
By BlackRoses839

819 29 0

Dust trusts his fellow Bad Sanses with his life, but when he gets betrayed he leaves the Bad Sanses and hides... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 10

38 1 0
By BlackRoses839

Dust slowly opened his eye. He winced at the pain in his leg. Fuck. This shit is probs hella broken. Dust sighed. The sky was dark. How long was I out for? Dust tried to push himself up, but his leg prevented that. "Never been hurt in the history of ever, and now that I need to run and hide, I can't." Dust growled. Had he broken a mirror or something? Passed a black cat? Maybe even walked under a ladder? He could hear crickets chirping, along with something else. Dust listened harder. Yelling. Monsters yelling. Dust strained to hear more. They were yelling his name. Dust opened his mouth to yell back, but paused. They could be looking for him so they can kill him. He couldn't trust that they had good intentions. Except for maybe Cross-No! Dust couldn't trust anyone. He had trusted Killer, and look where that got him. Dust froze when he heard footsteps approaching. Soon Blue stood infront of him. Dust looked up at him and growled. "You gonna fucken kill me or somethin?" Dust asked. "I should." Blue said bitterly. "But Dream has ordered that you be protected." Blue glared at Dust. "I'm injured. You could strangle me or drown me easily. No one would expect a thing." Dust said. Dust and Blue glared at each other for a moment. Dust knew that Blue hated him. Everyone hated him. "You scared?" Dust hissed. "Scared? Of you? In your dreams." Blue growled. "Prove it." Dust smirked. Blue stepped closer. "Maybe I will." Blue said. "Fucking do it." Dust spat. "Ya have a damn death wish or somethin?" Blue asked. Dust laughed. "Maybe I do." Blue lunged forward and wrapped his fingers around Dust's throat. Dust's eye widened and he desperately tried to push Blue off of him. Dust kicked out with his good leg and hit Blue in the stomach. Blue's grip loosened and he fell. Dust struggled to stand. He was breathing heavily. Blue pushed himself up and grabbed Dust's arm. Blue pulled Dust across the grassy ground. Dust kicked out and tried to claw Blue away, but he didn't dare scream. Suddenly water rushed over his head. Dust gasped, water rushing into his mouth. Shit. No. Fuck. No. I didn't mean for this to happen! No! No! No! Dust reached for the water's surface, desperately clawing for freedom. The light of the surface quickly vanished as he sunk deeper into the deadly dark of his watery grave. Dust loathed the sting of water forcing it's way down his throat. Terror, I'm sorry. I'll miss you.
Dust's eye opened and he gasped for air. He coughed up pools of water. His body shook and convulsed. Dust groaned and closed his eye again. "I'm such a fucking coward." Blue hissed. "Can't even kill a fucking Bad Sans. So fucking useless." Blue tensed beside him. Dust felt dizzy. He opened his eye. Blue had tears running down his face. Blue looked down at him. "You probably think I'm fucking weak, but you're wrong." Blue growled. Dust didn't say anything and closed his eye again. He felt cold. He didn't like the cold feeling. Cold was a sign of death. Blue might not've killed him, but the cold will. "Blue!" That was Dream. He heard Blue stand up. "Blue, what happened!?" Dream asked. "I found him half drowned in the lake. I got here just in time." Blue lied. Lying son of a bitch. If you're going to be a coward, at least admit to it. "Oh stars!" Dream cried. Dream crouch down beside Dust. Dust growled a warning. "Cross! Cross over here!" Dream yelled. Soon Dust was scooped up into someone's arms. Dust growled another warning before everything faded.

Cross carefully laid Dust down on the bed. Dust was limp and hardly breathing, and he was cold. Cross felt panic rise in his chest, the situation had finally dawned on him. Cross looked out the window. Ink and a few others were busy rebuilding his house. Cross placed a hand on Dust's forehead. He was burning up. "Shit." Cross cursed under his breath. Cross looked up when he heard the door open. Dream walked in holding a charred axe and a burnt gold necklace. "I think these belong to Dust." Dream said. Cross nodded and Dream set down the items. "How is he?" Dream asked. Cross shook his head. "He had a fever." Cross said solemnly. Dream's face was mournful. "Was he born without magic, or did he lose it somehow?" Dream asked. "I don't know. I would assume he was born that way." Cross responded. "That makes him what, like 16 or 17?" Dream asked. "Probably." Cross shrugged. Cross watched Dust's chest slowly rise and fall. For some reason, Cross couldn't shake the strange feeling he had. A feeling that Blue hadn't told the entire truth about what had happened, but he couldn't say anything. He didn't want to sound crazy. Damn. He had really grown to like Dust, hadn't he? "He's probably not going to make it." Dream said. "Don't say that. He'll pull through. He always does." Cross said, tears stinging his eyes. Dream put his hand on Cross's, but he pulled away. Instead he placed his hand on Dust's. "Cross." Dream whispered. "Don't tell me he's going to die. I don't care about his past. I want to help him." Cross cried. Dream closed his eyes and sighed. "We need to get him under the blankets. We can't give him any medicine unless he wakes up." Dream said. Cross nodded. Dream left the room and Cross started carefully tucking Dust into the bed's blankets. Dust's expression was pained for a moment before returning to it's blank state. Cross frowned. He should've tried harder to protect Dust. Dream came back in carrying an armful of blankets. "Some of these are weighted, so they'll be warmer." Dream said and started placing the blankets on Dust. Cross nodded. Dream looked up at him. "We can move him to your house once it's fixed, and I'll be making a public announcement about why we are protecting him." Dream said. Cross nodded again. He didn't have anything to say.

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