Night Alpha

By cereusatnight

38.4K 1.3K 241

Marshal did not think much of wolves, until he wakes up in bed with one. When wolves declared war on unsuspec... More

Part I - Wild Winter // 1 - Pizza Projector
2 - Warm Wind
3 - Banister Bomb
4 - Sun Silk
5 - Phone Pressure
6 - Persistent Push
7 - Cry Cold
8 - Runner Red
9 - Souls Smoke
10 - Boyish Book
12 - Sulk Sad
13 - Touches Thick
14 - Arm Apology
15 - Feather Focus
16 - Friend Fear
17 - Heave Haven
18 - Loathing Lull
19 - Mending Murmur
Part II - Blooming Warmth // 20 - Halfway Habits
21 - Cheek Cringe
22 - Space Shame
23 - Paint Pen
24 - Hurt Hunt
25 - Summer Sound
26 - Vine Vice
27 - Down Drive
28 - Longing Less

11 - Dread Devilishly

1.2K 45 3
By cereusatnight

He lets it ring. Eyes me in a way I can't decipher. His lips tremble just the slightest bit, I see his fingers jump. When I look back up, there's another look, annoyance mainly. I lower my eyes back down to the book. I try to find a confortable position but I end up just bending my back to squeeze my belly that won't stop warming up. When the plaid brushes my neck, a shiver runs down until the end of my toes. Did I catch a cold?

« What? » when the phone chimes again and he still ignores it, I call out bitterly. Trying to learn their language is already hard enough from a reverse book, I most definitely can't focus with his phone ringing nonstop. He jumps at my voice, as if he was in trance.

He finally picks up the phone from the desk and I look back down. There's another pronoun that we don't have. In between « we » and « they ». I don't get why, his notes on the pages have arrows pointing to it. In English, they put « you » twice. Why would you need that specific pronoun twice?

He gets up urgently, I even catch the heavy desk slide on the wood when he bangs his hip on it. He lets the chair fall down has he goes around. I look at him puzzlingly, lower the red hard cover to my legs. He stops when he has crossed half of the room, arm already raised for the door and other hand clutching the phone so hard, I swear its edges bend a little.

I mouth « what » because he looks distressed, rapidly breathing and smile replaced by a hard scowl. He eyes me, the plaid, the book and my neck before his head snaps towards the door. I don't hear anything and in a flash that makes me blink multiple times, disappears through the door.

I'm debating going after him when the door of the bedroom slams shut. I recognize the sound, I don't think I can ever forget it. I recoil back into the sofa, think for a moment that he may have left seeing how panicked he seemed. But the door seems to be slammed shut over and over. I'm about to call him, ask what's wrong with him when I feel it.

I hear it first, a joyful laugh and muted voice. But I feel it. The way my bones seem to shake as if to echo the fear building up. The way my legs loose all strength, even when I'm seated. It's just like in the parliament, nausea makes its way onto my throat. I can hear Milo's growl over the laugh, the door doesn't slam anymore but I still catch it's hinges' creaking.

Who is he fighting over the door for? When I hear the bawling coming closer, I fight the fear and nausea, get behind the sofa taking the blanket with me. Squished between its back and the bookshelf, head peaking out. I don't feel the warmth in my stomach anymore, only feel the pressure. It's similar to the queen's.

I clutch the back of the sofa for support, legs turning to jelly. I don't think I can ever get used to this. Eyes fixed on the door's threshold, I see it. Short red hair, a deep and rich color, one I've seen before. Same as the queen, as their alpha. I hear the same deep laugh, soon drowned by Milo's growl once again.

I don't see his face, the shuffle sounds like it moves to the bathroom. I don't hear any furniture breaking. Why are they fighting? I mean if they were truly fighting, I feel like the room would be destroyed. More importantly, why is Milo having a brawl with the son of the alpha? I wonder of their relationship, keep the red cover over my chest and grab a book from behind me.

I grab a second for good measure. When the fight comes closer I duck behind the back of the sofa, I hear them come into the room. The deep laugh resonates in the room, along with the growl. I risk a peek. The two of them are fighting on the floor. There's no punch nor kick, the red head is trying to get up while Milo tries to keep him down and drag him outside.

It looks friendly, none hurt the other but I feel the strength of the two anyway. If a human were to get in between them they would probably die. The red head alpha talks to Milo has the exchanges pushes wilder, but he doesn't answer, he looks annoyed. But he doesn't look pissed.

« Ah, there you are. » he must have turned when I was looking at Milo. His attention is on me, words spoken with ease in perfect English when Milo has him in a headlock. So the alphas learn English, it does make sense, especially for this clan that likes to negotiate.

His eyes are as red has his hair, is that a trait of alphas? I look at Milo, black hair and eyes. He looks like he is starting to get angry, but his glare soften when he looks at me too. I clutch the books tightly.

« Not much of a talker? Birds of a feather then. » he chuckles at the end, Milo looks confused, looks at me for help. I guess he doesn't understand the expression. Even I am getting angry at the alpha, the nausea has settled, but I'm still guarded.

Even if they seem to be friends, there's nothing that tells me the alpha won't try to harm me. Though Milo seems a good match, he's not even breaking a sweat when the alpha's breaths are short and labored but that could be because of the headlock he's in. He doesn't try to break out of it.

The red head gives me a wave when I don't answer, but quickly goes to get Milo's hand off his throat when he presses tighter in response. He talks to him in wolf, Milo doesn't answer and the brawl goes back on.

« Has he told you why he doesn't speak? » the alpha manages between blows, he's the one that has Milo in a headlock now. There a smirk on his lips, a glint in his eyes. I nod, confused because he seems a bit to happy. Milo's face goes red with a mix of anger and shame, he uses the hand that doesn't grab the arm around his throat to slap the alpha's head. He dodges it easily.

« So you know what happens when a male wolf has another male for a mate? And a human one at that? » there an evil look on his face know, one that accentuates at my confusion. I don't understand where he's going but Milo has started to growl so loud and low, the walls shake.

« The weakest's body will change and adapt for -» the growl completely overpowers his voice, but I read it on his lips anyway. I pale at the word. Dread fills my body, throat tight and ribcage crushing my heart.

That's what the heat in my stomach was. Milo is enraged, has overpowered the alpha, still smiling devilishly. I stay frozen. Monsters. Damn monsters and I'm turning into one too. Milo's skin ripples, his body shakes and I think he may turn. I don't feel scared when he pushes the alpha out of the room through the door with so much force his feet leave the ground.

I'm too stunned, pat my stomach hysterically, mouth agape. Fuck this. Fuck Milo. Fuck the alpha- fuck these monsters.  


hi :), let me know if you spot errors in language

if you have questions or want to give me your opinion, don't hesitate to comment or directly message me :)

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