If you let me

By yagirlllay11

112K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven

thirty three

1.2K 50 15
By yagirlllay11

Two days later
5:22 a.m.

I flushed the toilet before sliding lower on the floor with my back against the wall.

I closed my eyes as sweat dripped down my forehead.

I stayed there for a few minutes before getting up slowly. I groaned holding my stomach and my right hand gripping the counter.

It's been two days and let's just say the drinking been catching up to my ass. Throwing liquor back and not eating was getting me.

I haven't seen or spoken to Jordyn since that night. She stopped blowing my phone up constantly and just call every other hour. I guess she finally decided to give me a little space.

But I'm not going to need space forever. Space isn't going to give me my answers.

From what Jade told me, my parents still have the kids. I haven't spoke to my mom since the night of but I'll make sure to give her a call later on.

I pretty much held onto the counter until I got a little bit of energy to get in the shower. I definitely took my time cause I was still a little dizzy.

Once I got out, I threw on some sweats and a long sleeve shirt.

I walked to the kitchen and decided to make a sandwich. Never too damn old for a pb&j, I don't care what anybody says.

In the middle of eating, my phone rung. I picked it up and seen it was my mom.

"Hello." I said mouth full

"Hey Morgan, how are you doing? I've been calling your ass." She said


"Ma my ass, I've been worried sick about you. I shouldn't have to get through Jade to know if you're okay. She said you aren't home."

"I was going-

"You was going to what? What exactly were you going to do?"

"Are you going to let me get a sentence out?"

She stayed quiet

"I was going to call you but I just got up off the bed or floor should I say."

"Floor? Morgan are you drinking?"

"A little."

"It can't just be a little if you were on the floor. Morgan, I know you're hurting but I promise you things will be okay."

"Why does everybody keep saying that? My wife fucking cheated on me with her ex boyfriend. It's been two days you can't expect me to just take that ma. And it's going to take longer than two days to get over this."

"Okay calm down."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that. It's not your fault."

"It's okay. Nobody is saying it's going to be okay or things will be fine this fast. Of course it's going to take time but I'm saying eventually things will be better for you even if you decide to work things out or if you don't. Have you two talked?"


"Do you want to talk to her?"

"I do but I don't want to argue either. I feel like that's all going to end up happening."

"I understand. Maybe take a few more days to gather your thoughts together some more."

"I hear you. I'm going to call you a little later on."

"Okay I love you."

"I love you too, ma." I hung up

I sat my phone on the counter before grabbing a water and heading down the hall to the bedroom.

I stood for a second and went to the closet.


Jordyn's pov
A few hours later
Morgan's condo

I made my way up to Morgan's condo. After taking a break from blowing her phone up I decided to woman up and pull up on her.

I glad that she actually kept her condo because I wouldn't want her in a hotel or by someone else's house ignoring me instead coming home. At least she's at another home of hers.

I knocked on the door and waited but I didn't get an answer. I twisted the door knob and surprisingly it was unlocked.

Walking inside I seen bags packed by the couch. In the kitchen I seen liquor bottles that was thrown in the trash.

"Looking for something?"

I jumped from them sound of her voice and turned around

"Sorry, I was-

"Being nosey." She finished my sentence

"Are you drinking hard again? Or doing other things.."

"I'm not doing drugs again. I might've slipped on the liquor but i wouldn't have had to if-

She paused and shook her head "Yeah I am drinking again."

"No, go ahead. Yell at me and tell me how you feel."

"I'm not doing all that right now. It's not going to make me feel better. What did you come over here for?"

"Well I've been calling you. I thought it would be best if we just spoke face to face."

Morgan just stood across from me leaning against the counter watching me. I could see all in her face that she was irritated and hurt.

I fumbled with my fingers looking down embarrassed "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Morgan. I messed up and I don't know how to fix this."

She crossed her arms "Why? Why him?"

"I don't know-

"Don't. Don't lie to me or give that bullshit ass answer. You laid down with him and you want to explain yourself so your ass better give me the truth right now."

I started to tear up "I missed you so much and i felt like we were drifting apart the more you stayed away. He just wanted to apologize one day in my office, he kissed and one thing led to another."

"So it was just a one time thing?"

I nodded my head "Twice but the other night when you walked in all we did was remove our clothes but I had a meeting to go to that's why he was about to walk out."

I eyed her waiting for her to respond but slowly I seen tears rolled down her face. She scoffed and walked off. I quickly followed behind her and pulled her arm to stop her from moving.

"Morgan wait please-

"That nigga don't love you, he never did so why fuck him and risk what we have? We're married! You called me about Kim and wanted to talk about that but you couldn't come to me and tell me how you felt about us? You slept with him because you missed me? That truly has to be the most fucked up reason. I missed you too but you didn't see me fucking the next woman I see or any of my exes? You don't think I wouldn't have hopped on the jet and fly out here to see you?"

"I didn't think you would leave practice-

"That's the thing, you didn't think or ask. You didn't speak or talk to me. I'm your wife and when we stood in front of each and told each other our vows we said that we would have a conversation instead of just letting the issue get bigger. I'm not sure what more you wanted from me, Jordyn. I let you in and I let you love my daughter,I loved you, I married you, we got a baby girl, we moved in together and much more. What did I have less of that he had more of?"

I reached out and touched her hand "Nothing baby. I'm so sorry, please believe me." I gripped her shirt

She shook her head but eventually gave in. Her hands gripped my waist as she laid her face in the crook of my neck, crying softly.

It broke my heart knowing I was causing her hurt. I wrapped my hands around her hugging her back.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I love you so much." I repeated constantly

After a few minutes she gathered her self a little bit and pulled back looking at me. Her eyes were all red and the bags underneath was visible now.

Which told me she hasn't been sleeping at all

I sniffed staring back

"I think we need to be separated for a little bit."

"Morgan I-

"I know you're sorry but that's not doing enough for me right now. I need to get my mind right and figure out what I want to do about us. I love you, Jordyn and I know you love me but if you truly did you would give me what I want."

I nodded my head slowly

"So will you be staying here from now on?"

"I'm going to go home... in Philly."

"H-how long?"

"A few weeks, until I'm ready to come back. It might be earlier than that I don't know yet. I know the girls are at my moms but get Mia back home so she don't get worried. I don't want her knowing anything that's going on."

"Okay." I mumbled

"I seen the adoption papers for Mia... I was going to sign them-

"No, I don't want you to sign them."

I choked up a little "Okay."

"You should go." She said

I moved away and grabbed my purse before walking out.

I covered my hand over my mouth as I broke down crying.

Lord please help me save my marriage


Morgan pov
A few hours later

I got off the plane and walked off to where my bags were

"Yo, where yo ass at?" I questioned tre over the phone

He was down here for some "business" and Brandon had a game tonight in Philly. So I was going to chill with them for the night.

"My bad, I'm in the middle of something-

"You're in the middle of something when you're supposed to be picking me up. If you fucking then just say that."

"Well I'm fuck-

"Shut up." I cut him off

He laughed "Man I'm sorry, give like an hour."

"You weak." I chuckled, "Look, don't worry about it, I'll get a Uber or some shit."

"Alright, my bad bro."

"Mhm." I said hanging up

I grabbed my suitcase and walked throughout the airport. Taxis was out so I quickly got me one to bring me to my hotel.

Once I made it, I got checked in and my key from the front desk before heading to the floor where my room was.

I got situated in room and decided to take a nap until Tre called me back from his little nut session. I was ready to go grab some food but I was saving appetite for later on tonight when I leave with them.

When I tell you probably not even five minutes into my nap, loud ass music was blaring from next door.

" What the fuck man." I hopped up and went to tell whoever that was to turn that shit off

I banged on the door and soon some woman came to the door.

"Hey, what's up?" She smiled

"Your music that's what's up. You could turn that down or off. Off would be better but I'm being generous and giving you options."

"Oh im sorry, that's my big sister. I'm visiting town and she's here to see me."

I stared at her blankly, not giving a single care about what she just told me.

She opened her mouth to speak again when a familiar face made its way from around the corner and visible in front of me.

She raised a eyebrow and chuckled a little "I did not expect to see you behind this door."

"Same about you." I replied

She paused the music from her phone before looking back up at me

The girl in between who I knew was her sister eyed in between the both of us

"Y'all two know each other?" She asked

Miracle crossed her arms "We did until she kicked me to the curb and got married."

A small little smirk was plastered on her face

"Oh this is Morgan? Hmm."

"You know that's not how it was, don't be lying to your sister now."

"Well tell me how it was because the last thing I remember was missing your birthday party, my phone calls started to get ignored and next thing I know you was boo'd up and in love."

I slightly bit my lip but gave in because that's basically was how things ended between us.

"Touché." I shrugged

She laughed as I joined in with her, our eye contact never leaving one another.

"Well I'm Malaysia by the way, and I'm going to leave you two to catch up." She said walking away

Miracle made her way closer and stood in the doorway leaning against the side.

"So what are you doing down here?"

"Damn no hey, how you doing?" I put my hands on my hip

"Hello. I'm not going to ask you how you're doing because I'm petty."

I chuckled "I deserve that. It's cool though. Now that your music is turned off I'm going to head back to my nap."

I turned around and begin to walk off when I felt her grab my arm and pulled me back.

"All game aside, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing." I shrugged

She twisted her lips to the side reading my face.

She peeped back "Stay right here."

She went inside the room soon coming back in a hoodie and shoes instead of the slides she had on before.

She linked her arm around mines

"Where you taking me?"

"Around. You could use it." She said

I shook my head but followed

What am I getting into?


I sipped my cocoa as Miracle and I walked side by side through the downtown streets of Philly.

"You never answered my question from earlier."

I raised a eyebrow in confusion

"What brings you down here? I know the season is off at the moment so you can't be visiting for a game."

"I could just be missing being home or visiting the fam."

"True but if that was the case why aren't you staying with them instead of a hotel."

"You really want to know?"

"Yeah I'm also just being nosey."

I snickered "I just got a lot of things going on right now. I needed a break from LA and some people down there."

She nodded her head slowly

Fuck it. I need to talk to somebody

"The truth is that I was cheated on."

She glanced at me

"With her ex boyfriend while I was in New York training and doing my physical therapy for my injury. I walked in on them three days ago when I was trying to surprise visit her. I've been drinking real hard too except for today and if I'm being even completely more honest, I wanted to call somebody up for some pills the other night but as much as I wanted to I didn't. I couldn't."

Miracle glanced up at me

I scratched the back of my head "My bad. I know you wasn't trying or expecting to be my damn therapist tonight."

She shook her head "You're fine. I could tell something was wrong but I didn't think it was that. But I also knew whatever it was you had to let out and speak to someone. I'm sorry this happened to you, you truly don't deserve it. I will say I am happy that you didn't make that call to a dealer for pills. You've came a long way and I know deep down you don't want to let your babies down."

"I guess. It's just-

"Hurting you? Oh trust me I know. We've only talked for a few months but you know how my ex relationships was. So if anybody know how you feel it would be. But don't think I'm going to give you advice."

"What? Why not? What if that's what I need right now?"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I took another sip from my mug

"I think you should give her another chance." She shrugged

When those words came out of her mouth I instantly started choking. She patted my back.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I just didn't expect that to be your choice of advice."

"Why? Because I wanted your ass last year? You're old news. I know better ones than you."

I arched my eyebrow up "Who? Shorty don't make me have to remind you who I am."

She playfully rolled her eyes "Girl bye."

"But why did you say that?"

"I know you probably thought I was going to say divorce her and forget about her but I'm not. I know she cheated on you Morgan and that's one of the most painful things she could do to you but you have to also understand that while you're hating, she isn't just your wife she is also a mother to your children. Not biological to Mia but from the looks on the media it seems like Mia loves her and she loves Mia. Am I correct?"


"I think what I'm trying to fully say is to not give her a second chance because I said it but to AT LEAST give some thought and consideration into giving her another chance only on the strength of y'all children. They're too young to have to go the back and forth between y'all houses during the week. Can you possibly live thinking that you're kids are not in the same house as you? You and I both know that's something that you always wanted your baby to have a mother figure and now she has one. I get you want space away from her but kids are smart as hell. Mia would catch on and the last thing you want is years to go by and they end up hating her."

"I would never let them hate her or disrespect her. This situation is between me and her not them."

"Yeah but how would they know that if your avoiding her?"

"So you think I need to just forgive her and accept what she did?"

"Woah slow down buddy. I'm not saying to forgive her immediately because that would be stupid considering the fact that you're still hurt and that won't go away right away. You two definitely will need some talking and maybe even counseling. Im sure some trust is broken and you can't just jump back into things like everything is all good because that would only break your marriage even more. I'm saying to at least be civil for the kids because in the long run this avoiding and hatred will fuck things up. I know you love her and if she loves you just as much then I have no doubt that things won't get better. At the end of the day this is just my advice that you ask for. It's all up to you and what your heart feels to do."

I nodded taking in everything that she said

"You must care about me?" I grinned playfully bumping my shoulder into her

"Eh just a little."

"What's up with you though? Any man in your life?"

"Oh now you all in my business?"

"Oh come on bro, I thought we was having like a best friend moment?"

"You know best friends are consistent, right?"

"How long you going to hold me being an ass and not keeping in touch over my head?"

"I been let it go I just like teasing and aggravating you about it."

I sucked my teeth "Stop playing around girl."

She giggled "Alright but back to your question, I'm not locked down at the moment. But I do have options, i guess you could say I'm just having fun."

"Options? How many we talking?"

"Oop- mind yours, Morgan."

"Alright i will for now."

"Thank you-wait for now?"

"You heard me now come on and let's head back to my hotel room."

"How long are you staying at this hotel?" She asked

"For a few days then Ima go with my grandparents because they hate when I don't come stay with them when I visit. Plus I could use some family love."

She scrunched her face up "Well fuck me."

I laughed "Girl you know what I mean."

"Mhm." She side eyed me

"But I have an idea, it's all up to you though."

"Okay I'm listening."

"How about you come stay with me for this few days before you go over there? I got a extra room and the fridge is filled with food so you won't have to worry about buying in like I know you will have to do at this hotel."

"What about your sister?"

"She came to visit our parents and her man down here who she haven't seen in a while so you know how that go."

"She want to get her back broken and cracked like an egg and she can't do that staying by you or y'all parents."

She slapped my arm

I rubbed it "What? That's the truth. I'll be uncomfortable too trying to fuck at my sister house, wouldn't you?"

"No, because I ain't a weak bitch. Now what do you say?"

I tilted my head "Do you still have a gym?"

"I know you see this fine body of mines. Deal?"

"Hmm I guess." I said

What a night. A good one at that.


Yes another update! I can't believe it either lol

Thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on Morgan leaving?

Thoughts on miracle?

Comment and let me know!

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