ride till we die

By nevcau

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Fast and furious based novel. Oc based. Read first page to gain a better ish insight on book contents. More

small info dump
chapter 1 : long ago promises
chapter 2 : many goodbyes
chapter 3: life goes on
chapter 4 : race plans
chapter 5 : the set up
character portfolio
chapter 6: freindly talk
chapter 7 : race day
chapter 8: race day part 2
chapter 9 : the final line
chapter 10 : new rights
chapter 11 : small debts
chapter 12 : growing up
chapter 13 : the news
chapter 14 : the calm before the storm
chapter 15 : one happy moment
chapter 16: gift giving
chapter 17 : core memory
chapter 18: pre plan
chapter 19 : smashed
chapter 20: journeys
chapter 21: the world turns dark
chapter 22 : life draining
chapter 23: present life
chapter 23: returns
chapter 24 : fun and games
chapter 25 : loser
chapter 26: you asshole
chapter 27 : growing suspicion
chapter 28 : i dont like him
chapter 29 : deeper meanings
chapter 30 : drunk admission
chapter 31 : cold feeling
chapter 32: Rage
chapter 33 : dont make me regret this
car list
chapter 34 : leave me alone
chapter 35 : twist
chapter 36: jelousy
chapter 37: feeling whole
chapter 38 : mistakes were made
chapter 39 : safe but not
chapter 40 : scum
chapter 41 : happiness ends with you

chapter 42 : happiness ends with you P2

17 0 0
By nevcau


Pushing through the crowds comes the now well know  black 1970 dodge charger people cheer and clap as it makes it way over to the stretch of long road.

Taylor bobs her head trying to catch a glimpse at the car that waits for them at anxious on the inside but calm and collected on the outside.

sat waiting  behind the white starting lane sits a dodge  hell cat challenger  with its intimidating  black out vibe.

Taylor slowly guides her car to a stop on the right side of the hell cats  drivers window.

the crowd  becomes louder cheering at the arrival of Taylor Toretto.

behind her mixed in at the front of the crowd  the group she calls  a family watch on with intense stares some excited for the race other nervous at this mysterious challenge from an even more mysterious driver.


I look into the drivers window trying to sort any type of clue who I  was racing this attempt comes short as the sun reflects of the perfectly blacked out windows.

either this persons a pussy or they have a flair for the dramatics.

I look into my wing mirrors a small smile reaches my face as i see all my friends and  family stood in the crowd all watching in anticipation.

this was short lived as the girl who starts the races struts out before our cars.

" are we ready" she questions looking between us both.

no type of reply comes from the hell cat beside me their engine purring with a low growl.

I nod at the girl giving the car beside me one last glance as I get ready to race.

the girl give us a big smile before raising the checkered flag in her right hand.

"ready ...."  we both start to rev our engines determined to be the first to shoot off  "steady..." I ease my revving opting to take the driver beside me in surprise by giving them the thought of them winning "go !".

both cars lurch forward with speed  I let the  black hell cat gain a little before me.

we stay like this for  for a while battling it out as we speed down the long strip of road.

we hit the first green maker I put my foot down a bit more.

getting next to the drives window I give them a quick toothy smile as if I were taunting them.

 I pick up more speed  with the idea I would leave them a few meters behind me seeing that the next marker was a few yards approaching.

to  my surprise this never happens they still stick behind me their headlights in line  with my back seat I gain more speed as we push past the second marker.

this is when the hell cat  drops back a few inches then speeds up again to be in level with my back window.

they do this again however inching forward to be where my door closes.

their playing with me like a taunting game of cat and mouse.

I grit my teeth and push my speed up.

the hellcat continues to stay by my side.

the finishing line comes in view i frown and pick up more speed ready to leave this driver.

they drop back again however this time the unmistakable whine of the hell cats  super charge winding up  starts setting a small amount of panic off inside me.

before I could register it the hell cat speeds off down the road leaving me to furiously trying to  gain speed to try and catch up.

the hell cat makes it over the line leaving me a few yards behind it.

"fuck" I curse in frustration how the fuck did I lose.

I watch as the hell cat drifts around the end of the road and makes it way back to the crowd.

I get struck with a weird sense of da ja vie as that what I did the last time I raced..... Hailee?

I follow  the hellcat  that speeds past me with growing suspicion.



I let out a laugh as I drift around the corner.

"I bet her I finally beat her!" I cheer out giving my car a small pat on its wheel.

as I pass Taylor to see  her face written in confusion as the gears in her head practically run at highs speeds trying to figure out who has just beaten her.

I laugh again speeding back towards the crowd.

as I reenter everyone lets out loud cheers i stop and wait for Taylor to get back.

my friends move to the front of the crowd standing on the passenger side of my car all still waiting for me to emerge out this car.

thank god for this tint I'm glad they cant see me laughing at them.

that's when the low rumble of a familiar charge comes from behind me I look into my rear view mirror.

she pulls up beside my right  side her face written with well anger.

she get out and knocks on my window clearly ready to  either 

A shout in my face.

or B congratulate me.

I take a breath in and turn my car off I quickly straighten out my hair and unwrinkled my clothes and chuck some sunglasses on my face.

I grasp the car door and take one last breath.

the crowd cheers as I step out the car I look down at the floor as I step out not looking up until I shut the door of my car.

I'm glad I did as now stood in front of me is a gob smacked Taylor her jaw practically on the floor her eyes bulging out her skull. 

the crowd loses interest and watch the next

"hey T sorry I was late I got caught up" I smile  up at her as I place my hands on my hips my face written in one of face sincerity.

Taylor only blinks not a word coming out of her mouth.

I turn around and wave at my friends they all have the same look as Taylor did.

I laugh at them.

"when...what ...HOWWW" Taylor shouts as points to me and then the car and then looks over at our friends.

i laugh again and place both hands behind my back.

"does it matter all that matters is that I....KICKED.... YOUR ..... ASS" I  sing the last part dancing my little victory dance.

Taylor laughs in disbelief rolling her eyes at my childish victory dance.

"wtf hails when in the hell did you own a hellcat" Brian's voice questions from behind me his eyebrows knit in confusion.

I  turn to see all my friend joining us.

most of them ogle at my car Faye looks like she's about to steal it.

I count on my fingers "mmmm about 4 months now" I reply my tone however sounds unsure.

"nice" is all Brian can muster as he further inspects my car.

" well done on your win your not sad are you T" Stephanie gives me a side hug and glance's at Taylor.

Taylor gives her a grunt her arms crossed over her chest.

I roll my eyes and let go of my bestfriend to turn to the sour loser behind me.

I slap my hands on either sides of Taylors face "your not mad are you" I ask sternly.

she doesn't reply and looks away from me.

" T ?" I squish her face trying to get any answer.

she heavily sighs " noo" she drones out looking me in the eyes.

"good" I  tell her letting go of her face  " and anyway your still a winner in my eyes" I whisper the last part in her ear as she stands up again. 

on her face plays a devilish grin.

I turn back to my car and see that mason is trying to get in it.

"back off mason that my baby" I warn him giving him a hard stare.

he holds his hands up in surrender and steps away.

I let out a laugh and look around the group who are also laughing that's when I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist and a warm body close to me.

"what are you doing" I whisper with a slight hiss my eyes darting around the crowd and the group trying hard not to melt further.

I blink and quickly I  get spun around and lifted up into the air.

I look around in panic then look down to see Taylors devilish grin looking up at me.

"what are you doing" I once again ask my tone a harsh shouting mummer.

Taylor then drops me down and hold me still by my waist " giving you your prize" and with that she kisses me her hands now cupping my face.

I feel my inside scream with terror but I make no move to stop her.

I kiss her back my hand wrapped around her neck the other resting on her jaw.

that when I hear whooping and cheering coming from the crowd and my friends beside me.

she pulls away from me and places a kiss on my cheek her one arm around my waist still.

my face drops to scarlet as I  hide my face  with my hands still my face pressed to her side.

she only laughs.

our friend all smile or have face that said finally.

"god I hate you" I tell Taylor looking up at her my face written in fake rage.

"nah you love me" she rejects back looking down at me with her usual smirk.

I roll my eyes and push away from her a smile on my face.

" RACE YOU ALL BACK TO THE TORRETOS" I shout to out aimed at Taylor and my friends.

"no fair " comes a protesting mason whos starting to run back towards the crowd to get to their cars.

I watch as all their faces drop as I dart back to my car quickly starting it up.

they all scramble back to their cars some dragging others to slow them down.

I open my window and give Taylor who now sits in her car  a wink before speeding off towards the Toretto's her closely following behind.




after racing to the Toretto's resulting in Hailee winning the group return to enjoy a family  BBQ with the family.

the evening was filled with laughter and all around happiness.

this same night 2 event that nearly everyone either  predicted, bet on and wished for happened

the loud scrap of the chair against cement alerts everyone to look in the sources direction.

both Stephanie and Brian stand up  from the table smiles of nervousness dawned on their faces.

they look at each other as they hold each other Stephanie give Brian a look of encouragement.

"we have something we would like to share" Brian pause and looks at the table then back at Stephanie whos smiling at him.

eyes and ears seem to prick up in interest.

"I'm pregnant" Stephanie breaths out with nervousness giving a quick scan around the table.

Brian squeeze's her shoulders and smiles round the table clear happiness etched into every aspect of his face.

the table stays silent for a bit before erupting into  a flurry of congratulations.

chairs around the table all scrap back as the group make their ways to the couples side.

Letty starts to cry as she reaches out and holds both of their faces happiness and proudness shinning as she cries and laughs.

Dom grasps his sons shoulders shaking him as a act of pride he congratulates them both and then holds a teary Letty.

Hailee then pushes forward and grasps her best friend forearms they both squeal in excitement " why did you keep this from me" Hailee scolds the couple but soon turns back to hug them both.

she congratulates them and allows Taylor to step foreword " congratulations you 2 " she smiles at them both giving them both hugs before her face falls to one of realiastion "I'm ... mm ... I'm GOING TO BE AN AUNT" she shouts in shock before happily grinning at Hailee.

Hailee looks on with a soft gaze  smiling back at Taylor.

Taylor suddenly turns serious and turns to Brian whispering something in his ear before both of them apologies to the group Brian give Stephanie a kiss on the temple before following Taylor into the kitchen.

"what's up T?" questions Brian as he shuts the kitchen door behind him his face dropping from his smile as he turns.

holding a brown envelope Taylor waves it at him " that's for you" she tells him seriously as she looks down and kicks her foot.

Brian takes the envelope from her hand and open it to reveal money.

"www..what's this for?" Brian asks in confusion.

"that's every last penny you spent to bail me out of jail and any other money you lent me ..... I told you I would pay you back" she once again replies seriously she stops kicking her feet and looks up at him giving him a small smile.

Brian places the money down on the counter and grasps his little sister into a tight hug.

" thank you" is all he can manage as he steps away a look of proudness blooming in his chest.

"yeah yeah whatever now go get back to your girlfriend" Taylor shoos him away with a laugh watching him as he grins retuning back to Stephanie's side.

both kiss each other and smile happy with their life.

Taylor sighs and exit to sit on the top stair of the front porch and smoke.

the door closes behind Taylor however it doesn't startle her.

"hey" Hailee says quietly sitting down beside her looping her arms around Taylors forearm and snuggling into the side of her shoulder.

"aunts who would have thought " is all Hailee says smiling as she lets out a light laugh.

Taylor lightly laughs to in response " not me " 

"you okay" is all Hailee ask giving Taylors forearm a squeeze mixed with a face of concern.

"tired" is all Taylor mumbles in reply.

they both stay silent as they look up at the stars.

Taylor flicks her cigarette  butt and wraps her arm around Hailee huddling closer to her for warmth.

"Hailee" Taylor quietly whispers to afraid to unsettle the comfortable silence between them.

"yeah" Hailee replies taking her eyes off the stars and looing to look at Taylor.

Taylor stays silent her eyes slowly lowering from the stars to look into Hailee's a soft glow lighting in them.

"do...do you....will you be my.... girlfriend " Taylor  whispers the last part letting it mumble off as she concentrates on her hands clasped between her legs rolling her thumbs together as a distraction.

Hailee looks out to the house over the street from them "yes" is all she whispers as she looks at Taylor with a huge smile.

Taylor looks up from her hands in front  of her and smiles a stupid childish grin.

Hailee grabs Taylors face and kisses her both letting all the bottled up love come gushing out smiles plastered on their faces.


so this is it the finishing chapter.

i had both good and bad times writing this book but ultimately it will always hold its place as my first written book.

i hope you enjoyed the ending its had a lot of changes and altercations but this one i was happy with i felt proud with how it circled to the starting a new chapter together on the porch were their chapter originally ended.

anyway thanks for coming on this journey with me I know I have defiantly felt like I've hiked mount Everest and back writing this.

I'm now gonna hibernate forever.

that's a joke feel free to check out my new story Mazes Of Red it set in the batman universe and is based around redhood.

I would love if you check it out.

I also want  to  apologies for the long ass chapter and different POVS  but I didn't feel like stretching it out into separate  chapters and felt the use of different POV'S would allow me to do the ending this way.

anyway byee for the last time.

hope you enjoyed RIDE TILL WE DIE.

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