chapter 32: Rage

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(Taylor's apartment)

I throw my keys onto my kitchen side and kick off my shoes.

First I throw my phone and then myself onto my bed only to forget that I'm soaking wet.

I scoff at myself before lazily dragging myself off my bed to change.


I pick up my phone and plonk myself into my sofa drying my my hair with one hand and checking my phone with the other.

Message from 💙 mum

1 missed call from 😡 B man

I opt to call my mum instead of ringing brian back.

"Hi mum"i breath out throwing my towel that hits the edge of the wash basket but falls to the floor.

"Hi baby I was wondering what plans you had tonight?" My mum ask me cheerfully between the crashing noises in the background.

I wince at the loud crashing my head still slightly pounding.

"I had no plans at all are you okay what can I help with?" I tell my mum nonchalantly.

"Oh I dont need any help I was just wondering if you wanted to join your father brian stephaine and I for a tea tonight feel free to bring hailee along if she wishes it be nice to see her properly" my mum ask nicely.

I blow air in my cheeks taking a minute to decide my options looking around my cold empty apartment helped me make my decision instantly.

"I would love to come for tea but I wont be bringing hailee as shes got work" i explain to my mum disappointment quietly taking place in my tone.

"Well that's disappointing but still it be nice to see you" she tells me her voice pitching with happiness.

"What time would you like me over" I ask rolling my feet on the floor.

" 5 would be lovely and could you bring a pudding I forgot to make one and havnt got enough effort to make one" my mum laughs at me.

"Of course I'll see you then mum I love you" I gently laugh back.

"I love you more see you later" my mum tells me hanging up the phone.

I smile a little before letting it drop the cold and loneliness of my apartment creeping over me.


Couple hours later

I lay on the couch across from the parents smiling at them from behind my phone as they talk amongst themselves.

"What are you smiling at" my mum questions wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Omg mum why did you do that with your eyebrows what ever your thinking its probably not what I'm smiling at" I tell her my tone sharp but my expressions soft.

"Mhmm whatever you say" she replies back sarcastically.

I roll my eyes letting out a small huff.

Brian and stephanie left shortly after dinner finished.

Not keen on returning back home I elected to stay a little longer with my parents allowing myself this moment of vulnerability.

💛☀️💛 SUNSHINE 💛☀️💛

Suddenly my phone rings I sit up hastily answering the phone.

"Sunshine hi you alright" I ask my voice cracking with how flustered I suddenly felt.

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