" she says and turns around looking in the fridge

Damn. All I can say is that she's a bomb friend. Not spilling anything, Megan definitely picked the right person to be friends with. Me, tuh..., Trinity would snitch in a minute saying she thought it was fine.

"Mommy, there you are! You no look for me"
"I'm sorry baby. But you're just such a good hider. I got tired"

She smiles then pops her paci in her mouth. She looks seeing her friend by the fridge and she instantly tenses.

"Lani, what you doing here?" She ask completely out of her headspace now
"I'm doing what I always do, visiting my bestie. Plus Farris been trying to reach you and asked if you was okay so I came over...but I see what's been holding your attention" her friend says smirking

I chuckle as her friend laughs too, but clearly Megan didn't like that. Stone cold face showing no emotion. She quickly exits out, I guess to go get her phone. As her friend and I look at each other awkwardly.

"Well.....you want something to eat?"
"Nah I'm good. I think I should cut out" I say

"No, I think you should stay. Megan would be hurt"
I scoff

"You seen her face...and more importantly you know her. She definitely won't be hurt"
"You'll be surprise of the impact you have on her. She really admires and likes you"
"Well she has a funny way of showing it....."

We hear shouting and follow the sound, to find Megan on the phone in the hallway.
And from the sound of it, she's defending herself.

"Sounds like someone took a picture of y'all" her friend whispers into my ear smirking

We stand there watching Megan pace back and forth still on the phone. When she finally gets off you can see the stress on her face.

"Beyoncé there's a car outside to take you home"
"You didn't have to. I could've called my friend to pick me up"

"Whatever. I don't care do whatever. Just get the hell out"
"Damn Meg why you being so mean?" Her friend says

"It's okay, I'm used to this. Nice meeting you" I say to her friend as I walk to the door

Her driver Frank opens the back door to the truck, but I tell him he doesn't need to drive me.

But of course he fights me on it.

"Please Ms. Beyoncé let me drive you home so you'll be safe"
"I don't need you to. I already ordered my Uber"
"Yeah no, you're not" he says grabbing my phone out my hand ending my trip

"Come on Ms. Beyoncé" he says smiling still holding my phone as he holds the back door open for me

I take a deep breath and take his hand getting into the back seat.

As we drive I just sit in silence looking out the window. Then my phone buzzes.

Me and you have to talk

Not knowing who the number is I ignore it, but clearly this person doesn't want me to.

Answer me

First off who are you hitting my line with this big talk

Pardi, now meet me tonight. We have a lot to discuss

I sit here waiting for him to arrive. I canceled class tonight and everyone was excited about that. Friday, no class so they get to chill for the whole weekend. The dream, as Trey calls it.

Dressed casual in some jeans and a crop top I sit by the bar of this lounge that he rented out just for it to be us. Not bothering to drink anything to be cautious, I sit waiting for him to arrive and finally he does.

"I'm glad you showed up... Miss Beyonce" he says sitting in front of me

"Mmhm you text me so I had to show up. I'm curious why I'm here"

"Don't play dumb. You were seen with my girl. And we all know she shared your pic to try to find you. I'm here to let you know, she's mine so you better step off"

"Step off... little boy you funny... Why don't you ask your girl why she stay hitting me up. Ask her not me. I owe you no loyalty"

"I don't gotta don't shit. I'm telling you stay away from her. Or your pretty little ass gonna get hurt. Now have a drink, enjoy. It could be your last one" he whispers the last part into my ear then pulls the edge of his shirt showing the end of a gun tucked into his waistband then walks right out the lounge

I sit there scared.....what did I truly get myself into.

My phone buzzes and it's a text. A text from the trouble maker herself.

You free tonight?

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