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By Qiuyue_13

1.1K 51 2

༄꧂ ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ, A girl named (Y/n) (L/n) has to carry a quirk that was never hers. She needed to awa... More

《A story for you》
《The Time Has Come.》
《The Long Wait Has Ended!》
《First time?》
《A Secret Admirer?》
《Villain Attack?!》
《Give it your all》
《Meet up》

《Just another hero》

96 6 0
By Qiuyue_13

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"Right after I said that, my mom came rushing to me.

"Are you alright (Y/n)?! I heard what happened, are you okay?!"My mom's voice boomed.

Even though I have a love-hate relationship with my mom, she still loves me as her daughter.

"Honey, I think she needs a rest after all that happened today."My dad says.

"I know but she needs to eat first!"

My dad was about to argue until my stomach grumbled.

"I think mom's right, I am kinda hungry..."I sheepishly said before scratching my cheek.

"See? I'll get the food heated up, you go do anything you want for now. I'll call you when dinner is ready."My mom said, shuffling to the kitchen.

As if on cue, my phone vibrated from a message.

I pulled out my phone to check who sent the message.

I found many messages, especially from Mei's and Bronya's who kept spamming me asking if I was alright- but the one that stood out the most, was a newly sent message by an unknown number. I opened the text message.

Hey (Y/n)! It's me Aki! Are you free tonight?
Seen at 17:35.

As I looked at the text, I moved my head to look at the clock.

Well, I'm free around 7-ish like that. Why do you ask?
Seen at 17:42

I have something to discuss with you. How about at the Shopping Ward District?
Seen at 17:43

Sounds about good I'll be there!
Seen at 17:43

With that, I shut my phone off and went to take a bath.

When I got out of the shower, my mom called me downstairs to eat.

"Thank goodness, I thought I was about to starve to death."I said with a deadpanned expression.

I quickly put on a white t-shirt and went downstairs to eat.

Imagine the shock I had on my face when I saw how much food my mom had made.

"W- who's going to finish a- all of this?"I asked, stunned by the amount of food.

"Oh! I forgot to mention that your aunt is coming to visit us tonight."My mom simply said.

"Mom?.. I have to go to an outing tonight at the Shopping Ward District."I said, afraid if my mom said no because of what happened today.

"Sweetie, you just got kidnapped and still want to go an outing with Yua and Fumiko?"My mom said as my dad agreed while I just ate.

"Well, she's not Fumiko nor Yua... she's a pro hero.. and my... friend."I stuttered.

"A pro hero? Did she save you earlier today?"Dad asked, intrigued.

"Yes, and she's asking me to come with her since she said there was something VERY important that she wants to discuss about."I explained, my mouth full with food.

"Ooooh, what's her name- as in her hero name?"My mom asked as she respected the hero's choices if they chose to hide their true identities.

"Well... her name is Blaze from what I've heard."

"YOU MEAN THE ONE THAT WORKS UNDER THE N°1 HERO AND HER SIDEKICK?!"My mom yelled as she stood up from her seat.

There was silence as my mom sat back down and coughed.

"Continue."Was all she said.

"Y- yes, and I also got to see the N°1 in the flesh!"I said with enthusiasm.

"I'm so envious of you."My dad said.

I just chuckled at their attitudes.

"Well, dinner was delicious mom! Thank you! Gotta go get ready!"I simply said as I zoomed upstairs.

I simply wore a denim jacket over my white t-shirt and threw some trousers on.

When I went downstairs, my mom was still eating quietly with my dad while waiting my aunt to come.

"Bye mom and dad! I'm going now!"I said before closing the door behind me.

Soon, I jogged down to Shopping District.

And there I saw the blond haired hero, wearing a cap and a formal attire.

"Hey Aki!"I ran up to her while waving my hand.

She swiftly turned her head at me and smiled.

"You made it, (Y/n)!" She said while I got to her and panted because of me jogging.

"So.. what did you want to talk about?"I asked.

"Not here, it's a secret. Come on let's go somewhere less crowded."She said as she yanked me somewhere.

After all that walking, we arrived at a park which seemed not many people were here.

"Spill the beans, Aki."I ordered as we both sat down on the nearby bench.

"Okay... After the police questioned the villains, they said that AFO gave you a quirk. A dangerous one.. but they didn't tell us what it was. Did they tell you?"She asked.

I slowly nodded as I recalled the memories back when I was kidnapped.

"He said it's called Finality, it is a very powerful quirk. He said that I can simply end a bloodline of powerful heroes, with just a small snap of my finger."I explained as Aki widened her eyes.

"To use the quirk to it's full power, it has to be night time."

"And he said... my quirk is suitable for it.."

"Say (Y/n).. what is your quirk?"Aki asked looking dead-straight into my eyes.

I started panicking since my quirk is something that is kinda hard to explain. She noticed me panicking, so she tried to calm me down by rubbing circles on my back.

"Well.. with him saying night time is suitable for your new quirk.. I assume you have a night like quirk?"She asked with a soft smile.

"Actually, I can make it night time anytime I want."I spoke.

"Really?"She asked as she was shocked.

"Even at 7 a.m. in the morning, I'm able to change it into night time and make it turn into 11 p.m.."I said, looking at her.

She looked at with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape.

"B- but! I can turn it back into morning time. My quirks name is called 'Time' since I can change time- and also! I can freeze time too!"I explained.

"(Y/n).. you have a very powerful quirk..."Aki acknowledged.

"Really? I thought it was nothing special.."I uttered.

"(Y/n). Your quirk is literally the exact same as God's work, since you can change night time into day time."Aki praised with stars in her eyes.

"You think so?"I asked, not believing it.

"Oh, I know so."Aki joked.

"Hey Aki?"I called as she only hummed in response.

"It's not usual for villains to give in like that.. especially, their leader. So, why did they..?"I asked, looking at her.

"Nana and I thought that they were doing it on purpose. Like, they were, planning for something bigger."As those words left her mouth, I looked at her with fear in my eyes.

"It'll be okay, I will be there to protect you."Aki ruffled my hair in an attempt to make me calm down.

"Also, I lied when I said they didn't told me about your quirk."Aki confessed as I look her with a hurtful look.

"Don't make that face, you're guilt tripping me."Aki deadpanned.

"Anyways.... the reason they gave you that quirk for a reason."Aki said, returning back to serious mode.

"Really? I thought it was only for defeating and weakening heroes quirks..?"I asked.

"Well... that's reason number two. The real reason is because he was way too weak for that quirk."

"Seriously? Someone so powerful with many quirks couldn't control a small quirk?"I asked, upset.

"Well, that's not even his quirk to begin with..."

"WHAT?!"I yelled.

"Not so loud!"Aki begged.

"He earned it by fighting someone way out of his league, stronger than him."Aki explained.

"Then, how the fuck was he able to steal their quirk?"I asked, mad at the person for letting him to steal their quirk.

"Her quirk was somehow weakened when she fought him."Aki continued but after she said that, she laughed to herself.

"Why are you laughing?"I asked, embarrassed if she was laughing at me.

"It's just the fact that, the person he stole the quirk from was my mentor."She said, in between laughs. I just looked at her with a shocked expression.

Soon after, she calmed down. As I looked at the time, it was already my curfew.

"Oh no! It's already my curfew! I need to go home now!"I panicked.

As I stood up, Aki seemed to remember something.

"Ah! (Y/n)! I need to ask you!"She said as she also stood up.

I looked at her with a panicked smile, "What is it?"

"When is your birthday?"Aki asked.

I felt weird why she asked me that question but I answered it nonetheless.

"Well, it's (your birthday). Why?"I inquired because she looked like she was about to cry.

"It's n- nothing. You should go home now."Her voice cracked.

"Oh shoot! Bye Aki!"As I bid her farewell, I quickly ran to my home.

She waved goodbye at me with a pained expression.

I wonder why?

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