chapter 2 : many goodbyes

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Hailee pov

I once again stood on the stairs of the torreto household hugging my bestfreind taylor goodbye for the last time before she left for boarding school.

Taylor then stepped over to her mom and Brian her brother and gave them a both a loving hug goodbye.

"Well then hails I guess I'm off to this boarding school hell" Taylor laughed.

"Pfff yeah you have fun" I laughed back at her.

"But no seriously Taylor please stay out of trouble and keep under the radar it's either this or the other option and we both know u dont want that again" I said in a serious enough tone to get my point across.

"Yeah I know" Taylor sighed as she kicked the stair railings.

"Taylor let's go"domonic called from the charger driving seat.

"I'm on my way dad" Taylor then stepped over to her mother and Brian again to give them one last hug.

I then watched as Taylor made her way down the stairs towards the black charger where most her life was packed into.

Until she abruptly stopped in the path and turned on her heels running back up the stairs towards brian her mom and I.

" T what are u doing?" letty questioned as the girl got to the top stair.

"Yeah T what are u doing?!"both brian and I questioned.

The girls hand shot up the air as a sign of be quiet "Here hails keep this safe for me whilst I'm gone I'll be back for it so it better be in the condition I gave it to you in when I get back or I'll kick your ass " she said as she untied a small leather necklace and placed it in my hand.

The girls hand shot up the air as a sign of be quiet "Here hails keep this safe for me whilst I'm gone I'll be back for it so it better be in the condition I gave it to you in when I get back or I'll kick your ass " she said as she untied a small ...

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I looked down at the necklace then back at her this was her favourite and only piece of jewelry she has ever worn.

tears formed in my eyes

"You can count on me T I'll keep it in great condition and who says you can kick my ass dummy" I choked out.

Taylor then swept me up in one last hug and wiped away a stray tear from my cheek with a small wink before running to the charger and climbing in the passenger seat.

The charger then started up with a low rumble and slowley started to pull away from the sidewalk.

I looked down at the necklace in my hands and quickly shoved it in my shorts pocket before running down the stairs towards the pulling off charger.

The charger then picked up speed and continued to leave the drive.

"Byeeee byeeee" I shouted as I ran behind the car frantically waving at my bestfreind as she left the road for the last time in a long time.

I stood on the road for quite sometime after the car left waiting and wishing for it to turn back as if it was some elaborate joke in order to scare my bestfreind into shape.

That was a silly wish as that charger never came back with 2 people that evening.

Authors note:

I apologise yes I know we are basically still on the Same scene but I felt that if I continued on after this point it be a long ass chapter and tbf I want to make the book chapters as short as I can. (Its also 12:25 at night but that's irrelevant)

To clear up

1. Taylor and brian are half sibling but they consider each other full siblings cus they basically are and that's how they where raised.

2. Brian is 2 yrs older then hailee and is only a yr older than taylor.

3.Hailee is 16
-Taylor is 17
-Brian is 18
Cool? ..... cool!

4. So in american terms
Hailee and taylor are
Junior's (yr 12 basically college )

- And brian is a  senior(in college in the uk)

Like always leave a comment that's constructive and I may implement it.or just leave a general comment :)

(Also I'm from the UK so translating and trying t understand the american education system was hard hahah)

Words: 687

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