chapter 28 : i dont like him

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I shut the car door with a hard slam.

"Watch how hard you slam that" bentley reminds me in a low voice whilst giving me a side glance.

He starts the car preparing to leave.

"Sorry" I reply back quietly looking down at my fingers as I fiddle them them together.

He lets out a sharp exhale from beside me.

"What's wrong" he ask me slight irritation in his voice as he turns off the engine and looks at me.

"Nothing I'm fine" I reply back giving him a smile to give him fake reassurance as I lie through my teeth.

"Good you have nothing wrong to be emotional about " he tells me in an irreverent tone as he starts the car and pulls away.

(Irreverent: showing a lack of respect for people/ things that are generally taken seriously)



I look around the group waiting for a reply.

"Anything" I ask firmly raising my eyebrow as I look around the group again still waiting for a response.

"They've been dating for 4 months now .... they met through a mutual freind of hailees through her ...... dark times. they where freinds for a while and in a couple weeks they where together" jack replies back looking me in the eyes his voice holding an edge his body language screaming distrust and suspicion as he stands with his arms crossed.

I nod at him acknowledging him for telling me this information also suttely telling him I agree with his mental thoughts and emotions towards the boy.

He nods back telling me he picked up on our mutual agreement.

I stay silent for a while waiting for others to add anything.

None does but you could tell there is a heavy mix of emotions towards this boyfreind of hailees.

I dont like him I've already mentally made my decision about him.


hrs later

"Fuck" i step back from the car engine stopping my self from releasing my frustration.

I lean up against the low metal work table sat behind me and light a cigarette.

I close my eyes as I take a drag letting the frustration dissipate as I exhale.

That's when I hear light footsteps enter the garage next to me.

I open my eyes and look to that direction.

Stood in the door illuminated by the dim lights is hailee she looks tired as she slowly steps her way over to my side.

I go to put the cigarette out on the table before I could she takes it out my hand and takes a drag.

The smoke swirls around her as she exhales her body relaxing as she does.

"Did none tell you thats a dirty habit" I tell her letting out a low laugh as I look over at her.

"Could say the same for you" she says a small smile creeping to her lips as she narrows her eyes at me.

" how did you know where I was" I ask her knowing myself that I tell only a few where I was.

"I asked brian he happily told me after questioning my actions for a while" she says nervously as she shifts on her feet her hands wrapped around her forearms.

I chuckle pushing off the table to stand I front of the cars engine again.

"Needs some help" hailee ask softly putting out the cigarette.

"Can do" I reply back looking over my shoulder to her.

Hailee takes off her jacket leaving it on the table.

I watch her with intent as she puts her hair up and stands by my side.

"So what's the problem" she questions putting her hands up on the hood looking up at me with her icey blue eyes.

" see that bolt there well its proving a bit difficult for me to tighten" I admit to her with a little laugh as I point at the bolt.

"Gotta 10 mill wrench" she ask one hand wiggling the bolt the other stretch to me.

I pick up the discarded wrench from the table and pass it to her.

I watch as she tightens the bolt with ease.

I also take the time to check ker out.

"There now you owe me 10 bucks" she laughs as she steps back holding the wrench out to my direction.

I just laugh back at her taking the wrench from her hand.

A buzz goes through me as my hand lightly brushes hand.

She must have felt something to as she looks away from me her hand going to her necklace around her neck.

That's when I realise what shes wearing.

"You still have that necklace I gave you" I ask her in a quiet voice stepping closer to her.

"Oh umm yeah I...ii only recently started wearing it again" she replies shyly as she smiles down at the necklace holding It between 2 fingers.

"You can have it back if that why your asking!!" Shes suddenly shouts looking at me with wide eyes.

I make way to stand In front of hailee.

I look down at her as I take the necklace into my fingers.

Happiness and sadness all mix into one as I look at the necklace and back up at her.

Hailee shuffles nervously under my gaze looking up at me with questioning.

"Keep it I got a new one .... and anyway you look better with it on" i tell her my voice breaking as I chock back the sadness I feel as I walk back to the table behind us.



I stand in my spot not knowing how to react.

My insides are doing flips at the way she touched me but the other side of me is concerned for the sadness that rose into her tone.

I step closer to her stoping right behind her.

Slowley I reach out and wrap my arms around her torso hoping to comfort her.

I feel as she stiffens to my touch before relaxing slightly.

We stay like that for a couple seconds.

That's when I feel her move I let go getting the hint.

I step back to let her turn to me only to be stopped by her pulling me to her chest.

She wraps one of her arms around my waist the other arm resting on my back as she cradles my head.

I wrap my arms around her body letting her hold me as I let my stress melt.

"God I miss you" her voice cracks as she admits to me.

"I missed you to" I reply back tears threatening to spill.

Authors note

Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for the long wait I kinda had writers block and have been going through alot hahaha.

Anyway I'll try to update more cant promise it though as I have alot to do 😁.

Anyway byee❤

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