The Potter Twins | Watching t...

By Dragon_Zombie

614K 13.9K 3.2K

In which 8 movie are sent from future to watch what happens in future. The story of Harry and Camila Potter's... More

Cast 1
Cast 2
Part: 1
Part: 2
Part: 3


4.7K 167 16
By Dragon_Zombie

[Harry rushes to Ron, shakes him awake, WHISPERING INTENSELY.]

Harry: Ron! Ron!

Ron: What? What's happened...?

Harry: It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the
Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago.

"So he left his sister standing there feeling hurt just to wake his friend up ? What a brother." said Evans


[Harry, Ron and Hermione walking together across the grounds.]

Hermione:It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be.

Ron:We don't even know this Riddle.
He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me.

"True but he was hot." said Barty.

Harry: The monster had killed someone,
Ron. What would any of us done?

Hermione:Look. Hagrid's our friend. Why
don't we just go ask him about it?

Ron:That'd be a cheerful visit. Hullo, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?

Everyone snorts even in this serious situation.

Hagrid: Mad an' hairy? Wouldn' be talkin'
'bou me, now would yeh?


[The trio wheels, spots Hagrid grinning at them with Camila behind him. They instantly look guilty.]

Harry/Ron/Hermione: No!

[Hagrid looks at them curiously. Harry nods to the STRANGE CANISTER in his hand.]

Harry: What's that you've got, Hagrid?

Hagrid:Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent. Fer
the Mandrakes, yeh know. Accordin' ter Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growin' up ter do, but once their acne clears
up, we'll be able to chop 'em up, stew 'em, an' get those people in the hospital un-Petrified. 'Til then, you four best watch yerselves, all righ'?

[They nod, watch Hagrid lope away and Camila walks away to go to meet her friends.]

"They did not even acknowledge her presence." said Lily sadly.


[Camila is strolling through the Slytherin common room library along with her friends trying to find something about these attacks.]

Theo: Do you have any idea what we are searching about ?

Blaise: It's an animal of course.

Draco: Maybe I should ask Father. He might know something.

Camila: Yes, don't directly ask him like what is in the chamber ask him if he have any idea who wants to kill mudbloods or something. Try not to be suspicious.

"Smart but why ? when you can directly ask him if knows. Wait for minute I seriously forgot that blondy is Malfoy's son He is troublesome so yep don't ask him directly." said Sirius.

[Draco nods and starts writing a letter to his father.]

Daphne: As Mcgonagall said it's related to Salazar so I am pretty sure it's a snake because as you told us before, you can speak Parseltongue and you can hear it in the walls.

"This kids are smart as fuck." said Barty.

Camila: fuck! why didn't I thought about this before. If guys want you can keep searching I will meet you later.

"That's so sweet. She doesn't want to burden her friends." said Dorcas.

[She runs out of the Slytherin common room making her way into the Greenhouse checking if someone is there.]

Camila: $ Ssilas! $

[She spoke in Parseltongue trying to find her Snake friend. A snake comes out from the corner of Greenhouse.]

"That's the snake she was arguing with abiut nail polish." said Rebastan.

Silas: $ Misstressss, What can I do for you. $

Camila: $ Did you ssense any ssnake or reptiless around in the wallss of Hogwartsss ? $

"Wait snakes can sense other snakes ?" asked James.

"Yes, they can sense body heat of other creatures or snakes." said Remus.

Silas: $ I did. I felt the heat asss if the king of sserpentss, A Bassilisssk passsed by here. $

"Basilisk ?!" gasped people who knew about it.

"What's a Basilisk ?"

"A Basilisk — otherwise known as the King of Serpents — is a bright green snake, which can grow to an enormous size. It is a rare, wizard-bred creature, born from a chicken egg hatched beneath a toad; the creation of them is illegal and falls under the Ban on Experimental Breeding." said Regulus being the magical creature genius.

Camila: $ Can you ssearch for it ? Pleassse it'sss important. $

Silas: $ I will, Misstressss. $

"I want a snake too." said Regulus.

"We'll buy you son." said Orion.

[Silas moves away in the shadows to search for the unknown snake. Just then, Lavender Brown comes running up. She looks pale with fright.]

Lavender: Camila, I don't know who did it,
but... you'd better come.

[Camila's space is a disaster: trunk riffled, drawers flung open, bedclothes strewn on the floor. ]

"Holy Shit!"

Hermione:It had to be a Gryffindor. Nobody
else knows our password. Unless, it wasn't a student...

Parvati : Well, whoever it was, they were
looking for something.

Camila: And they found it... The diary is gone.

"Diary is gone?! what the f- Sirius! language!" before Sirius could curse he was cut off by Euphemia.


[Harry, dressed in his Quidditch robes, dashes down the staircase with Ron and Hermione. Down below, Ron spies Ginny.]

Ron: Hey, Ginny! Going to the match?

[Ginny looks up, startled, then shakes her head and exits.]

"I think it's her who stole the diary because it had to be girl who can enter the girls dormitory. No boys can enter girls dormitory unless you're the Heir of the house." said Regulus earning glares from the Weasley family.

"Wanna bet, Baby black ?" asked James.

"Sure, 50 Gallons." replied Regulus.

Excitedly Barty whispered "We are going to party today!" because he knew no one can win a bet from Regulus.

Ron: I tell you, she gets weirder and weirder by the day...

Voice: kill this time... Let me rip... Tear.

[Harry freezes. Ron and Hermione stop, knowing by his face...]

Ron: No... don't tell me...

[Harry turns, as if following the SOUND, absently touching his fingers to the wall as he glances around meeting  Camila who looked like she was following the sound too.. Hermione studies them with great interest -- STUDIES HIS FINGERS -- then, abruptly, Harry turns away, shakes his head: it's gone. Hermione looks up, eyes vaguely upon Harry, but her mind miles away.]

Camila: Shit!

[Camila whispers and makes her way to find Silas.]

"She knows something we don't."

Hermione: Harry... I think I've just understood something! I've got to go to the

[As Hermione sprints back up the stairs, Harry YELLS.]

Harry: What do you understand!

[But she's gone. Harry turns to Ron in puzzlement.]

Harry: The library?

Ron: That's Hermione. When in doubt,
go to the library.

"Hermione is like you Lily only when it comes to studies or knowledge." said Marlene.

"For me it's, When in doubt, nap it out!" said Barty excitedly.


[Harry and his teammates march toward the Quidditch tower. The CHEERS of the CROWD are heard.]

All the Quidditch fanatic's sat up straight for the match ignoring the seriously around them just like the trio ignored Camila.

Wood: Listen up now. We play our game,
Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker, smarter.

George: Not to mention they're dead
terrified Harry'll Petrify them if they fly anywhere near him.

Wood: That, too.

[Just then, Professor McGonagall appears, barring their way.]

Wood: Professor McGonagall --

Professor Mcgonagall: This match has been cancelled.

"YOU CAN NOT DO THIS MINNIE!" shouted James and Sirius.

"Mr. Potter! Mr. Sirius! for ones see the situation do you think it's good to have a match when there is a creature petrifying students." asked Mcgonagall causing them to look down in shame.

Wood: Cancelled! They can't cancel Quidditch --

Professor Mcgonagall: Silence, Wood! You will return to Gryffindor Tower now. Potter, you and I will find Ms. Potter and Mr. Weasley. There's something all of you
need to see.

Ik shity chapter right ? I don't know what else to write. 💀

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