Yandere!Salem x Fem!Dragon!Fa...

By Nighttra

47.5K 2.1K 157

She did it. She won. The kingdoms were too late in uniting against her, and Salem achieved her victory. Now y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

4.2K 180 19
By Nighttra

Third Person POV

"And you said she was a dragon faunus?" Salem asks, clasping her hands in front of her while she stares down at the kneeling duo.

"Yes my queen. She was able to melt through my binds."

"And what about the fighters with her? Were they capable of keeping up with you both?" The grimm queen presses, her thoughts pushing forward Sienna's reports from a few weeks ago detailing a small group of humans and faunus being led by a familiar dragon faunus.

"Y-Yes." Raven admits a look of shame flashing across her face, "But if she did not interfere then their defense would've easily-"

"Enough." Salem states leaning back in her throne, "Raven you will join Sienna and Ilia and gather as much information as you can about the group and the dragon faunus. Once you have achieved that then report back to me."

"Yes my queen."

Salem dismisses the two of them bringing her hand to her chin. It couldn't possibly be her right? After all these years? Surely, she would've picked up on her aura when she used her dragon fire. Then again in order to pick up on it Salem would've needed to be close to her. Perhaps when she uses her other abilities, she'll be able to finally tell if it was her beloved Y/N. Although for now all she could do was be patient.

Your POV

"I love you." I muttered into her hair as she laid her head on my chest.

"I love you too." Salem responds with a smile looking up at me.

Her pale hand cups my cheek, her eyes gazing at my lips as she raised her head. I met her halfway, our lips meeting in another one of many kisses that day. It doesn't take long for the kiss to become heated, the goddess sliding her body on top of mine. My hands grasp her hips while her tongue prodded at my lips, wanting to be let in. Knowing how demanding the queen could be I let her in, fighting her for dominance in the kiss. Her hands removed themselves from my cheeks, sliding down and settling for my shoulders as she pinned me to the bed. I groan allowing Salem dominance in the kiss. However, we didn't get to go much further.

"Salem?" Ozma's voice calls from the hallway.

Salem leaps off of me, straightening her dress just in time as Ozma opened the door. The man smiles spotting his wife, but soon a look of confusion overcomes his features when he spots me.

"Why is Y/N in our bedroom?"

"Oh she wasn't feeling well. I was going to take her back to her room, but she almost collapsed in the hallway. Our room was the closest." Salem lies. her face contorting into one of worry to sell the lie.

"That's not good. Do you want me to get a healer Y/N?"

"N-No." I stuttered a sense of shame coming over me as I went along with the lie, "I just was exhausted from some sparring earlier. I should be able to get up in a few more minutes."

"Don't rush yourself." My friend smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Take all the time you need. Salem we'll talk later."

Ozma walks out of their bedroom, Salem and I share a look as the door shut.

My eyes snap open, the dull gray of the ceiling greeting them. I groan turning onto my side while I contemplate getting up. Sadly the decision is made for me when someone knocks on my door.

"Who is it?"

"Your best friend." I hear Nighttra's voice as I roll onto my back.

"Aren't you usually still asleep? What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep and thought about hopping on patrol early. You coming?"

I groan again sitting up in bed while I blink away my sleepiness, "Yeah just give me a few minutes."

A few minutes later I opened my door, my friend leaning against the wall beside it. We walk down the hall together; the few people awake greeting us with waves and smiles.

"So heard you ran into Yang and Raven yesterday." Nighttra speaks as we begin our patrol around the outer wall.

"I did. Yang is still as flirty as people say."

A sad smile appeared on my friend's face, "And Raven was still grumpy and serious?"

"Yes." I answer only receiving a nod in return, "Well speaking of old friends how is your search for Sienna and Emerald? Have you found anything?"

"No. All my sources can't find them or haven't heard from them in a while. To be honest I'm expecting the worst, but I hope they're still alive."

"Hope is dangerous." I remind her, "It won't prepare you for the truth."

"I know."

We continued to make small talk, stopping here and there to kill off a few grimm that approached the perimeter. Although towards the end of our patrol we noticed an airship in the sky-and it wasn't ours. It had clearly taken some damage, the vessel smoking and metal flying off of it as it soared past the camp. A few seconds later we heard it crash, the sound immediately alerting the rest of the camp. It also from the sounds of growling grimm, alerted them as well.

Nighttra and I share a look before rushing towards our vehicle hanger. As we rushed back the confused bystanders, I began to take control.

"Ryan, Aria, Moriko, and Kinga with me and Nighttra. We need to get to those people before the grimm do!"

The four nods rushing after us. We quickly open the bay doors, hopping onto our bikes.

Not wasting anymore time we take off, the guards barely having enough time to open the gates for us. It only takes us a few minutes to reach the crash site, a few Beowolfs, Ursai, and Sabyrs already arriving and surrounding the ship. There seemed to be only two soldiers with the group, the remaining two were dressed in lab coats. Nighttra quickly fires a few rockets at the grimm, taking out a few of the Sabyrs.

The grimm turned their attention to us, roaring at us before charging. An Ursai lunged at me forcing me to abandon my bike and jump in the air. It's large paws easily destroy the vehicle, but I gave it no time to refocus. I launched my blades into its back, the weapons easily moving through it's body like butter. The others swiftly take care of the other grimm, the four strangers looking at us in astonishment.

"Come on, let's go!" Nighttra barks at them motioning for them to hop on the bikes, "We don't have much time till more-"

More roars interrupt her, the fear between the strangers spiking.

"Move your asses!" Ryan snarls as another horde of grimm come running from the trees.

I growl when the four stay rooted, forcing us to fight the horde. Nighttra curses as the rest of the squad readies themselves. The horde is on us within seconds, the initial wave falling with ease. I surround my chain blades with my dragon fire as a few Sabyrs and Beowolfs attempt to tackle me. I loosen my grip on the chains, swirling around and allowing my blades to cut them down. Everything seemed to be going quite well until the Goliaths and a couple Death Stalkers showed up.

One of the Goliaths charged me, forcing me to jump out of it's way and onto the top of the crashed airship. Sadly Nighttra didn't see the beast coming from behind her, the grimm hitting her with its tusks. She cries out in pain as she slams against the ship, her face contorting into a look of pain when she tries to move. The others were struggling to deal with the Death Stalkers, the beasts keeping up with their movements and catching them off guard. I stand from my crouching position, taking a deep breath before releasing a loud roar.

The grimm pause seemed to be intimidated by it, Nighttra and the others getting to their feet as my roar empowered them. The strangers look on in confusion while my squad dashed forward with incredible speed, Ryan ending two Death Stalkers with a single punch from his gauntlets. I jumped down, moving to help my friends. Within minutes the larger grimm were taken care of, our attention turning back to the small group.

"How did you do that-"

"It doesn't matter." I huff turning to the group as I sheathe my blades, "Now get your asses on the bikes."

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