
By Obi_The_Draconics

311 19 11

Meet Zach. A 19-year-old from the Small village of IronRock. He spends his days hunting rabbits to help provi... More

Main Character Introductions + Story Release date
Chapter 1: Dradevows
Chapter 2: A Strange Man
Chapter 3: The Dragon and the Owl
Chapter 5: The Mountain
Chapter 6: Into the Tunnels
Chapter 7: A Tale of Two Brothers
Chapter 8: Let's make a deal.
Chapter 9: Bondsman
Chapter 10: Back off!
Writer's Message
Return Date!!!
Chapter 11: In Charge
Chapter 12: Crystal
Chapter 13: Trust Me
Chapter 14: The Journal
Update character redesign

Chapter 4: Words pierce more then a knife

29 2 4
By Obi_The_Draconics

The village... Zack's house....10:46 PM


Zack awoke to a sound outside. A sound He'd never heard before...! It sounded like a monster....!!!

The ground started to shake as well, and the windows and doors swung around. Zach quickly got out of bed and ran towards his parents' room.

"MOM! DAD!" he screamed as he knocked frantically on their door.

William and Rose opened the door.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!" screamed Rose.


They all ran downstairs. Max was barking like crazy and was scratching Charles' door.

"GRANDPA!!!" Zach shouted as he open the door.

Zach, his grandpa, and Max ran outside with Zach's parents. The rest of the town's people were also outside, they all kneeled in PANIC and FEAR!

Then suddenly.... it stopped.

Everyone got up from the ground and looked around.... a couple of buildings had windows broken. Some hanging flower pots fell onto the ground and broke. Some lamp posts were also knocked down.

"Everyone remain calm," said the Headsman, Owen Di Bello, "It was just an Earthquake, we'll fix all this in the morning".

"It didn't seem like an Earthquake!" shouted a man in the crowd.

"Ya!" A woman agreed, "There was a strange sound before the ground started shaking!"

"Sounded like a roar!"

"It was like a MONSTER!!!"

"It sounded like it came from the Mountain!"

"It was probably a Draconics," said Zach's Grandpa.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Zach's family. Devin and his mom were nearby... but once they heard grandpa speak they didn't take another step forward.

"Oh, Crap..." Zach thought

"Dad...!" William mumbled, "Stop it!"

"It's a creature that lives in the Northern Mountain," Charles continued, "They're a half human and half dragon".

"Enough dad!!!" William whispered and yelled.

"They were here first," he continued, "But to make things simple the best thing to do is not agitate them or they will turn you to stone".

Everyone in the village started laughing and pointing at the Gladsvils.... except the Headsman...

"William Gladsvil," The Headsman called out, "Is that your father?"

"Ye-yes sir," William stuttered.

"I suggest he watches what comes out of his mouth before he starts spitting out nonsense," he answered, "And as I was saying... it's nothing to worry about, I promise I will look into it to make sure it is safe. Now everyone please go back to your homes."

Everyone went back into their house. Devin and Willow went back to their house as well.

"Hey Bill!" shouted a man, a man that worked alongside William, "When is your father going to put on another performance?"

He laughed and walked away.

Zach looked at his father's face. He had never seen him as angry as he was right now.

William looked at Zach and then at Charles...

They all went inside the house, and William shut the door behind him aggressively.

"Congratulations Dad!" he shouted sarcastically, "Now the ENTIRE VILLAGE thinks that this is a NUT HOUSE!!!"

"I was just telling the truth," Charles answered, "Of what that sound was!"

"IT WASN'T DRAGON PEOPLE!!! IT WAS JUST AN EARTHQUAKE!!! THAT'S IT!!! Why can't you for once just stop talking about those Fairy tales!!!"

"They are NOT fairy tales! It is the TRUTH"

William punched his fist on the table, leaving a gauche mark on it.

Max whimpered, folding his ears back.

"Tomorrow," William continued sternly, " You are staying with Willow and Devin... I am not having you in this house anymore".

"What?!" Charles shouted, "This is OUTRAGES!!! You can't kick me out of my own house!!!"

"You mean MY HOUSE?! The House you said you gave me after Rose and I MARRIED?!?! What I said is final, You are staying at Willow's house from now on! You Understand old man?!?!"


He didn't say anything, and just went upstairs. William then turned to face his attention on Zach.

"And you?" he said, "You didn't even try to stop him?"

"W-wait What?!" Zach asked, baffled, "Why am I getting blamed for what came out of his mouth?!"

"Because you could have stopped him and you could have said ANYTHING! Instead, you just stood there like the idiot that you are!"

"Bill that's enough!" Rose demanded.

"Look at him Rose!" he complained, "All my collogues' sons work in Iron, some have even been skilled enough to join Royal guards! And then... well... I have the short end of the stick!"


"I got the weakest link. A son that can't even make silverware, that spends each day just hunting rabbits to make stew!"


"Every day and every night I sit and wonder to myself 'Why do I have such a useless son'?"


"I AM NOT THE WEAKEST LINK IN THIS FAMILY!!!" Zach finally shouted.

"OH HO! Yes, you ARE! You never do ANYTHING that might be as good as what other kids do here... I wish you WEREN'T MY SON....!"


"WILLIAM GLADSVIL!!!!"Rose finally screamed.

William composed himself a bit.

Rose stood in front of Zach, "Talk to my son that way one more time... and your dignity.... won't be the only thing you lose."

"I- But I-Ye- yes Rose..." My father stuttered.

Rose turned to look at Zach and put her hand on his shoulder... he shrugged it off...

"Well..." Zach said... eyes glazing over, "You want to know what I wish... I which I could DISAPPEAR!!!!"

Zach ran upstairs. Max followed him behind.

"Zach! Honey!" his mom shouted concerned. She looked back at William with anger and disappointment all over her face, "This conversation isn't over William... we will discuss this in the Morning!"

"Yes, Rose..." he sighed.

Zach got to his room and shut the door. He put his back against the door and slid down to the floor... tears rolling down his face.

Max noticed and licked his face.

"sniff... thanks pal..." he sniffed "... I just... Don't know what to even think of that... I knew dad was hard on me... I knew how he saw me... I just never thought it was that intense..... I... I just... I just want to get out of here....."

He got up from the floor, walked towards his bed, and looked out my window. He could see the Northern Mountain in the distance... Now... he didn't believe in his grandpa's stories anymore.... but people went missing a lot.... and they were never seen again...

"I got the short end of the STICK!..."



"I wish you WEREN'T MY SON!..."

The words echoed in Zach's head... over and over again...

"Anywhere is better than spending one more gosh darn day in this house..." Zach mumbled.

11:40 PM

Later in the night, Zach got up from his bed, grabbed his hunting bag, and put his arrows, crossbow, and pickaxe inside. He carefully walked outside to try not to wake up Max.

Once out, he walked outside silently, downstairs and outside. He ran towards Devin's house.

Zach looked at Devin threw the Window of his room. He was laying there deep in sleep.

"Devin!" Zach whispered, tapping on the glass a bit

"nnnnno... I don't want to go to school mom..." he mumbled.

"DEVIN!!!" Zach yelled again.

"Ah wh-what?" he woke up, "Mom?"

"In the Window!"

"Oh... Zach? What are you doing?"

"I need you to come with me to the Northern Mountain."


"I'm going to the Northern Mountain, and I need you to come with me..."

"...Are you actually saying these things?"

"Devin! I need you to open the barn door and get the horses... grab your crossbow and pickaxe"

"Sigh Alright..." he mumbled. He got out of bed, grabbed the keys to the stable, opened the window, and snuck out.

The boys walked over to the back of the house where some horse stables were, Devin took out the key and opened the door.

"So..." Devin trailed, "What happened in your house? Uncle Bill didn't seem to be Happy with grandpa".

"... he kicked Grandpa out of the house and he's going to live with Aunt Willow and you..."

"....I'm sorry, what?"

"Ya, what you just heard"

"I'm guessing Grandpa isn't too fond of that idea. But aside from that.. what else happened?"

"I wish you WEREN'T my son....!"

The word just kept echoing in Zach's head.

"Nothing," he lied.

"Nothing?" Devin repeated, "So nothing happened that would want to make you want to go to THE Northern Mountain... as in, the Mountain where people are known to disappear a lot. Why are we even going there for?


"Because..." Zach started, "If we go there....we spend the night there, and then in the morning we come back and we tell EVERYONE where we went.... it would be the bravest thing anyone has done".

"Or the Dumbest, I'm normally the one with the stupid ideas and risk taker... you're the pacifist".

"Well... Maybe it's time for a change... and... aren't you even a little bit curious to know what's out there?


Devin reluctantly agreed. they got two of the Horses out, they packed their saddlebags with water and some food. Strapped them on the horses and they were off.

As Zach and Devin left the village to go to the Northern Mountain.

In the Headman's Office, something else was going on. The Headman was with the head cop and his Assistant

"Sir," said his assistant, "Sorry to interrupt or... contradict you but... you don't think that was in Earthquake.... right?"

"Of course, I don't Philp," he responded, "A roar like that, a screech.... that was a Draconics... A half-human, half-dragon..."

"But that old gentleman said it was that and you said he was talking nonsense".

"That I did.... but he's an old fart.... no one would believe his words, especially if I said he was saying nonsense."

"What you like me to get some of my team to investigate?" the cop asked.

"No," said the Headman, "we're gonna need a specialist to deal with them."


"You'll see soon. Philp! Write a note down, to a man known as... Hitch Fang".

As his Assistant starts writing down the Note.

Zach and Devin were on their way to the Mountain. As they rode on their horses, an Owl watched them and flew towards the Mountain as fast as it could.

Like, Comment, and Share! Till next time Amores <3!

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