JJ Maybank imagines

By ItsJJsBtch

1M 10.4K 4.9K

โœจhousekeepingโœจ ~~ ๐Ÿคชstupid things have good outcomes all the time ~~ ๐Ÿ˜กif im the one mediating we've hit rock... More

kook turned pogue
no pogue on pogue macking
thats my girl
self inflicted
don't go
shark week
drugged at midsummers
baby (pt. 2)
baby (pt. 3)
baby (pt. 4)
kiss and make up
car wash
broken promise
gone (pt. 2)
phone number
use me
what could've been
chasing you
chasing you (pt. 2)
filming uh-oh
knight in cargo shorts
panic attack
kitty hawk
mrs. maybank
drunk driving
months go by
months go by (pt. 2)
mrs. badass
long distance
surfs up
in sickness and health
best friends to lovers
missing (pt. 2)
missing (pt. 3)
clean (pt. 2)
i'm with you
dating your sister
dating your sister (pt. 2)
break it up
take it out on me
love, your sis
admit it
me and mine
when we were young
surfer boy
i'm sorry
mine? yours.
i'll protect him
kook party
no hands
a forever thing
scared to be happy
spa day
see you later
see you later (pt. 2)
lets run away
red carpet
love story
safe place
sweet dreams
ambulance rescue
falling in love
teach me how to love
daddy dearest
my best friend
i'll protect her
i'll protect her (pt. 2)
drunk talk

i object

6.2K 57 115
By ItsJJsBtch

i object: y/n is getting married, but a particular blonde isn't the groom.
this was requested<3
sidenote: i made sam up, he's not based off anyone so you can imagine him however you'd like. also, i did include in this imagine that y/n has parents but please, please feel free to replace them with anyone in your life that holds importance. i know that everyone has their own families, whether it be parents, legal guardians, or just friends they consider parental figures.

I spun around slowly as Madelyn, Madison, and Carlacia had their hands covering their mouths to hide the gasps. Tears swelled in their eyes as I took the first look at myself after being dressed and ready for my big day, "Oh my gosh.." I said quietly.

"You look beautiful, Y/n." Carlacia took a step closer and placed her hand onto my arm, "Sam is one lucky man."

"Knock knock!" Chase chirped while entering the room. His jaw threatened to drop when he looked at me, "Oh wow, dude, you look great!" He walked over to me and pulled me into a quick hug.

"You okay?" Madison asked when she realized I wasn't fully in the moment. Something was missing. That something being my best friend for the past ten years.

"Where's Rudy?" I let go of the hug and looked to all of them. He had responded to the rsvp so I couldn't help but wonder the whereabouts of the blonde.

"I'm sure he's just running late." Chase answered and my nerves settled but only slightly. JD was the next to enter the room that was dedicated to me getting ready, he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Cold feet yet?" He joked while pulling me in for what felt like my millionth hug of the day, "I just took a pre-wedding shot with Sam, he's a bundle of anxiousness right now."

"Have you seen Rudy?" I dismissed his words and released him from the hug, "I should go find him." I began walking towards the door but everyone stopped me with different shouts.

"He's coming!"
"Sam can't see you before the wedding!"
"I'll call him!"

"Y/n..." Madison was the last to speak as she placed both of her hands onto my shoulders, "I promise Rudy will be here, okay? Let's just take some deep breaths." She took a deep breath and I copied her, both of us exhaling the breath through our noses slowly, "Better?"

"Better." I lied. I still couldn't shake the worry that Rudy was going to miss this day. I heard music quietly beginning to play and knew that was our que to line up and get ready.

"Let's get you married." Chase patted my shoulder as he walked by. They were all in the wedding as bridesmaids and groomsmen. Rudy was supposed to be walking with Madison but since I hadn't seen him I'm worried she'd be walking alone.

We all piled out of the room and I bumped into someone, "Sorry." I quickly apologized and when I looked up instant relief washed over me, "You're here!" I pulled Rudy into a hug and swayed us back and forth.

"Wouldn't miss it." He replied, "Sorry I'm late, I had to stop and grab something." His hand slipped into his pocket and he pulled out a small box, "Remember when we all went to Costa Rica and you saw that bracelet?"

I nodded my head and he placed the box into my hands. It opened slowly to reveal the bracelet I had fallen in love with, it was perfect, "Rudy, thank you so much." It was a simple piece of jewelry. A silver bracelet with small diamonds around, it reflected the lights beautifully.

"It's been sitting in my dresser drawer for almost a year. I was waiting for the, uh, the right moment, I guess. This seems as good as any. It can be your something new." He awkwardly laughed and I attempted to clip it onto my wrist but was struggling, "Here, let me." His hands brushed against mine as he clipped the latch tight and I twisted my wrist around to admire it.

"I'm really glad you're here, Ru." I smiled up at him.

"You look beautiful." He complimented and I felt my cheeks getting warm. I've always had a type of soft spot for Rudy, he's been with me through every up and down in life, never leaving my side, "We should catch up, the ceremony is starting."

"Right, yeah, we should, uh..." I trailed off when I got stuck staring at him, "We should go.."

We awkwardly shuffled to catch up with our friends as he held my dress to stop it from catching on my heels. When we were all lined up in the correct order he smoothed my dress and I thanked him.

My dad stood next to me with his arm out for me to take, "Tell me again why you're not marrying that guy?" He leaned over and asked. I smacked his shoulder lightly and snickered, "I'm serious, he looks at you the same way I look at your mother." My parents were high school sweethearts, their love was so pure I swear god wrote their story himself.

"Sam is a good guy." I defended my fiancé, "He's not perfect, nobody is though. Not even me."

"Honey, I made you, you're as perfect as they come." My dad kissed my temple and I leaned my head onto his arm, "Just remember something for me." I replied with a small 'Hm?', "Just because you're walking down the aisle doesn't mean you can't turn around and bolt the other way."

I snickered again, "Noted."

All of our whispered conversations were cut short when the double doors opened, revealing the crowd and my future husband standing at the podium.

First to walk down the aisle was a pair of Sams friends, I didn't know them very well. Next was Madison and Rudy, behind them was Madelyn and Chase, then Jonathan and Carlacia. They were all included in the bridal party since they were my best friends. I couldn't imagine life without them.

"Cold feet yet?" My dad teased as we made our way to the double doors for my grand entrance.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I asked, clearly confused as to why that's the famous question of the day.

"Because we all know something you don't." He looked straight ahead when he answered and I looked up to him with furrowed brows. Before I could respond the double doors opened again for my entrance. Everyone was turned in their seats as my father and I slowly made our was down the aisle.

When I got closer I saw Sam with a big smile on his face, but something else caught my attention. To the right of him was Rudy with tears gathering in his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips as his hand was brought to his face to wipe a falling tear.

My dad handed me off to Sam who walked me up the stairs and we face each other, both of our hands held between us.

"We are gathered here today to join Y/n L/n and Sam Anderson in matrimony commended to be honorable by all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. If anyone can show why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

The building went silence, the officiant giving the crowd a moment to soak in his words. My gaze looked behind Sam, seeing Chase nudging Rudy's shoulder as if to get him to speak. Chase gave him another nudge, this one making him take a step forward.

"I, uh," Rudy looked down and cleared his throat, "I object." The crowd gasped and my hands fell from Sams as I looked at the blonde in shock, my jaw threatening to hit the floor.

"That's my boy!" My dad stood up from the crowd and cheered. I looked to him and saw my mother pulling him back down into his seat and couldn't help but let a small laugh leave my lips.

"May I?" Rudy asked the officiant and he nodded his head yes while gesturing for Rudy to continue speaking, since he objected he had to give a reason why, "I'm in love with you, Y/n. Now that I'm saying it out loud, I always have been."

"Sir, you can't object just because you're—" The officiant began to speak but I cut him off.

"Let him talk." I said, "Keep going.." I stayed in my spot as Rudy stared at me with an adoring look in his eyes.

"I know I'm in love with you because of the way I feel simply being in your presence, your existence alone is enough to amaze me," His words were soft spoken, "I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you. You make me the best version of myself and when you look at me, as cheesy as it sounds, the world stops spinning." He paused and let his smile grow wider, the adorable dimple on his cheek showing, "Man, that look...friends don't look at friends that way, Y/n."

"No, they don't." I found myself taking a small step towards him, agreeing with every words he was saying, because I knew I loved him too. That's why I had a soft spot for him, that's why I spend all my free time talking to him, joking and laughing about anything and everything.

"If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me then I'll leave, I won't ever say anything ever again." He finished and began taking small steps towards me as well. No one dared to speak a word, not even Sam.

"I can't.." I exhaled a shaky breath and he looked down as if his hopes had been crushed, "because I do love you, Rudy." He looked back up to me, the previous smile returning, "So if you don't take my hand and bolt back down this aisle with me I'm going to be pissed."

In one swift motion Rudy grabbed onto my hand and we took off running like giddy children back down the aisle, my other hand lifting my dress so I wouldn't trip. Suddenly I heard all of our friends trailing behind us shouting in happiness.

I didn't care what chaos we were leaving behind in that church, because I had my entire life right here with me.


"I can't believe I just ditched my wedding." I giggled as I tipped the champagne bottle back and took a sip. We were all sitting at a nearby park on the benches talking with one another, Rudy next to me, "And that you stole a twelve-hundred dollar bottle of champagne."

"I have sticky fingers, what can I say." Madelyn laughed as she snagged the bottle from me and took a sip.

"That doesn't compare to Rudy literally stealing the bride." Madison said and we all broke out in wheezing laughter.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys." Rudy gestured to everyone and I gave them a confused looked.

"You guys all knew?" I questioned my friends. The champagne bottle went around the circle and was back in my hands for me to take another sip.

"Oh yeah, all of us, even your dad." Chase shrugged like it was no big deal but I was amazed no one had slipped up and told me beforehand what was going to happen, "It's all about the element of surprise." He tapped the side of his head and reached for the bottle so I handed it off to him.

"Consider me surprised." I held my hands up.

"I hope in a good way." Rudy said quietly to me, a look if worry being held in his expression. I leaned closer to him and whispered.

"In the best way." Suddenly Carlacia was standing up acting professional as she spoke with an accent.

"With the power invested in me by..." She paused, looked down, and snagged the bottle of champagne from Chase, "Pol Roger Champagne, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

"I do." Rudy whispered, his lips so close to mine I could feel his breath.

"I do." I smiled and pressed our lips together. Our friends began clapping and shouting in excitement watching us. When we pulled apart they were all dancing around. JD jumped on Chases back as he spun them around, Carlacia was dumping champagne for Madison and Madelyn to catch in their mouths. Rudy and I stood up, wanting to celebrate with them.

Our friends grabbed our hands and pulled us into the group hug. When we all let go they continued their celebration. Rudy wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head onto his chest, enjoying this moment.

"Til death do us part, baby." He kissed the top of my head and I let myself relax under his touch, feeling better now that I was with him.

"Til death do us part." I repeated.

"Mr. and Mrs. Pankow, please make your way to the stage!" JD announced. They all split apart to form a circle for a metaphorical stage and the two of us snickered while walking over to them hand in hand.

Although this marriage wasn't legal or official, I felt more connected to him now than ever before. This meant more to us than some wedding in a fancy church surrounded by people who probably had a million other things they'd rather be doing.

This love was unique.

This love was pure.

This love was ours.

Okay, this request is definitely one of my faves<3 I couldn't stop writing so I hope no one thinks it's too long😅

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Outer Banks Imagines Brought to you by your favourite pogues ๐Ÿ–๏ธ Requests are open ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ„