Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)

By Fahemalillianaltaee

39.6K 816 1.2K

What if Monkey king's successor was actually a girl instead? Her name is Yue who loves taking care of her unc... More

Character info
A hero is born pt.1
A Hero is born pt.2
A Hero is born pt.3
Bad weather
Coming home
Noodles or death
The great wall race
Impossible secret date Pt. 1
Impossible secret date Pt. 2
Skeleton key
The end is here
πŸŒ΄πŸŒ…Beach specialβ˜€οΈπŸŒ΄
Revenge of the spider queen pt.1
Revenge of the spider queen pt. 2
Revenge of the spider queen pt.3
Revenge of the spider Queen pt. 4
Revenge of the spider Queen pt.5
After math
The truth
Back to the Celestial Realm
The Huli-Jing's and a monkey
Jade Face vs Yue
Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckle
Dumpling destruction
Sweet' N Sour
Sweet N' Sour aftermath
Minor scale
Mateo's (MK) heat
Shadow play
A close encounter
A twisted Nightmare

Duplication gone wrong

1.6K 27 52
By Fahemalillianaltaee

It was another day at Pigsy's noodles and pigsy rang the bell to get Yue's attention as he held out the box of noodles. "Order up! Come on, get the led out!" Pigsy said as Yue appeared the moment the bell was rang. "On it!" Yue responded as she grabs the order from her uncle while she grabbed the deliveries and the sweets and placed them in the cooler as she put her helmet on and got in the delivery scooter bike as she headed towards the place of the person who ordered it.

(That's Yue's favorite helmet)

(This is what Yue's delivery scooter looks like)
When she arrived, the person of the home opened the door as the raven haired greeted them sweetly. "Pigsy's noodles! Pigsy's noodles! Pigsy's noodles! Pigsy's noodles!" Yue runs into her uncle Sandy at the harbor on her way back.

"Yue! Well boy, did you arrive at the right time." Then Sandy throws the pain brush. "Scoop up the brush! We're giving the old girl a fresh coat of paint!" Yue smiled as she got out of her scooter bike with paint brush and paint bucket her her hand. "Sure thing uncle Sandy!" Said Yue as she and her Uncle Sandy painted the boat, showing off the fresh blue coat.

The day was over and Yue is getting ready to sleep as she left the bathroom while wearing her nightgown and wiping her hair off.

"Now for eight to twelve hours of uninterrupted-Ah! Mei!" Yue yelled as Mei was pulling Yue's clothes out of her drawer as one of her shirts landed on her face. "Get up, get up, get up! We're going out!" Said Mei. Fast forward, both the girls and spend spend all night at the arcade as Yue wore her night out outfits.

(This art goes to the creator of these clothes I don't own them!)

After Yue and Mei finished the dance the dance, they didn't know was they attracted a crowd and weren't expecting was around of applause and cheering as Yue turned around and saw the crowd cheering, Yue felt embarrassed as she did a small wave and left the stage of the game.

"That was amazing Yue!" Mei tackled Yue but didn't fall due to no gravity in the arcade.

"Thanks Mei. I didn't know I'll attract that many attention" Yue said with a bashful look as She and Mei continued to have fun til it was time to leave.

The next day. Pigsy rang the bell again and says "order up!" And Yue grabs the order as she says "sure thing Uncle Pigsy!" The girl yawned as she started making her way towards the place. "Pigsy's noodles. Pigsy's noodles." And runs into her Uncle Sandy again as he says "how about Sunset orange?" Asked Sandy Yue helps her uncle Sandy paint. That night she briefly seen the arcade snoring, while Yue cheers on. The cycle continues as Yue attends 24/7 to whatever tasks her uncles and friends need help with As Yue greeted them tiredly as she delivered the messy blue bag of noodles as she had very tired look on her face with bags under her eyes.

Pigsy: "order up! Order up! Order!
Sandy: "what if we try blue again?"
Yue: Pigsy's noodles, Pigsy's noodles"
Mei: "Yue!"
Sandy: "Yue"
Pigsy: "Yue!"

One day, Yue was walking her way home with a look of exhaustion, 'So tired, I didn't get much sleep last night, maybe I should asked Uncle Pigsy that-' but was cut off from her thoughts when she accidentally bumps into someone causing Yue and the person to fall.


Yue rubs her head starts to say "OMG! I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was....going." She froze while getting a good look at the person she bumped into, the man in front of her looked very handsome as he has light blue long hair and is wearing white shirt and dark blue coat, white pants and black shoes.

(This is Aobing's human form this is far as I go sorry)

"It's alright. No harm done." The man says gives Yue a small smile causing Yue to blush and quickly gets up and helps the man up.

"Again, I'm so sorry. Is there anyway I can make it up to you?" Yue asked as the man just smiles at her and says, "there's no need. It's alright, really. Like I said no harm done." Then he noticed her bags under her eyes making the man looked concern. "But what about you? Are you ok? You look like you haven't slept well." He said as Yue nodded as she answered "don't worry about me. I'm just tired is all..." however the girl trailed off as her whole body fell into the ground, as the man was able to catch her just in time, then he looked towards Yue's body. "Miss?" He called out as she didn't answer "miss?!?" He began to panic.

~Time skip~

"Her body is very sore and all her energy is been drained out of her since for the past few weeks. Small fever and is lacking proper rest." The doctor spoke as she sat upon the stool ne'er Yue's bed as Yue laying in her bed, dressed in her nightgown as her blanket covered her entire body with wet washcloth for her forehead.

Soon the doctor left, the same man that Yue met earlier was about to leave until someone tap his shoulder making him turned around, Pigsy thanked the man for calling him and Tang along with Sandy and Pigsy for telling their niece/friend after what happen during the delivery they don't know what they do if something happens to Yue.

The man told him that he's glad that she's not hurt and left the apartment where Yue lives. After he left, the others left in Yue's room with the sleeping girl. "Maybe we've been pushing our niece to far." Sandy said as guilt filled everyone but Tang felt a guilted wave in their heads.

"So what know? Like the doctor said, we can't disturbed Yue for the whole day." Mei said while everyone was thinking about how to not disturb Yue and find a temporary replacement to take her place.

Until Tang had a lightbulb and shouted "I'VE GOT IT!" these made the trio in both confused and shocked at the same time as Tang pulled out the scissors from Yue's drawer. "Sorry Yue" Tang whispered to himself as he cut the tips of Yue's Bottom hair making the others screamed in horror.

"Tang!! How could you do this to your own niece!?!" Pigsy yelled in shock and anger, but not loud enough for his niece to hear. "Okay, hear me out but I know the part where Monkey king has 72 transformations, so what if we used Yue's clones to handle the rest of the day for us." The trio looked at him as Pigsy said "oh yeah? Then how are we gonna make a clone while Yue's asleep."

Tang got one strand of hair as he let it drop in front of Yue as she blew the hair as it landed on the floor, the others looked at it for a moment until the hair glowed and finally a clone that looked like Yue popped out.

Mei and Sandy ooh-ed while Pigsy looked shocked and said "I can't believe I'm seeing this" while Tang gave a smug look and said "Eh? Eh-?" Pigsy sighed as he pinch his nose and gave in "Fine you win, but if this goes wrong, You're doing Yue's job for the whole week!" "Deal!" Tang said as he and Pigsy shake their hands makes more clones.

The next day, Tang has all the clones he worked up to do the jobs so his beloved Niece will have plenty time to sleep for her to get better. "Order up!" Said Pigsy until the noodles been snatched from his hands.

Delivery clone: "on it Uncle Pigsy!"

Party clone: "yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

"Please help?" Tang asked to the clone as he carried a lot of stuff. New tasks come up so Tang makes more clones With Yue's hair he had cut as old tasks pile up.

Sandy: "Yue!"

Mei: "Yue!"

"Yue! C'mon and hustle! Tang, let's just hope this goes well for us." Pigsy said giving Tang a deadpanned glare as Tang calmly spoke "oh, piggy, relax. I'm sure everything will be fine while Yue is well rested." Then Mei popped and spoke "Yeah! As long as Yue is well rested everything will be A-Ok!" As she noticed that Yue's clone is not here and looked around as Yue's party clone shouted "C'mon Mei! Let's get this party started!" She then grabbed Mei and left Pigsy's noodles as they made their way to the Arcade.

(This is Yue's apartment that is closer to her uncles shop)
Meanwhile, the Real Yue was just in her room while Pigsy gave her a bowl of noodles since she still needed some time to rest. "Thank you uncle Pigsy." She thanked her Uncle. "You're welcome sweetie. If you need anything just call me ok?" Pigsy asked as Yue nodded for reassurance.

Pigsy smile at his niece and then escorted him self out of Yue's room, Yue started eating a bowl of noodles her uncle gave her as she sighed 'I wonder how the others are doing today while I'm still here.' She thought not knowing about her hair was cut at the tip of it.

As soon as she finished her bowl, she placed it on her bedside table, she was about to sleep until she heard a meow, she got out her bed and followed the sound from her window, as soon she opened the curtains she found a cat with a scar on its right eye and wearing a small red scarf.

Yue looked at the cat softly, "what happened to you little one?" She whispered as she reached her hand out to pet the cat, but the cat started to walk back away from Yue. "It's ok little one, I won't hurt you." Yue said in a soft tone as she slowly move her hand out to let the cat no she meant no harm. The cat slowly walked towards her hand, sniffed her hand and licked it.

Yue then lifted the cat up as it stared into her eyes. "There we go. Cmon little guy, I'm taking you inside, you must be hungry." She smiled as she started walking back inside with the fate in her arms.

After she placed the cat on her bed and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat for the cat. "Wait right here I'll get you something to eat ok?" She said a soon as she left the room even though she was supposed to be resting.

After moving some things in her fridge, she found some left over chicken, she took the chicken, warmed it up and chopped it into bits so it's easy for the cat to eat. "Here you go little one" she placed the small plate of chopped chicken in front of the cat to eat, the cat sniffed and started to eat it happily. "Eat til your full and later I'll gave you a nice hot bath." She said as she started to walk to her bathroom to look for a towel.

'Let's see I know I have a medium sized towel in here somewhere ...' she looked through her bathroom drawers and finally after a minute she finally found a towel, she was about to go back to her room until she found the cat sitting by the door. "Oh. We're you waiting for me? I'm sorry to make you wait." Said Yue as she picked the cat up and headed to the bathroom.

As Yue filled the tub with a bit of warm water, she placed the cat into the tub of the water, which was only up to its legs. "I'm surprised you're calm about getting a bath, most of the cats would've tried to run away." Yue said as she laughed a little as the cat let the girl continued bathing them.

She hummed a tune while bathing the cat until it was all clean and smelling good. After Yue dried the cat, she then placed the now cleaned scarf around the cat carefully as the cat started nuzzling her, she let out a giggle as she let the cat rest on her lap. "You sure are something, huh?" She told the cat as she let out a yawned and said "alright little one, time for bed." She said as she carried the cat in her arms as she head towards her room.

She placed the cat at the end of her bed as still wearing her favorite night gown, she let out a yawn as she got on her bed as she covered herself in the blankets. Before she layer down, she looked at the cat one last time. "Goodnight little one." She whispered as she toast asleep.

However, while she was sleeping, the eye of the cat started glowing purple in the dark as the cat had sinister smirk on his face as as he watched the sleeping girl resting peacefully. Then suddenly, the cat transformed into a Black monkey that looks exactly like the Monkey king.

(Ignore the picture of female MK and focused on Macaque. I changed the photo I hope you don't mind.)

"So this is Wukong's successor, huh? I gotta admit, she's drop dead gorgeous. She reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago." He said to himself as he transform back into a cat and then he curled up himself as he slept on Yue's bed without waking her up.

Mean while In Pigsy's noodles. "Order up!" Pigsy shouted as soon as the phone started to ring and he picks it up and answered "Hello, thanks for calling Pigsy's! Home of the worlds longest -" He was cut off when the call from the other side spoke as Pigsy's face went concern. "It didn't arrive? Hold on, I got another call, she didn't deliver?" asked Pigsy while Tang got nervous , knowing what's going on as he shrink down.

Pigsy then answered another as it looked like the same problem has happened as well. "What do you mean she didn't deliver it?!" Asked Pigsy "Any more orders?" asked delivery clone. "Delivery clone Yue, mind explaining-" Pigsy was cut off once again as he shrieks in horror at the sight of the clone. "Uh, everything ok, boss." asked the delivery clone until she burps.

Meanwhile, down at the harbor, the artist clone is painting very precisely.

"It needs to be better. It needs to be better." She has painted a mural of Yue clones as Sandy spoke up "I think it's pretty good Yue."But this didn't satisfy the art clone. "Pretty good? Pretty good?! That's not good enough! You ask me to paint your boat! And that's what I'm going to do, I won't stop until it's perfect!" The artist clone yelled making both Sandy and Mo looked at each other in fear as Mo meowed.

At the arcade, people are exhausted, they barely move their muscles.

"Yeah, Yo! Everybody move your feet!" Said party clone Yue, while Mei was hardly moving her body as she went towards the clone. Until she scoffs. "What are you talking about, Mei? Ain't now one leaving this party!" said party clone as she turns the volume up. "Yeah, but this party's been going on 15 hours!" Mei tried to reason with the clone again but the party clone mockingly imitates her. "It's been 16 hours, I'm so sleepy! That's what you sound like." The party clone snaps as the guards show up. "I said: ain't. no. Leaving. This party."said party clone Yue. The familiar figure watch the chaos while they are hiding. "That's not good" they said.

Meanwhile, the real Yue sat up from her bed as she stretched herself and yawned while the cat stretches his legs and got off Yue's bed, Yue rubbed her eyes to keep herself awake. "I haven't got a goodnight sleep for weeks. I think it's about time for me to get back to work." She said to herself and got out of her bed and then went straight to the bathroom to change her normal clothes.

As soon as she's done, the cat meowed at Yue, she turned around and the cat was by her window. "Oh, you want to go out? Guess this is goodbye huh?" She smiled sadly and the black cat looked at her with its head tilted to the side. "Well I know you don't understand me, but I hope you come back and visit sometime." Yue said as she scratched behind the cats ear. 'We'll definitely meet again.... Soon.' The cat thought to himself as Yue opened the window and then the cat left.

Back at the noodle shop, Pigsy is having a fight with the clone who won't stop eating. The phone was ringing as Tang wasn't helping as he still ate the bowl of noodles as he watched the commotion. "Yue, stop eating! I'm haemorrgaing money in the bowl! Stop! Noodle! Tang help me!!!" Pigsy said as Tang finally calmly spoke "oh relax Pigsy, it won't be that hard, besides Yue didn't find out yet."

However after he finished, the real Yue comes in. She was shocked seeing her clone. "What in the world?!" She said in shock seeing her fat clone laying on the floor. "What happened here?" Yue asked while a nervous Tang was about to leave until Pigsy ratted him out to answer Yue's question "Well Tang here cutted your hair so he won't pay off his bills by working for the day." The moment was silent until..... "WHAT!?!" Yue let out a shrieking loud scream that could be heard from the outside. Back to Yue and her uncles. "Uncle Tang" Yue looked at her uncle with intimidating aura surrounding her, making both of her uncles feeling scared.

Meanwhile at the harbor, paint was everywhere as the artist clone cackles maniacally. "Yes, yes, the art is seeping into my pores! Filling my very soul." She turns to face Sandy who's been tied up, hung from his claw machine. "Just needs... one. more. coat." The artist clone slowly approached Sandy, pointing from her brush at him.

"You missed a spot." Yue shouts to the clone. The clone turned around and exclaimed. "What?! Where?!" Yue hit the artist clone until they puff into hair. Yue quickly rushing over, untying the blue man.

"Hi uncle Sandy." Yue greeted her uncle as Sandy greeted his niece back. "Hi Yue." He rubbed his muscles as Yue asked. "So how many clones did uncle Tang made?" Sandy shook his head, since he never knew how many clones the scholar made as Yue looked around in confusion. "Wait. Where's Mei?" Asked Yue.

Fast forward, Yue brakes into the arcade. "Alright, party clone where is she?" Yue asked then someone came in front of her was the party clone. "Oh ho ho! OH Yue in the house y'all!" Said party clone making Yue looked at the clone in confusion. "What? Agh! Forget it, where's Mei!?" Yue asked. Then the party clone reveals she has Mei trapped in the claw. "Hey Yue." Mei said tiredly as she was tied up.

Yue was shocked as she angrily growled at the clone. "Hand her over, you! Me! We?" Asked Yue confused. "Cool your jets, OG. You want to get me? You gotta get through my girls!"said party clone as she reveals the rest of the Yue clones her uncle Tang made. "Why did your uncle Tang even bothered making so many Yue's anyway!?!" Mei panic. "Oops, my figure slipped." Said party clone as she pressed a button as a whole opens and Mei screamed.

Party clone laugh's menacingly. "Get 'em girls!" Said party clone while the rest of the clones chase Yue. Meanwhile, Mei is being lowered. "Yue!" Mei yelled as she screamed in fear while she was getting closer to the lava. "I'm coming Mei! Hang on!" Said Yue as she spears the staff and breaks open the arcade, saving Yue.

She then got towards her best friends and quickly unties her, the girls hugged each other before looking fearfully towards the swarm of clones who are coming towards them.

Yue clones: "bring it on Monkey Queen!"

The party clone laughed but the thin ice shield the real Yue and Mei. Yue look at her saver and saw the same man with snow blue hair earlier.

As both the mysterious stranger and Yue made eye contact, the man looked at her with a soft smile until he made ice turn into spikes and hits the clone and turn them into hair.

Both Yue and Mei landed safely in front of party clone. "One to go!" Said Mei pointed towards party clone Yue. "No, no, no, wait! Mei! How do you know I'm not the real Yue?" Party clone asked as she realizing the obvious. "Ah shoot, I played myself." Said party Yue. "And you're finished!" Yue said as she proceeds to dissipate the last clone as Party clone Yue she'd a tear. "Never forget...the music." Said party clone as she puff into hair.

"Nice work girl." Mei complemented her best friend. Yue sighed tiredly as she rubbed her forehead. "What was uncle Tang thinking? Using my powers while I was sleeping? Could this day get any worse?" Yue asked while Mei has tons of Yue's hair on herself as a beard, imitating an old man. "Not at all, my girl." Mei said as Yue sniffled a laugh as she slightly slapped her arm. "Gross! Don't stroke it!" Mei laughs in her old man's voice as Yue laughed as well, Yue remembered about that man who saved her and Mei.

Outside of the arcade

The man was about to leave until he heard someone calling him. "Wait!" It was Yue who is coming towards him and stopped catching her breath. "Yes, do you need something miss?" He asked. Then he and Yue made eye contact. Yue was shocked and realized who the man is. "Y-Y-you're... A—Aobing? The third son of the East Sea dragon of the dragon king Ao Guang?" Yue asked. Ao bing blinked twice and smiled at Yue, "yes I am, I'm impressed you take your Chinese mythology quite well." Ao bing answered him making Yue turning her face red as she held her face using her hands shyly. Ao bing chuckled when he saw her flustered expression.

Mei watched the scene causing her to squeal of happiness that her best friend meeting her childhood hero/crush in person. 'If Yue marries my great, great, great times a thousand great cousin, we will be a family!' Mei thought to herself liking the idea for Yue marrying Ao bing.

Today was a chaotic day with those clones of Yue but it was worth it!

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