chapter 13 : the news

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Hailee POV

I look around the now crowded table that sits outside  in the torreto backyard.

After we all revealed our results and gave all the respected congratulations we where ushered outside by letty who was getting ready to start the BBQ.

My friends and I made our way outside minus Stephanie who went home back to celebrate with her family.

We where followed out by tej , roman my aunt corinne ,dom ,brian and jack.

My mum ,becky ,mia and letty all stayed inside to talk and get food ready to be cooked.

Not long past before we all crowd around the table all sat with our respected family groups.

"So who's saying pray"ask dom as he  sets down the last plate and sits himself at the head of the table.

"I'll do it" volunteers my mum with a wave of her hand.

"Thanks Marissa let's all join hands" dom says as he takes letty and Brian's hand in his.

Everyone else's follows the same action then look at my mum as a sign she has their attention.

"Let us thank god or whoever you belive in for blessing us with the happiness of family and friends let us also thank them for prosperity and the ever looming yet exciting possibilities of tomorrow and the future amen" my mum said as she made up her prayer.

"Amen" we all said in agreement.

And with that dishes of food and cups of liquid where passed up and down the table to those who requested it.

We all talked and laughed as we enjoyed our dinner creating memorable moments that wont be forgotten so easily.

After everyone finished eating the table was cleared and cleaned by everyone as a team  unfortunately i was one who got dragged into drying the dishes brian was Also dragged into putting them away.

"I appreciate the help you 2" my mum says as she hands me the last  plate to dry.

"Any time mum" I  say as I dry the   plate  and pass it onto brian.

"Yeah anytime"he agrees as he puts away the plate.

" alright well love u both"my mum says as places the dish cloth on the side of the sink.

she pulls me into a side hug and kisses my forehead she then smiles at brian before going back outside to the rest of the group.

I turn around and lean against the sink counter.

"Sooooo" I say in a pestering tone.

"No hails dont even bother" brian warns me.

"Whattt I wasnt going to do anything" I say in a innocent tone.

Silence lingers for a moment I drum my fingers on top of the counter before starting up again.

"What's going on with you and steph?"i ask brian with puppy dog eyes.

"There is nothing going on I just saw she looked a bit sad earlier and wanted her to feel better"brian rushed out trying to cover something up.

"Hmm that I understand  the swirling her around when she got her result I dont understand were you dying to hold her in your arms brian"i say dramatically through stifled laughs as I throw my hand across my forehead.

"Your an ass hailee" brian laughs back at me as he slowley advances towards me grabbing a spare tea towel and winding it around.

"No brian no that shit hurts I'm sorry please dont" i beg him  as I  let out scared laughs and slowley make my way towards the door.

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